Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 28, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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M M «
deeper involvement and certainly be­ separate accounts or a traditional hus-
The most debated issues in my
fore a problem arises. This sounds simple
band/wife account. Most couples work
household when I was growing up were
enough, but many a solid relationship
today so they have their own money and
centered around money matters. My
has ended over money because it was
separate accounts set up. Having your
parent’s verbal rights are forever etched
not addressed, or addressed too late, or own checking and savings account in
in my memory until this very day be­ because it was not discussed thoroughly
addition to a joint account is a wise prac­
cause of their arguments’ repetitive nature:
and someone has deviated from the origi­ tice and both can work effectively if
one or the other was usually spending nal plans.
handled properly. Expenses like rent/
too much money. These conversations
When discussing finances one
mortgage, utilities, and your children’s
ranged from the necessity of buying
of the first questions you should ask
needs can be addressed with a joint ac­
another new car to financing my prep
each others is who is going to handle the
count. By taking a percentage of each
school education to money being
money? Should one person be desig-
other’s income and placing it into a
‘ ‘wasted’ ’ on evenings out.
closely monitored joint ac­
Infrequent as they
count, daily needs and expenses
were, I learned many a valu­
incurred together can be met.
ow a person manages their money
able lesson from the way
well as having a joint ac­
and finances tells a story about
my parents handled their
count, a separate account al­
that individual...
money and from their dis­
low a greater sense of free-
cussions. The first lesson
dom and autonomy that is
that I learned was that how
needed in any relationship. If
a person manages their
you want to buy a new pair of
money and finances tells a
shoes, you shouldn’t have to
story about that individual. You can
nated to handling expenses, paying bills
ask for anyone’s permission to do so.
discover what is important to that per­ one time, and suggeting new invest­ And as long as your immediate obliga­
son, what their goals are in life, and you
ments for cash surplus? There was a
tions have been taken care of there should
can even find reasons why a person
time when the man handled all the money
be no problem.
spends too generously or saves diligently.
matters because he brought home the
Problems surface when plans
The second lesson that I have learned is only paycheck or the largest paycheck.
haven’t been made. Before you enter
that you cannot expect one’s habits to
In this day and age, however, it is wiser
into a serious relationship discuss how
change just because you are in a com­ for both parties to be involved in their fi­ finances will be handled. Set well-
mitted relationship or if you are mar­ nances. For your own security, both
defined goals together and individually
ried. If one spends money life they have
people should lake an active role in their and modify them periodically. Priori­
an unlimited, hidden supply of wealth or
financial relationship. Knowing what
tize which goals are most important and
if one tends to be frugal with the funds,
has and hasn’t been paid to creditors,
then map out steps to how you’ll reach
don’t expect that behavior to change
what assets you have and what debts you and maintain your goals.
once you are well into the relationship.
have incurred is important information
Like I stated before, this is easier
The key to avoiding a misun­ to have if some type of crisis should
said than done, because people handle
derstanding about finances in a relation­ arise.
money differently. But you can save
ship is to discuss how you are going to
Another question that should
your relationship a lot of grief by dis­
manage your funds prior to the onset of be discussed is if you are going to have
cussing your financial relationship be­
fore a problem arises.
United Negro College Fund Preparing
the Future With Fundraisers
The late Frederick D. Patterson,
founder of the United Negro College
Fund (UNCF), had a vision: He believed
that a concerted effort to maintain the
economic strength of historically Black
Colleges would ensure that deserving
students would always have a place to
cam a college education.
“ By strengthening the resources of
historically black colleges," Patterson
said, “ we can continue to keep costs
down so that students who need institu­
tions of quality, at prices they can afford,
will go to them.”
The United Negro College Fund was
borne of that vision in 1944, and since
that time the College Fund has generated
millions of dollars for the 41 private,
historically B lack colleges and universi­
ties that it represents.
Money raised by UNCF, through
such special events as the “ Lou Rawls
Parade of Stars” telethon on Saturday,
December 29, helps member schools to
keep tuition low, award scholarships and
financial aid to students, expand curricu­
lum and defray operating costs.
These are important factors for the
48,000 young men and women who at­
tend UNCF’s schools annually. Students
are also enthusiastic about the high aca­
demic standards at these schools, small
classes, individualized attention from
dedicated professors, and the unique at­
mosphere at historically Black institu­ College Fund alumni are making signifi­
tions. the unmatched characteristics of cant contributions to American society
these schools are shaping today’s stu­ in various fields. The success of these
dents into the leaders and responsible individuals is testimony to the quality of
education that is characteristic of UNCF
citizens of the 21st century.
