A pril 21, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver ' agi Ab Scripture O f J fie ~ls)eef God Is Alive & Well D uring th e late 6 0 's and the early gun (they sprung-up every w here) and 'O s, there w as a great spiritual seam situated in open fields or on lav ish, ;oing on T he w ord was out. "G od is secluded estates. Young people aban­ lead!" And w ouldn’t you believe it. doned upper m iddle class an d wealthy here were a lot of stupid people who family env ironm ents.tradcd-ina Rolls cally believed th is foolishness. Infaet. Royce for an old dilapidated trailero u t i lot of people allow ed their spiritual/ in the bushes somewhere All because they liad been con­ Z hnstian guards vinced that they low n, and. they were lost(and they loubted w ere) a n d they T his w as m u­ needed som eone sic to S atan’sears ¿y Matlie or so m eth in g to During this sam e Ann assist them in their p e rio d , m a n y , Callier- quest. And, their many cults were p a r e n ts d i d n ’t Spears borne. T h is is the hav e the answ ers. reason C hristian The verm in came and conquered Believers m ust have faith-bccause. all there needs to be is the slightest the m inds and the souls o f our young crack in the w indow and evil w ill step people They used m indbindingdrugs. right on in. plant, cultivate and liter­ such as: LSD (acid), angel dust, yel- svi-up low-jackets, reds, quaaludes. ntari- ally set-up house Do you rem em ber the story o f juana. hashish and some stuff they ner w alking on the w ater? Do you earned dollars hiring psy chotherapist; in an attem pt to reclaim their ch il­ dren. T he psy chotherapist specialized in undoing the brain-w ashing. B u t - first they had to hire someone who would sneak into the cam ps or com ­ munes tokidnapthcyoungpcrsom hold them in a special area; restrain them under lock and key; som etim es behind 1-800-322-8715 ’Literacy “Coma to ma oil you who ore weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." 9:45am 11:00am 7:30pm Rev. Londell Williams T he Fellow ship M issionary Bap­ tist C hurch w elcom es to the City of Portland. Reverend Londell W illiams, son o f the late Rev erend George W il­ liam s o f T exarkana. A rkansas Rever­ end W illiam s will be in the City for our A nnual Y outh Revival the w eck of April 26 through April 30,1993. start­ ing at 7.00 P M. nightly Wc at Fel­ low ship arc honored to have Rev crcnd W illiam s as our guest evangelist and vve are praying, that along w ith us, you the public would help m ake th is a m em orable v isit lor Rev erend W il- liams. He is an outstanding G od-fear­ in g . G o sp el p re a c h e r a n d lie is also w ill k n o w n in th e p o litical field. He is also the first black man em ployed for 25 years as a C laim s Dev eloper for the Social Security Ad­ m inistration. He is the present Pastor o f the Park Avenue Baptist Church, w here he has served as Pastor for 22 Sunday Morning Worship • 9:00am Denise Bell (503) 288-5173 7600 N .E. G LISAN P O R T L A N D , OR. 97213 It's contemporary! It's Multi-cultural! It's Spirit Filled! A church for the 90's! Are you tired of the same old thing? Then you are ready for New Begin­ nings! Come join the excitement as we take Portland for Jesus! our m istakes. L et’s not waste our energy’ by sitting in our dism ay but replay the scenes as often as it takes, C heck the s c rip t-G o d ’s Word. Ask the director.G od, for guidance, and begin again L ord you know how hard we try and we keep m aking m istakes, but please d o n ’t give up on us until we are all You had in m ind ducing process. for us w hen Y ou m ade us 55 Come Grow With Us" Piedmont Friends Church 5736 N. Albina Worship Celebration 10:30AM Wed. Bible Study 7:30PM "A Church w hore frien d s are friends In d eed Michael DeJean, M. Div. Pastor (503) 289-0143 i425 NEDekum&i5th Has moved Sunday sevices to Stone Tower Chureh N .E . Sandy Blvd. & 30th Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuyler 10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. We Welcome You To The (greater js a in f ¿SHcpbcn rM issiouaru ^Baptist (ffljurcij • D ynam ic Children <& Youth M inistries Radio M in istry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on K BM S A Teaching Church W ith A Reaching M in istry Dr. James E. M a rtin , Senior Pastor "Serving The Lord With Gladness" Psalm 100:2 C h u rc h O ffice 116 N .E . S c h u y le r St. • (503) 284-1954 Sunday School 10am . M orning W orship 11:05 M id W eek: P rayer & Bible Study 7pm Rev. G .L. Black I Pastor 3707 N. W illia m s A ve. (503) 281-8117 P o rtla n d , O R 97227 S t M arks Baptist Ok urck 103 N .E . M orris P ortland, O R 97212 (503) 287-7457 Christian Training Center Sunday School Services 9:30am M orning W orlisip 11:00am Sermon: Evening Service 6:00pm Midwcck-Wed 5:30 Bible Study Following Bible Study, Prayer Service Choir Rehearsal Thursday 6pm/Ushcr 7pm General Mission Monday 6pm New Members Orientation 7pm We pros ide transportation call the church 44 NE .Morris St. (1 Block East o f Williams Ave.) The church w h a t everybody is somebody and Christ is aM New Azusa Join with as in worship this Sunday at 10:45 AM Wcndail Walacu. Sr. Paslor/Foundor Night Talk Show Every Sunday Nighl 10:30 to 12 midnight KPDQ 93.7 