» M UW» »U44 % V Page 4...The Portland Observer...September 25,1991 • Portland Observer Scripture o f the ‘Weeh. RELIGION FUNERAL Area residents helped by United Way o f (he Columbia Willamette funded programs w ill give updates on this year’s United Way campaign at a report lunch eon, Friday, Oct. 4, noon, at the Port­ D IR E C T O R S F a m ily O w ne d and O perated Since 1954 S erving the C ity o f P o rtla n d f o r o ve r 37 years In y o u r h o u r o f need Vann & V a nn are there to serve Cleodus V3nn 503/281-2836 5211 N. W illia m s P o rtla n d , O r. 9721 7 Mallory Avenue Christian Church D e is c o f s C h r s land M arriott. The service recipients w ill provide campaign progress reports as w ell as tell how agencies such as Boys and G irls C lub o f Portland and Interna­ tional Refugee Center o f Oregon have made positive differences in their lives. Campaign Chairman Robert L. Ridgley, presidcnt/CEO, Northwest Natural Gas Company, w ill announce the total amount raised so far toward this year’ s goal o f $20.5 m illion . Jim L ittle o f K A T U w ill emcee the event, which also w ill feature live music and a final report on the Pacesetter campaign (tire early company fund drives that provide a financial base fo r the main campaign in the fall). Tickets for the luncheon are $13 and are available by contacting Susan M itche ll at 226-9326. t God's Presence promises Pouier through Jesus Christ In Good Times and Bod Times Matthew H.&S Health Check-Ups For Women Offered A health check-up for women w ill be given from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Satur­ day, October 26, 1991 at Western States Chiropractic College C lin ic, 2900 NE 132nd Avenue in Portland. The $15 examination fee w ill cover the cost o f a pap smear, breast exam, spinal examination, and urinary lab test. The check-ups are administered by fourth-year interns under the supervi­ sion o f chiropractic physicians. A p ­ pointments are necessary and may be made by calling 255-6771. Western State Chiropractic C ol­ lege Cline is a nonprofit organization. "Come to me all you who ore weary and heavy loden and I will give you rest" 9:45am 11:00am 7:30pm Discrimination In The Church! United Way Recipients to Report Campaign Progress VANN & VANN Sunday School Morning Worship Tuesday Bible Study and Prayer Denise FI. Bell, Pastor Inter-racial Congregation MADD 126 N.E. Alberto t Portland. OR 97211 + (503) 288-5173 M o th e r s A g a in s t D r u n k D r iv in g ••i J: personally invites you io be his special guest at MARANATHA CHURCH New Worship Service Come expecting worship services, with contemporary music, practical preaching from the Bible, and sharing from personal experiences , V; 24). But on their arrival, these Jewish Christians imm ediately took issue w ith the status o f the Gentiles (non-Jews) who had received the gospel o f Jesus. They could not believe that God w ould be w illin g to save anyone who had not received circum cision, and submitted to the law o f Moses (15:1, 5). In their minds, the Law was essential, fo r it had been given by the Lord. Furthermore, it would be impossible fo r Jewish Chris­ tians to keep the Law (especially their laws on ceremonial cleanness) i f they freely fellowshipped w ith Gentile “ pagans.” So some kind o f separation among the believers w ould have be­ come inevitable. I believe this was the same time period Paul describes, when Peter, and even Barnabas, began to discriminate against Gentile Christians evangelization through interacting as equals in this conference. N ow as the message o f C hrist penetrates new tribal and urban people groups, the missionaries w ill encounter traditions, beliefs and religions that are often quite different from the ones they know at home. This may sim ply repre­ sent the wonderful variety o f G od’ s creation w ith in the human race. It may also represent the sinful nature o f mankind, acted out in such degrading forms as child exposure (leaving un­ wanted babies, usually girls, exposed to die), ritual torture, and slavery. We must not fa ll into the humanis­ tic trap, o f attempting to ju s tify a ll cultural mores as equally “ good.’ ’ The gospel o f Christ - indeed, all the Scrip­ tures -- confronts every culture in its sinful patterns, and issues a call from God him self, to repent and be trans­ formed into the image o f Christ. No (Gal 2:11-14). Luke shows us that the real issue at stake was the c o n flic t between outward cultural form (lik e circum cision) and inward reality (like the new life in Christ and the fillin g o f the Spirit). C ircum ci­ sion doesn’ t divide Christians in our country ; but other matters do, such as certain spiritual gifts (or lack o f them), certain baptismal forms or formulas or even particular practices o f worship. And like the Judaizers in Acts 15, many ’■ ?• ‘ Paul and Barnabas took every opportu­ nity to tell o f the wonderful works o f God among the Gentiles (14:27; 15:3,12). When we see sinners receiving the Lord, liv in g holy lives and displaying love fo r one another, we ought to praise the Lord! But often our pride gets in the way, and we start looking for reasons to criticize another church o f denomina­ tion fo r their growth. And often the differences we m ight p ick are really just different cultural practices. H old fast to the W ord o f God, and to your convictions based on the W ord. James did that, as he spoke in favor o f the Gentile mission (15:13-19). And he was most concerned fo r the salvation o f every group o f people: “ we should not make it d iffic u lt fo r the Gentiles who are turning to God” (15:19). I f this is our heart’ s desire, we w ill fin d ways to respect and accept other bel ievers, w ith out compromising our convictions, and yet w ithout condemning our brothers and sisters. Radio Ministry each Sunday. 8:00 A .M .-K B M S A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. Jam es E . Martin, Senior Pastor Chu rch O ffice 116 N .E . Schuy er. School Board members, Stephen Kafoury and Roby Roberts; Black community activists Richard Brown and Joyce Harris; and educators Jeff Edmund- sen and B ill Resnick w ill debate a major school reform proposal commissioned by the Portland Public Schools. The Special Task Force proposal calls for more power in the hands o f teams o f parents ail teachers at individual schools. The proposal is endorsed by the Black United Front, leader o f last February’ s school boycott for a sim ilar reform proposal. The com m unity forum is Tuesday, October 8, 7 PM at the K ing Neighborhood F acility, 4815 N E 7th, sponsored by the Rainbow C oalition. Prayer for healing every Service 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 288-7241 r ward reality - that all believers are one in C hrist (John 17:20-21) and that love fo r one another w ill authenticate our message (John 13:34-35) -- is more im portant than the outward form . A nd the evident blessing o f the Lord helped prove the propriety o f the mission to the Gentiles. Peter gave tes­ tim ony from his experience w ith C or­ nelius (Acts 15:7-9; 10:24-11:18), while Stone Tower Church, N .E . Sandy Blvd. & 30th Worship Services 8:00 A.M . & 11:00 A.M . Church School 9:30 A.M . to 10:30 A.M . Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E.Schuyler 10:30 A.M . and 6:30 P.M. f e t Ç aul ¿Missionary ^Baptist (Ctjnrclf •i. ■ ■ ferences. Paul saw this kind o f discrim ina­ tion in Antioch, and knew “ that they were not acting in line w ith the truth o f the gospel’ ’ (Gal 2:14, N IV ). The in ­ WE ARE MOVING SUNDAY SERVICES TO C om m unity F oru m on Special Task Force Proposal commissioned by P ortland School B oard Wednesday, September 11,1991 at 7:00 PM "MARANATHA'S VISION' Christians believe they can point to a Scripture to prove that they are rig ht — and they can then ju s tify separating from the less “ spiritual” believers. M any times believers choose their views on these things by their own cu l­ tural experience, not by mandate o f Scripture, and don ’ t even realize they ’ re doing it. T hankfully, we don’ t always go to the extreme these Judaizers