Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 22, 1988, Page 4, Image 4

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p a n o a P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r, S e p te m b e r 2 2 , 198
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It Is Better To Suffer
For Doing Good
FESTIVAL OF TRUTH CRUSADE: The Sharon C hurch, located at 5209
N E 22nd Avenue, w ill present “ A Festival of T ruth C rusade” b eginn ing
9 /1 8 through 9/29. Sunday - W ednesday and then Friday and S atur^
each week. Services w ill be held at 7:30 p.m. G uest speaker w . l b e Elder
R eqinald O R obinson from 1.000 Oaks, C alifornia. The Breath of Life
Q uartet is from W a sh in g to n D.C. Elder A lp h o n so M cC arthy, pastor.
S ince C hrist suffered and un­
derw ent pain, you m ust have the
veryone should be like one
sam e a ttitu d e he did; you m ust be
big happy fam ily, fu ll o f sym ­
ready to suffer, too. For rem em ­
GOSPEL MUSIC WORKSHOP: B e g in n in g S eptem be r 21 ^ r o u g h
pathy tow ard each other, loving ber, w hen your body suffers, sin
S eptem ber 24,1988, the N ew Hope M issionary B a p tist C hurch w ill host
one another w ith tender hearts
loses its power, and you w o n ’t be
its annual G ospel M usic W orkshop. The guest c o n d u c to r w ill be the
spending the rest of your life
and hum ble m inds. D on’t repay
renow ed K enneth Jones, M in iste r of M usic at the Taberna^ e
evil fo r evil. D on’t snap back at
chasing after evil desires, b u t w ill
M issionary B a p tist C hurch in Seattle, W ashington . R egistration $ 5 W ,
those w ho say unkind th in g s
be anxious to do the w ill o f God.
about you. Instead, pray fo r G od's
You have had enough in the past
beginn ing at 6:30 p.m. on 9 /2 1 188. The w orkshop wiN begin at 7.00 p.m.
help fo r them , fo r w e are to be
of the evil th in g s the g odless en­
nightly. 3725 N. G antenbein, Portland, Oregon. Call 281-0163.
jo y — sex sin, lust, ge ttin g drunk,
kind to others, and G od w ill bless
JUBILEE SINGERS CELEBRATE 9th YEAR: The Jub ile e S ingers o f the
w ild parties, drin kin g bouts, and
us for it.
M ount O livet B a p tist C hurch w ill celebrate th e ir 9th year in c o n c e rt at
If you w ant a happy, good life,
the w orship of idols, and other
5 00 p.m. in the evening on S eptem ber 25,1988. The doors of the church
keep co n tro l of y o u r tongue, and
te rrib le sins.
w ill open early so you can get a seat. The program w ill be taped and
guard your lip s from te llin g lies.
O f course, yo u r form er friends
cassettes w ill be made available by ordering them a fte r the concert. The
Turn away from evil and do good.
w ill be very surprised w hen you
church is located at 116 N ortheast S chuyler Street and F irst Avenue.
Try to live in peace even if you
d o n ’t eagerly jo in them any more
For further in fo rm a tio n call - 284-1954. Rev. Dr. Jam es M artin, pastor.
m ust run after it to catch it and
in the w icked th in g s they do, and
hold it! For the Lord is w a tching
they w ill laugh at you in c o n te m p t
BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC: Bethel AM E C hurch, 5828 N ortheast 8th
h is children, lis te n in g to their
and scorn. But ju s t rem em ber,
Avenue hosts a B lood Pressure Screening C lin ic in co n ju n c tio n w ith
prayers; but the Lo rd ’s face is
they m ust face the Judge of all,
C om m unity Care every Tuesday, 8 a.m. -Noon. V is it the C lin ic to prevent
hard against those w ho do evil.
increased risk of stroke, heart failure, kidney and heart attack.
living and dead; they w ill be pun­
U sually no one w ill hurt you for
ished fo r the way they have lived.
VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED: V oluntee rs are seriously needed w ith the
w a n tin g to do good. But even if
That is why the Good N ew s was
Blood Pressure C lin ic. Y our service is very valuable. Please let us know
they should, you are to be envied,
preached even to those w ho were
if you are available to w ork in our c lin ic and what hours are convenie nt
fo r God w ill reward you fo r it.
fo r you. Please call Mrs. Lenora M orris afternoons at 281-7139.
dead _ Rilled by the flood (refer to
Q u ie tly tru s t yo u rs e lf to C hrist,
paragraph 5) — so that a lthoug h
SATURDAY SCHOOL: The Saturday S chool is being sponsored by the
your Lord, and if anybody asks
th e ir bodies w ere punished w ith
B lack United Front. C lasses begin th is fall for grades 1-6 NO CHARGE.
w hy you believe as you do, be
death, they co u ld s till live in their
V oluntee r teachers are needed. C all Avel G ordly or Karen Powell,
ready to te ll him , and do it in a
s p irits as God lives.
The end of the w orld is com ing
g e n tle and re sp e ctfu l way.
CALLIGRAPHY CLASS: S ta rtin g O ct. 3,1988, C alligraphy C lasses w ill be
Do w hat is right; then if men
s o o n . T h e re fo re be e a rn e st,
held each M onday evening at the M ount O livet B aptist C hurch, 116 N.E.
speak against you, c a llin g you evil
th o u g h tfu l men of prayer. M ost
S chuyler St at 6 p.m. C lasses are fo r b eginn ing and advanced students.
names, they w ill becom e asham ­
im portant of all, continue to show
C ontact Ms. Jean S tuart at 284-1954 fo r in fo rm a tio n on m aterials
ed o f them selves fo r falsely ac­
deep love for each other, fo r love
cu s in g you w hen you have only
m akes up fo r m any of your faults.
AWARENESS SHOP: A Y outh A w areness W orkshop w ill be held at
done w hat is good. Rem bem ber,
C heerfully share your hom e w ith
Portland C o m m u n ity C ollege on Saturday, Sept 24,1988 from 9:30 a.m
if God w ants you to suffer, it is
those w ho need a meal o r a place
to 3 p.m. Topic: “ G angs and Gang V io le n ce .” R egistration Fee - $2. Call
better to suffer for doing good than
to stay for the night.
240-5300 for fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n .
God has given each of you
for doing wrong!
JOB OPENINGS: A high sch o o l m ale is needed Septem ber through May
C h rist also suffered. He died
som e special a b ilitie s; be sure to
fo r the after-school program at the M allory Avenue C h ristian C hurch,
once fo r the sins of all us gu ilty
use them to help each other,
126 N.E. A lberta from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Call 288-5173 fo r further
sinners, a lthoug h he h im s e lf was
passing on to others G o d 's many
inform ation.
in n o ce n t o f any sin at any tim e,
kin d s of blessings. Are you called
UTS INSTITUTE WEEK: M onday, Sept. 19 through Sept. 23 is the U nited
th a t he m ig h t bring us safely
to preach? Then — preach as
Theological S em inary’s In s titu te W eek. Dr. B enjam in M artin, President
hom e to God. But though his
though God h im s e lf w ere speak­
of the Sem inary w ill be speaking each night. C hoirs, from churches in
body died, his s p irit lived on. It
ing through you. Are you called to
the com m unity, w ill provide the m usic. On Friday, Sept. 23, therei wiH be
w as in the H oly S p irit that he
help others? Do it w ith all the
a belated g raduatio n-prom otion service. C lass tim e is 6:15 - 7.15 p.m
visite d the s p irits in prison, and
strength and energy that God
each n ight of In s titu te W eek. W orship Service w ill begin at 7:30 p.m. Dr.
preached to them — s p irits of
supplies, so that God w ill be
Jo e S . Hardie, D irector.
th o se who, long before in the
g lo rifie d through Jesus C h rist —
days of Noah, had refused to
to him be glory and pow er forever
Eyes and Ears of the Com m unity”
liste n to God, though he w aited
and ever. Am en.
p a tiently fo r them w h ile Noah was
b u ild in g the ark. Yet o n ly eight
persons were saved from d row n­
ing in the te rrib le flood.
That, by the way, is w hat bap­
tis m p ictu re s fo r us; In baptism
we show th a t we have been saved
Jurisdictional Bishop
from death and doom by the res­
urrection o f C hrist; not because
our bodies are w ashed clean by
the water, but because in being
baptized we are tu rn in g to God
and asking him to cleanse our
hearts from sin.
Now, C h rist is in heaven, s it­
tin g in the place of honor next to
God the Father, w ith all the an­
gels and pow ers of heaven bow ­
Je su s L o v e s You!
ing before him and obeying him.
by M attie Ann C a llier-Spears
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PROVERBS: Chapter 14
, e :•
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[n Memory O f...
