» „ V « V ? r ♦ % \ \ W T T C * * * X ♦ * * < X < < ’ X v * » « » - I . * v t » t W • <1 O M M V M 'V " " „ x , , „ , , . « » » < » ♦**■« r v v r r ' » * * ’» * ♦ '• * '• « « » » » » » * » * * J anuary 20, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver Human Resources P e rs o n n e l R e p re s e n ta tiv e T ra in e e Data Processing Data Processing Professionals Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently seeking System Development Professionals. Experience should include new system development using COBOL, VSAM, OS/JCL, and TSO/ISPF. Experience with Easytrieve Plus CICS, Adabas/Natural, Expert Systems or PC’s is desirable. Sr. Programmer Analysts Requires a minimum of 5 years experience in performing systems analysis and design, coding, testing and implementation assign­ ments. Must have demonstrated project leadership experience. Programmer Analysts Requires a minimum of 2 years experience in performing systems analysis and design coding, testing and implementation assignments. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours and competitive salary. Pre­ employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #197 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: J - SNjB O Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 3rd fir 100 S. W. Market Portland, OR 97201 ' TDD# 225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer Work-Live-Study Community Relations Placement by 4 star international Manager firm many fields to choose from FOX affiliated TV station seeks • Medical. Dental Community Relations Manger • Police/Security to research community needs; • Construction/Support develop, coordinate and pro­ • Executive/Supervisory duce public affairs and children's • Teaching/Social Sciences/Art in fo rm a tio n a l pro gram m in g, Only the serious need use our ser­ public service announcements vice $249 refundable security and m ulti-m edia cam paigns; deposit. Deposit will be refunded serve as liaison to community upon signature of employment organizations; prepare various contract.’ FCC reports. Candidate should “Mostly overseas work” have strong written and verbal For Info Call 1-800-964-JOBS communication skills, college 8 am-6 pm degree in communications or Monday-Friday related field, two years experi­ ence in media, public relations or related position. Electronic Tired of Geriatrics media experience preferred. CNAS work with young Quadriple Send resume, a brief statement gics (one page) of your vision of 6.25 Per hour television’s role in the commu­ Good Benefits nity, and relevant print or video Flexible Hours samples to: Operations Man­ Apply at ager, KPDX Fox 49., Portland 2600 N. Williams OR 97207. No telephone calls Phone 249-1765 please. EOE. P r o je c t C o o r d in a to r Cancer Prevention Grant Coordinator State of Oregon Health Division $2529 - $3370 Monthly SAFECO Insurance Company, a FORTUNE 300 company with The Center for Disease Preven­ tion and Epidemiology is recruit­ our Oregon branch located in ing for a newly created position Lake Oswego, is looking for In its Breast and Cervical Can­ someone to assist with the Per­ cer Prevention Program, a state­ sonnel functions. We presently wide comprehensive project de­ have 290 employees and expect signed to reduce mortality from this to grow at a rapid pace in the b re a st and c e rv ic a l ca nce r years to come. through early detection and We are a full service, “generalist" treatment. The program oper­ type of Personnel department ates in conjunction with the Or­ that is responsible for everything egon Breast and Cervical Can­ from recruiting to benefits ad­ cer Screening Coalition, and will ministration to retirement coun­ utilize a combination of state­ selling. wide efforts including public edu­ Requirem ents: cation, professional education, • Four year college degree with access to services, and surveil­ respectable GPA lance. Major duties will include: • Two plus years of professional assist the Coalition in develop­ level work experience, with ing a comprehensive plan for some degree of supervisory breast and cervical cancer con­ experience a must. trol; provide administrative liai­ • F uture, n ot im m e d ia te , son and technical support for relocatability out of Oregon re­ the Coalition and its committees; quired. organize