A Valuable Asset for the Future
Lou Raw ls' Parade of Stars Keeps
The standard of living for all Ameri­
cans in the next century will be affected
December 29, the 11th
by the full participation of minorities in
Parade of Stars”
the work force. According to the U.S.
to benefit the
Department of Labor, by the turn of the
Some 50
century, more than one-third of the new
entrants into the American labor force
will be minorities, of which over half
will be Black. A majority of new jobs special, the only national telethon that
these workers will hold will require post­ supports higher education.
S ince its inception a decade ago, the
secondary education.
Rawls Parade of Stars” has raised
Giving Back to America
million in cash and pledges to
UNCF’s member schools recognize
efforts to keep historically
the changing needs of modem society.
Innovative programs at these schools
Parade of Stars”
help prepare students with the ammuni­
support of its
tion they will need to excel in their
chosen fields, and ultimately enhance
the quality of life for all Americans.
These programs provide students with writing the production of this year’s tele­
a means of getting practical experience thon, Anheuser-Busch is helping to launch
within their chosen fields. They also the second decade of the nationally aired
allow them to make contributions to program. The company also, through its
society now, while simultaneously en­ Budweiser brand, provides national pro­
hancing their potential and ability to motional, advertising and marketing
“ give back to America” in the future.
A Proven T rack Record
A vast number of United Negro
Average Gas Prices Fell Slightly, Says AAA Survey
The average price of gasoline fell by
wo-tenths of a cent per gallon over the
last week, according to an Oregon AAA
ucl price survey.
The average prices of all mini serv-
cc grades of gasoline fell slightly during
he week, the survey showed. The price
)f mini service unleaded regular dropped
)y the smallest amount, one-tenth of a
Current price averages are listed by
This has been the third straight week
of slowly declining gas prices. The aver­
age price of mini service grades reached
its highest--$L496--in mid-October. The
average price noted in the Fourth of July
survey (the last regular scheduled survey
before Iraq invaded Kuwait) was $1.16 age motorists to drive safely and to con­
serve fuel.
per gallon.
You’ve just about given up!
You’ve tried the dating scene: night clubs, bars, social lounges.
All the prospects just were not what you were looking for in a
permanent relationship.
Please send me more information ana a memoersnip packet, i aon t want to let this
unique opportunity pass me by. I have enclosed $2.00 for shipping and handling.
Nam e:_______ ______________________________ Male___ Female___
I certify that I’m 21 years of age or older, single, and African American.
S i g n at u r e: ________ ________________________________________
African American Singles Network, P.O. Box 12514, Portland, OR 97212,
using his/her economic power for con­ of making large amounts of money and
In today’s economic climate,
trol or manipulation could eventually
being unhappy at home? People need to
money is essential to maintaining a cer­ become an issue, especially since the
learn to get along and be honest about
tain lifestyle or way of life and it is also
non-working male is not contributing to their attitudes towards money. Some
important for couples to discuss their at­ the bottome line. The working mate can are unconscious spenders and others are
titudes about money before a crisis comes
control spending, abuse economic power conscious savers. Being honest with
up. The economic conditions that couples
in the relationship, or make attempts to your mate or sharing individual expec­
arc faced with, in many cases, can deter­ control the other’s self-esteem with guilt- tations can eliminate a great deal o f
mine the quality and level of healthy
trips about dependency.
future tension in a relationship/marriage.
interaction in that relationship. Money,
It is best, in His opinion, for No one deserves to know about a terrible
or the lack of it, can destroy the strong­ each person to have their own economic
credit history or a secret fund by acci­
est of unions, marriages, or relation­ and career identity. Yes, a career can
dent. Everything should be put out front
build positive self-esteem, character, teach and if there is a problem, talk it out.
Where do we
opinion, there arc
get our attitudes
two basic schools
about money? As
M o n e y , o r lack of it, can destroy the strongest of unions...
of thought when it
this column has
comes to couples
stated co u n tless
and money. First, there is the tradition­ responsibility, and help to develop skills
times, you can look as far as your par­
alist: the individual who refuses (for one
in specific areas. A woman who can
ents and get a general idea about your
reason or another) to allow his wife to
provide for herself is very attractive to attitude towards money. When discuss­
work because he feels that her place is in
me. There are those who wish that they
ing economic matters or issues, one must
the home. Some women enjoy this role
did not have to work at all, let alone their accept the fact that feelings of greed,
or lifestyle. It gives them the opportu­ m ate-but the economic realities that
self-worth, and survival will come into
nity to spend time with their children, go exist in America won’t allow such a
play. People have different perceptions
shopping, or involve themselves in vari­ luxury. Sure, Michael Jordan’s or Bo about money, as stated, depending on
ous civic activities. The second school
Jackson’s wives don’t have to work if how little they had or how much they
of thought is the dual-income mentality.
