Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 27, 1991, Page 9, Image 9

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    M arch 27 ,1 9 9 1 —The Portland O bserver -Page 9
i Portland Observer
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data processing
Executive Services Division
Oregon State Bar
Position acts as division secretary and provides office assis­
tant support for the Executive Services Division staff, with an
B lu e C ro s s a n d B lu e S h ie ld o f O re g o n is c u rre n tly a c c e p tin g a p p lic a tio n fo r
th e p o s itio n o f D e v e lo p m e n t C e n te r a n a ly s t in o u r S y s te m s & P ro g ra m ­
m in g D e p t. T h e s u c c e s s fu l c a n d id a te w ill:
‘ T ra in s tu d e n ts a n d p ro g ra m m in g s ta ff
‘ D e v e lo p , p re s e n t, a n d m a in ta in s y s te m s tra in in g fo r te c h n ic a l p ro g ra m ­
m in g s ta ff
‘ P a rtic ip a te in p ro je c ts to study, a n a ly z e a n d d o c u m e n t s y s te m s d e v e lo p ­
emphasis on coordinating division services to other depart­
ments, and various bar boards, committees and sections. Po­
sition will assist other per sonnel to conduct judicial polls for
the bar and elections for board of governors and ABA posi­
tions. Also performs secretarial work for other division staff.
Position composes and types a wide variety of correspon­
dence and reports requinng detailed knowledge of division
functions and procedures. Position handles confidential and
sensitive materials on a recurring basis. Handies routine ad­
ministrative matters as assigned by the division director.
Requires strong knowledge of WordPerfect and personal
computer system s. Candidates should also have strong office
organization skills, excellent interpersonal, communication
and conflict management skills. Credentials an experience
needed include high school diploma or equivalent certifica­
tion, three years of progressively responsible secretarial ex­
m e n t p ro c e s s , to o ls , m e th o d s a n d p ro c e d u re s
Q u a lifie d c a n d id a te s w ill h a v e 2 y rs e x p e rie n c e tra in in g s y s te m s p ro fe s ­
s io n a ls to in c lu d e : tra in in g d e v e lo p m e n t a n d p re s e n ta tio n , s p e c ific a lly in
s tru c tu re d a n a ly s is , s y s te m s d e v e lo p m e n t a n d m a in te n a n c e p ro je c t
m a n a g e m e n t, a n d p ro je c t life c y c le s . E x p e rie n c e in a la rg e IB M m a in ­
fra m e e n v iro n m e n t u tiliz in g M V S a n d T S O is re q u ire d . E x c e lle n t w ritte n
a n d o ra l c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills a re re q u ire d . H e a lth in s u ra n c e in d u s try
e x p e rie n c e is d e s ire d . A d e g re e in c o m p u te r s c ie n c e is h ig h ly d e s ira b le ,
(e x p e rie n c e m a y b e s u b s titu te d fo r th e d e g re e ).
B lu e C ro s s a n d B lu e S h ie ld O F O re g o n o ffe rs a n e x c e l e m p lo y e e b e n e fits
p a c k a g e , fle x -tim e w o rk h o u rs a n d c o m p e titiv e s a la ry . P re -e m p lo y m e n t
d ru g s c re e n in g re q u ire d . T o a s s u re y o u r re s u m e is p ro c e s s e d im m e d i­
a te ly , p la c e a d # 0 5 3 at th e to p o f y o u r re s u m e o r in y o u r c o v e r le tte r.
S e n d re s u m e to :
perience, preferably in legal environment.
Salary Range starts at: $1,518 per month with Excellent
Apply immediately - send resume with a cover letter to
Personnel Officer, Oregon State Bar, Attn: ESS, 5200 S.W.
Meadows Road, Lake Oswego, Or. 97035. Deadline for
Blue Cross
Blue Shield
Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir.
100 S.W. Market
Portland, OR 97201
TDD #225-6780
Equal Opportunity Employer
application is April 5,1991.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Box 3529
Portland, OR 97208
For additional information, call the Port's Job Hot Line. (503)
The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Lane County
B lu e C ro s s a n d B lu e S h ie ld o f O re g o n is c u rre n tly a c c e p tin g a p p lic a tio n s
fo r M e d ic a l C la im s A n a ly s ts . T h is p o s itio n is re s p o n s ib le fo r a c c u ra te a n d
tim e ly p a y m e n t o f b lu e C ro s s a n d B lu e S h ie ld o f O re g o n ’s m e d ic a l c la im s .
