Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 23, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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    Page 6 The Portland Observer May 23, 1990
T he L ocker R o o m
Terry Porter: “Determined To Win
At All Cost”
Regardless o f the outcome in their
quest fo r an N B A T itle , the members o f
the Portland Trailblazers w ill remem­
ber this season as one fu ll o f adversity,
personal tragedy, and an extreme test o f
character or intestinal fortitude.
Blazer star guard Terry Porter has
learned a great deal about him self and
his running mates this season. Porter
uses words like supportive, love and
determination when he describes his
teammates. This team has watched a
fe llo w teammate recover from a near
fatal car accident, lost tw o mothers
(M ark Bryant and Porter) and played
during critica l periods w ithout centers
Wayne Cooper and Kevin Duckworth.
M alcolm X coined the phrase " . .. by
any means necessary,” but the Blazers
live by this statement and have found
ways beyond reason to snatch victory
from the jaws o f defeat.
* ‘O ur team has really been through a
Kevin Johnson
lo t,” said Porter. “ When you have 12
guys on a team, you have got to fig h t for
each other and support each other to get
the jo b done. Despite all that has hap­
pened to us, we have remained focused
on what we have to do and it w ill stay
that w ay.”
W ithout a doubt, Terry Porter is the
heart and soul o f the team. W hile Buck
W illiam s, Jerome Kersey and Clyde
D rexler have played w ell, it is Porter
who came through w ith the best per­
formances o f his career against the San
Antonio Spurs. He scored 38 points,
including five three-pointers and dished
out five assists in game five. He also
scored 36 points and had nine assists in
game seven.
Porter realizes that nothing w ill come
easy against the Phoenix Suns. He has
won playoff battles against Derek Harper
o f the Dallas M avs and he took Rod
Strickland to point guard school. Kevin
Johnson is in a class all by himself.
Porter knows that “ K J” can present
problems fo r his teammates as seen by
his play in the first two games. Prob­
lems are what this team overcomes
“ Kevin and Phoenix are tough,”
saidPorter. “ T he yjustke e pco m in ga t
you w ith so many people. A t this stage
o f the season, neither team is going to
lay down or go away. We all have the
same objective and that’s to make it to
the finals.
A first round draft pick (24th selec­
tion) out o f the University o f W iscon­
sin-Stevens Point in 1985, Porter has
tallied more than 700 assists in each o f
the last four seasons and was voted the
team’ s M ost Improved Player by Blazer
fans last year. He came back this sea­
son to average 17.6 points per game
(second behind Drexler) and in the
process established him self as one o f
the better p oint guards in the N BA .
Porter’ s assist totals (ranked 4th w ith
9.5) m ight not be as high as John Stock-
ton, Magic Johnson or Kevin Johnson,
but when you consider that Drexler
averages six assists per game from the
big guard spot, that’s great production
from the backcourt. “ We w ork really
w ell together,” he said.
When questioned about the type o f
individual it takes to overcome adver­
sity or periods o f uncertainty, Porter
was quick to point out that it takes guts
and determination. He believes, also,
that the same principles apply in real
“ L ife is not always fa ir but you’ve
got to hang in there anyway,” said
Porter. “ When your back is against the
w a ll, the last thing you want to do is lay
your head down. No one in this locker
room is going to do that. W e are a
Walker Awarded Allstate Good Hands Award
Point Guard D arrell W alker o f the
Washington Bullets was named the
winner o f the Allstate Good Hands
Aw ard for the N B A ’ s 1989-90 regular
season, after totaling 714 rebounds,
652 assists, 139 steals and 173 turn­
overs in 2,883 minutes played over 81
games. W alker, who won the m onthly
Good Hands Aw ard in February,
compiled 1,298 Good Hands points.
Good Hands points are based on a
ratio o f statistics that includes assists,
rebounds, steals and turnovers.
W alker was one o f tw o guards in
the league — Fat Lever o f Denver was
the o th e r- to finish in the Top 20 in
rebounds, assists and steals. During
the course o f the 1989-90 campaign
W alker posted career highs in m in ­
utes played, rebounds, assists and FG
percentage (.454).
A llsta te Good Hands Leaders fo r Regular Season
Darrell Walker
Fat Lever
John Stockton
Magic Johnson
Muggsy Bogues
Akeem Olajuwon
Michael Jordan
Charles Barkley
Larry Bird
Alvin Robertson
Early Entry Draft In 15th Year
The 1990 N B A D raft w ill mark the
15th year that the Early Entry rule fo r
d raft e lig ib ility w ill apply.
