* * *S s-s'sS- . » p a n o a P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r, S e p te m b e r 2 2 , 198 g ? J ^ 4 ^ Tv i-/ i v i ¿ v i 1111111 7a SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK RELIGION COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS It Is Better To Suffer For Doing Good FESTIVAL OF TRUTH CRUSADE: The Sharon C hurch, located at 5209 N E 22nd Avenue, w ill present “ A Festival of T ruth C rusade” b eginn ing 9 /1 8 through 9/29. Sunday - W ednesday and then Friday and S atur^ each week. Services w ill be held at 7:30 p.m. G uest speaker w . l b e Elder R eqinald O R obinson from 1.000 Oaks, C alifornia. The Breath of Life Q uartet is from W a sh in g to n D.C. Elder A lp h o n so M cC arthy, pastor. S ince C hrist suffered and un­ derw ent pain, you m ust have the veryone should be like one sam e a ttitu d e he did; you m ust be big happy fam ily, fu ll o f sym ­ ready to suffer, too. For rem em ­ GOSPEL MUSIC WORKSHOP: B e g in n in g S eptem be r 21 ^ r o u g h pathy tow ard each other, loving ber, w hen your body suffers, sin S eptem ber 24,1988, the N ew Hope M issionary B a p tist C hurch w ill host one another w ith tender hearts loses its power, and you w o n ’t be its annual G ospel M usic W orkshop. The guest c o n d u c to r w ill be the spending the rest of your life and hum ble m inds. D on’t repay renow ed K enneth Jones, M in iste r of M usic at the Taberna^ e evil fo r evil. D on’t snap back at chasing after evil desires, b u t w ill M issionary B a p tist C hurch in Seattle, W ashington . R egistration $ 5 W , those w ho say unkind th in g s be anxious to do the w ill o f God. about you. Instead, pray fo r G od's You have had enough in the past beginn ing at 6:30 p.m. on 9 /2 1 188. The w orkshop wiN begin at 7.00 p.m. help fo r them , fo r w e are to be of the evil th in g s the g odless en­ nightly. 3725 N. G antenbein, Portland, Oregon. Call 281-0163. jo y — sex sin, lust, ge ttin g drunk, kind to others, and G od w ill bless JUBILEE SINGERS CELEBRATE 9th YEAR: The Jub ile e S ingers o f the w ild parties, drin kin g bouts, and us for it. M ount O livet B a p tist C hurch w ill celebrate th e ir 9th year in c o n c e rt at If you w ant a happy, good life, the w orship of idols, and other 5 00 p.m. in the evening on S eptem ber 25,1988. The doors of the church keep co n tro l of y o u r tongue, and te rrib le sins. w ill open early so you can get a seat. The program w ill be taped and guard your lip s from te llin g lies. O f course, yo u r form er friends cassettes w ill be made available by ordering them a fte r the concert. The Turn away from evil and do good. w ill be very surprised w hen you church is located at 116 N ortheast S chuyler Street and F irst Avenue. Try to live in peace even if you d o n ’t eagerly jo in them any more For further in fo rm a tio n call - 284-1954. Rev. Dr. Jam es M artin, pastor. m ust run after it to catch it and in the w icked th in g s they do, and hold it! For the Lord is w a tching they w ill laugh at you in c o n te m p t BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC: Bethel AM E C hurch, 5828 N ortheast 8th h is children, lis te n in g to their and scorn. But ju s t rem em ber, Avenue hosts a B lood Pressure Screening C lin ic in co n ju n c tio n w ith prayers; but the Lo rd ’s face is they m ust face the Judge of all, C om m unity Care every Tuesday, 8 a.m. -Noon. V is it the C lin ic to prevent hard against those w ho do evil. increased risk of stroke, heart failure, kidney and heart attack. living and dead; they w ill be pun­ U sually no one w ill hurt you for ished fo r the way they have lived. