Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 04, 1985, Page 5, Image 5

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    Portland Observer, September 4, 1906, Page 5
Demonstrators demand end to apartheid
bv Nathaniel S itili
(Photo Richard J Brown)
Dr. M illn e r receives m e m o ra b ilia
bv VuthanielScott
Darrell M illner's collection o f racist
memorabilia lias increased enormous­
ly I riday, Aug. 10, l)r M illn e r »as
die recipient ol a large crate and tw o
smaller boxes ol assorted memorabilia,
I he items, set to be catalogued and
sallied, »ere donated lo Dr. Millner by
D i Burobson I ulz, M D .. o f Ness
( >rleans, I A.
I)i I ulz read about Dr. M illn e r's
collection ol m em orabilia fro m an
As.xexi.iied Press »ire story last year.
Ho comas led Dr. M illner and the rest
is history. H isto ry that's deeply in-
gi ¿lined in America’s past.
Among die items inspected Friday
»ere Darkie Foolhpaste, Uncle Font
and liv e , and A n A u n t Jemima
bioom I he Darkie Toothpaste, man-
ulaeiured bs a B ritish com pany, is
popular today in parts o f Southeast
A m », Dr Millner said.
S»tme racist items are still being
produced in tins co u n try, loo. The
popularity ol racist Hems in 1985 is an
indication o f tw o things. D i M illner
said "O ne, we haven't gotten beyond
racism in America and tw o, you can
still make money exploiting race rela­
tions in America in 1985."
I he Hems Dr M illner received dale
from about 1850 to 1985, he said.
" I am very excited. The items » ill be
veiy useful in an educational sense.
I lie voung people need to know »hat
d ie country »as capable o f.” Dr. M ill
tier is director o f Portland State U n i­
v e r s it y ’ s Black Studies Department.
Dr Millner plans louse the Hems to
stimulate discussion about America's
racist past. He said, "W hen students
see these items they are shocked: they
show disbelief. But because H's there,
they can touch it and they have lo
believe it . "
Dr M illner w ould like to publicly
display some o f the items but he said
that won’ t be possible until 198'
He said Dr I utz's donation makes
his collection one o f the laigest in the
state He has been collecting racist
m em orabilia tot approxim ately It)
sears I he collection consists ot a ( iv il
War creamer, I ncle Remus, dishes,
lawn sprinklers and everything Irotn
»all plagues to sheets and pillow cases
I riday, August 10, more than 100
protesters demonstrated at the Pioneer
Post O ffice. The demonstrators »ere
protesting the escalation o f violence in
South A fric a and I he recent arrest o f
the Res. Allan B oenk.
In a press conference at the King fa­
cility T hursday ol List »eek. the iwgan
i/ers o f the dem onstration, POSAF
Portlanders Organized fo r Southern
African Freedom), also called for the
release o f Nalson Mandela, W alter
Sisulu, and Iresoi lu lu .
Avel lio rd ly , speaking for POSAF,
s a id . "W e are calling upon the Oregon
U.S. congressional delegation io ex­
press our outrage to the Reagan Ad
m inistration concerning develop
menLs in South A frica ."
She added. “ If Ronald Reagan
does not act s » iltl\ and decisively,
the b lixxl spilled in South A frica from
this day on » ill he due to his in e p t­
ness and or his support ol the South
African racist regime ”
In a d d ition to L io rd ly. Rev. John
W liarlingtou, president o f the Albina
M inisterial Alliance. Res
t ohn
Jones, a ltl.u k South A frica n priest.
Res Ferry Swicegood o l Westmin
s.erp.esbs.e.,,,„( h „.ch ,,..d .b e R e s
Jim Siaurt I tom I ess is and ( la ik
lo lle g e , also attended the press con­
t haplam Siaurt said. " I t is time the
churches started speaking out Il's
time we dismantled apartheid "
Liarhnglon said, " I am
ashamed o l the statement made bv
letrv I alwell. We call upon him to re
jx’iit ol Ins sin " He added that Amer
ica tough! on the side ol marxism dm
mg W orld War II and that in South
» —
s c n l m is s io n
•• 1 ’*
, a
4 A
These money-savers are just an example of what’s on sale this w eek:
S hop fo r y o u r h o m e a n d fa m ily in o n e m o n e y -s a v in g s to p
Y o u r f a m ily 's fo o d d o lla r g o e s f a r t h e r a t F r e d M e y e r
P, 4. » n * l
P u m h w !
