Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 02, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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October 2,1991...The Portland Observer...Page 3
1992 USA Basketball
Dream Team’ Unveiled
USA Basketball President Dave
G avitt unveiled on NBC national tele­
vision on September 21 the first 10
members o f the historic 1992 USA men’s
National basketball team, appropriately
coined the “ Dream Team.” The 10
players are all current standouts in the
N BA . The 1992 USA National team
12-man roster, which w ill include
amateur and professional players, w ill
be finalized in the spring o f 1992.
The 1992 USA National team w ill
attempt to qualify the USA men for the
1992 Barcelona Olym pics at the June
27-July 5,1992 Basketball Tournament
o f the Americas in Portland, Oregon. I f
the U.S. team finishes among the top
four at the qualifying tournament, then
the U.S. w ill qualify to compete in the
1992 O lym pic men’ s basketball com­
The “ Dream T e a m " 10 is virtu ­
a lly a W ho’s W ho in the N BA . Accept­
ing o ffic ia l U SA Basketball invitations
to become members o f the 1992 USA
National men’ s basketball team were:
Charles Barkley (Philadelphia 76ers);
Larry Bird (Boston Celtics); Patrick
Ewing (New Y o rk Knicks); Earvin
“ M agic” Johnson (Los Angeles Lak­
ers); Michael Jordan (Chicago Bulls);
Karl Malone (Utah Jazz); Chris M u llin
(Golden State W arriors); Scottie Pip-
pen (Chicago Bulls); David Robinson
(San Antonio Spurs) and John Stockton
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• WS
™ • S i T r h i r i i i l Marshall, recently retired from the L S Supreme
Court- C hristopher Edlev, Sr., recently retired as President of tht I Nt L
and s la te Senator Henrv J . Kirksey (D-Miss.) and from left bottom row.
R e p re se n ta tiv e D aniel T. Blue, J r. «D-N.C.I, S p eak e r of the N orth
Carolina House: Mayor Sharon P ratt Dixon of Washington, D .t., and Bill
and Camille Cosby.
u «V. *
sculptor Ed Dwight.
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Top Honors Now
Have Sculptured Award To Show Black Achievements
"Evolution of a People, a sculpture
depicting the move by A frican
Americans from "slave ships and cotton
fields to court rooms, classrooms and
the halls ot Congress was unveiled
here recently as the symbol of the top
honors bestowed on individual Blacks
by the Congressional Black Caucus
Foundation (CBCF).
Created by renowned sculptor Ed
Dwight, and underwritten by Philip
Morris Companies Inc., six ot the art
pieces were presented by the Foundation
to outstanding African Americans.
The award recipients were: Justice
Thurgood Marshall, recently retired from
the U.S. Supreme Court: Christopher
Edley, Sr., recently retired as I’resident ot
the United Negro College Fund; State
Senator Henry J. Kirksey (D-Miss.);
Representative Daniel 1. Blue. Jr.. (D-
N.C.). Speaker of the North Carolina
House of Representatives: Mayor Sharon
Pratt Dixon of Washington. D.C.. and
Bill and Camille Cosby.
"It is important that heroes be hon­
ored and it is especially pleasing when
the awards they receive are the works
of a talented, skilled, committed artist."
said G eorge L. Knox III. Vice-
President. Public Affairs. Philip Morris
Companies Inc.
He said: "Mr. Dwight's exceptional
earlier works. Black Frontier Spirit in
the American West' and ’JAZZ: An
American Art Form,’ convinced us that
he could bring a very special under­
standing to this project on the struggle
of A frican A m ericans through the
years. We were not disappointed — he
created an important work of art that
will inspire many generations to
Philip Moms has long supported the
efforts of the Congressional Black
Caucus Foundation, notably the ( B( F
Summer Internship Program, which
brings college students to Washington
every year to gam valuable experience
in how government works
RFPRESENTATIVE D onald M. Payne (D-N.J.), left,
c h a ts d u r in g th e C o n g re ssio n a l B lack i'a u c u v
JOHN LEWIS ,m ;a .i. center .w ith Foundatio
i Ä
¿ n o ? i . ' Vice
President. Public Affairs. Philip Morri, Companie, Ine.
in Seoul, South Korea.
For the firs t tim e in international
basketball history, N B A players were
eligible fo r selection to the US A O ly m ­
pic basketball team. Previous interna­
tional rules forbid N B A players from
being e ligible to compete in the O ly m ­
pics, however on A p ril 7, 1989 at a
F IB A (Federation Internationale de
Basketball) W orld Congress, the FIB A
member countries in attendance voted
project. This subset was very respon­
sible and really took the charge very
seriously, that charge being the selec­
tion o f the O lym pic coaching staff and
the O lym pic team. O f course i t ’s not
finished, but this is a big step.
‘ ’The selection process its e lf was a
very d iffic u lt one, but one that u lti­
mately I think was very fair and exten­
sive. The committee’ s duties are not
over; we w ill complete the selection o f
the team in the spring o f 1992, but this
is an exciting and an excellent step.”
“ I ’ m excited about the challenge
to return the O lym pic gold medal to the
U S A ,” remarked 1992 USA O lym pic
men’ s head coach Chuck Daly. The
Committee has selected an outstanding
group o f w orld class basketball play­
ers, all 10 are previous N B A All-Stars
and nine participated in the 1991 N B A
(Utah Jazz).