The Challenge
Do you think that your tomorrow
W l be different than today?
Do you think the things you hoped for
W l come tree in any way?
September 2, 1930
Funeral services w ere held at
the Emmanuel C.O.G.I.C. U nited
on 4800 N.E. 30th Ave. on Monday,
Sept. 12,1988 at 11 a.m. Burial was
at Skyline M em orial Cem etery. Mr.
Roberts was never em ployed be­
cause of his disability. He is sur­
vived by three sisters, Mary E.
Howell o f Portland, Josephine
Lenard and Dianne M. Storey of
Portland and one brother, James
B Storey of Los Angeles, C alifor­
nia, and num erous friends and
re la tiv e s . B o th p a re n ts are
By the thoughts you put in action,
By the dreams you strive to reach —
You can shape or form the future
By some hard-sought fact they teach.
Choose the good you want to happen -
It surrounds you in the “now” .
You can make or change the present...
Let God’s wisdom show you how!
Take the path that seems to open:
For you’re walking it today!
You can even change tomorrow
H you let God show the way!
Roxie Lusk Smith
S t . V incent D e P aul
C hild D evelopment C enter
“Bar-Be-Que Dinner”
To help send teachers to the National Conference.
Sponsored by the National Association for the Educa­
tion of Young Children.
Saturday, Oct. 1 ,1 9 8 8 • 1 1 A .M .- 6 P.M.
Address: 44 N.E. Morris St.
$6.00 for Ribs or Chicken Dinners
C i u
u x u l l
l ''«
1 - iM* V< i A i
84 N.E. K illing sw o rth • 2 8 1 -0 4 9 9
Seventh Anniversary
«V '
Allen Temple CME Church
The C h rist M em orial C hurch of
G od In C h ris t is located on 1553
N. K illin g s w o rth , com m em orating
the 7th A nniversary of th e ir pastor
& w ife Rev. & Mrs. Roy L. Tate.
T hrough prayer, faith, stead­
fastness, and c o m m ittm e n t, The
P astor & M issionary Tate have ex­
tended them selves, and have
show n the ded ica tio n necessary
to c o m p le te the task set before
them . By do in g this, the Lord has
allow ed them to reach in to the
c o m m u n ity in a po sitive and
fo rc e fu l w ay fo r C hrist.
The p u b lic is invited to jo in in
th is celebration , starting W ednes­
day, Sept. 21 through Saturday,
Sept. 24 at 7:30 p.m. Sunday,
Sept. 25 the service w ill begin at
3:00 p.m.
The them e th is year is: “ To
Know Them Is To Love T hem .”
T his year the guest churches
in c lu d e s : E m m a n u e l T e m p le ,
B ishop AA W ells: Art o f Safety,
B ishop U.V. Peterson; P hiladel­
ph ia B a p tis t, Rev. M cS w ain;
G reater S olid Rock, B ishop A.R.
H opkins; A lb in a C hurch o f God,
Rev. S. Irving; St. Luke M em orial,
Rev. L. Adam s; L ightho use, Rev.
T. M oore; N eighbo rh ood C hurch
of God. Rev. C. H unter; U nion
B aptist. Rev. J. Meyers.
C om e e xp e ctin g to hear —
G reat s in g in g and p re aching
every night.
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4 2 3 6 N .E . E ig h th A v e n u e
(com er o f 8th & S kidm ore)
(5 0 3 )
The Ark of Safety
Church of God in Christ
F o l l o w p e a c e w ith
a ll m e n & h o lin e s s
w it h o u t w h ic h n o
m a n s h a ll see th e
G re a te r F a ith B a p tis t C h u r c h
Rev. C h e s t e r W . S ta p le s , P a s to r
9 3 1 N o r t h S k id m o r e S t. • P o r t l a n d . O R 9 7 2 1 7 • P h o n e 2 8 7 - 4 3 4 5
SU N . S E P T . 2 5 , t h r u F R I. S E P T . 3 « , 1988
C O M IN G T O P O R T L A N D . O R E G O N
If M y P e o p le , w h o are
ca lle d b y m y n a m e sh all
h u m b le th e m s e lv e s , and
p ra y, a n d s e e k m y face,
a n d tu rn fro m th e ir w icke d
. I w ill fo rg iv e their
w ays
2 CHR . 7 :1 4
’ A nd I s a y a ls o u n to thee,
th a t th o u a rt P e te r, and
u p o n th is ro c k I w ill b uild
m y c h u rc h , a n d th e g a te s
o f h e ll s h a ll n o t p re v a il
a g a in s t it
M A T T . 1 6 :1 8
• ■ ■ ■ ».
the power of faith ba ptist church
o f Detroit, Michigan
The Pastor Speaks"
Morning Prayer
7:30 p.m.
