Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 16, 1985, Page 15, Image 15

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    Advertisement for Bids
Repair* to Concrete Floor Slabs
Clackamas Transfer ft Recycling Center
Bid Date: Fridey, November 1. 1986, 4:00 P.M
Olson's Mechanical &
Heavy Rigging Inc.
12170 S.E. 162nd
Clackem e*. Oregon 97015
Phone 603868 8615
He are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids
from small businesses and small disadsantaited business
subcontractors anti svomen anti minority business enterprises
Repair to Concrete Floor Slab at the
Clackamas Transfer and Recycling Center
Bid Date: November 1,1986, 4:00 P.M .
HS Construction
P. O. Box 06860, Portland, OR 97206
He are an Equal Opportunity Employer and request Sub
Huis from svomen anti minority business enterprises
Seated bids will be received until 1 0 0 P M on the dates
in d ic a te d in the P urch asing D epartm ent M ultnom ah
County School D istrict <1J 501 N Dixon Portland Oregon
for the items listed herein
Nov 5 1985
Telephone f quipm ent tor Various Schools
IRequirements Contract)
f ormal announcement detailed spot ifications and bidding
docum ents may be obtained at the above address For
additional inform ation please contac t M hael J Hutch« ns
D irector of Purchasing ?49- 3J05
N a tl na
ta n tifti Association has an im m e d ia te opening fog a
• »i
, • • i »• b v m i . • i profe ssio n al
• • ' I * 1'• •»■ • 11«>i
D ep a rtm e n t R es p o n s ib ilitie s l i .......la overa
lin Ron o f all
aspects o f hum a n resource« in c lu d in g e m p lo y m e n t e m ployee
i i < i \ \
tra in in g
• h< ruccessfu ca n d id a ti
1 i 1 BA BS (M a s te r’a
p r e f e r r e d ) a n d ?>-!<• i r a r s g e n e r a lis t e x p e r ie n c e
W r o f f e r an
o u ts ta n d in g b m r f i t p a c k a g e an<l a s ta r t in g «.alars - • • m m e n s u r a te
w ith e x p e r ie n c e . I f in te r e s te d p le a s e s u b m it a re s u m e a n d c o v e r
le t t e r w ith s a la ry h is to r y to
A m e r ic a n P s y c h o lo g ic a l A s s o c ia tio n
I 2 0 0 1 7 th S tr e e t, N W
W a s h in g to n , 1>( 2 0 0 3 6
A t t n l i ir r « to r o f P e rs o n n e l
V /
West Medical Center
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Bid Date. October 31. 1986 2:00 P.M .
From Q ualified M B E W BE b DBE
Subcontractors b Suppliers for the
P O Box 7867
Eugene, Oregon 97401
(503) 346-8100
W « am an nqual o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub b»da from small
tiufttntfss and small disadvantaged t>usjnes& sub contrac tors and w om en
end m in o rity business enter prises
Burnt W oods Dudlae Hill Section
Corvallia N e w p o rt H ig hw ay
Oregon S tate H ig h w ay Division Project
Bid Date: October 24.1986. 9:00 A M
32280 Hw y 34
Tangent, OR 97389
Phone (603) 328-6491
H « u 'r un r«/u u/ opportunity em ployer anil ra jm si \u b bt.is 'r o m \ r n , i l l
huunew j n J small th w h a n ia v e il b u u n e v \ulnontrih b>r\ un«/ h o w »-« anti
m in n n h b u \im w enierf*n>e\
Page 8, JOBS, October 16, 1986
N W Front Ave N.W. Yeon Connection
Section N.W. 26th Ave.
(M ultnom ah County)
Bids Close October 23, 1985, 5 00 P.M.
Morrison-Knudsen, Inc.
P O Box 4606
Portland. OR 97208
M r Gerry Nelson
_______________ (503)281 5233________________
Repairs to the Concrete Floor Slab
Clackamas Transfer and Recycling Center
Metropolitan Service District
Bid Date: Friday, November 1, 1986. 4:00 P.M .
Hannan-Mossman Const., Inc.
8418 Otty Rd
Portland, OR 97286
Phone: 775-6346
W <• are an I qua! O pportunity Em ployer and request sub
bids from svomen anti minonty business enterprises.