X V -» . ■U JOBS Classified ........ MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS B'u« Cf <*•> 1 , u ’ . «( »»pnj m IK . •• .Kjv •• ' * r . 4» ' • ' i , « B .H» S • 1 H .»( ‘ S.t.on r*«<]u>'rs • H [I in f '■ ,..,»»r City of Salem. Pent Dept 555 Lixrrty S E , Hm 225 Salam, Oregixi 97301 /r/u u /( )pportunit\ l-mptover TERRITORY M A N A G ER ROGERS CABLESYSTEMS We're seeking responsible individuals lor residential sales service oriented work in east Multnomah County Self motivation essential knowledge of Cable TV helpful Salary plus bonus plus ext ellent company fx-nefits $15,000 $30.000 Annual Resumes should tie submitted to the .m ention of Personnel no later than Novemtxx 4 1985 Personnel D irector Rogers Cablesystem s 3071 N E Sandy Hlvd Portland, OR 97232 I i/nal