Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 18, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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An estimated 25 Northwest m inor­
ity high school seniors are schedule to
attend a special m inority Introduction to
Engineering (M IT E ) Summer Institute
M onday, Aug. 6-Friday, Aug. 17 at Port­
land State University.
Co-sponsored by PSU and the
Am erican Society o f C iv il Engineers
(ASC E), the p ilo t program encourages
students from under-represented groups
to enter the engineering fie ld , in an ef­
fo rt to offset the increasingly serious
shortage o f technically trained people
which Am erica now faces.
W hile at Portland State, the students
w ill meet w ith w orking engineers (who
are potential role models) in area indus­
tries, design consultants, members o f
federal agencies and professional socie­
ties as w ell as academicians. Field trips
to local construction sites, engineering
facilities and industrial research centers
w ill be conducted in addition to daily
classroom presentations.
The students have been chosen from
candidates nominated by their school
advisors, and about h a lf w ill stay w ith
host fam ilies o f engineering profession­
Institute discussion areas include
environmental and wood product issues,
high-tech electronics, traffic control plan­
ning, earthquake design fo r skscrapers,
as well as international engineering topics.
Sites to be visited include the Port o f
Portland, Boeing o f Portland, the U.S.
Weather Service operations center, the
Bonneville Lock and Dam Project, the
Oregon Department o f Transportation’ s
Testing Laboratory in Salem, the H ew l­
ett-Packard plant and the Bonneville
Power A dm inistration’s Ross Complex
in Vancouver, Wash., the Weyerhaeuser
Fibre Plant in Longview , Wash., the
ESCO Corp, and Freightliner, Inc. fa­
c ilitie s in Portland, as w ell as the U n i­
fied Sewerage Agency’s Rockwood treat­
ment fa c ility in H illsboro.
Students also w ill operate computer-
aided design and word-processing equip­
ment located in laboratories at PSU’s
School o f Engineering and A pplied Sci­
ence. This w ill be part o f w ork on small
group design projects which w ill be judged
later during a design competition.
Each evening, PSUengineering stu­
dents w ill coach the high school students
during preparation o f the small-group
design projects. The projects w ill be
judged fo r technical m erit Friday, Aug.
17, w ith awards to be presented by PSU
Dean o f Engineering C hik Erzurumlu
and M ark Borquist, president o f the
Oregon Section o f ASCE.
July 18, 1990
The positive role M cDonald's plays
in the com m unity is the focus o f a new □ T O INCREASE
“ reputation” commercial created by
Burrell Advertising. The :30 television
commercial, titled “ Second Chance,”
w ill air on network, syndicated and cable
In an effort to do something about
television beginning July 6, 1990.
o f ethnic m in ority social
“ W e w anted to underscore
one o f the state’ s
M cDonald’ s philosophy o f giving some­
health agencies
thing back to the com m unity it serves by
has established
providing employment opportunities to
black youth,” said Anna M orris, Execu­
t year,
tive Vice President, C h ie f Creative O ffi­
cer fo r B urrell Advertising.
By focusing on one young man ’ s in ­ scholarship to an ethnic m inority stu­
creased self-esteem and sense o f respon­ dent enrolled in Portland State U niver­
sib ility, “ Second Chance” depicts s ity ’ s Graduate School o f Social W ork.
M cD onald’ s com m itm ent to youth. In return,, the student w ill participate in
M cD onald’s hires one o f every 15 firs t­ a supervised clinical or administrative
tim e employees in the United States. As practicum in one o f the Center’ s treat­
the largest employer o f black youth in ment programs.