and coordinate pro­ R esp on sibilities: gram activities to ensure effec­ • Recruiting and interviewing to tive communication and comple­ fill job openings. tion of grant objectives; prepare • Management and employee written progress reports and training. continuing grant applications. • Salary and benefits adminis­ Applicants must have four years tration. of experience as an executive • Being responsible for em ­ assistant, administrative analyst, ployee welfare and being an project coordinator or adm inis­ "advocate" for them. trative officer. Preference will To top off this outstanding job op­ be given to individuals with portunity, we also offer a benefits graduate coursework and ex­ package that is second to none. perience in a health-related field. Included are; profit sharing cash Obtain official State of Oregon bonus and retirement plans, a a n n o u n c e m e n t # O C 93 00 14 guaranteed retirement plan, a and application (PD-100) from savings plan w ith com pany any State Employment office or money contributed, major medi­ by phoning Health Division, Per­ cal and dental and more. s o n n e l S e rv ic e s , at (5 0 3 ) If this sounds like something you 7314005.Complete application have been waiting for, please package must arrive at Execu­ send your resume with salary tive Department Personnel Di­ requirements to: vision in Salem, Oregon by Janu­ Attn: Personnel ary 20, 1993. SAFECO Insurance Company Equal Opportunity/Affirmative 4101 SW Kruse Way Action Employer Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Attn: Mark Zeiger Equal Opportunity Employer ' »Zv .\iA' Is, - << F w /n y /m a /ir A dvertise A HOME in the O bserver Desperately Needed Service Helps Students Qualify For State And Federal Student Aid Programs E ve ry year, m illio n s o f e lig ib le students m iss out on th e ir share o f the 29 b illio n d o lla rs a va ila b le fro m State, LOAN Information Security Technical Specialist Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for an information Security Technical Specialist in our corporate security department. Qualified candidates must have a minimum of 3 years systems programming experience, including support of the MVS °Pera,l"9 system, and knowledge of operations and functions of MVS, structure and interaction of operating system components and their relationship to other systems. Four years prior experience manag­ ing technical projects involving multiple participants and depart­ ments is required. Also requires the ability to program using Clist, Easy-trieve Plus, SAS, Focus, COBOL or Natural. Must have a 4 year degree in computer science or equivalent experience in data/ information security. Experience w/Unix, windows, OS/2, and Novell Netware is highly desired. The successful candidate will: • Review and monitor computer operating systems and secu­ rity systems for adherence to security standards and expo­ sures, and develop methods for correction and/or control of exposures or weaknesses. • Propose and develop security standards to provide guidance in the implementation of secure systems • Manage complex projects and provide technical support for departmental projects and functions. • Research and develop methods of interfacing secu rity across corporate computing platforms. • Provide expertise for trouble-shooting for systems sup­ ported by corporate security. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours and competitive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #012 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 3rd fir 100 S.W. market ■S3] Portland, OR 97201 MT TDD # 225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer O re g o n A re n a P ro je c t D ra k e /T u rn e r, J o in t V e n tu re We are seeking active participation by M inority Business Enterprises, W om en-O w ned business enterprises and em erging small businesses in the construction of this project. W e request tha t such firm s express the ir interest in writing, to bid on portions of the work for the O REG ON ARENA PROJECT. Bid packages will be issued fo r sub­ contracting and supply opportunities on this project over the next six (6) months. Please address your letters of interest to: Drake/Turner, Joint Venture 1740 Northwest Flanders Street Portland, O regon 97209 Attention David L. Brennem