E x p e rie n c e n e c e s s a ry to p e rfo rm th is ta s k w ill in c lu d e :
1 y e a r re c e n t c le ric a l w o rk e x p e rie n c e in a d o c to r’s o ffic e o r h o s p ita l s e ttin g
D e m o n s tra te d k n o w le d g e o f m e d ic a l te rm in o lo g y a n d a n a to m y . T h is m a y
b e o b ta in e d th ro u g h a c la s s ro o m s e ttin g o r o ffic e e x p e rie n c e
IC D -9 /C P T -4 C o d in g
A m in im u m o f 6 -1 2 m o n th s e x p e rie n c e u s in g a C R T in a p ro d u c tio n o rie n te d
e n v iro n m e n t
F a st, a c c u ra te u s e o f a 1 0 -k e y c a lc u la to r
P re v io u s c la im s p ro c e s s in g o r in s u ra n c e b illin g e x p e rie n c e h ig h ly d e s ir­
a b le . S ta rtin g s a la ry $ 1 3 4 7 /m o . T ra in in g c la s s e s w ill b e g in A p ril 2 9 ,1 9 9 1 .
B lu e C ro s s a n d B lu e S h ie ld o f O re g o n o ffe rs a n e x c e lle n t e m p lo y e e b e n e ­
fits p a c k a g e , fle x -tim e w o rk h o u rs , a n d c o m p e titiv e s a la ry . P re -e m p lo y ­
m e n t d ru g s c re e n in g re q u ire d . T o a s s u re y o u r re s u m e is p ro c e s s e d im ­
m e d ia te ly , p la c e a d # 0 5 6 a t th e to p o f y o u r re s u m e o r y o u m a y a p p ly in
p e rs o n b e tw e e n 9 A M -4 P M M o n -F ri.
Blue Cross
Blue Shield
of Oregon
Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor
100 S.W. Market
Portland, OR 97201
Equal Opportunity Employer
Tdd #225-6780
(2 POSITIONS), $10.94 hour
To provide job development and marketing skills for the Fam­
ily. Support Act & non-English speaking homeless projects
with the Southern Willamette Private Industry Council. Re­
quires equivalent to Bachelors degree in social services,
business or public administration and 1 year of professional
employment training experience. Applicants who speak, read
& wnte Spanish are encouraged to apply. For required appli­
cation contact Lane County Human Resources, 125 E. 8th
Avenue, Eugene, Or 97401. Applications will be accepted 03/
27/91. EOE
West Coast Grocery Company is accepting resumes from
candidates qualified for the position of DELI/MEAT BUYER.
Retail meat and/or buying with whole-sale experience and
marketing, excellent time managementand negotiation skills.
Highly skilled clerical ability, 10-key and personal computer
proficiency required. Must be a team player with excellent
communication and rapport-building skills. This is a full-time
position with medical, dental and profit sharing benefits.
Salary commensurate with experience. Qualified candidates
should submit a resume with career references to: West
Coast Grocery Company, P .0. Box 12909, Salem, OR 97309,
or fill out an application on second floor, 3601 State Street, Sa­
lem, OR
Equal Opportunity Employer
L e g a l S e c re ta ry (P a rt-tim e /J o b S h a re ) - $ 1 2 .4 5 1 h r
P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 0 4
for senior citizen peer counseling program. Requires abilities,
skills 4/or demonstrated experience in curriculum develop­
ment, development & co-facilitation of alcohol & drug support
groups, & experience working with a multidisciplinary team.
Education & experience required in alcohol 4 drug counsel­
ing; exper in working with older adults highly desirable, Half
a p p s a ls o a v a ila b le at:
time position., request application & position information from:
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, 0245 SW Bancroft, Suite B,
10 N R u s s e ll
M in o ritie s , fe m a le s , a n d d is a b le d e n c o u ra g e d to a p p ly .
