-V V October 2,1991...The Portland Observer...Page 3 1992 USA Basketball Dream Team’ Unveiled USA Basketball President Dave G avitt unveiled on NBC national tele­ vision on September 21 the first 10 members o f the historic 1992 USA men’s National basketball team, appropriately coined the “ Dream Team.” The 10 players are all current standouts in the N BA . The 1992 USA National team 12-man roster, which w ill include amateur and professional players, w ill be finalized in the spring o f 1992. The 1992 USA National team w ill attempt to qualify the USA men for the 1992 Barcelona Olym pics at the June 27-July 5,1992 Basketball Tournament o f the Americas in Portland, Oregon. I f the U.S. team finishes among the top four at the qualifying tournament, then the U.S. w ill qualify to compete in the 1992 O lym pic men’ s basketball com­ OWN petition. The “ Dream T e a m " 10 is virtu ­ a lly a W ho’s W ho in the N BA . Accept­ ing o ffic ia l U SA Basketball invitations to become members o f the 1992 USA National men’ s basketball team were: Charles Barkley (Philadelphia 76ers); Larry Bird (Boston Celtics); Patrick Ewing (New Y o rk Knicks); Earvin “ M agic” Johnson (Los Angeles Lak­ ers); Michael Jordan (Chicago Bulls); Karl Malone (Utah Jazz); Chris M u llin (Golden State W arriors); Scottie Pip- pen (Chicago Bulls); David Robinson (San Antonio Spurs) and John Stockton W e’ll Show You How Whether you’re just dreaming of owning a home or you're ready to buy, Fjrst Interstate Bank would like to show you how. Because at First Interstate, we re committed to revitalizing our neighbor­ hoods through home ownership. And. through our Community Lending Center, we place a special emphasis on first-time home buyers. The Community Lending Center offers potential homeowners a step- bv-step approach to buying a home. We’ll help you put together a plan to realize your dream ol home owner­ ship. We ll focus on finding the loan that best meets your needs and then assist you throughout the home o loan process. And we ll provide information and support after your home loan closes. We also sponsor community seminars on home ownership. And if you already own a home we can help. too. We ll show you how to use the equity you've built up in your investment to make home improvements or repairs. So when it comes to any aspect of buving. owning or maintaining a home, call First Interstate. We re here to show you how. Community Lending (’.enter 5" SO \E Martin Luther king. Jr. Blvd. Portland, Oregon 9 " 2 1 1 Phone: 22S-3"51 t=J f O liai housing First Interstate Bank IfcNOCR f r r r r .r t x r r I ìS S » ». fci ' V • WS V RFCIPIENTSOF THE CBCFS HIGHEST HONORS WERE from left, top ™ • S i T r h i r i i i l Marshall, recently retired from the L S Supreme Court- C hristopher Edlev, Sr., recently retired as President of tht I Nt L and s la te Senator Henrv J . Kirksey (D-Miss.) and from left bottom row. R e p re se n ta tiv e D aniel T. Blue, J r. «D-N.C.I, S p eak e r of the N orth Carolina House: Mayor Sharon P ratt Dixon of Washington, D .t., and Bill and Camille Cosby. ■ i u «V. * sculptor Ed Dwight. Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Top Honors Now Have Sculptured Award To Show Black Achievements W ASHINGTON. D C . — The "Evolution of a People, a sculpture depicting the move by A frican Americans from "slave ships and cotton fields to court rooms, classrooms and the halls ot Congress was unveiled here recently as the symbol of the top honors bestowed on individual Blacks by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF). Created by renowned sculptor Ed Dwight, and underwritten by Philip Morris Companies Inc., six ot the art pieces were presented by the Foundation to outstanding African Americans. The award recipients were: Justice Thurgood Marshall, recently retired from the U.S. Supreme Court: Christopher Edley, Sr., recently retired as I’resident ot the United Negro College Fund; State Senator Henry J. Kirksey (D-Miss.); Representative Daniel 1. Blue. Jr.. (D- N.C.). Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives: Mayor Sharon Pratt Dixon of Washington. D.C.. and Bill and Camille Cosby. "It is important that heroes be hon­ ored and it is especially pleasing when the awards they receive are the works of a talented, skilled, committed artist." said G eorge L. Knox III. Vice- President. Public Affairs. Philip Morris Companies Inc. He said: "Mr. Dwight's exceptional earlier works. Black Frontier Spirit in the American West' and ’JAZZ: An American Art Form,’ convinced us that he could bring a very special under­ standing to this project on the struggle of A frican A m ericans through the years. We were not disappointed — he created an important work of art that will inspire many generations to come." Philip Moms has long supported the efforts of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, notably the ( B( F Summer Internship Program, which brings college students to Washington every year to gam valuable experience in how government works RFPRESENTATIVE D onald M. Payne (D-N.J.), left, c h a ts d u r in g th e C o n g re ssio n a l B lack i'a u c u v JOHN LEWIS ,m ;a .i. center .w ith Foundatio f f i Ä Ä -*. s -T.- *5. « r - í - < - ‘, v í •' • ' <4 T'-’ b You've Got It In Y o u T o G ctlt O ff You. s’. - w Join Any Class Anytime For more information call (collect) (503) 297-1021 Weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (new members please arrive 20 min. early) Temple Baptist Church Tillamook Park Bldg. 21O8N.E. 41st Ave. Mon. Tues. Wed. 9:30 a.m. Thurs. Fri. 9:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1319 N.E. 7th Fireside Room Tuesday 12:15 p.m (Brown Bag Lunch Class) Opening Soon Nationwide Ins. 919 N.E. 19th NORTH PORTLAND University of Portland Rivergate Community C hurch 4737 N. Lombard Si. 7:00 p.m. Tues. 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. Columbia Hall (Enter from Portsmoth) Wed. 5:00 P m ©1991 Weight Watchers Imemational. Inc. All n ghu reserved WEIGHT WATCHERS and PERSONAL CHOICE are registered trademarks of Weight Watchers lm em .t.on .1, Inc a » Í >. f » » a » ‘ & show you how. I t ’ s so flexible, we know you’ ll learn not to bum. • • > < » t V * * » • » £ • t • • ♦ » .•* • X» . ». • U., . • «.••..LU •’..•«itV» ï*