Portland Observer, September 4, 1906, Page 5 Demonstrators demand end to apartheid bv Nathaniel S itili DARRYL MILLNER p. (Photo Richard J Brown) ■■■■■ ■ . ... Dr. M illn e r receives m e m o ra b ilia bv VuthanielScott Darrell M illner's collection o f racist memorabilia lias increased enormous­ ly I riday, Aug. 10, l)r M illn e r »as die recipient ol a large crate and tw o smaller boxes ol assorted memorabilia, I he items, set to be catalogued and sallied, »ere donated lo Dr. Millner by D i Burobson I ulz, M D .. o f Ness ( >rleans, I A. I)i I ulz read about Dr. M illn e r's collection ol m em orabilia fro m an As.xexi.iied Press »ire story last year. Ho comas led Dr. M illner and the rest is history. H isto ry that's deeply in- gi ¿lined in America’s past. Among die items inspected Friday »ere Darkie Foolhpaste, Uncle Font and liv e , and A n A u n t Jemima bioom I he Darkie Toothpaste, man- ulaeiured bs a B ritish com pany, is popular today in parts o f Southeast A m », Dr Millner said. S»tme racist items are still being produced in tins co u n try, loo. The popularity ol racist Hems in 1985 is an indication o f tw o things. D i M illner said "O ne, we haven't gotten beyond racism in America and tw o, you can still make money exploiting race rela­ tions in America in 1985." I he Hems Dr M illner received dale from about 1850 to 1985, he said. " I am very excited. The items » ill be veiy useful in an educational sense. I lie voung people need to know »hat d ie country »as capable o f.” Dr. M ill tier is director o f Portland State U n i­ v e r s it y ’ s Black Studies Department. Dr Millner plans louse the Hems to stimulate discussion about America's racist past. He said, "W hen students see these items they are shocked: they show disbelief. But because H's there, they can touch it and they have lo believe it . " Dr M illner w ould like to publicly display some o f the items but he said that won’ t be possible until 198' He said Dr I utz's donation makes his collection one o f the laigest in the state He has been collecting racist m em orabilia tot approxim ately It) sears I he collection consists ot a ( iv il War creamer, I ncle Remus, dishes, lawn sprinklers and everything Irotn »all plagues to sheets and pillow cases I riday, August 10, more than 100 protesters demonstrated at the Pioneer Post O ffice. The demonstrators »ere protesting the escalation o f violence in South A fric a and I he recent arrest o f the Res. Allan B oenk. In a press conference at the King fa­ cility T hursday ol List »eek. the iwgan i/ers o f the dem onstration, POSAF Portlanders Organized fo r Southern African Freedom), also called for the release o f Nalson Mandela, W alter Sisulu, and Iresoi lu lu . Avel lio rd ly , speaking for POSAF, s a id . "W e are calling upon the Oregon U.S. congressional delegation io ex­ press our outrage to the Reagan Ad m inistration concerning develop menLs in South A frica ." She added. “ If Ronald Reagan does not act s » iltl\ and decisively, the b lixxl spilled in South A frica from this day on » ill he due to his in e p t­ ness and or his support ol the South African racist regime ” In a d d ition to L io rd ly. Rev. John W liarlingtou, president o f the Albina M inisterial Alliance. Res t ohn Jones, a ltl.u k South A frica n priest. Res Ferry Swicegood o l Westmin s.erp.esbs.e.,,,„( h „.ch ,,..d .b e R e s Jim Siaurt I tom I ess is and ( la ik lo lle g e , also attended the press con­ ference. t haplam Siaurt said. " I t is time the churches started speaking out Il's time we dismantled apartheid " Rev Liarhnglon said, " I am ashamed o l the statement made bv letrv I alwell. We call upon him to re jx’iit ol Ins sin " He added that Amer ica tough! on the side ol marxism dm mg W orld War II and that in South » — . • ' s c n l m is s io n •• 1 ’* a , a 4 A These money-savers are just an example of what’s on sale this w eek: S hop fo r y o u r h o m e a n d fa m ily in o n e m o n e y -s a v in g s to p Y o u r f a m ily 's fo o d d o lla r g o e s f a r t h e r a t F r e d M e y e r P, 4. » n * l Vafes P u m h w ! V k W ***** ■V 5.88 -1 .0 0 S A V f t OS M e g h 97 la « « M a i l In R a b a t« C hunk L ig h t Tuna 4.88 V SAVE 60c Reg 1 29 First 3 at SALE PRICE all additional at Regular Price 49 P o la r o id V H S o r B e t a V id e o T a p e W .ik e v»rt .. illy p » - ffr i t re< o r d in q s O u t s t a n d in g < o lo r sound Assorted decorator colors and I I . . 8 y O H M ( Ml .It I » i r a i 2 at R W I all » d d i l m n t l a t R a g u la * F»»< a V a rie ty S e c tio n I lis t SAL ( ! AH SAVE 50C e a . Reg. 99C Sonny Boy Bread 3 99c » • SAVE 96C on 3 • Rog 65C A i l i l i t i o n . i l , i t 'i't C P o la r o id 6 0 0 o r T i m e Z e r o F ilm 10 exposures D is c o v e r lo w p ric e s on th e la te s t fa m o u s -n a m e fa s h io n s P h o to E le c tr o n ic s S e c tio n “ I r o s ü 'v ¿sil •- if f < • ■ Be prepare, e m e r g e n t IE'S l i g h t fv .1 A ly 1 6 .8 8 n s la n t - 1 0 .0 0 'a rge r 6 .8 8 1 S A V » BOO R a g ?