V * * '^ s V r * > * ,e n -N e w s p a p e r (M rs . F ra n c e s Sen c^x Q r p « p y q w on ¡ U n i v e r s ■ i X... ty o t u Eugene, *♦ ♦ > 4 •» » « > •♦ ■ , R oom L - ib r O re g o n 97403 M l POfflU Volume X X I, Number 31 BSERVER July 31,1991 "The Eyes and Ears o f The Community" New Officers on Garlington Center Board Local Head Start Leader Attends Johnson & Johnson National Head Start Program In The Beginning Was The Word: Conclusion by McKinley Burt PAGE 2 Committee Action May Bring Major Contracts to Port of Portland Shipyards PAGE 2 Ernest Estes, an attorney fo r Bon­ neville Power Adm inistration, has been selected president o f the Board o f D i­ rectors o f the G arlington Center for North/Northeast Com m unity Menial Health. Theresa W illiam s-S toudam irc has been selected vice president. Other officers include the Rev. James Faulkner, treasurer, and Rosemary Anderson, sec­ retary. Sharon N icklebcrry has been elected to membership on the board. The G arlington Center, 4950 N.E. M arlin Luther K ing Jr. B lvd. a $3 m illio n private, non-profit organiza­ tion, provides mental health services to children, adults and fam ilies at several facilities in North and Northeast Port­ land. Housing Authority of Portland i Senate Committee ! Approves Funding For Gang*Related Task Force In Portland PAGE 2 One Church,p One Child PAGE 3 1991 Mt. Hood Festival of Jazz PAGE 4 Life: Everything Should be a Positive Lesson by Ullysses Tucker, Jr. PAGES A door o f opportunity ju s t opened for people who live at C olum bia V illa and Tamarack Apartments in North Portland. Residents o f these develop­ ments, owned and maintained by the Housing A u th ority o f Portland, have a chance to be more involved in self­ management. The Colum bia Villa/Tam arack Resident C ouncil was awarded a Tech­ nical Assistance Grant from the U.S. Department o f Housing and Urban Development (H U D ). The funding o f $39,996 goes toward leadership train­ ing and exploring possibilities o f be­ coming a Resident Management C or­ poration. “ The Resident C ouncil and I are very excited to be awarded this grant. The Council has worked hard over the last year. They have a tremendous comm itment to their com m unity,” said M yra Glasser, H A P Resident Services Coordinator. “ This training and sk ill development w ill take the Council one step further in the growth o f their com ­ m unity as w ell as in their own lives.” Three residents, along w ith Glas­ ser, w ill attend a HUD-sponsored train­ ing in Boston, Mass., July 29-30. A t­ tending are C V /T Resident Council President Ruby Foust, Vice-President G ail Gibson, and Treasurer Angela Purdy. Glasser and Foust w ill stay on in Boston to participate in a National Resident Management Corporation Conference, July 31-Aug. 3. A two-year project, the goal o f the grant is to build resident empower­ ment. Funds w ill pay fo r a consultant, selected by Resident C ouncil mem­ bers, who w ill train them in leadership and organizational skills. Future ob­ jectives fo r residents may include managing or operating an on-site gro­ cery or laundry fa c ility , or handling landscaping or painting services. Glasser added,” For over a year, the Council consisted o f these three women. Now it has 20 people com m it­ ted to w orking hard over the next two years on this project, a ll the while m aintaining their own jobs and fam i­ lies too.” Colum bia Villa/Tam arack devel­ opments house 598 fa m ily and elderly households. Training participants w ill be avail­ able to answer questions when they return from the conference. Contact Joleen Colombo, H AP Public A ffairs at 273-4521. Spunky’s Comes to Northeast Portland ▼ INDEX News Religion Entertainment News Health Care The Locker Room Classifieds Classifieds Bids & Sub-bids 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BY TONY WASHINGTON Douglas Reed, D istrict Manager fo r Spunky’s Hamburgers, is happy to be in Northeast Portland. Em ploying residents from m ainly Northeast Port­ land has put a boost on the employment scale. Spunky's was started by Tim O ’Cal­ laghan four years ago; the newest loca­ tion is one o f four in the metro area. Spunky’s selected Northeast Port- land due to the tremendous flo w in the area. Located at 7th and Broadway, Spunky’s offers nearly 1/4 lb. burgers at a com petitive cost o f 99 cents. Mr. Reed claims the cost is low er because Spunky’ s is strictly a drive-thru (the first o f its kind in Northeast Portland) but also has a carry out. The Portland Observer would like to welcome Spunky’ s to Northeast Portland; stop by and v is it them. 25