Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 25, 1991, Page 4, Image 4

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Page 4...The Portland Observer...September 25,1991
• Portland Observer
Scripture o f the ‘Weeh.
Area residents helped by United
Way o f (he Columbia Willamette funded
programs w ill give updates on this year’s
United Way campaign at a report lunch
eon, Friday, Oct. 4, noon, at the Port­
F a m ily O w ne d and O perated
Since 1954
S erving the C ity o f P o rtla n d
f o r o ve r 37 years
In y o u r h o u r o f need
Vann & V a nn are there to serve
Cleodus V3nn
5211 N. W illia m s P o rtla n d , O r. 9721 7
Mallory Avenue
Christian Church
is c
o f
C h r
land M arriott.
The service recipients w ill provide
campaign progress reports as w ell as
tell how agencies such as Boys and
G irls C lub o f Portland and Interna­
tional Refugee Center o f Oregon have
made positive differences in their lives.
Campaign Chairman Robert L.
Ridgley, presidcnt/CEO, Northwest
Natural Gas Company, w ill announce
the total amount raised so far toward
this year’ s goal o f $20.5 m illion .
Jim L ittle o f K A T U w ill emcee the
event, which also w ill feature live music
and a final report on the Pacesetter
campaign (tire early company fund drives
that provide a financial base fo r the
main campaign in the fall).
Tickets for the luncheon are $13
and are available by contacting Susan
M itche ll at 226-9326.
God's Presence promises
Pouier through Jesus Christ In
Good Times and Bod Times
Matthew H.&S
Health Check-Ups For
Women Offered
A health check-up for women w ill
be given from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Satur­
day, October 26, 1991 at Western States
Chiropractic College C lin ic, 2900 NE
132nd Avenue in Portland.
The $15 examination fee w ill cover
the cost o f a pap smear, breast exam,
spinal examination, and urinary lab test.
The check-ups are administered by
fourth-year interns under the supervi­
sion o f chiropractic physicians. A p ­
pointments are necessary and may be
made by calling 255-6771.
Western State Chiropractic C ol­
lege Cline is a nonprofit organization.
"Come to me all you who ore
weary and heavy loden and I
will give you rest"
Discrimination In The Church!
United Way Recipients
to Report Campaign
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Tuesday Bible
Study and Prayer
Denise FI. Bell, Pastor
Inter-racial Congregation
126 N.E. Alberto t Portland. OR 97211 + (503) 288-5173
M o th e r s A g a in s t D r u n k D r iv in g
personally invites you io be his special guest at
New Worship Service
Come expecting worship services, with contemporary music, practical
preaching from the Bible, and sharing from personal experiences
, V;
But on their arrival, these Jewish
Christians imm ediately took issue w ith
the status o f the Gentiles (non-Jews)
who had received the gospel o f Jesus.
They could not believe that God w ould
be w illin g to save anyone who had not
received circum cision, and submitted
to the law o f Moses (15:1, 5). In their
minds, the Law was essential, fo r it had
been given by the Lord. Furthermore, it
would be impossible fo r Jewish Chris­
tians to keep the Law (especially their
laws on ceremonial cleanness) i f they
freely fellowshipped w ith Gentile
“ pagans.” So some kind o f separation
among the believers w ould have be­
come inevitable. I believe this was the
same time period Paul describes, when
Peter, and even Barnabas, began to
discriminate against Gentile Christians
evangelization through interacting as
equals in this conference.
N ow as the message o f C hrist
penetrates new tribal and urban people
groups, the missionaries w ill encounter
traditions, beliefs and religions that are
often quite different from the ones they
know at home. This may sim ply repre­
sent the wonderful variety o f G od’ s
creation w ith in the human race. It may
also represent the sinful nature o f
mankind, acted out in such degrading
forms as child exposure (leaving un­
wanted babies, usually girls, exposed
to die), ritual torture, and slavery.