Greater Peace
Supt.: E. Wilson
4009 N. Missouri St.
Portland, OR 97227
Missn. O.M. Thomas, Alberta
Missn. D. Moore, Peninsular
Missn. M. Suell, Vernon
Missn. C. Ramsey, Willamette
Elder R.L. Tate
H om e and Foreign
M issio n President
Chairm an of the Board of Elders
Elder E. Flowers
Elder M. Walker
E lect Lady
Executive Board
Missn. J. Signal
S tate Sunday S chool
S uperinte ndent
Elder L. Dent
McKinney Temple
Elder: E. C. Suell
1737 N.E. Alberta St.
Portland. OR 97211
Williams Temple
Elder: M . Walker
241 N.E. Hancock
Portland, OR 97212
St Luke Memorial
Elder: L. Adams
2700 N.E Sumner St.
Portland. OR 97211
Nazarene C.O.G.I.C.
Supt.: L. Dotsey
9119 N Drummond St.
Portland. OR 97217
Light House C O G.I C.
Elder: T. Moore
1123 N.E. Fremont
Portland. OR 97211
Cornerstone Community Church
Supt : B. E Johnson
2216 N E Killingsworth St.
Portland, OR 97211
S tate Y.P.W.W. President
Elder J. Johnson
C hairlady
Finance C om m itte e Chairm an
Sis. B. Williams
Elder E. C. Suell
S tate Evangelist
F inancial Secretary
Elder B. Moore
Elder V. Norris
S tate M in iste r o f M usic
O rdination Board Chairm an
Missn. C. Brandon
Supt. A.J. Shankle
S tate C haplain
D is tric t S uperintendents
Supt. L. Dotsey
Supt. E. Wilson, Alberta
Supt. L. Dotsey, Peninsular
Supt. B. Johnson, Vernon
Supt. A. Shankle, Willamette
U nion M eeting President
Elder M. Walker
Church Of God In Christ
8 00pm
Greater Solid Rock
Bishop A.R. Hopkins
1705 N.E. Dekum St.
Portland, OR 97211
Saving o f Sinners
Ret I.itn .¡tifiti o f Rat kslitle
Sani t i l l in g til Believers
Jurisdiction -1
Headquarters Church
6 30 p.m
Bishop A.R. Hopkins
Supt. B.E. Johnson (Chairman)
Elder R.L. Tate (Secretary)
Supt. E. Wilson
Supt. L. Dotsey
Supt. A. Shankle
Elder E. Suell
Elder M. Walker
Morning Worship
D is tric t M issionaries
Executive Secretary
Psalm 34:3
.Phillip S. Nelson Pastor
9 15 am
1 1 15a.m
Sunday School
Noon Day Prayer
the Bible says...
J u ris d ic tio n B ishop
Supt. E. Wilson
2 8 7 -0 2 6 1
700 p m
Char Rehearsal
FOUNDER The Holiness Preacher Bishop U.V. Peterson D.D. Builder Pastor
1st A d m in istra tive A ssista n t
P o rtla n d , O re g o n 97211
TH ratoy:
“To the Glory o f God”
State Roster
7 30pm
Bible Band
“ A warm spirit of fellow ship always
Jurisdiction No. #1
Headquarters Church C.O.G.I.C.
\ C;
September 5.1988
Christ Memorial Church
Elder: R. L. Tate
1552 N Killingsworth St.
Portland. OR 97217
Bethel Temple
Supt : A Shankle
1545 South Brooklyn Ave.
Eugene. OR 97403
Free Will Church
For All Nations
Elder Thurman Holmes
420 Market St.
Klamath Falls. OR 97603
La Grande C.O.G.I.C.
Elder: I D Lowe
1303 T’ Street
t Grande, OR 97850
Salem Mission C.O.G.I.C.
Supt.: A Shankle
4308 Hill Rose St.
Salem, OR 97309
G O D IS A B L E T O P E R F O R M A B O V E W H A T H E H A S P R O M IS E D !!
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