Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 05, 1993, Page 12, Image 12

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    M ay 5 , 1 9 9 3 « T he P ortland O bserver
P age B 6
The E m ploym ent Division is looking for a qualified firm /
consultant with expertise in training trainers for the purpose
of delivering cultural diversity training to agency em ploy­
ees. The firm /consultant working with the Divisions' Trailing
C oordinator and Human Relations Officer, will be respon­
sible for training ten pairs of diverse em ployees to become
co-facilitators, This trailing will take place at the Division's
central office in Salem, O regon. Proposals will not be
received forcon sid e ra tion after May 19,1993. Requests for
Proposals May be obtained by contracting:
Celina Ratliff
Staff Development and Employee Services
Employment Division
875-Union Street, NE
Salem, OR 97311
(503) 378-3253
Proposals m ust be returned to the above address. Bids will
be opened in Room 311 on May 20, 1993 at 1:00 p.m.
Please note t h a t . . .
1. The bid may be rejected for not complying with all
prescribed public bidding procedures and requirem ents;
2. Any or all bids may be rejected for good cause upon a
finding that it is in the public interest to do so.
3. The bid must include a statem ent concerning w hether
bidder is a “ resident bidder," as defined in ORS 279.029;
4. W hether or not a contractor or subcontractor m ust be
licensed under ORS 478-883.
Advertisement For Bids
Sealed bids for the Riley Hall, Accessibility and R epair
Project, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, will be
received by the O regon State Board of Higher Education
at University of Oregon, Physical Plant Departm ent, C on­
ference Room 2, 1295 Franklin Boulevard, Eugene, O r­
egon until 3:00 p.m., June 1, 1993, and then publicly
opened and read aloud by the Undersigned or his desig­
nated representative.
The project includes m asonry and concrete cleaning,
plaster restoration, and elastom eric coating, w ater repel-
lant coating, sealant work, m iscellaneous painting, kitchen
and restroom remodel, doorway remodel, preparation work
for installation of elevator, and m odifications to existing and
construction for new concrete walks, ramps, and stairs.
C risis C enter D irector, full time,
for The Wenatchee Rape Cri­
sis & Domestic Violence Cen­
ter. Individual must be familiar
with domestic violences sexual
assault issues, community edu­
cation & outreach. Bachelors
Degree required, Masters De­
gree and/or experience with
n on profit o rg an iza tion p re ­
ferred. Starting salary $22,500,
medical benefits, sick leave &
paid vacation included. Send
resume, letter of interest & ref­
e re n ce s to J. K o lo k o ff,
Wenatchee Rape Crisis & Do­
mestic Violence Center, PO Box
2704, Wenatchee WA 98807,
509-663-1952. Deadline 5/21/
$2486-$3307 Monthly
The State of Water Resources
Department is recruiting for a
Watermaster 2 in our LaGrande
office. Duties include respond­
ing to complaints associated
with water use; conducting dam
safety inspections; collecting
and compiling hydrologic data;
inspecting well construction;
supervising county employees;
and preparing and submitting
office budgets to counties and
other funding sources.
Contact local Employment Office
for announcem ent (C5416,
OC930241) and state applica­
tion. Completed applications
and test responses due by 5:00
p.m., May 14,1993. WRD is an
EEO Employer. Minorities, fe­
males, and persons with dis­
abilities are encouraged to ap­
Closure Of Clinical Services:
Cuts Health Care Costs
Legacy Health System announced
plans to close c lin ic a l services at
Holladay Park Medical Center. This
development is the latest o f Legacy's
efforts to respond to the needs o f the
marketplace by reducing costs, m axi­
mizing uses o f facilities and equip­
ment and better evaluating captial
requirements Bringing Legacy’s three
Portland Hospitals-Emanuel, good
Samaritan and Holladay Park-under
a single management structure last
June set the stage Legacy also in ­
cludes M eridian Park Hospital, Mount
Hood Medical Center, Legacy V is it­
ing N urse A sso cia tio n and the
CareM ark/'M anaged H ealth Care
Northwest PPO
In July 1992, Legacy streamlined
dow ntow n services s ig n ific a n tly
by moving Emergency and C ritical
Care services out o f Holladay Park
and integrating them w ith those o f
Good S a m a rita n and E m anuel,
remaining sen ices included Day Sur­
gery, the Regional Lithotripter Scr-
v ice /S to n e T re a tm e n t C enter,
a Skilled Nursing facility, Central labo­
ratory Serivces and Behavioral Health
Additional analysis has determined
the next step is to close clinincal ser­
vices at Holladay Park as a result o f
the recent merger o f the medical staffs
o f the three P ortland hospitals,
Holladay Park patients w ill continue
to have these sen ices available from
Public Notice
has newly constructed and
c o m p le te ly
re n o v a te d
homes available for pur­
chase at affordable prices
and will work with you to
help clear up bad credit you
may have.
