Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 30, 1985, Page 14, Image 14

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JOBS Classified
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IM apply
Blue Cross and
Blue Shield of Oregon
P e rs o n n e l D e p a rtm e n t
tri F lo o r
City of Salem
»2 144 $2 742 mo
Under the direction of the Personnel
Director, responsible for administering
classification and compensation, labor
relations fringe benefits, testing, tram
ing, and other major segments of the
perstxxxil program Prior experience and
interest in labor relations activities par
txularty desirable Considerate expert
once in responsible personnel work;
4 yr degree with major courses in jxtr
snrtnol ttusxiess or jxittlx admin , or any
equivalent combination of experience
anti framing (losing date 11 22 85
100 S W M arket St
P ortland. OP 97201
f 7ua 7 p. '• iPi’> f '■ ,..,»»r
City of Salem. Pent Dept
555 Lixrrty S E , Hm 225
Salam, Oregixi 97301
/r/u u /( )pportunit\ l-mptover
We're seeking responsible individuals
lor residential sales service oriented
work in east Multnomah County Self
motivation essential
knowledge of
Cable TV helpful Salary plus bonus
plus ext ellent company fx-nefits
$15,000 $30.000 Annual
Resumes should tie submitted to the
.m ention of Personnel no later than
Novemtxx 4 1985
Personnel D irector
Rogers Cablesystem s
3071 N E Sandy Hlvd
Portland, OR 97232
I i/nal <fp fxirlu n il\ I mplovcr
A rm y M edical Center
Federal E m ploym ent
Tacoma W A
Supervisory Pulminary Function Tech
GS 649 08 $19,740 BN GS 610 0 / 09
All specialties $ 17 824 $21.804
GS660 09 $21804
C ytologist
GS646 07 $17 824
LPfsiS GS 620 04 05 $ 1 2 ,8 6 2
$14 390 Job security. ext ellent bene
fits and a teaching environment at the
foremost medical center in the Pacific
(2061967 2131
Civilian Personnel O ffice
P O Box 33128
Fort Lewis W A 98433
7<£i<u7ryi^ii)rt),r,’rn / mplovcr
Page 2, JOBS, Octotxer 30, 1965
Has an Immediate Opening
Few a TV production co ordinator This
position trains and supervises interns
and volunteers, provides technical
and creative support in the develop
merit of kx ally originated theme chan
nets and serves as key production per
sonnel Coordinates facility use and
maintains production facility at Rogers
East C ounty o ffic e Q ualified appli
cants must have high school diploma
or GEO M inim um tw o years experi
ence w o rkin g in TV p ro d u ctio n
Strong practical knowledge of TV pro
d uction system s Experienced in
training and overseeing p ro d u ctio n
staff Must be able to work irregular
flours, handle stress and pressure
Must have a valid driver s license
Please respond in wilting no later than
Nov 6. 198?) to
Personnel D irector
Rogers Cablesystem s
3975 N E Sandy Blvd
Portland, OR 97232
7 t/u a l( )p i*irlu tu t\ 7 mplovcr
JOBS Magazine
1463 N E Killmgaworth
Portland. OR 97211
(503)288 0033
Vice President Operations
Portland Private Industry COuncil,
Im (PPICl seeking qualified appli
cant to serve as Chief Operations Offi
i er in $6,000 000 Federally funded,
private, non profit corporation, provid
ing employment and training oppor
tunities to e< onornically disadvantaged
residents of Portland
Qualifier! applicants must have degree
in business, economics, or srxnal serv
ice field, knolw dge o f business or
publir administration; at least 5 years
professional experience in manage
ment, supervision or program opera
tion, experience in planning, contract
negotiations, anti em ploym ent and
training programs desirable.
Salary $30 $35K PPIC is an / r/iru/
( Ip p o rtu n iiv/A ffirm a tive Action I m
plover Q ualified m inorities and wo­
men encouruycd Io apptv Applications
available from
Portland Private Industry
C ouncil, Inc
1120 S W 5th, Room 4(X)
Portland, OR 97204
15031796 5208
Deadline to apply
Nrxxi, Nov 15. ,98?)
Services C oordinator
Washington County. OR
SI 864 $2 266 mo
Adm inisters and enforces the pro
visions of the C ounty's emergency
medical services system Req. con
siderable knokwledge of techniques
used in program planning, develop
ment and evaluation and responsible
exp in analysis of management prob
lerns Req exp in local government
or business adm inistration w ith
college level training in public admin
istration. business administration or
related areas Exp m the planning, de
vekijxnent and evaluation of emergen
cy medical services and exp in the
field of emergency medicine preferred
Apply by Nov 15, 1985 to
W ashington C ounty Personnel
150 N First Ave , Room B 2
Hillsboro, OR 97124
< )pporiunih ! mptover