Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 31, 1991, Image 1

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Volume X X I, Number 31
July 31,1991
"The Eyes and Ears o f The Community"
New Officers on
Garlington Center Board
Local Head Start Leader
Attends Johnson & Johnson National Head Start Program
In The Beginning
Was The Word:
by McKinley Burt
Committee Action
May Bring Major
Contracts to Port of
Portland Shipyards
Ernest Estes, an attorney fo r Bon­
neville Power Adm inistration, has been
selected president o f the Board o f D i­
rectors o f the G arlington Center for
North/Northeast Com m unity Menial
Health. Theresa W illiam s-S toudam irc
has been selected vice president. Other
officers include the Rev. James Faulkner,
treasurer, and Rosemary Anderson, sec­
retary. Sharon N icklebcrry has been
elected to membership on the board.
The G arlington Center, 4950 N.E.
M arlin Luther K ing Jr. B lvd. a $3
m illio n private, non-profit organiza­
tion, provides mental health services to
children, adults and fam ilies at several
facilities in North and Northeast Port­
Housing Authority of Portland
i Senate Committee
! Approves Funding
For Gang*Related
Task Force In
One Church,p One
1991 Mt. Hood
Festival of Jazz
Life: Everything
Should be a Positive
Lesson by
Ullysses Tucker, Jr.
A door o f opportunity ju s t opened
for people who live at C olum bia V illa
and Tamarack Apartments in North
Portland. Residents o f these develop­
ments, owned and maintained by the
Housing A u th ority o f Portland, have a
chance to be more involved in self­
The Colum bia Villa/Tam arack
Resident C ouncil was awarded a Tech­
nical Assistance Grant from the U.S.
Department o f Housing and Urban
Development (H U D ). The funding o f
$39,996 goes toward leadership train­
ing and exploring possibilities o f be­
coming a Resident Management C or­
“ The Resident C ouncil and I are
very excited to be awarded this grant.
The Council has worked hard over the
last year. They have a tremendous
comm itment to their com m unity,” said
M yra Glasser, H A P Resident Services
Coordinator. “ This training and sk ill
development w ill take the Council one
step further in the growth o f their com ­
m unity as w ell as in their own lives.”
Three residents, along w ith Glas­
ser, w ill attend a HUD-sponsored train­
ing in Boston, Mass., July 29-30. A t­
tending are C V /T Resident Council
President Ruby Foust, Vice-President
G ail Gibson, and Treasurer Angela
Purdy. Glasser and Foust w ill stay on
in Boston to participate in a National
Resident Management Corporation
Conference, July 31-Aug. 3.
A two-year project, the goal o f the
grant is to build resident empower­
ment. Funds w ill pay fo r a consultant,
selected by Resident C ouncil mem­
bers, who w ill train them in leadership
and organizational skills. Future ob­
jectives fo r residents may include
managing or operating an on-site gro­
cery or laundry fa c ility , or handling
landscaping or painting services.
Glasser added,” For over a year,
the Council consisted o f these three
women. Now it has 20 people com m it­
ted to w orking hard over the next two
years on this project, a ll the while
m aintaining their own jobs and fam i­
lies too.”
Colum bia Villa/Tam arack devel­
opments house 598 fa m ily and elderly
Training participants w ill be avail­
able to answer questions when they
return from the conference. Contact
Joleen Colombo, H AP Public A ffairs
at 273-4521.
Spunky’s Comes to
Northeast Portland
Health Care
The Locker Room
Bids & Sub-bids
Douglas Reed, D istrict Manager
fo r Spunky’s Hamburgers, is happy to
be in Northeast Portland. Em ploying
residents from m ainly Northeast Port­
land has put a boost on the employment
Spunky's was started by Tim O ’Cal­
laghan four years ago; the newest loca­
tion is one o f four in the metro area.
Spunky’s selected Northeast Port-
land due to the tremendous flo w in the
area. Located at 7th and Broadway,
Spunky’s offers nearly 1/4 lb. burgers
at a com petitive cost o f 99 cents. Mr.
Reed claims the cost is low er because
Spunky’ s is strictly a drive-thru (the
first o f its kind in Northeast Portland)
but also has a carry out. The Portland
Observer would like to welcome
Spunky’ s to Northeast Portland; stop
by and v is it them.
Ronald Herndon, of Albina Ministerial Alliance in Portland, accepts his
Head Start-Johnson & Johnson Management Fellows Program certificate
from advisory board members during the first annual program held at the
John E. Anderson Graduate School of Management at the University of
California - Los Angeles. Pictured from left are: Alfred Osborn, director,
UCLA Entrepreneurial Studies Center: Wendy Logan, vice president,
Johnson & Johnson Hospital Services; Herndon; Marlys Gustafson,
director, program support division, Head Start Bureau; and Victor
Tabbush, associate dean & director of Executive Education at UCLA.
New Chairman For
Multnomah Education
Service District
Drew and Rahsaan
Elected to PCC’s
Faculty Federation
Executive Council
Jean Drew and Halim Rahsaan have
become die firs t A frican Americans
elected to the Portland C om m unity
College (PCC) Executive C ouncil o f
the Faculty Federation.
