Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 04, 1985, Page 14, Image 14

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Sealed bids for roof repairs will be
Podlend IH A Pl ei » 1 0 N Wootoey
p m POT Warkxwday Saptambor
beta w e tie opened at*1 '»x*1 aloud
received by the Housing Authority of
Avenue Portland OR 97203 unrt 2 00
18. 1986 end frAowwtg a tfxxt nterval
BxkMni are wek:ome to attend ttx, txd
B n e f\ ttxi work cxxwets of reroofing one rasxlerxji and rafMxrxtg roof» of
fK** apartment «<xn(Xiixaa and one mamtenerKe buSdmg Rooting systems
•hall include com position shingle overlay m em brane repairs, and or
racoeting axating roof surfaces
A (xetxd meeting arxl impaction of the site uxxlmuns wMI convene at 10 00
a m Thursday. September 12. 1985 at the HAP Memtenarxe Office. » 1 0
N W«xXeey Avenue A HAP repreeentatrvu will txxxfuct a tour of the build
mgs following the txne indicated and will answer questions posed that are
relative to the work Answers to the questions that are not defined in the
S<xxrfHetuxis wiS tie forwarded to a« bidders try addenda Oxitractors and
[lame« • ’tweeted n txddng ttxs ixofect sf*xA1 attend ttxs tour
Prospective bidders m ay obtain one set of bidding docum ents at the
Maintenance Office rxited above txitween 8 00 a m and 4 00 p m upon
daprwt of 130 iMxch wSI txi refurxlad upon return of ix xlemaged documents
wWxn ten 110) days after the tad operxng Addrtw x wk sets of plans of S(xx rti
cats x e may txi olrtaxxxi at 1 10 ea»h which e not rehxxletSe
: tmn
C TRAN hereby announces its 1986 goals of 10% Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise <DBE) and 5% W o m en Owned Business Enterprise (WBE) par
ttapetion ». fwlwaJty funded contracts
A daacnption of how tfieae gtx»H w h o * Hstatawlx*! wi* txi avaMatSe for public
'«P**txx> Mixxlay through Fnday fnxn 8 00 a m to 5 00 p m until October
9, 1986 at C TRAN 2425 N E 86th Avenue. Vancouver. Wasbmgtixi
C TRAN w * accept mformational comments until October 24. 1985 Aiklreas
comments to Sarxfy French. Procurement b Grants Manager, C TRAN, P 0
Box 2529 Vancouver. Waahmgton
The Urban Mass Transportation Administration will also accept informs
txirwX inmnwnts until October 24 1985 Send comments to
U M T A Region X
915 Second Avenue Su«te 3142
Seoftie Waoh«igt<xi 981 74
A rrxrxmum of 2D% MBE perttopetion n the execution of the profect e a HAP
requirement erxl the methrxts the txdder (xojioses in complying with this
requsement a subject to HAP review end approval poor to »abating the con
No txd w« be uonoKferad txXeas eccomparxad try Bid Security m ttxi form of
certified check caohwr • check or surety btxxl (xiyatXe To the Housing Au
tfxxtiy of Prxtierxl n The amount equal to 10% of The hid to be forfeited «»
fixed erxl liquidated damages should twider oegiet t or refuse to enter into a
contract or provide suitable bond for the faithful performance of the work
r the ewmt the contract a sweated to the txddw
Faculty position available for board certified/
No tedder may wrttxirew from a txd after tfxi htxx set fix The operxng ttxxe
of ixitl after the lepee of axty IflOl «lays from the txd operxng
eligible at Temple University School o f Medicine.
Applicants must show interest in com bining
The Housmg Autfxxity of Prxtlarxl 'may reject any txd not n <«xnplierxe with
af (xee< ribed bidding pax.odures arxl requxenxmtt and may ««t»*t any or all
tads end werve all xiformaMies if m the judgment of HAP it a m the public
xitereet to do so Questions regarding this project should be directed to
Dave Welter at 2B348U2
clinical teaching and research with patient care.
Rank commensurate with experience. Interested
physicians please send curriculu m vitae to:
Michael J. Daly, M D , Chairman, Department
o f Ob/Gyn,
By W E Hunter
Executive Drectrx
iiw v u t s in
Real Estate /M on ey to Land
Need Money? Equity loan on all types of
real estate, easy qualifying* Rapid fund
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1 800 537 5496
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Page 4, JOBS, September 4, 1906
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