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED: V oluntee rs are seriously needed w ith the w a n tin g to do good. But even if That is why the Good N ew s was Blood Pressure C lin ic. Y our service is very valuable. Please let us know they should, you are to be envied, preached even to those w ho were if you are available to w ork in our c lin ic and what hours are convenie nt fo r God w ill reward you fo r it. fo r you. Please call Mrs. Lenora M orris afternoons at 281-7139. dead _ Rilled by the flood (refer to Q u ie tly tru s t yo u rs e lf to C hrist, paragraph 5) — so that a lthoug h SATURDAY SCHOOL: The Saturday S chool is being sponsored by the your Lord, and if anybody asks th e ir bodies w ere punished w ith B lack United Front. C lasses begin th is fall for grades 1-6 NO CHARGE. w hy you believe as you do, be death, they co u ld s till live in their V oluntee r teachers are needed. C all Avel G ordly or Karen Powell, ready to te ll him , and do it in a s p irits as God lives. 230-9427. The end of the w orld is com ing g e n tle and re sp e ctfu l way. CALLIGRAPHY CLASS: S ta rtin g O ct. 3,1988, C alligraphy C lasses w ill be Do w hat is right; then if men s o o n . T h e re fo re be e a rn e st, held each M onday evening at the M ount O livet B aptist C hurch, 116 N.E. speak against you, c a llin g you evil th o u g h tfu l men of prayer. M ost S chuyler St at 6 p.m. C lasses are fo r b eginn ing and advanced students. names, they w ill becom e asham ­ im portant of all, continue to show C ontact Ms. Jean S tuart at 284-1954 fo r in fo rm a tio n on m aterials ed o f them selves fo r falsely ac­ deep love for each other, fo r love needed. cu s in g you w hen you have only m akes up fo r m any of your faults. AWARENESS SHOP: A Y outh A w areness W orkshop w ill be held at done w hat is good. Rem bem ber, C heerfully share your hom e w ith Portland C o m m u n ity C ollege on Saturday, Sept 24,1988 from 9:30 a.m if God w ants you to suffer, it is those w ho need a meal o r a place to 3 p.m. Topic: “ G angs and Gang V io le n ce .” R egistration Fee - $2. Call better to suffer for doing good than to stay for the night. 240-5300 for fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n . God has given each of you for doing wrong! JOB OPENINGS: A high sch o o l m ale is needed Septem ber through May C h rist also suffered. He died som e special a b ilitie s; be sure to fo r the after-school program at the M allory Avenue C h ristian C hurch, once fo r the sins of all us gu ilty use them to help each other, 126 N.E. A lberta from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Call 288-5173 fo r further sinners, a lthoug h he h im s e lf was passing on to others G o d 's many inform ation. in n o ce n t o f any sin at any tim e, kin d s of blessings. Are you called UTS INSTITUTE WEEK: M onday, Sept. 19 through Sept. 23 is the U nited th a t he m ig h t bring us safely to preach? Then — preach as Theological S em inary’s In s titu te W eek. Dr. B enjam in M artin, President hom e to God. But though his though God h im s e lf w ere speak­ of the Sem inary w ill be speaking each night. C hoirs, from churches in body died, his s p irit lived on. It ing through you. Are you called to the com m unity, w ill provide the m usic. On Friday, Sept. 23, therei wiH be w as in the H oly S p irit that he help others? Do it w ith all the a belated g raduatio n-prom otion service. C lass tim e is 6:15 - 7.15 p.m visite d the s p irits in prison, and strength and energy that God each n ight of In s titu te W eek. W orship Service w ill begin at 7:30 p.m. Dr. preached to them — s p irits of supplies, so that God w ill be Jo e S . Hardie, D irector. th o se who, long before in the g lo rifie d through Jesus C h rist — PO RTLAND OBSERVER days of Noah, had refused to to him be glory and pow er forever “ The Eyes and Ears of the Com m unity” liste n to God, though he w aited and ever. Am en. 288-0033 p a tiently fo r them w h ile Noah was b u ild in g the ark. Yet o n ly eight persons were saved from d row n­ ing in the te rrib le flood. That, by