All bidders must com ply with the requirem ents of the
prevailing wage law in ORS 279.350.
No bid will be considered unless fully com pleted in the
m anner provided in the “Instructions to Bidders” upon the
Bid Form provided and accom panied by Bid Security.
Through the Nehemiah Hous­
ing Opportunity Program, in­
dividuals with past credit
problems and even bank­
ruptcy have been able to
purchase their own homes.
Don't give up your hope of
home ownership u ntil you've
tried all avenues.
A m andatory exam ination of the site and conditions will be
made at 10:30 a.m., May 11,1993. Bidders shall m eet with
the O w ner’s Representative at Riley Hall, ground floor
lobby, 650 E. 11th Avenue, Eugene, O regon prior to the
required exam ination.
By George P. Pernsteiner
Associate Vice Chancellor
Facilities Division
Eugene, Oregon
So stop dreaming and start on
the road to living in a house
o f y o u r ow n. J u s t c a ll
NECDC at 282-5482 and
ask about the Nehemiah
first-time home buyers pro­
Sub-Bids Requested
Donald M. Drake General Contractor
1740 Northwest Flanders Street
Portland, Oregon 97209-2283
(503) 226-3991 FAX (503) 243-2775
Contractor License No, Or: 84045
Project Name:
Oregon Health Sciences University “C" Wing Addition
Portland, Oregon
Bid Date; May 19,1993 Bid Time: 3:00 P.M.
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from
disadvantaged, minority, women and emerging small business enter­
Reader Advisor
Reading by Sir
Michael Gandhi
Assistant Monique
I f you have problems such as love,
marriage, business, health, court­
ship, etc or unnatural problems,
bring them to G A N D H I and he
w ill help you and let you know
how to solve them Reunite lost
loved ones You owe it to yourself
and your loved ones. He w ill lift
you out o f darkness and sorrow
and start you on the way to suc­
Located in Portland
City Of Portland
A utom otive Mechanic-to $2,870 a month after six months
Assistant Financial analyst-to $3,519 a month at top of range
Financial Analyst-to $3,702 a month at top of range
Senior Financial Analyst-to $4,104 a month at top of range
Mediation specialist (Community relations Specialist)-to
$46,779 a year at top of range
For more info/closing dates
call (503) 823-4573 (24 hr job information)
No resumes please
Open 7 Days A Week
10:00 A M .-9 00 P.M
First Tunc In City
Bureau Of Personnel
1220 S.W 5th Ave., First FI.
Portland, OR 97204
f a m
Apps also available at:
't á m a
Urban League
10 N Russell
[ Coll 335-3020 .
Minorities, females and disabled encouraged to apply
braiding and weaving
, . , . i ■■ r .- '. r •
4 . A - .* * »
Mrs. C’s Wigs and Beauty Supply
707 N.E. Frem ont
Portland, Oregon 97212
(503) 281-6525
Open; 11:30 - 6:00 Tues thru Saturday
» .