Portland, OR 97201. (503) 221-1054. Please do not send
P a rk s D e s ig n e r (A rc h ite c t) - $ 1 3 6 6 2 1 y r
F o r m o re in fo /c lo s in g d a te s c a ll (5 0 3 ) 8 2 3 -4 5 7 3 (2 4 h r jo b in fo rm a tio n )
N o re s u m e s p le a s e
1 2 2 0 S .W . 5 th A v e ., F irs t FI.
resumes. Position may close any time after 4/5/91.
$$$$$$$ 6.90/HR $$$$$$$$$
while supplies last, Installed by our experts
Financing Available
S in c e 1 9 5 2
283-0348 o r (206) 693-9970
Holladay Park Medical Center
1225 N ortheast 2nd A v en u e
(503) 233-4567
24-Hour Job Line 239-3116
An Equal Opportunity Employer A Legacy Member
The Oregon Department of Transportation, Highway Division, is seeking a consultant to
develop a Scope of Work for a Corridor Environmental Impact Statement on the Mt. Hood
Highway between Rhododendron and Highway 35 in Clackamas County, Oregon The
Division proposes to engage the consultant on a time and material basis. The Highway
Division Region 1 office in Milwaukie, Oregon, will administer the contract.
If you are interested in being considered, a Request for Qualifications can be obtained by
contacting William Ciz, Project Team Manager, region 1.9002S.E. McLoughlin Boulevard,
Milwaukie, Oregon 97222, telephone (503)653-3240.
Eight copies of the consultant’s response to the Request for Qualifications are due by 12
p.m (noon), March 29,1991, and should be mailed or delivered to William Ciz, Project
i Advertising
i Employment
* * *
« * i* * ? ^ * '^
« » •
’ < ’ i
• • *
* »
ments, etc.
Minim um qualifications; A.A. degree in accounting, plus
three years bookkeeping experience. Be fam iliar with
lotus 123 and main fram e com puter software.
C om prehensive salary & benefits. R esum e to:
R odney R. Harry, Personnel O fficer
N/NE C om m unity Mental Heatlh, Inc.
4950 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd.
P o rtla n d , OR 97211
Closing: March 22, 1991
M inorities Encouraged to Apply EOE
Earn up to $339 84 per week assembling our products
at home
Amazing 24 hour recorded message reveals details
Call today (206)742-1570 or (206)298-5543 Dept.489
1 • ’
* ,
» • •
Multnomah County
Tax Accountant
Hyster Company, an international manufacturer of material
APPRAISAL SPECIALIST - $11.14 per hour; perform s
handling equipm ent, has an im m ediate opening fo r a
technical analysis, research and accounting fu n c­
tax accountant in its world headquarters located In
tions in the valuation ot assessable real and personal
the M ontgom ery Park building. Major responsibilities
property for ad valorem tax purposes; apply by April
will include preparation of State Tax returns and de­
5 ,1 9 9 1 .
posits, preparation of tax schedules, - Federal and
WHERE TO APPLY Multnomah County Employee Serv­
State coordination of tax basis fixed asset accounting
ices, Room 1430, 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland,
and basic research on Federal and State tax issues.
R 97204.
Qualifications should include 1 -2 years tax experience
Multnomah County is an Equal O pportunity Em ployer
in an industry environm ent or C PA firm . Degree in A c­
offering an excellent benefitpackage.
counting. Lotus 123 o r Sym phony skills.
We offer a com petitive salary with a broad range of
com pany paid benefits. Hyster C om pany is a smoke
■»-» -i
free w ork environm ent.
Interested applicants should send resum es with salary
history and references before 5:00 pm, April 5,1991
Associate Vice President/Controller
Job #31-90/91 (P)
Bachelor's degree in Accounting or related field is
Hyster Company
required. Master’s degree in business Adm inistration
Hum an R esources Departm ent
with an em phasis in Finance is preferred. M ust be a
P.O. Box 2902
Certified Public accountant in the State ot Oregon or
Portland, OR 97208
eligible for Oregon Certification. Five years of pro­
An Equal O pportunity Em ployer
gressively responsible experience in financial m an­
agement is required. Knowledge, ability and/or exp e ­
rience in developing and maintaining com puterized
accounting and financial reporting system s required.
