c ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS INVITATION FOR BID Sealed bids for roof repairs will be Podlend IH A Pl ei » 1 0 N Wootoey p m POT Warkxwday Saptambor beta w e tie opened at*1 '»x*1 aloud operxng received by the Housing Authority of Avenue Portland OR 97203 unrt 2 00 18. 1986 end frAowwtg a tfxxt nterval BxkMni are wek:ome to attend ttx, txd B n e f\ ttxi work cxxwets of reroofing one rasxlerxji and rafMxrxtg roof» of fK** apartment « Mixxlay through Fnday fnxn 8 00 a m to 5 00 p m until October 9, 1986 at C TRAN 2425 N E 86th Avenue. Vancouver. Wasbmgtixi C TRAN w * accept mformational comments until October 24. 1985 Aiklreas comments to Sarxfy French. Procurement b Grants Manager, C TRAN, P 0 Box 2529 Vancouver. Waahmgton The Urban Mass Transportation Administration will also accept informs txirwX inmnwnts until October 24 1985 Send comments to U M T A Region X 915 Second Avenue Su«te 3142 Seoftie Waoh«igt