Page 6 The Portland Observer May 23, 1990 T he L ocker R o o m Terry Porter: “Determined To Win At All Cost” Regardless o f the outcome in their quest fo r an N B A T itle , the members o f the Portland Trailblazers w ill remem­ ber this season as one fu ll o f adversity, personal tragedy, and an extreme test o f character or intestinal fortitude. Blazer star guard Terry Porter has learned a great deal about him self and his running mates this season. Porter uses words like supportive, love and determination when he describes his teammates. This team has watched a fe llo w teammate recover from a near fatal car accident, lost tw o mothers (M ark Bryant and Porter) and played during critica l periods w ithout centers Wayne Cooper and Kevin Duckworth. M alcolm X coined the phrase " . .. by any means necessary,” but the Blazers live by this statement and have found ways beyond reason to snatch victory from the jaws o f defeat. * ‘O ur team has really been through a Kevin Johnson lo t,” said Porter. “ When you have 12 guys on a team, you have got to fig h t for each other and support each other to get the jo b done. Despite all that has hap­ pened to us, we have remained focused on what we have to do and it w ill stay that w ay.” W ithout a doubt, Terry Porter is the heart and soul o f the team. W hile Buck W illiam s, Jerome Kersey and Clyde D rexler have played w ell, it is Porter who came through w ith the best per­ formances o f his career against the San Antonio Spurs. He scored 38 points, including five three-pointers and dished out five assists in game five. He also scored 36 points and had nine assists in game seven. Porter realizes that nothing w ill come easy against the Phoenix Suns. He has won playoff battles against Derek Harper o f the Dallas M avs and he took Rod Strickland to point guard school. Kevin Johnson is in a class all by himself. Porter knows that “ K J” can present problems fo r his teammates as seen by his play in the first two games. Prob­ lems are what this team overcomes best. “ Kevin and Phoenix are tough,” saidPorter. “ T he yjustke e pco m in ga t you w ith so many people. A t this stage o f the season, neither team is going to lay down or go away. We all have the same objective and that’s to make it to the finals. A first round draft pick (24th selec­ tion) out o f the University o f W iscon­ sin-Stevens Point in 1985, Porter has tallied more than 700 assists in each o f the last four seasons and was voted the team’ s M ost Improved Player by Blazer fans last year. He came back this sea­ son to average 17.6 points per game (second behind Drexler) and in the process established him self as one o f the better p oint guards in the N BA . Porter’ s assist totals (ranked 4th w ith 9.5) m ight not be as high as John Stock- ton, Magic Johnson or Kevin Johnson, but when you consider that Drexler averages six assists per game from the big guard spot, that’s great production from the backcourt. “ We w ork really w ell together,” he said. When questioned about the type o f individual it takes to overcome adver­ sity or periods o f uncertainty, Porter was quick to point out that it takes guts and determination. He believes, also, that the same principles apply in real life. “ L ife is not always fa ir but you’ve got to hang in there anyway,” said Porter. “ When your back is against the w a ll, the last thing you want to do is lay your head down. No one in this locker room is going to do that. W e are a Walker Awarded Allstate Good Hands Award Point Guard D arrell W alker o f the Washington Bullets was named the winner o f the Allstate Good Hands Aw ard for the N B A ’ s 1989-90 regular season, after totaling 714 rebounds, 652 assists, 139 steals and 173 turn­ overs in 2,883 minutes played over 81 games. W alker, who won the m onthly Good Hands Aw ard in February, compiled 1,298 Good Hands points. Good Hands points are based on a ratio o f statistics that includes assists, rebounds, steals and turnovers. W alker was one o f tw o guards in the league — Fat Lever o f Denver was the o th e r- to finish in the Top 20 in rebounds, assists and steals. During the course o f the 1989-90 campaign W alker posted career highs in m in ­ utes played, rebounds, assists and FG percentage (.454). A llsta te Good Hands Leaders fo r Regular Season GH Player Darrell Walker Fat Lever John Stockton Magic Johnson Muggsy Bogues Akeem Olajuwon Michael Jordan Charles Barkley Larry Bird Alvin Robertson Team Was. Den. Utah LAL Cha. Hou. Chi. Phi. Bos. Mil. Ast 652 517 1,134 907 867 234 519 307 562 445 Reb 