> ’ •
8 :3 0 p m - m ld n ie h t
_ A
S6 at door: kids 12
under free
IFCC, 5340 N. In te rs ta te
Nation Of Islam In The West:
Growth Of An Organization
Look in the dictionary fo r the words: Nation O f Islam, Growth and organization
The quality o f a nation is mea­ hidden from their religious scientists” tation o f a divine word in the interpre­
sured by the level o f human develop­ Message to the Black Man page 187- tation.” M inster Farrakhan’ s SELF
ment, and human development is and “ fall the knowledge that one may IM PR O V EM EN T SPEECH My in ­
measured by the quality o f education obtain the knowledge o f God is the terpretations every since abort 1978
present, in the nation, used to advance greatest and most necessary o f all the Honorable Louis Farrakhan has
society The purpose o f the Nation o f knowledge.” Our Savior has arrived, taken us higher in understanding the
Islam in the west is to bring man back page 67. The H E M . called the truth te a c h in g s o f the H o n o r E lija h
to God; God let Adam (man) fall and that was revealed to him “ Supreme Muhammad, and it seem as though
promised to make man perfect in the Wisdom (Our Savior Has A rrived this wisdom w ill continue to magnify
resurrection day. I intend, A llah w ill­ acknowledgement page 3.) How is n our minds for (generations) years
ing, to show that the N O. I. in the west unknown supreme w isdom o f higher to come. The Bible and Quran teach
is not what it w ill become, and that the knowledge o f time or existence ac­ that it w ill take a thousand years (1,000
Nation o f Islam in the west is w orthy cepted by an unsuspecting mind? We yrs) for God to establish his kingdom
o f serious study. The N O.I. in the arc hostile tow ard any thing that threat­ on earth, in the process o f ending
west w ill reach a mature level in the ens our personal belief system. The the devils civilization The profound
future. The Nation o f Islam is a orga­ Honorable Elijah Muhammad knew teaching so the Honorable E lijah
nization; Organizations mature much that people misunderstood so he said, Muhammad was bound to be misun­
like individuals because they L iv e one undcrascctioncntitled REBELLIOUS derstood. Persons did and still do try
common overall goal that make them, LEADERSHIP, “ I say to you, calcu­ to refute the teachings o f the H E M.
members, o f on (individuals) m ind A late o f my work. A llah is w ith me to because o f lack o f understanding
hum an
grow s fro m
m y s e lf- enable me to do it I f you don;t believ e But this lack o f understanding often
centcredncss to regarding others as He is, I still say, you should follow a helps the ultimate cause o f getting the
she regards herself. The beginning o f man who is doing what I am doing thinking o f the population to go in the
a nation is sim ilar, w ith the added since you arc not able to do it.” Our right direction; The masses o f the
people is engulfed w ith the thinking
pressure o f being in a w o rld o f Savior has arrived page 209.
norm and way o f life o f this world
arrogance,vanity, evil, greed and in ­
So they rally around this world
justice; Our minds must be built up to
higher values o f life. So that a logical o f God has been kept a secret by twelve order when it is attacked But in this
not emotional life may be ours. W is­ men on our planet for many thousand rallying is dissatisfaction and dissat­
dom and understanding is steady mani­ o f years “ Our Savior has arriv cd page isfaction brings change So, in the
festing in the Nation o f Islam in the 61-H o w do wc deal w ith as apparent people's longing for change, i f the
w cst to usher in the necessary changes disbelieving world? We deal w ith an norm (popular thinking pattern) don’ t
And we may see these growths as apparent disbelieving world by re­ bring change, which it w ill not, the
gigantic steps, but far int he future membering and believing much that masses w ill revolt mentally, spiritu­
people w ill review this history as a sad all things (affairs) happen by God’ s ally and physically and w ill suddenly
one; recognizing, from our struggle to w ill (perm ission). A lla h actively reflect on that condemned what they
evolve, how destroyed we were as a makes it happen or He lets it come into arc now revolting against. Ponder over
people The Quran say’ s, “ So give being (action). This w ill humble us so these three men M a s te r “ Fard
gbod new s to my servants, who listen that w c may study to gain understand­ Muhammad. The Honorable Elijah
to the work then, follow the best o fit ing The Holy Quran say’s, “ They M uham m ad and M in s te r L ouis
Such men o f understanding Chapter desire to put out the light o f Allah Farrakhan and what is taught For this
39 section 2 verse 17 & 18—The word w ith their mouths, and Allah w ill truth can only benefit you i f you arc a
or teachings has degrees o f im por­ allow nothing save the perfection o f hi lover o f righteousness In conclusion,
tance or priority. So wc as believers slight though the disbelievers are The Nation o f Islam in the west is no
must grow into the proper understand­ averse.” (Chapter 9 Verse 32 ) I would cult But is a nation, and a nation is
ing and application o f the word (teach­ like to "advance an interpretations only as strong as the indiv ldnals in it
ings) The Hon Elijah Muhammad the most correct, but as students o f So don', only observe the individuals
taught and said key statements that the Bible an Quran wc can learn and but study the teachings and program
indicated that wc must grow, as be­ exercise our thinking from studying also
Your Brother, Elijah-G ctto Rise
lievers, and that, even though a baby the scriptures You say, “ Who arc
Those interested in the teaching
nation. The N O I in the west is no vou to advance an interpretation9, re­
Honorable Elijah Muhammad
joke But isdiv incly headed an guided ally, nobody just a student o f a great
Elijah X Jefferson 335-
The H E M said that "God has teacher But you know, it is wrong for
made manifest the truth that has been an man to think that any one interpre­
' *
5:30-7:30 PM
SI0 For reservations: 2S3-5603
Sales and Promotional items excluded.