the way, is w hat bap­ 4 X tis m p ictu re s fo r us; In baptism we show th a t we have been saved A.R H O P K IN S Jurisdictional Bishop from death and doom by the res­ urrection o f C hrist; not because our bodies are w ashed clean by the water, but because in being baptized we are tu rn in g to God and asking him to cleanse our hearts from sin. Now, C h rist is in heaven, s it­ tin g in the place of honor next to God the Father, w ith all the an­ gels and pow ers of heaven bow ­ Je su s L o v e s You! ing before him and obeying him. by M attie Ann C a llier-Spears E ■ ? ’ j . '> j < • PROVERBS: Chapter 14 • , e :• • r. !v?.- [n Memory O f... The Challenge SYLVESTER GILBERT ROBERTS, JR. Do you think that your tomorrow W l be different than today? Do you think the things you hoped for W l come tree in any way? September 2, 1930 Funeral services w ere held at the Emmanuel C.O.G.I.C. U nited on 4800 N.E. 30th Ave. on Monday, Sept. 12,1988 at 11 a.m. Burial was at Skyline M em orial Cem etery. Mr. Roberts was never em ployed be­ cause of his disability. He is sur­ vived by three sisters, Mary E. Howell o f Portland, Josephine Lenard and Dianne M. Storey of Portland and one brother, James B Storey of Los Angeles, C alifor­ nia, and num erous friends and re la tiv e s . B o th p a re n ts are By the thoughts you put in action, By the dreams you strive to reach — You can shape or form the future By some hard-sought fact they teach. Choose the good you want to happen - It surrounds you in the “now” . You can make or change the present... Let God’s wisdom show you how! Take the path that seems to open: For you’re walking it today! You can even change tomorrow H you let God show the way! Roxie Lusk Smith deceased. S t . V incent D e P aul C hild D evelopment C enter “Bar-Be-Que Dinner” To help send teachers to the National Conference. Sponsored by the National Association for the Educa­ tion of Young Children. Saturday, Oct. 1 ,1 9 8 8 • 1 1 A .M .- 6 P.M. Address: 44 N.E. Morris St. $6.00 for Ribs or Chicken Dinners m m C i u u x u l l . l ''« 1 - iM* V< i A i ■■ YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N.E. K illing sw o rth • 2 8 1 -0 4 9 9 Cj-S Seventh Anniversary «V ' Allen Temple CME Church Celebration The C h rist M em orial C hurch of G od In C h ris t is located on 1553 N. K illin g s w o rth , com m em orating the 7th A nniversary of th e ir pastor & w ife Rev. & Mrs. Roy L. Tate. T hrough prayer, faith, stead­ fastness, and c o m m ittm e n t, The P astor & M issionary Tate have ex­ tended them selves, and have show n the ded ica tio n necessary to c o m p le te the task set before them . By do in g this, the Lord has allow ed them to reach in to the c o m m u n ity in a po sitive and fo rc e fu l w ay fo r C hrist. The p u b lic is invited to jo in in th is celebration , starting W ednes­ day, Sept. 21 through Saturday, Sept. 24 at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 25 the service w ill begin at 3:00 p.m. The them e th is year is: “ To Know Them Is To Love T hem .” T his year the guest churches in c lu d e s : E m m a n u e l T e m p le , B ishop AA W ells: Art o f Safety, B ishop U.V. Peterson; P hiladel­ ph ia B a p tis t, Rev. M cS w ain; G reater S olid Rock, B ishop A.R. H opkins; A lb in a C hurch o f God, Rev. S. Irving; St. Luke M em orial, Rev. L. Adam s; L ightho use, Rev. T. M oore; N eighbo rh ood C hurch of God. Rev. C. H unter; U nion B aptist. Rev. J. Meyers. C om e e xp e ctin g to hear — G reat s in g in g and p re aching every night. • * . r-ti .:V< .'••■Zif.! i> V /4 ¿¿Mi ¿XU ÿ -’ • - ‘ I ¿“•''•»I «Al, i" '.* * $ * $ r* ■ ^ J : Z 4 2 3 6 N .E . E ig h th A v e n u e (com er o f 8th & S kidm ore) (5 0 3 ) smtar The Ark of Safety Church of God in Christ F o l l o w p e a c e w ith a ll m e n & h o lin e s s w it h o u t w h ic h n o m a n s h a ll see th e G re a te r F a ith B a p tis t C h u r c h Rev. C h e s t e r W . S ta p le s , P a s to r 9 3 1 N o r t h S k id m o r e S t. • P o r t l a n d . O R 9 7 2 1 7 • P h o n e 2 8 7 - 4 3 4 5 SU N . S E P T . 