Drew and Rahsaan were elected
by the 1400 faculty federation which
consists o f instructors and counselors.
The federation represents faculty in
contract negotiations w ith Portland
Com m unity College.
Drew was hired as a small business
instructor in July, 1984. She s till holds
that position. Rahsaan, an academic
advisor, has been employed at PCC
since December, 1974.
Rahsaan stated that he believes
that his participation in the executive
council w ill strengthen his advocacy
for equal representation o f people o f
color and fair treatment fo r all em ploy­
ees w ithin the internal PCC structure.
Drew and Rahsaan have both been
active members in the PCC African
American Council (AC C ). As a part o f
their responsibilities in the A A C , both
Drew and Rahsaan have represented
employees and assisted them in their
attempt to communicate concerns and
grievances to management
Drew and Rahsaan have been out­
spoken regarding PCC’ s poor record in
recruitment and employment o f people
o f color. To this end.they were both
active in the development o f and have
continued to m onitor the A ffirm ative
Action Policy at the college.
Drew and Rahsaan have expressed
their appreciation to the Federation
Membership fo r the faith and co n fi­
dence shown by their election to the
Executive Council.
DMV Postpones
Lloyd Center
■ r a H K f
J u d y C ham bers
D avid L ittle
The M ultnom ah Education Serv­
ice D is tric t Board at its July 16meeting
selected Judy Chambers chairman for
the 1991-92 school year. M rs Cham­
bers was re-elected to her position in
the March election and is a homemaker
in North Portland.
David L ittle w ill serve as vice-
chairman. Mr. L ittle lives in the Park-
rose School D istrict and works fo r the
Oregon State Emj. oyment D ivision.
-Je is in the third year o f his first term.
Construction delays have caused
the M oto r Vehicles D ivision to post­
pone the reopening o f its L lo yd Center
Express O ffice.
The office, closed since October
as part o f the m all-w ide reconstruction
project, was scheduled to open July 7.
D M V o fficials have rescheduled
the opening for early A ugust
The office w ill be located on the
M ultnom ah level near L aM on t’ s and
J.C. Penney, adjacent to the northeast
parking structure.
BUF Upscales Community Support Techniques
Portland’s Black United Fund
chapter (BU F) is hosting a program and
staff development seminar conducted
by M r. W illia m T. M erritt, president
and CEO o f the national organization
based in Newark, New Jersey.
The local affiliate, headed by Amina
Anderson, expects to greatly benefit
from the considerable skills and expe­
rience provided by M r. M erritt as he
travels around the country delivering
technical assistance to a number o f
chapters. This year’ s circu it w ill in ­
clude Atlanta, Denver, L ittle Rock,
Sacramento, the Chesapeake Bay area,
and North Carolina.
The thrust o f this e ffo rt w ill be “ to
expand the role o f black and m inority
philanthropy and to encourage corpo­
rate leadership in the expansion o f p hi­
lanthropy in the inner c ity .” The other
side o f this coin, o f course, is the devel­
opment o f staff expertise in workplace
solicitation (of funds) at the firms headed
by these coroporate leaders. It is at
these sites that the principal (but not
a ll) fund raising activity o f BU F oc­
M em bers o f an e m p lo y e r’ s
workforce (industry or public agency)
sign a “ payroll deduction card” desig­
nating the Black United Fund as the
recipient o f a charitable donation through
a regular ‘Payroll Deduction Plan’. Other
sources o f funds are automatic contri­
bution deductions from personal check­
ing accounts and special com m unity
fund raisers. The organization is certi­
fied as tax exempt by the Internal
Revenue Service and contributions arc
tax deductible.
The fo llo w in g statement from an
organization brochure succinctly states
the overall purpose o f BU F, locally and
* ‘The National Black United Fund,
Inc. (N B U F ) and its grow ing number
o f affiliates arc independent fundrais­
ing organizations operating to improve
the quality o f life o f Black and m inority
people through self-help, mutual aid
and volunteerism at the community level.
NBUForganiz.es the resources o f w ork­
ing Americans for our continued sur­
vival and development. We encourage
the co m m u n ity-a t every economic
le v e l-to “ invest” a portion o f their
resources in the form o f ideas, skills,
energy, materials, time and money. We
need your help now for a brighter fu ­
The local chapter has provided
funding and support to the fo llo w in g
Portland organizations and programs:
House o f U M O JA, Portland Black
Repertory Theatre, Council on Prosti­
tution Alternatives, Sickle C ell Ane-
m iaFund, North Portland Nurse Practi­
tioners C lin ic, Oregon Council fo r H is­
panic Advancement and many others.
Nationally, the Black U nited Fund
(N B U F) is in its 18th year o f a very
innovative and successful operation.
In the city o f Baltim ore, fo r instance,
the organization directs and manages
on a contractual basis the c ity ’s enure
em ployee fund -ra isin g cam paign.
Locally, BUF is initiating a major health
care project aimed at reducing infant
m ortality. We wish nothing but further
success for this forw ard-looking o r­
ganization that supports our com m u­
nity in such commendable fashion.