Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 21, 1993, Page 6, Image 6

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    A pril 21, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver
' agi Ab
Scripture O f J fie ~ls)eef
God Is Alive & Well
D uring th e late 6 0 's and the early gun (they sprung-up every w here) and
'O s, there w as a great spiritual seam situated in open fields or on lav ish,
;oing on T he w ord was out. "G od is secluded estates. Young people aban­
lead!" And w ouldn’t you believe it. doned upper m iddle class an d wealthy
here were a lot of stupid people who family env ironm ents.tradcd-ina Rolls
cally believed th is foolishness. Infaet. Royce for an old dilapidated trailero u t
i lot of people allow ed their spiritual/ in the bushes somewhere All because
they liad been con­
Z hnstian guards
vinced that they
low n, and. they
were lost(and they
w ere) a n d they
T his w as m u­
needed som eone
sic to S atan’sears
¿y Matlie
or so m eth in g to
During this sam e
assist them in their
p e rio d , m a n y ,
quest. And, their
many cults were
p a r e n ts d i d n ’t
borne. T h is is the
hav e the answ ers.
reason C hristian
The verm in came and conquered
Believers m ust have faith-bccause.
all there needs to be is the slightest the m inds and the souls o f our young
crack in the w indow and evil w ill step people They used m indbindingdrugs.
right on in. plant, cultivate and liter­ such as: LSD (acid), angel dust, yel-
low-jackets, reds, quaaludes. ntari-
ally set-up house
Do you rem em ber the story o f juana. hashish and some stuff they
ner w alking on the w ater? Do you
earned dollars hiring psy chotherapist;
in an attem pt to reclaim their ch il­
dren. T he psy chotherapist specialized
in undoing the brain-w ashing. B u t -
first they had to hire someone who
would sneak into the cam ps or com ­
munes tokidnapthcyoungpcrsom hold
them in a special area; restrain them
under lock and key; som etim es behind
“Coma to ma oil you who ore
weary and heavy laden and
I will give you rest."
Rev. Londell Williams
T he Fellow ship M issionary Bap­
tist C hurch w elcom es to the City of
Portland. Reverend Londell W illiams,
son o f the late Rev erend George W il­
liam s o f T exarkana. A rkansas Rever­
end W illiam s will be in the City for
our A nnual Y outh Revival the w eck of
April 26 through April 30,1993. start­
ing at 7.00 P M. nightly Wc at Fel­
low ship arc honored to have Rev crcnd
W illiam s as our guest evangelist and
vve are praying, that along w ith us, you
the public would help m ake th is a
m em orable v isit lor Rev erend W il-
liams. He is an outstanding G od-fear­
in g . G o sp el p re a c h e r a n d lie is
also w ill k n o w n in th e p o litical
field. He is also the first black man
em ployed for 25 years as a C laim s
Dev eloper for the Social Security Ad­
m inistration. He is the present Pastor
o f the Park Avenue Baptist Church,
w here he has served as Pastor for 22
Sunday Morning Worship • 9:00am
Denise Bell
(503) 288-5173
7600 N .E. G LISAN
P O R T L A N D , OR. 97213
It's contemporary!
It's Multi-cultural!
It's Spirit Filled!
A church for the 90's!
Are you tired of the same old thing?
Then you are ready for New Begin­
nings! Come join the excitement as we
take Portland for Jesus!
our m istakes. L et’s not waste our
energy’ by sitting in our dism ay but
replay the scenes as often as it takes,
C heck the s c rip t-G o d ’s Word. Ask
the director.G od, for guidance, and
begin again L ord you know how
hard we try and we keep m aking
m istakes, but please d o n ’t give up on
us until we are all You had in m ind
ducing process.
for us w hen Y ou m ade us
Come Grow With Us"
Piedmont Friends Church
5736 N. Albina
Worship Celebration 10:30AM
Wed. Bible Study
"A Church w hore frien d s are friends In d eed
Michael DeJean, M. Div.
(503) 289-0143
i425 NEDekum&i5th
Has moved Sunday sevices to
Stone Tower Chureh
N .E . Sandy Blvd. & 30th
Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Church School 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuyler
10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
We Welcome You To The
(greater js a in f ¿SHcpbcn
rM issiouaru ^Baptist (ffljurcij
• D ynam ic Children <& Youth M inistries
Radio M in istry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on K BM S
A Teaching Church W ith A Reaching M in istry
Dr. James E. M a rtin , Senior Pastor
"Serving The Lord With Gladness"
Psalm 100:2
C h u rc h O ffice 116 N .E . S c h u y le r St. • (503) 284-1954
Sunday School 10am
. M orning W orship 11:05
M id W eek:
P rayer & Bible Study 7pm
Rev. G .L. Black I Pastor
3707 N. W illia m s A ve.
(503) 281-8117 P o rtla n d , O R 97227
S t M arks Baptist Ok urck
103 N .E . M orris
P ortland, O R 97212
(503) 287-7457
Christian Training Center
Sunday School Services 9:30am
M orning W orlisip 11:00am Sermon:
Evening Service 6:00pm
Midwcck-Wed 5:30 Bible Study
Following Bible Study, Prayer Service
Choir Rehearsal Thursday 6pm/Ushcr 7pm
General Mission Monday 6pm
New Members Orientation 7pm
We pros ide transportation call the church
44 NE .Morris St. (1 Block East o f Williams Ave.)
The church w h a t everybody is somebody and Christ is aM
New Azusa
Join with as in worship this
Sunday at 10:45 AM
Wcndail Walacu. Sr.