did, denying someone is even saved i f they did n ’ t accept circum cision (15:1). But we often do separate ourselves from other believers because o f cultural d if­ MT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH CHANGE OUR SCHOOLS! ’- / f 7 T •« ¿> *í’A Í • «_ ». * • .... are tremendous. Four years ago, the w ell-know n evangelist B illy Graham hosted (and financed) a conference fo r over 2,000 evangelists in Amsterdam. The p artici­ pants came from a ll over the w orld, including crusade speakers like Gra­ ham, lesser known itinerant speakers, and pioneer evangelists from India, Southeast Asia and A fric a -m e n and women who live at subsistence levels and travel on foot or bicycle to villages where the gospel has never been preached. A ll are involved in the same great task-the evangelistic enterprise pioneered by Paul and Barnabas over 1900 years ago. And these ministers o f Jesus found they could learn much about themselves and the task o f w orld are encouraged. Sunday, September 8, 1991 at 6: 00 PM "RESTORING PURPOSE IN OUR GENERATION’ > #.z. PORTLAND BIBLE COLLEGE The text fo r the Sunday School lesson (International Series) fo r the next Sunday is Acts 15:1-12. In this age o f rapid travel and in ­ stantaneous comm unication, o f jum bo jets, satellite links and C N N , we have a tremendous opportunity to learn about people o f various cultures and beliefs. Even in the church o f Jesus Christ, the possibilities to learn from each other gon Cable Channel 38. Commissioner Lindberg w ill talk about his assigned bureaus (Water, Energy, Parks, Arts) and overall sig­ nificant City issues such as public safety and neighborhood revitilization. Calls Service times are: Early Sunday Morning Worship at 8:00 AM (New) Sunday School at 9:30 AM Regular Sunday Morning Service at 10:45 AM Sunday Evening Service at 6:00 PM Wednesday Evening Service at 7:00 PM Sunday, "Maranatha Live": KPDQ 93.7 FM at 11:00 PM Sunday, September 8, 1991 at 8:00 AM & 10:45 AM "HOW TO HANDLE LIFE'S DEEPEST HURTS & TOUGHEST PROBLEMS" f • • *■ ■ . > « . DEAN OF NORTH Portland C ity Commissioner M ike Lindberg w ill be the guest for the L IV E C A L L -IN edition o f Black C om m unity Television’ s “ N E Spectrum,” W ed­ nesday, October 2, at 7:00 p.m. The program w ill appear on Channel 30 on both Paragon and T C I systems. The program w ill also be available on Para­ ¿".•V r V, »<’ • culture is exempt, including our own. Even though Am erica has had a long history o f C hristianity, this does not mean Am erica is aC hrislian nation. Alongside our C hristian heritage has also been a shameful history o f slavehold­ ing, exploitation o f Native Americans, reckless corporate greed, and public display o f lust and im m orality. And no com m unity in this culture can excuse its sins by comparing it to other seg­ ments o f the whole culture. Unfortunately, our churches often equate certain cultural patterns w ith the essentials o f Christian faith. This week s Bible lesson shows us that this is not a new problem. In this case, some repre­ sentatives o f the Jerusalem church came north to Antioch to fin d out more about the evident growth o f that c ity ’ s church, and perhaps also about the fruits o f Paul and Barnabas’ missionary e ffo rts (1 5 :l, BY MICHAEL LINDSEY City Commissioner To Appear On Live Call-In-Program Pastor Wendell Wallace •t • Matthew 13:3 Up until 1830 when anyone pur­ chased a bar of soap, the grocer simply hacked off a chunk from a large block 8101 N. Fiske Avenue Portland, Oregon 97203 Church Phone: 2 8 9 -0 1 4 7 Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9 :3 0 Bible Study 6 :0 0 Evening Service 7 :0 0 P.M. Study Phone: 2 8 9 -1 9 1 1 Pastor. Rev James C E. Faulkner Them e: W h a te v e r you're go ing to do fo r th e Lord, do it now I Peter hr.11 : « r » ,:.> For Best Results Advertise in the Observer 1*’ \ * .;V £ M 1 :-s s **** JR . -/ ■ i f * V ' 'S .’ ' ‘ * * : ‘ fis» T y , , k *. - V’ ?1'.'.- - ,• ’ 1 ‘•r.l ' • * ’ • ** "*'* ■ • • i „. •* « » * • •A » 1 f K » • * I A * * £4» *5 %