Experience and/or in-depth knowledge in post secon­
an exam ination tor Firefighter/EMT. Applicants must:
dary education financial m anagem ent and fund a c­
have high school diploma, G ED or equivalent; be 18
counting preferred. Demonstrated expenence with
years ot age; hold current valid drivers license; be
organization, supervisory and com m unication serv­
currently certified by the State of Oregon as an EMT
ices in financial operations. The Associate Vice Presi-
III o r EMT IV. Application form s may be obtained from
denVController is the Chief Financial Control officer i
Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue at 20665 SW Blanton
the college and is responsible U r the centraliz«
St., Aloha, OR 97007. C om pleted applications should
financial and managerial functions related to financial
be filed with the Civil Service Secretary at that ad­
control and reports directly to the Vice president for
dress. Last filing date April 12, 1991 accepting the
Administrative Services. Job closes April 29, 1991.
first 1380 qualified applicants.
Contact Staff Employment, Ross Island Center, 049
SW Porter, Room A-1. Call (503) 273-2823 for amended
office hours and/or an application packet. An A ffirm a­
tive Action E q u a lO p p o rtu n ityE m p lo ye r._______ __
nounces an examination
i iiiiuiiwi, for
.w. . Firefighter.
■ • ~
- Applicants
must: have high school diploma, GED or equivalent; Qrty of Milwaukie, Oregon, Salary: $1292-$1570/mo.
be 18 years of age; hold current valid drivers license,, qqq , plus excellent benefit package. We are seeking a
Application form s may be obtained from Tualatin Val-
responsible person to act as the first contact fo r walk
__ i Rescue
i-»______ at * nnecc
VA/ Dl-mtnn
• in and
__ i telephone
_-»♦ /"‘¡♦w traffic
Ulall at
City Hall. TA-
Secondary re ­
ley r--
Fire and
20665 O
Blanton Ct
St., Alnha
sponsibilities include typing, cashiering, tiling, and
O R 97007. Completed applications should be filed
recordkeeping. REQUIRES: two years prior work e x­
with the Civil Service Secretary at that address. Last
perience directly involving typing, receptionist work,
filing date April 12, 1991 accepting the first 1380
cashiering, public contact and recordkeeping. Exam i­
qualified applicants
nation will consist of supplem ental questionnaire,
MALE, 59 195 lbs, "separated", lonely intellectual likes
telephone interview, and oral board. Applications can
conversation. Follow current events would like fe ­
be obtained at the Personnel office, 10722 SE Main
male or male friend (I am not gay). Smoke and so­
Street, Milwaukie, OR 97222. Phone 659-5171, Fax
cially drink. Portland and V ancouver area. P.O. box
#652-4433. Application packet must be in our office
621 W ashougal, W A 98671.
by 4 p.m., Monday, April 1. R esum es will not be
MR*- - * ■
æ w M ;
, .T . ’ •
Office Clerk
v a w i
■ 'Ä
accepted. EEO.
The Portland Developm ent Com m ission has an Imme- COUNSELING
diate opening fo r an efficient, detail-oriented, highly
Associate Accountant. Preferred candidate will have 3-
5 years of progressively responsible experience in a Starting Salary $6.40-$6.70 Hr plus benefits,
com puterized environm ent; extensive experience in CODA Inc. seeks counselor assistant at New Direc-
accounting; 10-key by touch, good com m unication
tions. Transitional treatm ent Facility. Position Is re­
sponsible for supervision of facility and resident clients.
and interpersonal skills and have good spreadsheet/
Duties include supervising client activities, respond­
w ordprocessing skills. The preferred candidate will
ing to crisis, conducting safety checks, facilitating one
have knowledge and experience with grant accounts
group, planning menues and shopping, supervising
receivable billing and reporting, loan report writing,
UA, assisting in house maintenance. Position works
loan and accounting records maintenance; general
10am-12 midnight both Saturday & Sunday and
ledger and bank reconciliation.