According to M orrison Center’ s ex­
Am erica, M cD onald’ s provides the first
director, Dr. Orin Bolstad, “ The
opportunity fo r many to practice disci­
o f the scholarship is tw o-fold.
pline, responsibility, and teamwork in
to improve m ulti-cultural
the workplace.
w ithin our agency and in ­
“ Blacks who are between 16and 19
o f ethnic m in ority
years old have a 29.4% unemployment
rate, versus 15.5% fo r that age group
P.S.U. is the only university in the
overall,” said S ylvia Dabney, S taff
to offer a Master o f Social W ork
D ire c to r, S p ecia l m a rk e tin g at
.) degree. Other organizations
M cD onald’s. “ This commercial con­
programs for m inority
veys M cD onald’s com m itm ent to ad­
are M l Hood
dressing this social issue by providing
in Gresham
w ork alternatives fo r black teenagers.”
D ivision
The spot opens on a young black man as
w ill be
he leaves his apartment building. As he
walks through his inner city neighbor­
hood, we hear tw o women in voice­
overs wondering where he’s going. Along
the way the youth says no to hanging out
w ith his friends and stops to help a
woman w ith her shopping cart. “ I heard
he got a job...Looks like responsibility
has been good for him ,” says one woman.
“ Hmph, now that you mention it, there
is something d ifferent about h im ” re­
sponds the other woman.
The woman continues, “ W e ll, I ’ m
just glad somebody believed in him
enough to give him a chance.” As she
speaks the viewer sees that his destina­
tion was his jo b at M cD onald’s.
Burrell A d vertising’s creative team
included M ichelle M cK inney, Associ­
ate Creative D irector, and Andy Eason,
B urrell A d vertising’ s Inc. also de­
velops and implements advertising p ro­
grams targeting special market segments
fo r such major U.S. companies as Ford
M otor Company, Coca-Cola U.S.A.,
Procter and Gamble, The Stroh B rew ­
ery, Brown-Forman Beverage Company
and First Chicago Renaissance Banking
N.U.L. Plans Nationwide Business
Education for College Students
John E. Jacob, President and
C h ie f Executive O ffic e r o f the National
Urban League, announced today that
September 15-October 15,1990 has been
designated as “ Corporate Leadership/
Black College Partnership M on th ” .
In conjunction w ith the Execu­
tive Leadership C ouncil, an association
o f high-ranking African-Am erican cor­
porate executives from the nation *s larg­
est companies, the League, through its
Black Executive Exchange Program
(BEEP), w ill educate students and fac­
u lty at selected Black colleges on the in ­
tricacies o f current issues in business,
industry, and government w ith empha­
sis on state-of-the-art executive plan­
ning, business strategies and decision
According to M r. Jacob, “ The
members o f the Council represent a unique
and significant group whose com m it­
ment to the advancement o f the total
African-Am erican com m unity is dis­
played in their willingness to spend time
w ith our young people about to enter the
w orld o f business.”
The council members repre­
sent a wide range o f corporations par­
ticipating in industries from aerospace,
retail marketing, and insurance to o il
refining, automobile manufacturing and
investment banking. E ig hty-five per­
cent o f the C ouncil members have
achieved the level o f vice president or
better and lave line responsibility for
m u lti-m illio n , and in some cases m u lti­
b illio n , dollar budgets.
Chairman o f the Council is
James G. Kaiser, Senior vice President
and General Manager, Technical Prod­
ucts D ivision at C om ing, Incorporated.
M r. Kaiser calls this new partnership
w ith the Urban League “ an important
linkage o f resources.
