Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 20, 1993, Page 12, Image 12

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J anuary 20, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver
Human Resources
P e rs o n n e l
R e p re s e n ta tiv e
T ra in e e
Data Processing
Data Processing Professionals
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently seeking System
Development Professionals.
Experience should include new system development using COBOL,
VSAM, OS/JCL, and TSO/ISPF. Experience with Easytrieve Plus
CICS, Adabas/Natural, Expert Systems or PC’s is desirable.
Sr. Programmer Analysts
Requires a minimum of 5 years experience in performing systems
analysis and design, coding, testing and implementation assign­
ments. Must have demonstrated project leadership experience.
Programmer Analysts
Requires a minimum of 2 years experience in performing systems
analysis and design coding, testing and implementation assignments.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee
benefits package, flex-time work hours and competitive salary. Pre­
employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is
processed immediately, place ad #197 at the top of your resume or
in your cover letter. Send resume to:
J -
Blue Cross
Blue Shield
Of Oregon
Human Resources Dept., 3rd fir
100 S. W. Market
Portland, OR 97201
TDD# 225-6780
Equal Opportunity Employer
Community Relations
Placement by 4 star international
firm many fields to choose from
FOX affiliated TV station seeks
• Medical. Dental
Community Relations Manger
• Police/Security
to research community needs;
• Construction/Support
develop, coordinate and pro­
• Executive/Supervisory
duce public affairs and children's
• Teaching/Social Sciences/Art
in fo rm a tio n a l pro gram m in g,
Only the serious need use our ser­
public service announcements
vice $249 refundable security
and m ulti-m edia cam paigns;
deposit. Deposit will be refunded
serve as liaison to community
upon signature of employment
organizations; prepare various
FCC reports. Candidate should
“Mostly overseas work”
have strong written and verbal
For Info Call 1-800-964-JOBS
communication skills, college
8 am-6 pm
degree in communications or
related field, two years experi­
ence in media, public relations
or related position. Electronic
Tired of Geriatrics
media experience preferred.
CNAS work with young Quadriple
Send resume, a brief statement
(one page) of your vision of
6.25 Per hour
television’s role in the commu­
Good Benefits
nity, and relevant print or video
Flexible Hours
samples to: Operations Man­
Apply at
ager, KPDX Fox 49., Portland
2600 N. Williams
OR 97207. No telephone calls
Phone 249-1765
please. EOE.
P r o je c t C o o r d in a to r
Cancer Prevention
Grant Coordinator
State of Oregon Health Division
$2529 - $3370 Monthly
SAFECO Insurance Company, a
FORTUNE 300 company with The Center for Disease Preven­
tion and Epidemiology is recruit­
our Oregon branch located in
ing for a newly created position
Lake Oswego, is looking for
In its Breast and Cervical Can­
someone to assist with the Per­
cer Prevention Program, a state­
sonnel functions. We presently
wide comprehensive project de­
have 290 employees and expect
signed to reduce mortality from
this to grow at a rapid pace in the
b re a st and c e rv ic a l ca nce r
years to come.
through early detection and
We are a full service, “generalist"
treatment. The program oper­
type of Personnel department
ates in conjunction with the Or­
that is responsible for everything
egon Breast and Cervical Can­
from recruiting to benefits ad­
cer Screening Coalition, and will
ministration to retirement coun­
utilize a combination of state­
efforts including public edu­
Requirem ents:
cation, professional education,
• Four year college degree with
access to services, and surveil­
respectable GPA
lance. Major duties will include:
• Two plus years of professional
assist the Coalition in develop­
level work experience, with
ing a comprehensive plan for
some degree of supervisory
breast and cervical cancer con­
experience a must.
trol; provide administrative liai­
• F uture, n ot im m e d ia te ,
son and technical support for
relocatability out of Oregon re­
the Coalition and its committees;
organize and coordinate pro­
R esp on sibilities:
gram activities to ensure effec­
• Recruiting and interviewing to
communication and comple­
fill job openings.
tion of grant objectives; prepare
• Management and employee
written progress reports and
continuing grant applications.