We must not fa ll into the humanis­
tic trap, o f attempting to ju s tify a ll
cultural mores as equally “ good.’ ’ The
gospel o f Christ - indeed, all the Scrip­
tures -- confronts every culture in its
sinful patterns, and issues a call from
God him self, to repent and be trans­
formed into the image o f Christ. No
(Gal 2:11-14).
Luke shows us that the real issue at
stake was the c o n flic t between outward
cultural form (lik e circum cision) and
inward reality (like the new life in Christ
and the fillin g o f the Spirit). C ircum ci­
sion doesn’ t divide Christians in our
country ; but other matters do, such as
certain spiritual gifts (or lack o f them),
certain baptismal forms or formulas or
even particular practices o f worship.
And like the Judaizers in Acts 15, many
Paul and Barnabas took every opportu­
nity to tell o f the wonderful works o f
God among the Gentiles (14:27; 15:3,12).
When we see sinners receiving the Lord,
liv in g holy lives and displaying love fo r
one another, we ought to praise the
Lord! But often our pride gets in the
way, and we start looking for reasons to
criticize another church o f denomina­
tion fo r their growth. And often the
differences we m ight p ick are really just
different cultural practices.
H old fast to the W ord o f God, and
to your convictions based on the W ord.
James did that, as he spoke in favor o f
the Gentile mission (15:13-19). And he
was most concerned fo r the salvation o f
every group o f people: “ we should not
make it d iffic u lt fo r the Gentiles who
are turning to God” (15:19). I f this is
our heart’ s desire, we w ill fin d ways to
respect and accept other bel ievers, w ith
out compromising our convictions, and
yet w ithout condemning our brothers
and sisters.
Radio Ministry each Sunday. 8:00 A .M .-K B M S
A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry
Dr. Jam es E . Martin, Senior Pastor
Chu rch O ffice 116 N .E . Schuy er.
School Board members, Stephen
Kafoury and Roby Roberts; Black
community activists Richard Brown and
Joyce Harris; and educators Jeff Edmund-
sen and B ill Resnick w ill debate a major
school reform proposal commissioned
by the Portland Public Schools. The
Special Task Force proposal calls for
more power in the hands o f teams o f
parents ail teachers at individual schools.
The proposal is endorsed by the Black
United Front, leader o f last February’ s
school boycott for a sim ilar reform
proposal. The com m unity forum is
Tuesday, October 8, 7 PM at the K ing
Neighborhood F acility, 4815 N E 7th,
sponsored by the Rainbow C oalition.
Prayer for healing every Service
4222 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland, Oregon
(503) 288-7241
ward reality - that all believers are one
in C hrist (John 17:20-21) and that love
fo r one another w ill authenticate our
message (John 13:34-35) -- is more
im portant than the outward form .
A nd the evident blessing o f the
Lord helped prove the propriety o f the
mission to the Gentiles. Peter gave tes­
tim ony from his experience w ith C or­
nelius (Acts 15:7-9; 10:24-11:18), while
Stone Tower Church,
N .E . Sandy Blvd. & 30th
Worship Services 8:00 A.M . & 11:00 A.M .
Church School 9:30 A.M . to 10:30 A.M .
Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E.Schuyler
10:30 A.M . and 6:30 P.M.
f e t Ç aul ¿Missionary
^Baptist (Ctjnrclf
■ ■
Paul saw this kind o f discrim ina­
tion in Antioch, and knew “ that they
were not acting in line w ith the truth o f
the gospel’ ’ (Gal 2:14, N IV ). The in ­
C om m unity F oru m on Special Task
Force Proposal commissioned by
P ortland School B oard
Wednesday, September
11,1991 at 7:00 PM
Christians believe they can point to a
Scripture to prove that they are rig ht —
and they can then ju s tify separating
from the less “ spiritual” believers.