714 734 206 522 207 1,149 565 909 712 559 Stl 139 168 207 132 166 174 227 148 106 207 TO 173 156 272 289 146 316 247 243 243 217 Pts 1,298 1,275 1,210 1,115 1,114 1,099 1,044 1,026 1,000 984 Early Entry Draft In 15th Year The 1990 N B A D raft w ill mark the 15th year that the Early Entry rule fo r d raft e lig ib ility w ill apply. Since 1976, the N B A has not had a “ hardship” draft. Instead, the league and the Players Association agreed to specific rules to govern college under­ graduates’ e lig ib ility for the N B A Draft. That agreement called fo r the N B A to grant e lig ib ility to any athlete whose high school class had graduated and who notified the league in w ritin g at least 45 days p rio r to the N B A D raft that he wished to be eligible. Since that tim e, a total o f 124 play­ ers have applied to the N B A fo r early entry. O f those, 88 were drafted by N B A teams, 35 were not selected and one player was permitted by the N C A A to w ithdraw his name due to unusual circumstances. Some o f the league’ s brightest stars have entered the N B A early, including the likes o f C hicago’s Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson o f the L A Lakers, Akeem Olajuwon o f Houston, Cahrles Barkeley o f Philadelphia, Utah’ s Karl Malone, A tlanta’ s Dom inique W ilkin s and Isiah Thomas o f the defending N B A cham­ pion D etroit Pistons. From last year’ s N B A D raft, college stars Nick Anderson (now with Orlando), J.R. Reid (now w ith Charlotte) and fo r­ eign star Vlade D i vac (now w ith the L A Lakers) were a ll early entry candidates. But fo r every success story, there are players who apply fo r early entry and are not selected. They find themselves unable to compete at the N B A level and ineligible for competition under N C A A U llysses T ucker , J r . P eninsula L ittle L eague IT * T eam of the W eek determined group and we want to get the jo b done.” One last thing about Terry Porter. He has never been afraid o f hard work and competition. You learn those things when you are the youngest child. Por- Mathew M arine P E N IN S U LA L IT T L E L E A G U E Cleans G oodlow , Coach 1990 Terry Porter Portland Trailblazers ter, who has his mother’ s initials in ­ scribed on the N IK E shoes he plays in, said that she (Louise Porter) always stressed hard work. She died A p ril 6, 1990. Porter and M ark Bryant got together this past Mother's Day for some male bonding. It was the firs t Mother's Day o f their life w ithout “ m om s” around. It was an emotional moment for both young men. Deep inside his heart, Porter knows that his mother is enjoying the success o f the T ra il Blaz­ ers and cheering her son on to victory. “ M om is giving h igh fives in heaven, ’ ’ he said w ith a smile. So are the local fans. S hort Shakes: Buck W illia m s was named to the Master Lock A ll N B A Defensive team. Congratulations Buck ... E lvin Hayes, Earl “ The Pearl” Monroe, and Washington, D.C. native Dave Bing are now members o f the N B A H all o f Fame. What high school has two members in the N B A H all o f Fame? Spingam High in Washington, D.C. (Dave Bing & Elgin Baylor)! Sher­ man Douglass o f the M iam i Heat also attended the famous high school bas­ ketball power. “Doc” Rivers Wins Citizenship Award Darrell Walker The four other Good Hands w in ­ ners this season were John Stockton o f Utah (November), Magic Johnson o f the Lakers (December), Charles Barkeley o f Philadelphia (January) and Muggsy Bogues o f Charlotte (March). by Glenn "Doc"Rivers, Atlanta Hawks Glenn “ D o c” Rivers o f the Atlanta Hawks was named the recipient o f the 1990 J. W alter Kennedy Citizenship Aw ard by the Professional Basketball W riters Association o f Am erica. Since 1975 the award has been presented to an NB A coach, player or trainer fo r out­ standing com m unity service. He w ill receive the award at the Hawks’ home opener next season. Rivers was cited fo r active partici­ pation in com m unity service in the A t­ lanta area. A frequent visitor to A T - tlanta’a children’s hospitals, Rivers also serves as Chairperson o f the Autism Society o f Georgia; Chairperson o f “ Hugs not Drugs” ; and Spokesperson fo r the Brauner Psychiatric Institute. Rivers, a flag carrier at the 1989 Geor­ gia Special O lym pics, was also named as that organization’ s “ Person o f the Year.” The balloting for this year’ s award by P B W A A members was very close, w ith Rivers edging out Rick Mahom o f the Philadclpha 76crs and Bob “ Chop­ per” Travaglini, trainer o f the Denver Nuggets, by four votes. The award is dedicated to the mem­ ory o f the late J. W alter Kennedy, who served as N BA Commissioner from 1963 until his death in 1975. 