• Salary and benefits adminis­
Applicants must have four years
of experience as an executive
• Being responsible for em ­
assistant, administrative analyst,
ployee welfare and being an
project coordinator or adm inis­
"advocate" for them.
trative officer. Preference will
To top off this outstanding job op­
be given to individuals with
portunity, we also offer a benefits
graduate coursework and ex­
package that is second to none.
perience in a health-related field.
Included are; profit sharing cash
Obtain official State of Oregon
bonus and retirement plans, a
a n n o u n c e m e n t # O C 93 00 14
guaranteed retirement plan, a
and application (PD-100) from
savings plan w ith com pany
any State Employment office or
money contributed, major medi­
by phoning Health Division, Per­
cal and dental and more.
s o n n e l S e rv ic e s , at (5 0 3 )
If this sounds like something you
7314005.Complete application
have been waiting for, please
package must arrive at Execu­
send your resume with salary
tive Department Personnel Di­
requirements to:
vision in Salem, Oregon by Janu­
Attn: Personnel
ary 20, 1993.
SAFECO Insurance Company
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
4101 SW Kruse Way
Action Employer
Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Attn: Mark Zeiger
Equal Opportunity Employer
»Zv .\iA'
Is, - <<
F w /n y /m a /ir
A dvertise
in the
O bserver
Needed Service
Helps Students
Qualify For State
And Federal
Student Aid
E ve ry year, m illio n s o f e lig ib le
students m iss out on th e ir share o f the
29 b illio n d o lla rs a va ila b le fro m State,
Information Security Technical Specialist
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting
applications for an information Security Technical Specialist in our
corporate security department.
Qualified candidates must have a minimum of 3 years systems
programming experience, including support of the MVS °Pera,l"9
system, and knowledge of operations and functions of MVS,
structure and interaction of operating system components and their
relationship to other systems. Four years prior experience manag­
ing technical projects involving multiple participants and depart­
ments is required. Also requires the ability to program using Clist,
Easy-trieve Plus, SAS, Focus, COBOL or Natural. Must have a 4
year degree in computer science or equivalent experience in data/
information security. Experience w/Unix, windows, OS/2, and
Novell Netware is highly desired. The successful candidate will:
• Review and monitor computer operating systems and secu­
rity systems for adherence to security standards and expo­
sures, and develop methods for correction and/or control of
exposures or weaknesses.
• Propose and develop security standards to provide guidance
in the implementation of secure systems
• Manage complex projects and provide technical support for
departmental projects and functions.
• Research and develop methods of interfacing secu rity across
corporate computing platforms.
• Provide expertise for trouble-shooting for systems sup­
ported by corporate security.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee
benefits package, flex-time work hours and competitive salary.
Pre-employment drug screening required. To assure your resume
is processed immediately, place ad #012 at the top of your resume
or in your cover letter. Send resume to:
Blue Cross
Blue Shield
of Oregon
Human Resources Dept., 3rd fir
100 S.W. market
Portland, OR 97201
TDD # 225-6780
Equal Opportunity Employer
O re g o n A re n a P ro je c t
D ra k e /T u rn e r, J o in t V e n tu re
We are seeking active participation by M inority Business
Enterprises, W om en-O w ned business enterprises and
em erging small businesses in the construction of this
project. W e request tha t such firm s express the ir interest
in writing, to bid on portions of the work for the O REG ON
ARENA PROJECT. Bid packages will be issued fo r sub­
contracting and supply opportunities on this project over
the next six (6) months.
Please address your letters of interest to:
Drake/Turner, Joint Venture
1740 Northwest Flanders Street
Portland, O regon 97209
Attention David L. Brennem an
F ederal, and special student a id p ro ­
gram s e ith e r because they do not a p p ly
o r they do not k n o w h o w to com p le te
CALL 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 o r FAX 2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 TO
the student a id a p p lic a tio n s in a m a n ­
ner th a t w i ll in su re the best chance o f
re c e iv in g an aw ard.