M any times believers choose their
views on these things by their own cu l­
tural experience, not by mandate o f
Scripture, and don ’ t even realize they ’ re
doing it. T hankfully, we don’ t always
go to the extreme these Judaizers did,
denying someone is even saved i f they
did n ’ t accept circum cision (15:1). But
we often do separate ourselves from
other believers because o f cultural d if­
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are tremendous.
Four years ago, the w ell-know n
evangelist B illy Graham hosted (and
financed) a conference fo r over 2,000
evangelists in Amsterdam. The p artici­
pants came from a ll over the w orld,
including crusade speakers like Gra­
ham, lesser known itinerant speakers,
and pioneer evangelists from India,
Southeast Asia and A fric a -m e n and
women who live at subsistence levels
and travel on foot or bicycle to villages
where the gospel has never been
preached. A ll are involved in the same
great task-the evangelistic enterprise
pioneered by Paul and Barnabas over
1900 years ago. And these ministers o f
Jesus found they could learn much about
themselves and the task o f w orld
are encouraged.
Sunday, September 8, 1991 at 6: 00 PM
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The text fo r the Sunday School
lesson (International Series) fo r the
next Sunday is Acts 15:1-12.
In this age o f rapid travel and in ­
stantaneous comm unication, o f jum bo
jets, satellite links and C N N , we have a
tremendous opportunity to learn about
people o f various cultures and beliefs.
Even in the church o f Jesus Christ, the
possibilities to learn from each other
gon Cable Channel 38.
Commissioner Lindberg w ill talk
about his assigned bureaus (Water,
Energy, Parks, Arts) and overall sig­
nificant City issues such as public safety
and neighborhood revitilization. Calls
Service times are:
Early Sunday Morning Worship at 8:00 AM (New)
Sunday School at 9:30 AM
Regular Sunday Morning Service at 10:45 AM
Sunday Evening Service at 6:00 PM
Wednesday Evening Service at 7:00 PM
Sunday, "Maranatha Live": KPDQ 93.7 FM at 11:00 PM
Sunday, September 8, 1991 at 8:00 AM & 10:45 AM
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Portland C ity Commissioner M ike
Lindberg w ill be the guest for the L IV E
C A L L -IN edition o f Black C om m unity
Television’ s “ N E Spectrum,” W ed­
nesday, October 2, at 7:00 p.m. The
program w ill appear on Channel 30 on
both Paragon and T C I systems. The
program w ill also be available on Para­
r V,
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culture is exempt, including our own.
Even though Am erica has had a
long history o f C hristianity, this does
not mean Am erica is aC hrislian nation.
Alongside our C hristian heritage has
also been a shameful history o f slavehold­
ing, exploitation o f Native Americans,
reckless corporate greed, and public
display o f lust and im m orality. And no
com m unity in this culture can excuse
its sins by comparing it to other seg­
ments o f the whole culture.
Unfortunately, our churches often
equate certain cultural patterns w ith the
essentials o f Christian faith. This week s
Bible lesson shows us that this is not a
new problem. In this case, some repre­
sentatives o f the Jerusalem church came
north to Antioch to fin d out more about
the evident growth o f that c ity ’ s church,
and perhaps also about the fruits o f Paul
and Barnabas’ missionary e ffo rts (1 5 :l,
City Commissioner To
Appear On Live
Pastor Wendell Wallace
•t •
Matthew 13:3
Up until 1830 when anyone pur­
chased a bar of soap, the grocer
simply hacked off a chunk from a
large block
8101 N. Fiske Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97203
Church Phone: 2 8 9 -0 1 4 7
Sunday Service
Sunday School
9 :3 0
Bible Study
6 :0 0
Evening Service
7 :0 0 P.M.
Study Phone: 2 8 9 -1 9 1 1
Pastor. Rev James C E. Faulkner
Them e: W h a te v e r you're go ing to do
fo r th e Lord, do it now
I Peter hr.11
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For Best Results
Advertise in the Observer
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