they feel the need not to, but they are
had as a youth. Get to the root o f your
Under this premise, both males agree
lucky and blessed. Many of us will not
mate’s attitude if there is a problem. It
that it is best to “ bring home” two be that fortunate. We have to work.
could really cost you in the long run if
incomes to achieve desired goals or ob­
More importantly, a dual income will
you don’t. Though money is an impor­
jectives quicker than a single-income
weather an economic storm much more
tant element in marriages/relationships,
household. If one mate earns S70K an­ easily than one individual, should hard­ collectively happiness and peace of mind
nually and the other S60K, the total
ships occur: like termination of em­ should not be based on the balance of the
income is 5130K collectively. This type
ployment, lay-offs, or sickness/injury.
bank account. There needs to be more.
of marriage promotes friendly competi­
Also, it is important for me in a
Not having the money matters correctly
tion, collective achievement, and indi­ relationship that we share our good for­ in order can take away from all the other
viduality because each is making a con­ tunes, ups and downs, and contribute to
things we love and enjoy about each
tribution to the total effort. In the first each other’s successes. This goes be­ other. Take care of business first and
situation mentioned above, the possibil­ yond economics and into the emotional/ enjoy life/each other later is the lifestyle
ity of the mate (be it male or female)
spiritual realm because what is the use
I desire.
Secretary for private, non-profit or­
ganization. Phone, walk-in recep­
tion plus other office duties. Good
comm unication skills, valid drivers
license, experience with word proc­
essing and database required. 38
hours/week; $8/hr plus health and
pension plan. Job description and
application materials available at
Southeast Uplift Neighborhood
Program, 3534 SE Main. Deadline
for resume and completed applica­
tion: Friday, Dec. 7 ,1 9 9 0 ,5:00 p.m.
Minorities encouraged to apply.
BICC Research
DESCRIPTION: works with physician/
decision scientist to design and
evaluate innovative medical out­
comes research project. Other re­
sponsibilities include assistance with
data collection and writing technical
reports and scientific papers relat­
ing to primary work assignment.
Minimum Requirements: Bachelor’s
degree in a social sciences disci­
pline with strong background in
com puter modeling and/or statis­
tics, or equivalent experience. Must
be fam iliar with multivariate meth­
ods and at least one statistical
com puting package (SAS, SPSS,
SYSTAT etc.).
Letter of application and resume should
be submitted by December 15,1990
BICC Administration/mail code
Oregon Health Sciences Univer
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, OR. 97201
OHSU is an EEO/AA employer.
Community Program
The State of Washington Department
of Com m unity Development has an
opening for a Community Program
Developer 2 position within the
Employee Ownership Program. This
position pays from $2184 to $2795
per month plus benefits. Interested
applicants must have a minim um of
5 years education and work experi­
ence in a related field including at
least one year’s experience w ork­
ing with em ployee-owned firms or
providing technical assistance to
businesses. A state application is
required and must be received by
closing time on Monday December
3. To receive an application and full
job description, please call (206)
42 /5
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City of Portland
Invitation for Proposals
Proposals Due 2:00 p.m. On Various Dates
Sealed Proposals will be received at the Bureau of Purchases and Stores, Room
1313, Portland Building, 1120 SW Fifth Ave., Portland, OR., 97204 for the (Com­
modities) (Equipment) (Projects) detailed below until 2:00 p.m. on the dates in­
Plans and Specifications may be obtained at the above address. For additional
information, telephone Buyer at number listed.
Unless otherwise stated in the individual proposals listed herein, no proposal or
bid will be considered unless accompanied by a bid surety for an amount not less
than ten percent (10%) of the aggregate amount of the proposal.
The City encourages MBEs and FBEs and will assist such firms to understand
and participate in formal bidding process.
NON-DISCRIMINATION: No proposal or bid will be considered unless the bidder
is certified as an EEO Affirmative Action Employer as prescribed by Chapter
3.100 of the Code of the City of Portland.
SE Main St. 12" Water Main. Call
Michele Ackerman, 796-6854.
Prequalification in Class 11 -Water
Lines Required
Construct Operating Engineers'
Building. Call Michele Ackerman,
796-6854. Prequalification in Class
32-Water Special Required
Janitorial Services at Parks
Community/Cultural Centers.
Call Susan Housser, 976-6853.
Protect yourself
against BIG
Call Levi Russell
M y name is Levi Russell. I am an ex­
perienced housing rehabilitation spe­
cialist and home remodeling inspector.
I advise homeowners in making im­
provements to their homes, correcting
code violations, selection and quality of
materials, selection of contractors, and
estimating cost of improvements.
I also perform house inspections for
home buyers. For more Information,
call 289-3648.
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