Advertisement for Bids SUB-BIDS REQUESTED INFORMATIONAL ADVERTISEMENT Repair* to Concrete Floor Slabs Clackamas Transfer ft Recycling Center Bid Date: Fridey, November 1. 1986, 4:00 P.M PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS Olson's Mechanical & Heavy Rigging Inc. 12170 S.E. 162nd Clackem e*. Oregon 97015 Phone 603868 8615 He are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from small businesses and small disadsantaited business subcontractors anti svomen anti minority business enterprises SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Repair to Concrete Floor Slab at the Clackamas Transfer and Recycling Center Bid Date: November 1,1986, 4:00 P.M . HS Construction P. O. Box 06860, Portland, OR 97206 (503)294-0360 He are an Equal Opportunity Employer and request Sub Huis from svomen anti minority business enterprises CALL FOR BIDS Seated bids will be received until 1 0 0 P M on the dates in d ic a te d in the P urch asing D epartm ent M ultnom ah County School D istrict <1J 501 N Dixon Portland Oregon for the items listed herein BID FILING DATE Nov 5 1985 DESCRIPTION Telephone f quipm ent tor Various Schools IRequirements Contract) f ormal announcement detailed spot ifications and bidding docum ents may be obtained at the above address For additional inform ation please contac t M hael J Hutch« ns D irector of Purchasing ?49- 3J05 DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL N a tl na ta n tifti Association has an im m e d ia te opening fog a • »i , • • i »• b v m i . • i profe ssio n al • • ' I * 1'• •»■ • 11«>i D ep a rtm e n t R es p o n s ib ilitie s l i overa lin Ron o f all aspects o f hum a n resource« in c lu d in g e m p lo y m e n t e m ployee i i < i \ \ tra in in g • h< ruccessfu ca n d id a ti 1 i 1 BA BS (M a s te r’a p r e f e r r e d ) a n d ?>-!<• i r a r s g e n e r a lis t e x p e r ie n c e W r o f f e r an o u ts ta n d in g b m r f i t p a c k a g e an( 2 0 0 3 6 A t t n l i ir r « to r o f P e rs o n n e l V / SUB-BIDS REQUESTED SUB-BIDS REQUESTED West Medical Center Klamath Falls, Oregon Bid Date. October 31. 1986 2:00 P.M . From Q ualified M B E W BE b DBE Subcontractors b Suppliers for the JOHN HYLAND CONST. INC. P O Box 7867 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (503) 346-8100 W « am an nqual o p p o rtu n ity em ployer and request sub b»da from small tiufttntfss and small disadvantaged t>usjnes& sub contrac tors and w om en end m in o rity business enter prises SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Burnt W oods Dudlae Hill Section Corvallia N e w p o rt H ig hw ay Oregon S tate H ig h w ay Division Project Bid Date: October 24.1986. 9:00 A M MORSE BROTHERS, INC. 32280 Hw y 34 Tangent, OR 97389 Phone (603) 328-6491 H « u 'r un r«/u u/ opportunity em ployer anil ra jm si \u b 'r o m \ r n , i l l huunew j n J small th w h a n ia v e il b u u n e v \ulnontrih b>r\ un«/ h o w »-« anti m in n n h b u \im w enierf*n>e\ Page 8, JOBS, October 16, 1986 N W Front Ave N.W. Yeon Connection (Portland) Section N.W. 26th Ave. (M ultnom ah County) Bids Close October 23, 1985, 5 00 P.M. Morrison-Knudsen, Inc. P O Box 4606 Portland. OR 97208 M r Gerry Nelson _______________ (503)281 5233________________ SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Repairs to the Concrete Floor Slab Clackamas Transfer and Recycling Center Metropolitan Service District Bid Date: Friday, November 1, 1986. 4:00 P.M . Hannan-Mossman Const., Inc. 8418 Otty Rd Portland, OR 97286 Phone: 775-6346 W <• are an I qua! O pportunity Em ployer and request sub bids from svomen anti minonty business enterprises.