FM/S00 A M Wednesday Teaching & Training 7:00 PM Classes for all ages Child care available ÿ a u l ¿fMtsstomxrtJ ^Baptist Oltjnrd] 8 1 0 1 N. F isk e A v en u e Church Phone: 289-0147 • Service Tim es: Sunday 10:30 am 6 :0 0 pm T rue V ine M issionary B aptist C hurch 3624 N V ancouver Avenue Portland. OR 97227 7600NEGlisan Street 256-6050 Portland Oregon 97203 Study Phone: 289-1911 Sunday Service • Strec i Peach <& O vercom ers M inistries Pastors As I sat later on w atching a finished m ovie product, I reflected on the previous show ing and w as impressed at how smoothly and natu- ral the finished film seemed to be If one had not w itnessed how a movie is actually put together, you would nev er guess how m uch trouble an d work goes into the m aking and pro- MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH • P ow erful P raise <& W orship Scott & L yd ia Sigman W hen we become frustrated and disappointed in our failures, and our ‘bloopers’, we should rem ind our- selves o f the m ovie m aking process, an d say to ourselv es that our lives are still in the production stage and that w e are going to m ake many mis- takes. “ L et’s do it again, G odw his- pers, “till we get it right, L et’s lean on the fact that God will edit out the ‘goofs and t e finished product will be natural and beautiful. Also, that the pain and frustration w ill disappear, leaving only the scriptw riter’s story. L et’s not punish ourselves for 5138 NE 23rd Avenue • Portland. O R 9721 1 Sunday School S e n ice 9:45am M orning W orship 1 1:00am E vening W orship 6pm M id-W eek Service 7pm • A nointed P reaching & Teaching Jay & T a m i D rayton Pastors -- 1 w as w itc h in g a T V show about the way m ovies arc m ade. 1 laughed w hen the actors and actresses had to "takc” an d "retake" the scenes until thev got them right, but you could tell it certainly was not funny to them. It was frustrating and em bar- rassing, not to m ention tim e con- sum ing. “L et’s do it ag ain ,” the director w ould yell, “till we get it right.” He was patient, but he kept after the actors and actresses to do their best He d id n 't send anvonc away, or cut out any parts, he ju st kept on pushing until he got w hat he w anled G/uv'c/i o f ffocf Pastor James Coleman, Emmanuel Hospital Chaplain Senior Pastors •• - Thursday Evening Bible Study » 7:30am CENTER Z C CHRISTIAN HF L arry & Tiz Iiuch 4 Mold Us And Make Us In Your Image T he P eople ’ s C hurch Inter-racial Congregation t Portland, OR 97211 i. years. Sunday School Morning Worship Tuesday ßilble Study and Prayer 126 N.6. Riberta 4 A n d -o n an d on it went How did all o f th is come to be? T his kind o f phenom enon could only occur because Believers doubted or because there w as no faith or belief, in the first place T he only way Satan can enter in to the cam p, o f your soul, is w h e n so m e o n e “ B r e a k s - ra n k S om eone m oved. Y ou sec—w hen the enem y is cam ped outside the f o rt, e v e ry b o d y in s id e is sa fe . B u t—w h e n s o m e o n e c a r e le s s ly leaves the backdoor ajar, for w hatever th e reason, the enem y is able to w alk am ong you. w ho w ere once safe, leant your weaknesses, report this valuable inform ation and return to destroy w hat w as once safe and i REHWJ v ri Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church Has Annual Youth Revival Week bars. made in hidden laboratories. Some even used the Holy Bible; em entber who his focal point was but, they had used their ow n interpre )o y ou rem em ber the reason why he tation of the scriptures. Some, self egan to sink? Doubt! Jesus stretched proclaim ed leaders, called them selves orth his hand, caught Peter and said. O thou o f little faith, wherefore didst “Jesus the C hrist" To the confused young people, this was really convinc­ sound. hou doubt.’" Someone moved. Someone got T he young adults, w ho are: im - ing. If anything was going to con the weak. Someone got careless T hink ircssionablc. naiv e, open to anything, young people, that statem ent did it. o f th is: No one ca n get th ro u g h The disease was not lim ited to tlways looking for som ething n e w - th e b ric k fen ce w h en th e fen ce one race o f people. Its reach w as far ust always looking p eriod-they were is b ra n d new a n d th e m o rtar is he pri m a n targets o f that widespread flung T here w ere many self-pro­ n v i.il a..». fre s h a n d h as _____ d rie d ___________ r o c k -h a rd claim ed pulpits. There were many so- :ancer. T he disease called “doubt H o w ev er-y ears dow n the road, if called preachers, gods, gurus, m as­ pread w ith the quickness o f a dry y o u 're not on your jo b and y o u 're not ters. “the m an” . »rush fire. Parents had to spend th eir hard w atchful. cracks may appear unno- C am ps and com m unes w ere be- Continued on page A7 M allory Avenue Christian Church /(^r ^rrT7 i (503) 335-3085 Sunrise Service b am/f ree Breakfast Sunday School Service 9:30am Morning Worship 11:00am Evening Service 7:00pm Pastor Raymond Edwards * •* * * 1 0 :4 5 Sunday School 9 :3 0 Bible Study 6 :0 0 Evening Service 7 :0 0 p m Pastor, Re. JamesC.E. Faulkner Theme: Whatever your going to do for the Lore, do It now. I Peter i v . l l w a.- a < . - > - 7 * • - • ^ * * *<• * -MU