T o assist fa m ilie s in d e te rm in in g
e xa ctly h o w m u ch m oney they are
e lig ib le f o r in the fo r m o f State,
F cderal.and special cam pus-based stu­
Data Processing
dent aid program s, Research Plus, Inc.,
a N a tio n a l W ashing to n-ba sed C o m ­
Wings of Love Present
Plaque Of Appreciation
pany, is now o ffe rin g a sop histicated
c o m p u te r s e rv ic e th a t a n a lyse s a
stu d e n t’ s in d iv id u a l fa m ily c irc u m ­
stances and prepares a co m p u te rize d
step-by-step o u tlin e illu s tr a tin g w h a t
a c tio n the student needs to take to be
assured o f q u a lify in g fo r h is o r her
share o f the 29 b illio n in student a id
th a t is a v a ila b le fo r th e ir 1992-1993
school year.
A c c o r d in g to th e c o m p a n y ’ s
spokesm an, R oger H ooper, students
are asked to com plete a sho rt b a ck­
g ro u n d qu e stio n n a ire th a t asks about
th e ir incom e, expense, academ ic a b ili­
ties, and a lis t o f the schools th a t they
are c o n s id e rin g a tte n d in g T h is in fo r ­
m a tio n is entered in to a c o m p u te r th a t
See what you think about this: w ith a H o m e P a rtn e rs loan from U.S.
Hank, the m oney you'll need for do w n paym ent is about o n t- th ir d less
th an even the usual fed erally in su re d h o m e loan requires. A nd you
can avoid m any closing costs up front, sim ply by b o rro w in g for them
w ith the rest o f the m oney. S ound to o good to be true? Keep reading,
it gets even b e tte r. B ecause w e ’ve m ade it easy to qualify. A steady
incom e and a good history o f paying your bills m ight be all you need.
So, b e fo re you give u p o n the idea o f o w n in g y o u r o w n
hom e, look into our H om ePartners loan. T
fp i A M K
I — I
W e th in k you’ll be pleasantly surprised. L ^ J
U n ite d State* N .1 II,'ti.ll H u l k n f O r i - p m M i n lb i-t I I >l<
H o m e lo a m mad«- th ro u g h U S l U n t o r p M o rtg a g e < o m p a n y
analyzes the stu d e n t’ s p a rtic u la r c ir ­
cum stances and prepares a 40-page
rep ort, g u id in g the student th ro u g h
the steps he o r she needs to take to
com p le te State and F ederal student
a id a p p lic a tio n s in a m an ne r th a t w ill
Teddy Mayes Présents plaque of appréciation to Mark Ellington, US
s u p p o rt
g e n e r o s ity .
M a rk
in sure the best chance o f re c e iv in g an
T h e W in g s o f Lo ve a lo ca l “ la b o r
aw ard. In clu d e d in the re p o rt is a
o r lo ve ” o rg a n iz a tio n , dedicated to
E llin g to n and the s ta ff m em bers o f the
com p le te p rin to u t o f the special ca m ­
assisting the needy w h e n and w h ere it
bank, un se lfish ly donated c lo th in g toys
pus-base student a id p ro g ra m s a v a il­
can, expressed i t ’ s a p p re cia tio n to M r.
and o th e r item s to the o rg a n iz a tio n in
able at each school the student chooses
M a rk E
and the steps necessary to a p p ly fo r
o ffic e r at U .S. B a n k, W a ln u t pa rk
the past.
M r . E llin g to n states, “ M rs. M ays
each o f these pro gra m s
F o r free in fo rm a tio n about th is
B ra n ch
M rs. M ays, fo u n d e r and D ire c to r
p ro g ra m , w rite : Research Plus, In c ,
o f W in g s o f Lo ve and he r son. T edd y
treat people the w a y we w o u ld lik e to
P.O. B o x 3622, Seattle, W a sh in g to n
M ayes, were on hand to p e rso n a lly
be treated and p a rtic u la rly the co m ­
98 12 4-36 22 , o r c a ll to ll-fre e (24 hours
th a n k “ S aint M a r k " (as she a ffe c tio n ­
m u n ity we serve, be it M rs. M a y s o r
ately refers to h im ) fo r h is c o n tin u e d
an y one o f o u r custom ers” .
a da y) 1-800-543-2632.
E llin g to n , consum er loan
is a “ pure d e lig h t, w e h it it o f f rig h t
aw ay” . “ W e (the s ta ff at U.S. B a n k )