♦. •
¿JLZS -’ .J? .
Holladay Park Medical Centrer
w ill not be used as a medical facility .
Legacy is studying altrnative uses and
w ill finalize its plans for the facility
this summer
We will meet or beat
anyone’s prices.
Wigs and Beauty Supplies
„ * &
internal job postings.
“ Legacy has developed a cost and
quality model that addresses all as­
pects o f the health care process: user
friendly health plans, a network o f
quality physicians w ith efficient of­
fice practices, efficient specialty re­
ferrals, effective home care and f i ­
nally efficient, high-quality hospital
and related sen ices,” says John King,
president and chief executive officer
o f Legacy Health System. "O ur ad­
justed cost per discharge has remained
flat for the last three years and our
financial plan this year w ill have no
price increases, w ith the exception o f
modest ones at M eridian Park Hospi­
Wholesale to the Public 35% to 50% off
100% Human Hair 16" from $15.95
Cheer up. You may still be
qualified for home owner­
ship for a price less than
what you are currently pay­
ing in rent.
The Project M anual and construction drawings may be
exam ined at the University of O regon Physical Plant,
Eugene; Daily Journal of Com m erce Plan Center, Port­
land; Construction Data Plan Center, Portland; Eugene
Builder’s Exchange, Eugene; Salem Contractor’s "E x­
change, Salem; O regon Builders, Exchange, Roseburg;
and Impact Business Consultants, Portland.
months to complete, giving us time to
absorb as many jobs as possible at
other sites. May stresses, "Legacy is
very sensitive to the needs o f employ­
ees at Holladay Park.” Legacy. through
its LETS (Legacy Employment Tran­
sition Sen ices) program has had great
success in placing employees whose
jobs have been eliminated into other
positions w ihtin the system. Human
resources w ill work closely w ith man­
agers and those w ho lose their jobs to
make sure they receive priority in all
P o rtla n d -M u la re S is te r C ity A s s o c ia tio n
h o s ts
Have your dreams of
home ownership
been blown away by
bad credit problems?
Bids will be received on a lump-sum basis fo ra ll of the W ork
as show n on the Drawings, Details, and as described in the
Specifications. Project M anual may be obtained from
Söderström Architects, P.C., 1200 N.W. Front Avenue,
Suite 410, Portland, O regon 97209, (503)228-5617, upon
deposit of $25.00.
Deposits will be refunded fo r docum ents returned in “good
condition” within two (2) weeks after opening of bids.
their phy sicians at Emanuel and Good
Samaritan Behavioral Health Serivces
w ill be provided through CareMark
Behavioral Health S enices-a jo in t
venture between Legacy and Portland
Adventist Medical Center.
The Portland Metropolitan area
is fortunate to have dramatically lower
hospital utilization rates and lengths
o f stay than either theUnited States as
a whole or California The increased
emphasis on outpatient care and the
onset o f managed care guidelines ha\ e
reduced hospital occupancy. These
factors led us to close clinical serivces
at Holladay Park in order to make
better use o f our other sites and reduce
costs This isa d ifficult, but necessary,
move and Legacy is committed to
continuing a leadership, role in
“ The H ollad ay Park fa c ility
has become costly to maintain as a
third Portland siteofclinical sen ices,”
says Jim May, president and chief
executive officer o f Legacy Portland
Hospitals. “ Transferring clinical ser­
vices to other Legacy facilities w ill
reduce overhead costs considerably,
resulting in yearly savings ofa least $3
m illion and w ill go a long w ay tow ard
reducing duplication in the Portland
Legacy currently has 7,100 em­
ployees and and annual turnover rate
o f slightyly over 20 percent These
service changes may take up to nine