3 *ay w hat you owe and you w ill know w hat you own Row 1 - Brandon Branch, Marshall Hart, Chris Sutton, Sean Johnson, Tiante Tims, Gabriel Branch, Andre Goodlow; Row 2 - Joe Johnson, Andre Moore, Kom ar Harvey, Theotis Cason, M att Crum , Massie Johnson, Sean Sutton, Cleatis Goodlow. P eninsula L ittle L eague M id -S eason R eport by Dennis G. Payne League President Our L ittle League Baseball season has reached its half-w ay point and I ’ m w ritin g to the com m unity to present a status report on our activities. Peninsula L ittle League covers the area between Lom bard and Burnside (north to south) and Albina/M ississippi and 15th Avenue (west to east). We have 13 teams competing in 4 different divisions o f play. There are 6 M in or Teams (ages 7 to 10 years old), 5 M ajor Teams (ages 10 to 12 years old), 1 Junior Team (age 13 years old) and 1 Senior Team (ages 14 and 15 years old). The M in o r and M ajor Teams play w ithin the league against each other within their divisions, whereas the Junior and Senior Teams compete district wide (D istrict Number 1) w ith teams form other leagues. M in o r and m ajor teams play their games on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays at Peninsula Park and Junior and Senior Teams play district wide w ith some games at Irvin g (Irv ­ ington) Park. This year the number o f youth who are participating in baseball equals ap­ proxim ately 200. Assisting in support­ ing the league efforts are over 50 adults who serve as Coaches, Managers, Umpires, Scorekeepers and Board Members. We have also reactivated the Parent A u x ilia ry this year and have several parents who in addition to league o fficials are providing support o f our youth development through baseball and citizenship training. We have been supported in the com m u­ nity this year by sponsors who assist in paying the necessary bills to run the league. O ur sponsors are: Minor Teams Major Teams Dr. Reynolds Special Mobility Trailblazers Pacific Lloyd Properties Mathew Marines Southwest Marines Burger King Ketiv Intel Local 296 Ho use warmers O ur Board o f D irectors includes my­ self, Dennis G. Payne, as President; Omar Sahbazz as Vice President, Jay Hernandez as Secretary, M ark M ills as Treasurer, A.J. Mashis as Player Agent and Larry Porter as U m pire In Chief. We invite the com m unity to come out and support the teams and our youth at the ball parks. Y o ur w illingness to show your concern w ill mean a lot to our youth as they strive to learn team­ work and sportsman skills. Rodman: NBA Defensive Player Of The Year Dennis Rodman o f the D etroit Pis­ tons, the 6-8 forward whose defensive tenacity was a major reason why his team allowed the fewest points in the N B A this season, was named the 1990 Master Lock N B A Defensive Player o f the Year, beating out Akeem Olajuwon o f the Houston Rockets. Rodman, one o f the league’ s lop sixth men before stepping into the Pis­ ton’ s starting lineup fo r the final 42 games o f the season, received 49 out o f a possible 92 votes from a nationwide panel o f sports writers and broadcast­ ers. O lajuw on finished second in the balloting w ith 35 votes, follow ed by Detroit’s Joe Dumar’s and Dallas’ Derek Harpet w ith two votes each, and C hi­ cago’ s Michael Jordan, New Y o rk ’ s Patrick Ew ing, M ilw aukee’ s A lv in Robertson and Utah’ s M ark Eaton w ith one apiece. Rodman led the Pistons in rebound­ ing w ith 9.7 per game, and his defen­ sive prowess helped D etroit surrender ju s t 98.3 points per game, the lowest figure inthe league. “ W e’re a defensive-minded club to begin w ith ,” said Coach Chuck Daly, “ but he sets an integral part o f our defensive tone, particularly down the stretch o f games. Dennis is probably as hard a w orker as there is in the busi­ ness.” A fte r M ark A guirre was injured in a game against the L A Lakers on Jan. 21, Rodman stepped into D etroit’ s starting lineup and sparked the team to 25 wins in their next 26 games, and he remained there for the rest o f the season. “ When you’re a scorer,” Rodman Dennis Rodman Detroit Pistons said, “ you take pride in leading the league in scoring. I ’ m a defender, so this (Master Lock Defensive Player of the Year Aw ard) is the biggest tribute you could pay to a player like m e.” — ANNOUNCING c J O O O a 7W -—\J O NEW FLA VORS FR OM BOONE'S / / n Blanc de Blanc kw Blush ir F | I t- * I w tfe • 'fto n r d r J 'ick it up at your favorite store • r