2 5 , t h r u F R I. S E P T . 3 « , 1988 7:OO N'ighth O L D F A S H IO N H O L Y G H O S T R E V IV A L M E E T IN G C O M IN G T O P O R T L A N D . O R E G O N FrutunuX If M y P e o p le , w h o are ca lle d b y m y n a m e sh all h u m b le th e m s e lv e s , and p ra y, a n d s e e k m y face, a n d tu rn fro m th e ir w icke d . I w ill fo rg iv e their w ays sm 2 CHR . 7 :1 4 ■V, y _____ ’ A nd I s a y a ls o u n to thee, th a t th o u a rt P e te r, and u p o n th is ro c k I w ill b uild m y c h u rc h , a n d th e g a te s o f h e ll s h a ll n o t p re v a il a g a in s t it M A T T . 1 6 :1 8 • ■ ■ ■ ». REV. WJ. RILEY PASTOR : the power of faith ba ptist church o f Detroit, Michigan Htoy The Pastor Speaks" Sauday Morning Prayer 7:30 p.m. 9:00a.m. Greater Peace Supt.: E. Wilson 4009 N. Missouri St. Portland, OR 97227 Missn. O.M. Thomas, Alberta Missn. D. Moore, Peninsular Missn. M. Suell, Vernon Missn. C. Ramsey, Willamette Elder R.L. Tate H om e and Foreign M issio n President Chairm an of the Board of Elders Elder E. Flowers Elder M. Walker E lect Lady Executive Board Missn. J. Signal S tate Sunday S chool S uperinte ndent Elder L. Dent McKinney Temple Elder: E. C. Suell 1737 N.E. Alberta St. Portland. OR 97211 Williams Temple Elder: M . Walker 241 N.E. Hancock Portland, OR 97212 St Luke Memorial Elder: L. Adams 2700 N.E Sumner St. Portland. OR 97211 Nazarene C.O.G.I.C. Supt.: L. Dotsey 9119 N Drummond St. Portland. OR 97217 Light House C O G.I C. Elder: T. Moore 1123 N.E. Fremont Portland. OR 97211 Cornerstone Community Church Supt : B. E Johnson 2216 N E Killingsworth St. Portland, OR 97211 S tate Y.P.W.W. President Elder J. Johnson C hairlady Finance C om m itte e Chairm an Sis. B. Williams Elder E. C. Suell S tate Evangelist F inancial Secretary Elder B. Moore Elder V. Norris S tate M in iste r o f M usic O rdination Board Chairm an Missn. C. Brandon Supt. A.J. Shankle S tate C haplain D is tric t S uperintendents Supt. L. Dotsey Supt. E. Wilson, Alberta Supt. L. Dotsey, Peninsular Supt. B. Johnson, Vernon Supt. A. Shankle, Willamette U nion M eeting President Elder M. Walker Church Of God In Christ J 8 00pm Worship Greater Solid Rock Bishop A.R. Hopkins 1705 N.E. Dekum St. Portland, OR 97211 in Saving o f Sinners Ret I.itn .¡tifiti o f Rat kslitle Sani t i l l in g til Believers Evangelistic Jurisdiction -1 Headquarters Church C O M E A N O SEE T H E W O R D OF G O D G L O R IF IE D rh< 6 30 p.m V PWW HEBREWS 1214 Bishop A.R. Hopkins Supt. B.E. Johnson (Chairman) Elder R.L. Tate (Secretary) Supt. E. Wilson Supt. L. Dotsey Supt. A. Shankle Elder E. Suell Elder M. Walker Morning Worship Lord D is tric t M issionaries Executive Secretary Psalm 34:3 .Phillip S. Nelson Pastor 9 15 am 1 1 15a.m Sunday School Tuodi. Noon Day Prayer the Bible says... J u ris d ic tio n B ishop Supt. E. Wilson 2 8 7 -0 2 6 1 700 p m Char Rehearsal FOUNDER The Holiness Preacher Bishop U.V. Peterson D.D. Builder Pastor 1st A d m in istra tive A ssista n t P o rtla n d , O re g o n 97211 TH ratoy: “To the Glory o f God” State Roster *7 7 30pm Bible Band “ A warm spirit of fellow ship always Oregon Jurisdiction No. #1 Headquarters Church C.O.G.I.C. \ C; ■ September 5.1988 Christ Memorial Church Elder: R. L. Tate 1552 N Killingsworth St. Portland. OR 97217 Bethel Temple Supt : A Shankle 1545 South Brooklyn Ave. Eugene. OR 97403 Free Will Church For All Nations Elder Thurman Holmes 420 Market St. Klamath Falls. OR 97603 La Grande C.O.G.I.C. Elder: I D Lowe 1303 T’ Street t Grande, OR 97850 Salem Mission C.O.G.I.C. Supt.: A Shankle 4308 Hill Rose St. Salem, OR 97309 G O D IS A B L E T O P E R F O R M A B O V E W H A T H E H A S P R O M IS E D !! • * fMk