■> •* l»‘f l a«* M*.t *» Rebata 'here •as» A 4 y ti >a(Ma »n « to ra t 1 »o«.» C o af Rt M e n ’s J o c k e y ” U n d e rw e a r OFF Regala» R ech argeab le Hand Vac R ech argeab le Light 1 6 .8 8 - 1 0 .0 0 6 .8 8 25% SAVI BOB R-g ZZB7 Ir y i Man m Mattale Ong 4 75 to 14 50 You» C o a t Abe» R e tia te White ' tr t .olors Fashion Sheets Save 3 3 % to 50% ™ 1 frite 0 s r,9 ,na' T w in Full NOW 3 .5 6 to 10 8 6 O upon N O W 9 96 lo 14 ‘16 N O W 18 9 6 lo ? I 96 N O W ?5 9 6 l o 3 l 96 I p. Apparel Section Your Choice 6.88 each after mail-in manufacturers rebates! There’s always plenty of FREE and EASY parking! ONE STOP SHOPPING > CENTERS J Each of these advertised items must be readily available lor sale at or below the advertised price in each Fred Meyer store exc ept as . . . a . • • • o t t these stoies that carts South A f ik .in piixlucts. It's time to divest from South A liic.i It's time for us as Aiuetleans to say. damn it, we do n 't »ant it anvmore. Its all accounts, I riday's demonstra­ tion »as a s u c c e s s However, there »a o n e s o le spot Not one Black i n i i i i le i to o k the time to demonstrate i s p e a k o u t in beliall o l Rev Allen B o e ik piesident ol the W o ild A l l i . l i k e o t Reformed t hurdles It dixw e e in i mite pc. iih.it » hen » Inle m iii- i le t s can tind tlie time lo participate while th e n Bl.uk counteipai ts cannot. I e i’ s hope they »ere on some Liod- Big selection, low prices on top brands, the convenience o f one-stop shopping and FREE parking are just a few of the many good reasons to shop at Fred Meyer. • ■ . about tli.it America is not Heating the ixxtple ol tlie » odd fairly " He addisi. " It 's an indictment on this country that a ix’ison like Re,lean can l>e pies idem Rev tones believed demon stratums must make a decision to pul I’tessine on the government At Friday’ s dem onstration, t Hv ( o m m is s i o n e i M i k e I indberg aid South A frica was tlie l e a l i z a t i o i i o l Hitler's dreams " | am ashamed a t o u r president tor defending South A frica ." tie added Julia Hicks troni P oitland's I ocal 128 ot tlie I ex 11 le U nion said, “ I al well has finally worn his white sheet in public She added, " I l's time lo boy Open BAM to 10PM 7 Days A Week Prices Good Wed Sept 4 thru Flics . Sept 10. 1985 Silk Bath Tissue 4 Roll Package . • (Photo Richard J. B row n ) * the Oregon media present an accurate picture of minorities? I he Oregon Journalists C oalition, an association o f m inority journalists in t begun » ill present a forum called "Oregon's Media Coverage: A White­ wash or a Rambo»?" I lie discussion » ill center on events and issues affecting ethnic and racial minorities iti the state and ho» those events are reported by the various media in ( fregon. I he forum » ill take place Saturday, Sept 14, Irotn 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at St Andrews L atholic C hurch C o m ­ munity I enter, 806 N T A lberta Street, Portland. Keynote speaker Derrick Bell, pro­ fessor and former dean o f the Univer­ sity o f Oregon I aw Schol » ill open the forum promptly at 9 a m. I wo panels w ill be presented, one composed ot media representatives a n d the other made up o f community leaders Irotn Oregon's various ethnic a n d racial groups. Panelists include: Ron H erndon, co-chairman, Black United Front; W il ham A. H illia rd , executive e d ito r, 7'he Oregonian; John M cM illan, pub­ lisher, Staie'inHin-Journal, Salem; Mark Zusman, e d ito r, W illam ette W eek. P o rtla n d ; C a ro lyn Leonard, Portland Public Schools; Reymundo M arin, executive d ire cto r, P ortland M e tro p o litan Hum an Rights C o m ­ mission Panel moderator will be Mark Sanchez, reporter, K O IN -T V . Time » ill be allotted fo r audience p a rtic i­ pation. • • A frica Inere can be no peace w ithout justice Rev Iones said he had absolutely no respect tor President Reagan He said, " I he only people » h o can re store ordet to South A frica aie the people being detained Rev Jones, » h o returned lo Sonili A frica Aug. 10. maintained that the divestment issue is too late " I lie Rand luis tallen and as the situation worsens, the test ol tlie w orld » ill have to get out " However, Rev tones mam tamed that the » lu te power base is built upon economics I urthermore, Rev Iones said, " I he American |x*ople have not raved a big enough storm I am verv concerned m essage See related photo on Page 10 Pick up o u r in -sto rc A d s and d isco ve r the m any ite m s on sale today. I X k ' s . M au rice Davis 5. joined protesters against apartheid at the Pioneer C o u rth ou se Post O ffic e w ith his o w n Find 100’s o f values in every department W h ite w a s h or R a in b o w ? a V. FredMeySL Oregon media: •- - - l * ‘* . • • . . > . ' * ’i f ' • ' • . • A Í ' . •••• * ' . - : ■ » ' ?. .. t -, . - Alder . *•’ • < A ♦ ' » pt bth • - * • •• • a 7 >