“ This is a historic announcement,”
acknowledged Gavitt. “ For the first
time all o f the citizens o f the United
States were eligible to be selected for
the O lym pic team and for the first time
we’ re on an equal basis w ith all coun­
tries. I ’ve said this numerous times, but
I don’ t think the O lym pic dream has
been diminished. What probably has
happened is that the dream has been
postponed four years. Pat Ewing, M i­
chael Jordan and Chris M u llin were all
members o f our 1984 O lym pic team
and had professionals been eligible then,
it ’ s very likely they would not have
made that 1984 team. But they would
have for sure been on the 1988 USA
O lym pic team and probably the 1992
overwhelm ingly, 56-13, fo r
com petition” making all basketball
players w orldwide e ligible fo r interna­
tional competition.
Because o f another F IB A rule
change, the Americans must first qual­
ify for the 1992 O lym pic basketball
competition. Portland, Oregon w ill be
the site fo r the Basketball Tournament
o f the Americas, one o f five O lym pic
qualifying zone tournaments that w ill
be used to determine the 12 teams who
w ill compete in the ’ 92 Barcelona
Olym pics. The Basketball Tournament
o f the Americas w ill be held June 27-
July 5,1992 and feature 10 teams from
North, South and Central Americas.
The top four finishers w ill q ualify for
the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. The 1992
O lym pic basketball com petition is
scheduled for Badalona, Spain from
July 26 through August 8, 1992.
A ll-S tar game.
Four o f the 10 players selected,
Ewing (1984), Jordan (1984), M u llin
(1984) and Robinson (1988) were
members o f past USA O lym pic teams.
In the history o f USA O lym pic basket­
ball, only tw o players have been mem­
bers o f more than one USA Olym pic
team, Burdette H aldorson(1956,1960)
and Robert Kurland (1948,1952). Jor­
team as well.
“ I ’ m absolutely delighted with the
level o f cooperation that has existed
since day one between the collegiate
O lym pic Subset members and the N B A
members. This was very much in e vi­
dence in the work o f the committee and
C. M . (Newton) as chair o f the Subset
Fire Prevention Week:
More Than One Week
Of Firesafety
Is it surprising that America leads
a ll other industrialized nations in fire
casualties? Each year, according to
national Fire Protection Association
statistics, about 5,000 Americans die in
fires, most o f them caused by careless­
ness or ignorance. For all o f our tech­
nology and resources, we haven’t yet
Charles Barkley
Larry Bird
Patrick Ewing
Earvin Johnson
Michael Jordan
Karl Malone
Chris M u llin
Scottie Pippen
David Robinson
John Stockton
Head Coach: Chuck Daly
Assistant Coach: P.J. Carlesimo
Assistant Coach: M ike Krzyzewski
Assistant Coach: Lenny W ilkens
This year fire prevention week
serves as a reminder to all o f us that fire
safety must last all year long because
fires can strike all year long. By joining
the fire prevention team and working
w ith firesafety educators, we can all
Philadelphia 76ers
Boston Celtics
New Y ork Knicks
Los Angeles Lakers
Chicago Bulls
Utah Jazz
Golden St. W arriors
Chicago Bulls
San Antonio Spurs
Utah Jazz
(Seton H all U niversity)
(Duke University)
(Cleveland Cavaliers)
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has been the time fo r fire departments
to remind Americans o f the dangers o f
fire and how they can be prevented.
N ow , however, more and more depart­
ments are relying on year-round fire
safely education programs to teach
people what to do in cases o f fire and
how to keep them from happening.
Tragic fires occur during every
season o f the year. Home heating fires,
the m ajor cause o f all residential fires
in the United Suites, dominate the winter
months. Late spring, summer and early
fa ll are the times when fires often result
from carelessness w ith gasoline w hile
w orking outdoors or from carelessness
w hile cooking or camping outdoors.
M any fires occur during every season
o f the year, the result o f a cigarette
carelessly disposed o f or a frayed appli­
ance cord or o f other preventable causes.
Recent firesafety efforts have fo­
cused on teaching people positive be­
haviors rather than simply issuing stem
warnings o f the consequences o f fire.
As a result, there are incidents in which
people are saved because they knew
what to do and they did it. For instance,
fam ilies are saved because they in ­
stalled smoke detectors, or individuals
whose clothing caught f ir e were saved
by the “ Stop, Drop and R o ll” tech­
The Weight Loss
Plan For People Who
Like To Eat.
solved the problem o f fire.
Traditionally fire prevention week
dan (17.1 ppg.), M u llin (11.6 ppg ) and
Ewing (11.0 ppg ) were the top three
scorers on the 1984 USA O lym pic team
that went 8-0 and captured the gold
medal in Los Angeles. Robinson (12.7
ppg. and 6.7 rpg.) was the LS A leading
rebounder and second leading scorer
on the 1988 USA team that compiled a
7-1 record and earned the bronze medal
has done a great job. There’ s no ques­
tion that the selection process was as
fa ir and as honest as it could be and the
results speak to that,” said Gavitt.
“ As chair o f the O lym pic Subset,
going into the selection process I had a
lot o f anxiety because basically we
were plowing new ground,” said Olym ­
pic SubselchairC. M . Newton. “ Right
now I couldn’ t be more proud o f the
commitment and total e ffo rt given by
the O lym pic Subset members in this
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