Night Talk Show
Every Sunday Nighl
10:30 to 12 midnight
KPDQ 93.7 FM/S00 A M
Teaching & Training
7:00 PM
Classes for all ages
Child care available
ÿ a u l ¿fMtsstomxrtJ
^Baptist Oltjnrd]
8 1 0 1 N. F isk e A v en u e
Church Phone: 289-0147
• Service Tim es: Sunday 10:30 am 6 :0 0 pm
T rue V ine M issionary B aptist C hurch
3624 N V ancouver Avenue
Portland. OR 97227
7600NEGlisan Street
Portland Oregon 97203
Study Phone: 289-1911
Sunday Service
• Strec i Peach <& O vercom ers M inistries
As I sat later on w atching a
finished m ovie product, I reflected
on the previous show ing and w as
impressed at how smoothly and natu-
ral the finished film seemed to be If
one had not w itnessed how a movie
is actually put together, you would
nev er guess how m uch trouble an d
work goes into the m aking and pro-
• P ow erful P raise <& W orship
Scott & L yd ia Sigman
W hen we become frustrated and
disappointed in our failures, and our
‘bloopers’, we should rem ind our-
selves o f the m ovie m aking process,
an d say to ourselv es that our lives are
still in the production stage and that
w e are going to m ake many mis-
takes. “ L et’s do it again, G odw his-
pers, “till we get it right,
L et’s lean on the fact that God
will edit out the ‘goofs and t e
finished product will be natural and
beautiful. Also, that the pain and
frustration w ill disappear, leaving
only the scriptw riter’s story.
L et’s not punish ourselves for
5138 NE 23rd Avenue • Portland. O R 9721 1
Sunday School S e n ice 9:45am
M orning W orship 1 1:00am
E vening W orship 6pm
M id-W eek Service 7pm
• A nointed P reaching & Teaching
Jay & T a m i D rayton
1 w as w itc h in g a T V show about
the way m ovies arc m ade. 1 laughed
w hen the actors and actresses had to
"takc” an d "retake" the scenes until
thev got them right, but you could
tell it certainly was not funny to
them. It was frustrating and em bar-
rassing, not to m ention tim e con-
sum ing. “L et’s do it ag ain ,” the
director w ould yell, “till we get it
right.” He was patient, but he kept
after the actors and actresses to do
their best He d id n 't send anvonc
away, or cut out any parts, he ju st
kept on pushing until he got w hat he
w anled
G/uv'c/i o f ffocf
Pastor James Coleman, Emmanuel Hospital Chaplain
Senior Pastors
•• -
Thursday Evening Bible Study » 7:30am
L arry & Tiz Iiuch
Mold Us And Make Us In
Your Image
T he P eople ’ s C hurch
Inter-racial Congregation
t Portland, OR 97211
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Tuesday ßilble
Study and Prayer
126 N.6. Riberta
A n d -o n an d on it went
How did all o f th is come to be?
T his kind o f phenom enon could only
occur because Believers doubted or
because there w as no faith or belief, in
the first place
T he only way Satan can enter
in to the cam p, o f your soul, is
w h e n so m e o n e “ B r e a k s - ra n k
S om eone m oved. Y ou sec—w hen
the enem y is cam ped outside the
f o rt, e v e ry b o d y in s id e is sa fe .
B u t—w h e n s o m e o n e c a r e le s s ly
leaves the backdoor ajar, for w hatever
th e reason, the enem y is able to
w alk am ong you. w ho w ere once
safe, leant your weaknesses, report
this valuable inform ation and return
to destroy w hat w as once safe and
v ri
Baptist Church
Has Annual
Youth Revival
made in hidden laboratories.
Some even used the Holy Bible;
em entber who his focal point was
had used their ow n interpre
)o y ou rem em ber the reason why he
the scriptures. Some, self
egan to sink? Doubt! Jesus stretched
leaders, called them selves
orth his hand, caught Peter and said.
O thou o f little faith, wherefore didst “Jesus the C hrist" To the confused
young people, this was really convinc­ sound.
hou doubt.’"
Someone moved. Someone got
T he young adults, w ho are: im - ing. If anything was going to con the
Someone got careless T hink
ircssionablc. naiv e, open to anything, young people, that statem ent did it.
No one ca n get th ro u g h
The disease was not lim ited to
tlways looking for som ething n e w -
th e b ric k fen ce w h en th e fen ce
ust always looking p eriod-they were
is b ra n d new a n d th e m o rtar is
he pri m a n targets o f that widespread flung T here w ere many self-pro­ n v i.il a..».
fre s h a n d h as _____
d rie d ___________
r o c k -h a rd
:ancer. T he disease called “doubt
H o w ev er-y ears dow n the road, if
pread w ith the quickness o f a dry
y o u 're not on your jo b and y o u 're not
ters. “the m an” .
»rush fire.
Parents had to spend th eir hard w atchful. cracks may appear unno-
C am ps and com m unes w ere be-
Continued on page A7
M allory Avenue
Christian Church
/(^r ^rrT7 i
(503) 335-3085
Sunrise Service b am/f ree Breakfast
Sunday School Service 9:30am
Morning Worship 11:00am
Evening Service 7:00pm
Pastor Raymond Edwards
* •*
* *
1 0 :4 5
Sunday School
9 :3 0
Bible Study
6 :0 0
Evening Service
7 :0 0 p m
Pastor, Re. JamesC.E. Faulkner
Theme: Whatever your going to do for the Lore, do It now.
I Peter i v . l l
w a.- a < . - > - 7 * • - • ^ * * *<•
* -MU