an FEBRUARY IS BLACK HISTORY M O N TH F ederal, and special student a id p ro ­ gram s e ith e r because they do not a p p ly o r they do not k n o w h o w to com p le te CALL 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 o r FAX 2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 TO the student a id a p p lic a tio n s in a m a n ­ ner th a t w i ll in su re the best chance o f ADVERTISE OR RESERVE YOUR SPACE re c e iv in g an aw ard. T o assist fa m ilie s in d e te rm in in g e xa ctly h o w m u ch m oney they are e lig ib le f o r in the fo r m o f State, F cderal.and special cam pus-based stu­ PEOPLE W H O Data Processing dent aid program s, Research Plus, Inc., a N a tio n a l W ashing to n-ba sed C o m ­ Wings of Love Present Plaque Of Appreciation pany, is now o ffe rin g a sop histicated c o m p u te r s e rv ic e th a t a n a lyse s a stu d e n t’ s in d iv id u a l fa m ily c irc u m ­ stances and prepares a co m p u te rize d step-by-step o u tlin e illu s tr a tin g w h a t THINK THEY CAN’T a c tio n the student needs to take to be assured o f q u a lify in g fo r h is o r her share o f the 29 b illio n in student a id th a t is a v a ila b le fo r th e ir 1992-1993 school year. , A c c o r d in g to th e c o m p a n y ’ s GET ON E. spokesm an, R oger H ooper, students are asked to com plete a sho rt b a ck­ g ro u n d qu e stio n n a ire th a t asks about th e ir incom e, expense, academ ic a b ili­ ties, and a lis t o f the schools th a t they are c o n s id e rin g a tte n d in g T h is in fo r ­ m a tio n is entered in to a c o m p u te r th a t See what you think about this: w ith a H o m e P a rtn e rs loan from U.S. Hank, the m oney you'll need for do w n paym ent is about o n t- th ir d less th an even the usual fed erally in su re d h o m e loan requires. A nd you can avoid m any closing costs up front, sim ply by b o rro w in g for them w ith the rest o f the m oney. S ound to o good to be true? Keep reading, it gets even b e tte r. B ecause w e ’ve m ade it easy to qualify. A steady incom e and a good history o f paying your bills m ight be all you need. So, b e fo re you give u p o n the idea o f o w n in g y o u r o w n hom e, look into our H om ePartners loan. T fp i A M K I — I EQUAL HOWjjjG OPPORTUNITY W e th in k you’ll be pleasantly surprised. L ^ J U n ite d State* N .1 II,'ti.ll H u l k n f O r i - p m M i n lb i-t I I >l< H o m e lo a m mad«- th ro u g h U S l U n t o r p M o rtg a g e < o m p a n y analyzes the stu d e n t’ s p a rtic u la r c ir ­ cum stances and prepares a 40-page rep ort, g u id in g the student th ro u g h the steps he o r she needs to take to com p le te State and F ederal student a id a p p lic a tio n s in a m an ne r th a t w ill Teddy Mayes Présents plaque of appréciation to Mark Ellington, US Bank. s u p p o rt and g e n e r o s ity . M a rk in sure the best chance o f re c e iv in g an T h e W in g s o f Lo ve a lo ca l “ la b o r aw ard. In clu d e d in the re p o rt is a o r lo ve ” o rg a n iz a tio n , dedicated to E llin g to n and the s ta ff m em bers o f the com p le te p rin to u t o f the special ca m ­ assisting the needy w h e n and w h ere it bank, un se lfish ly donated c lo th in g toys pus-base student a id p ro g ra m s a v a il­ can, expressed i t ’ s a p p re cia tio n to M r. and o th e r item s to the o rg a n iz a tio n in able at each school the student chooses M a rk E and the steps necessary to a p p ly fo r o ffic e r at U .S. B a n k, W a ln u t pa rk the past. M r . E llin g to n states, “ M rs. M ays each o f these pro gra m s F o r free in fo rm a tio n about th is B ra n ch M rs. M ays, fo u n d e r and D ire c to r p ro g ra m , w rite : Research Plus, In c , o f W in g s o f Lo ve and he r son. T edd y treat people the w a y we w o u ld lik e to P.O. B o x 3622, Seattle, W a sh in g to n M ayes, were on hand to p e rso n a lly be treated and p a rtic u la rly the co m ­ 98 12 4-36 22 , o r c a ll to ll-fre e (24 hours th a n k “ S aint M a r k " (as she a ffe c tio n ­ m u n ity we serve, be it M rs. M a y s o r ately refers to h im ) fo r h is c o n tin u e d an y one o f o u r custom ers” . a da y) 1-800-543-2632. E llin g to n , consum er loan is a “ pure d e lig h t, w e h it it o f f rig h t aw ay” . “ W e (the s ta ff at U.S. B a n k )