Senior Black
executives want to share their special
insights and expertise w ith our young
people and make a difference in their
lives and in our future. Although many
o f us have been involved w ith the Urban
League on a continuing basis, we are
delighted to be able to work w ith the
Urban League in this special project,
which gives concentrated focus on en­
couraging students to seek corporate ca­
reers o f stature and influc
’ ’
“ Corporate Leau<i.Uiip/Black
College Partnership M onth” is a special
project o f the Black Executive Exchange
Program, which during its 21-year his­
tory has involved more than 5,000 cor­
porate volunteers in helping to prepare
students at historically Black colleges
and universities fo r the realities o f the
w orld o f work through credit-bearing
courses. The BEEP program has been
chaired since 1981 by D r. Jerome Bar­
tow, Senior Vice President and D irector
o f Adm inistration, Hartford Insurance
Group. Dr. Bartow is also a founding
member o f the Council and a member o f
its board o f directors. For further in fo r­
mation about BEEP and C LB C P month,
please contact Renee DuJean, Director,
Black Executive Exchange Program, Na­
tional Urban League, Inc. 500 East
62nd St., New Y ork, N Y 11021 or(212)
S’ b
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U-Bank Sponsors
B.U.F. Workshop
KBOO to Hold
Fundraising Sale
The Black United Fund o f
Oregon is sponsoring a free workshop
July 26. 1990 from 9:15-12:00 a.m. at
the U.S. Bank, M artin Luther K ing
Branch, 5505 N.E. M artin Luther King
Boulevard. The workshop is entitled
“ Managing Non-Profits From a Busi­
ness Perspective” . The workshop w ill
be facilitated by Baruti Artharee, Presi­
dent o f Coast Janitorial. M r. Artharee
has over ten years o f corporate manage­
ment experience and strong leadership
skills. The workshop is the seventh in an
eight-part series sponsored by the Black
United Fund on Developing a D iversi­
fied Fundraising Strategy. To RSVP or
for additional inform ation call E liza ­
beth Waters at 282-7973.
From rock ‘n ro ll classics, to
country, to fo lk and rap, the K B O O
Used Book and Record Sale has it all! I f
you can find tim e this Sunday between 9
a.m. and 3 p.m., head fo r the Pass Club,
comer ofS .E . Eighth and Ankeny,
aru; vheck out the incredible assortment
o f new and used books, records, cas­
settes, as w ell as compact disks. The
aisles w ill be brim m ing w ith cultural
artifacts set out fo r browsing. A ll pro­
ceeds from the sale w ill benefit inde­
pendent, non-commercial (c’ mon, isn’ t
it w orth buying good tunes to escape ad­
vertisements on radio?), listener-spon­
sored radio, K B O O 90.7 FM.
Charles Jordan to
Address OAME
Charles Jordan, Director o f the
Bureau o f Parks and Recreation fo r the
C ity o f Portland, w ill address the Ore­
gon Association o f M in o rity Entrepre­
neurs at their Coffee and Issues Forum
on July 27 at 7:00 a.m. at the M em orial
Coliseum, Weyerhauser Room.
Jordan w ill speak on the oppor­
tunities for m inority entrepreneurs w ith
the C ity o f Portland’ s Bureaus o f Parks
and Recreation, including the upcoming
renovation o f M att Dishman Center.
For more inform ation, call
Gisela Etheridge at 236-1190.
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en bpeji your hiw spew donating Io g minimum
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C a ll lo r m ore in form atio n ab ou t fees
an d bonuses
i n t l uruana uoserver Page 3
Jesse Owens
Stamp Released
At a O IL M A N
tim e o f uncer-
“ '
tainty and vio-
lence, James
| •
1 ’
C le v e la n d
••J e s s e ”
Owens stood up and spoke fo r the world.
N ot w ith words, but w ith athletic a bility
and determ ination. As 120,000 specta­
tors, including A d o lf H itler, looked on,
Owens won fo ur gold medals in the
1936 O lym pic Games.
Owens won the adm iration o f
the w orld in the 1936 B erlin Summer
O lym pic Games. His victories in the
long jum p, the 100- and 200-meter runs,
and the 4X100-meter relay refuted A d o lf
H itle r’s assertion about arian superior­
Jesse Owens is one o f the great
Am erican athletes that often goes over­
looked. W ith that in m ind, the U.S.
Postal Service is honoring five o f A m er­
ica’s greatest Olympians with commemo­
rative stamps.
A long w ith Owens, the fea­
tured athletes include: Ray E w ry (long
jum p), Hazel W ightm an (tennis), Eddie
Eagan (only American gold medalist in
two events), and Helene Madison (swim ­
m ing).
The Postal Service released the
ye llo w , red, and blue stamps July 6.