Since 1976, the N B A has not had a
“ hardship” draft. Instead, the league
and the Players Association agreed to
specific rules to govern college under­
graduates’ e lig ib ility for the N B A Draft.
That agreement called fo r the N B A
to grant e lig ib ility to any athlete whose
high school class had graduated and
who notified the league in w ritin g at
least 45 days p rio r to the N B A D raft
that he wished to be eligible.
Since that tim e, a total o f 124 play­
ers have applied to the N B A fo r early
entry. O f those, 88 were drafted by
N B A teams, 35 were not selected and
one player was permitted by the N C A A
to w ithdraw his name due to unusual
Some o f the league’ s brightest stars
have entered the N B A early, including
the likes o f C hicago’s Michael Jordan,
Magic Johnson o f the L A Lakers, Akeem
Olajuwon o f Houston, Cahrles Barkeley
o f Philadelphia, Utah’ s Karl Malone,
A tlanta’ s Dom inique W ilkin s and Isiah
Thomas o f the defending N B A cham­
pion D etroit Pistons.
From last year’ s N B A D raft, college
stars Nick Anderson (now with Orlando),
J.R. Reid (now w ith Charlotte) and fo r­
eign star Vlade D i vac (now w ith the L A
Lakers) were a ll early entry candidates.
But fo r every success story, there are
players who apply fo r early entry and
are not selected. They find themselves
unable to compete at the N B A level and
ineligible for competition under N C A A
U llysses T ucker , J r .
P eninsula L ittle L eague
IT *
T eam of the W eek
determined group and we want to get
the jo b done.”
One last thing about Terry Porter.
He has never been afraid o f hard work
and competition. You learn those things
when you are the youngest child. Por-
Mathew M arine
Cleans G oodlow , Coach
Terry Porter
Portland Trailblazers
ter, who has his mother’ s initials in ­
scribed on the N IK E shoes he plays in,
said that she (Louise Porter) always
stressed hard work. She died A p ril 6,
1990. Porter and M ark Bryant got
together this past Mother's Day for some
male bonding. It was the firs t Mother's
Day o f their life w ithout “ m om s”
around. It was an emotional moment
for both young men. Deep inside his
heart, Porter knows that his mother is
enjoying the success o f the T ra il Blaz­
ers and cheering her son on to victory.
“ M om is giving h igh fives in heaven, ’ ’
he said w ith a smile. So are the local
S hort Shakes: Buck W illia m s was
named to the Master Lock A ll N B A
Defensive team. Congratulations Buck
... E lvin Hayes, Earl “ The Pearl”
Monroe, and Washington, D.C. native
Dave Bing are now members o f the
N B A H all o f Fame. What high school
has two members in the N B A H all o f
Fame? Spingam High in Washington,
D.C. (Dave Bing & Elgin Baylor)! Sher­
man Douglass o f the M iam i Heat also
attended the famous high school bas­
ketball power.
“Doc” Rivers Wins
Citizenship Award
Darrell Walker
The four other Good Hands w in ­
ners this season were John Stockton o f
Utah (November), Magic Johnson o f
the Lakers (December), Charles
Barkeley o f Philadelphia (January) and
Muggsy Bogues o f Charlotte (March).
Glenn "Doc"Rivers,
Atlanta Hawks
Glenn “ D o c” Rivers o f the Atlanta
Hawks was named the recipient o f the
1990 J. W alter Kennedy Citizenship
Aw ard by the Professional Basketball
W riters Association o f Am erica. Since
1975 the award has been presented to
an NB A coach, player or trainer fo r out­
standing com m unity service. He w ill
receive the award at the Hawks’ home
opener next season.
Rivers was cited fo r active partici­
pation in com m unity service in the A t­
lanta area. A frequent visitor to A T -
tlanta’a children’s hospitals, Rivers also
serves as Chairperson o f the Autism
Society o f Georgia; Chairperson o f
“ Hugs not Drugs” ; and Spokesperson
fo r the Brauner Psychiatric Institute.
Rivers, a flag carrier at the 1989 Geor­
gia Special O lym pics, was also named
as that organization’ s “ Person o f the
The balloting for this year’ s award
by P B W A A members was very close,
w ith Rivers edging out Rick Mahom o f
the Philadclpha 76crs and Bob “ Chop­
per” Travaglini, trainer o f the Denver
Nuggets, by four votes.
The award is dedicated to the mem­
ory o f the late J. W alter Kennedy, who
served as N BA Commissioner from 1963
until his death in 1975.