V k W
-1 .0 0
S A V f t OS
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la « «
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C hunk L ig h t Tuna
SAVE 60c
Reg 1 29
First 3 at SALE PRICE
all additional at Regular Price
P o la r o id V H S o r B e t a V id e o
T a p e W .ik e v»rt .. illy p » - ffr i t
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Assorted decorator colors
I I . . 8 y O H M ( Ml .It I
» i r a i 2 at
R W I all
» d d i l m n t l a t R a g u la * F»»< a
V a rie ty S e c tio n
I lis t
! AH
e a . Reg. 99C
Sonny Boy Bread
3 99c
» •
SAVE 96C on 3 • Rog 65C
A i l i l i t i o n . i l , i t 'i't C
P o la r o id 6 0 0 o r T i m e Z e r o
F ilm 10 exposures
D is c o v e r lo w p ric e s on th e la te s t fa m o u s -n a m e fa s h io n s
P h o to E le c tr o n ic s S e c tio n
r o s ü 'v
if f
• ■
e m e r g e n t IE'S
l i g h t fv .1 A ly
1 6 .8 8
n s la n t - 1 0 .0 0
'a rge r
6 .8 8 1
R a g ?■> •*
l a«* M*.t
*» Rebata
•as» A 4 y ti
<r car stair
rn itu re Usi
c o rd le s s
A.«>>a(Ma »n « to ra t
1 »o«.» C o af
M e n ’s
J o c k e y ” U n d e rw e a r
R ech argeab le
Hand Vac
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6 .8 8
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There’s always plenty of
FREE and EASY parking!
Each of these advertised items must be readily available lor sale at or below the advertised price in each Fred Meyer store exc ept as
. .
• •
o t t these stoies that carts South A f
ik .in piixlucts. It's time to divest from
South A liic.i It's time for us as
Aiuetleans to say. damn it, we do n 't
»ant it anvmore.
Its all accounts, I riday's demonstra­
tion »as a s u c c e s s However, there
o n e s o le spot
Not one Black
i n i i i i le i to o k the time to demonstrate
i s p e a k o u t in beliall o l Rev Allen
B o e ik piesident ol the W o ild A l
l i . l i k e o t Reformed t hurdles It dixw
e e in i mite pc. iih.it » hen » Inle m iii-
i le t s can tind tlie time lo participate
while th e n Bl.uk counteipai ts cannot.
I e i’ s hope they »ere on some Liod-
Big selection, low prices on top brands, the
convenience o f one-stop shopping and FREE
parking are just a few of the many good
reasons to shop at Fred Meyer.
■ .
about tli.it America is not Heating the
ixxtple ol tlie » odd fairly " He addisi.
" It 's an indictment on this country
that a ix’ison like Re,lean can l>e pies
Rev tones believed demon
stratums must make a decision to pul
I’tessine on the government
At Friday’ s dem onstration, t Hv
( o m m is s i o n e i M i k e I indberg
South A frica was tlie l e a l i z a t i o i i o l
Hitler's dreams " | am ashamed a t o u r
president tor defending
A frica ." tie added
Julia Hicks troni P oitland's I ocal
128 ot tlie I ex 11 le U nion said, “ I al
well has finally worn his white sheet in
She added, " I l's time lo boy
Open BAM to 10PM 7 Days A Week
Prices Good Wed Sept 4 thru Flics . Sept 10. 1985
Silk Bath Tissue
4 Roll Package
(Photo Richard J. B row n )
the Oregon media present an
accurate picture of minorities?
I he Oregon Journalists C oalition,
an association o f m inority journalists
in t begun » ill present a forum called
"Oregon's Media Coverage: A White­
wash or a Rambo»?"
I lie discussion » ill center on events
and issues affecting ethnic and racial
minorities iti the state and ho» those
events are reported by the various
media in ( fregon.
I he forum » ill take place Saturday,
Sept 14, Irotn 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at
St Andrews L atholic C hurch C o m ­
munity I enter, 806 N T
A lberta
Street, Portland.
Keynote speaker Derrick Bell, pro­
fessor and former dean o f the Univer­
sity o f Oregon I aw Schol » ill open
the forum promptly at 9 a m.
I wo panels w ill be presented, one
composed ot media representatives
a n d the other made up o f community
leaders Irotn Oregon's various ethnic
a n d racial groups.
Panelists include: Ron H erndon,
co-chairman, Black United Front; W il
ham A. H illia rd , executive e d ito r,
7'he Oregonian; John M cM illan, pub­
lisher, Staie'inHin-Journal, Salem;
Mark Zusman, e d ito r, W illam ette
W eek. P o rtla n d ; C a ro lyn Leonard,
Portland Public Schools; Reymundo
M arin, executive d ire cto r, P ortland
M e tro p o litan Hum an Rights C o m ­
mission Panel moderator will be Mark
Sanchez, reporter, K O IN -T V . Time
» ill be allotted fo r audience p a rtic i­
• •
A frica Inere can be no peace w ithout
Rev Iones said he had absolutely
no respect tor President Reagan He
said, " I he only people » h o can re
store ordet to South A frica aie the
people being detained
Rev Jones, » h o returned lo Sonili
A frica Aug. 10. maintained that the
divestment issue is too late " I lie Rand
luis tallen and as the situation worsens,
the test ol tlie w orld » ill have to get
out " However, Rev tones mam
tamed that the » lu te power base is
built upon economics
I urthermore, Rev Iones said, " I he
American |x*ople have not raved a big
enough storm I am verv concerned
m essage See related photo on Page 10
Pick up o u r in -sto rc A d s and d isco ve r the m any ite m s on sale today.
I X k ' s
M au rice Davis 5. joined protesters against apartheid
at the Pioneer C o u rth ou se Post O ffic e w ith his o w n
Find 100’s o f values
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Oregon media:
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