12:30-5pm W ednesday (32.5 hrs week). To qualify:
Beginning salary $1,956/month. Application closing date:
at least 1 year experience in drug treatm ent, good
April 19, 1991. For com plete job description and ap­
judgem ent and interaction skills required. Residential
plication packet, please call 823-3463 or contact;
treatm ent experience preferred. Must be certified/
The Portland Development Commission
certifiable in CPR. To apply submit standard CODA
1120 S.W. Fifth, Suite 1100
application form including screening question re­
Portland, OR 97204
An Affirm ative Action/Equal O pportunity Employer
sponses to address below.
Application materials available at CODA Inc., 210 NE
Part Time Counselor
Assistant New Direction
20th, Portland, OR 97232.
Equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer.
$2,701 - $3,278 / mo.
Two-year associate degree in energy m anagem ent or
three years of residential energy m anagem ent pro­
gram experience coordinating, planning and/or im­
Starting salary $1109-$1300 month
plem enting programs, or equivalent com bination of
plus benefits.
education and experience.
CODA Inc seeks C ounselor II in ALPHA House Adult
D em onstrated energy m anagem ent program s planning
residential Treatm ent Program to diagnosis and treat
and im plem entation skills. Experience or training in
2-3 clients, m onitor and document client behavior,
residential energy m anagem ent or related field. Three
maintain client records, assist with food stam p do cu ­
years training, education or experience in planning or
m entation, assist with menu planning and shopping,
implem enting residential energy m anagem ent pro­
provide occasional overnight or swing shift coverage.
gram s or equivalent com bination of education or
Typical w ork w eek is W ed-Sun 8am-4pm. To qualify
experience in residential energy m anagem ent o r re­
associates degree in health services or related disci­
lated field.
pline o rC C D C certification and at least 1 years su p e r­
For inform ation contact:
vised human services experience required. Applicant
Eugene Water & Electric Board
must be bondable, certified, certifiable in CPR, p o s­
P.O. Box 10148, 500 E. 4th A venue
sess valid ODL and be insurable for liability.
Eugene, OR 97440-2148
To apply subm it standard CODA application fo rm in­
(5 03)484-2411 et., 3012
cluding screening question responses to address
Position closes: April 8, 1991 - 5:00 p.m.
below. Application m aterials available at CODA Inc.,
210 NE 20th, Portland, OR 97232. Equal opportunity/
Japanese Auto Repair
Engines, dutches,
brakes quality work
lower prices. Towing
available 9am - 5pm
Mon-Sat 284-4190
Foundation Designer
$2153-$2889 Monthly
Oregon State Highway Division seeks applicants fo r a
position in Salem. This person will perform g e o te ch ­
nical engineering of routine projects and prepare
foundation design recom m endations fo r the B ridge
Section geotechnical unit. Requires a bachelors degree
In civil or transportation-related engineering and an
EIT; AND one year of experience in the practice of
transportation engineering; O R fo u r years of e n g i­
neering experience; one of the four years m ust have
been performing professional level engineering d u ­
ties. To apply contact O D O T Personnel at (503) 378-
6281 tor an application packet. Application and t9st
answers must be returned by 5:00 p.m ., A pril 15,
P ro g ra m C o o rd in a to r fo r a d o lesce n t d a y treatm ent
fa c ility s e rv in g S E D y o u th w ith s p e c ia l e d u c a tio n
n e e d s . M S W o r m a s te r's d e g re e in re la te d fie ld
required and 2 ye a rs su p e rviso ry e xp e rie n ce . S e n d
re s u m e b y 3 /2 5 /9 1 to:
T io N ic k 's
702 5 N. L o m b a rd
P o r tla n d , O R
Director of Social Services
A t t n : D ir e c t o r
E xperienced m anager of program s to r youth, fa m ilie s,
women, or children. Masters +3 years exp. R esum e:
VOA-Residential Services, 537 S.E. Alder, P ortland,
OR 97214 Equal O pportunity E m ployer
Team Manager at the above referenced address.
* I
affirmative action em ployer.
Im m ediate opening fo r full charge bookkeeper to work
in a non-profit organization. W ill be responsible for
m onth-end closing, preparation of m onthly financial
statem ents on a com puterized system . Must be able
to reconcile general ledger, m aintain subsidiary rec­
ords. Prepare payroll, tax report, and benefit pay­
C o i n e d to Carter Opportunity f o r M Americans
Z’ \
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