*ay w hat you owe and you
w ill know w hat you own
Row 1 - Brandon Branch, Marshall Hart, Chris Sutton, Sean Johnson, Tiante Tims, Gabriel Branch, Andre Goodlow;
Row 2 - Joe Johnson, Andre Moore, Kom ar Harvey, Theotis Cason, M att Crum , Massie Johnson, Sean Sutton, Cleatis
P eninsula L ittle L eague
M id -S eason R eport
by Dennis G. Payne
League President
Our L ittle League Baseball season
has reached its half-w ay point and I ’ m
w ritin g to the com m unity to present a
status report on our activities.
Peninsula L ittle League covers the
area between Lom bard and Burnside
(north to south) and Albina/M ississippi
and 15th Avenue (west to east). We
have 13 teams competing in 4 different
divisions o f play. There are 6 M in or
Teams (ages 7 to 10 years old), 5 M ajor
Teams (ages 10 to 12 years old), 1
Junior Team (age 13 years old) and 1
Senior Team (ages 14 and 15 years
The M in o r and M ajor Teams play
w ithin the league against each other
within their divisions, whereas the Junior
and Senior Teams compete district wide
(D istrict Number 1) w ith teams form
other leagues. M in o r and m ajor teams
play their games on Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturdays at Peninsula Park and
Junior and Senior Teams play district
wide w ith some games at Irvin g (Irv ­
ington) Park.
This year the number o f youth who
are participating in baseball equals ap­
proxim ately 200. Assisting in support­
ing the league efforts are over 50 adults
who serve as Coaches, Managers,
Umpires, Scorekeepers and Board
Members. We have also reactivated
the Parent A u x ilia ry this year and have
several parents who in addition to league
o fficials are providing support o f our
youth development through baseball
and citizenship training.
We have been supported in the com m u­
nity this year by sponsors who assist in
paying the necessary bills to run the
league. O ur sponsors are:
Minor Teams
Major Teams
Dr. Reynolds
Special Mobility
Pacific Lloyd
Mathew Marines Southwest Marines
Burger King
Local 296
Ho use warmers
O ur Board o f D irectors includes my­
self, Dennis G. Payne, as President;
Omar Sahbazz as Vice President, Jay
Hernandez as Secretary, M ark M ills as
Treasurer, A.J. Mashis as Player Agent
and Larry Porter as U m pire In Chief.
We invite the com m unity to come out
and support the teams and our youth at
the ball parks. Y o ur w illingness to
show your concern w ill mean a lot to
our youth as they strive to learn team­
work and sportsman skills.
Rodman: NBA Defensive Player Of The Year
Dennis Rodman o f the D etroit Pis­
tons, the 6-8 forward whose defensive
tenacity was a major reason why his
team allowed the fewest points in the
N B A this season, was named the 1990
Master Lock N B A Defensive Player o f
the Year, beating out Akeem Olajuwon
o f the Houston Rockets.
Rodman, one o f the league’ s lop
sixth men before stepping into the Pis­
ton’ s starting lineup fo r the final 42
games o f the season, received 49 out o f
a possible 92 votes from a nationwide
panel o f sports writers and broadcast­
O lajuw on finished second in the
balloting w ith 35 votes, follow ed by
Detroit’s Joe Dumar’s and Dallas’ Derek
Harpet w ith two votes each, and C hi­
cago’ s Michael Jordan, New Y o rk ’ s
Patrick Ew ing, M ilw aukee’ s A lv in
Robertson and Utah’ s M ark Eaton w ith
one apiece.
Rodman led the Pistons in rebound­
ing w ith 9.7 per game, and his defen­
sive prowess helped D etroit surrender
ju s t 98.3 points per game, the lowest
figure inthe league.
“ W e’re a defensive-minded club to
begin w ith ,” said Coach Chuck Daly,
“ but he sets an integral part o f our
defensive tone, particularly down the
stretch o f games. Dennis is probably as
hard a w orker as there is in the busi­
A fte r M ark A guirre was injured in a
game against the L A Lakers on Jan. 21,
Rodman stepped into D etroit’ s starting
lineup and sparked the team to 25 wins
in their next 26 games, and he remained
there for the rest o f the season.
“ When you’re a scorer,” Rodman
Dennis Rodman
Detroit Pistons
said, “ you take pride in leading the
league in scoring. I ’ m a defender, so
this (Master Lock Defensive Player of
the Year Aw ard) is the biggest tribute
you could pay to a player like m e.”
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