Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 10, 1985, Page 12, Image 12

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Assistance Planner
R ealestat ^ echn IS a ?
Construction Coordinator
I Inspector)
Salary: «21J M B -«21.780
Portland Development Comnsaakn is aeak-
Responsible for monitoring and obeerv
tog candtoate to serve as si
Real Estate Technician to aaaai to cm ytog I
I W ashington County. »1,828 to » 1 ,97 8 /
m o Providee inform ation to the public
I concerning land developm ent régula
bona, accepta and reviews land develop­
mg contracted construction projects.
M inim um of 8 yrs supervision, inspec­
m ent applicatone Requires collegelevel
I training in planning, architecture, geog-
| raphy, environm ental science or a reiat-
tion or architectural/engineenng design
I experience Salary to be determ ined
I « 1 »mid and experience in city or
c o u n ty
I land use planning. County application
I forma required, resumes MOT a c c e p t e d
I Apply by July 19, 1986to
Washington County Personnel
160 N. F irs t A v e ., Room 8 2
Hillsboro, OR 97124
out soquatoon and dtapoaMon of reta prop- j
arty tor Commtaann and City programs. ,
Duties include assisting in negotiating for I
baaed on experience and preparation
acquisition and disposition of real p ro p -|
(min. »28,000). Excellent fringe benefits.
erty, perform ing and evaluating apprais­
als, processing and dosing com m ercial j
loans, loan serving and collections
Full job description available. Applicants
must com plete Portland Public Schools
I application form , submit currant resume
[ of w ork exp. and training, submit 3 let­
in d u d e
residential and com m ercial appraising or
tions for position Applications accepted
through 4 : » P M Friday. July 19. Apply
Equal Opportunity Employer
a licensed appraiser w ith experience in I
ters o f reference addressing qualifica­
experience as a staff appraiser w ith a i
landing institution or public agency, and |
Personnel Services
knowledge and experience in real estate i
lews and practices.
Blanchard Education Service Canter
801 N. Dixon
fo r R e s e a rc h a n d
Portland. Oregon
To apply, request Commission applica­
Reference Services
Equal Opportunity-
Affirmative Action Employer
tion form from address listed below . All j
I Administrative
reaponaibilitv for
I ence departments, including bibiiograph
| applicants must fill in Commission appli­
cation to be considered for this position.
Com pleted applications are due by 6:00
I *c instruction, interlibrary loan, informa-
I bon
Qualifications required
I A L A accredited degree, second master s
I degree, for appointm ent to Associate
P-m ., M onday, July 2 2 ,1 9 8 6 .
Portland Developm ent Commission
In a M a jo r H e a lth Insurance
1120 S W Fifth A v e ., Suite 1102
I Professor; m inim um 6 years increasingly
company has an opening tor an information
Preoeaang Analyst II. QuaMed ropfcanta
responsible adm inistrative experience in
m t * have the fofcxMng experience: Previ­
Portland, OR 97204-1988
Telephone: (503) 798-6340
university college library as public serv-
I ices departm ent head; dem onstrated
ous machine transcription v id at least 6
months experience in the operation of word
An Equal O pportunity/
Affirmative Action Employer
leadership ability; superior com m unica-
bon/interpersonal skills; e x p e rie n c e w ith
Prooeemq equipment. preferrtty IBM , to a
oentrafaed anvronment;
kncxMedge of correct spaing, grammar,
bibliographic instruction, online biblio
graphic services, reference. Desired;
Evidence of university service a n d /o r sig­
nificant participation in library profaa-
Is w n a l activities. experience w ith other
[library services. 12-m onth faculty tenure
track appointm ent.
Usual vacation/
fringe benefits M inim um : »30,000. Sub-
I mit letter of application, resume, and
[ names,
address and
telephone n um ­
bers of three references to:
M a r jo r ie R e a v e s , Chair
Assistant Director Search Com m ittee
Oregon State University Library
Corvallis, Oregon 97331
Closing data: August IS, 1986
Oregon State University is an A .A ./E O E j
| and complies with Section 504 o f the
Reha hili tatm A ct o f 1973.
snd pcnctuabon; a b lty to fa ta w oonplex
written and verbal instructions and pro­
cedures; axoalant organizational and com ­
munication «Mb; abSty to work under
extreme preaaure; typing of 86 W P M . Other
< M * » h e t o W wS be high school or aqulv-
alant degree or courses to word pru nes» ig
Btoe Crons and Blue Shield of Oregon
an axoalant employee benefits peck-
aga, b a -tim a work hours, and competitive
O p e r a to r
W ashington County, »1,274 to » 1 ,5 4 0 /
[ mo
Continental System s
CPT 8100 w ord processing equipm ent in
the preparation o f a variety o f corre­
spondence, reports and docum ents
from dictating machines, handw ritten
e n d /o r typew ritten rough drafts. W ash
togton County application form s re­
quired. resumes N O T accepted. Apply
by July 19, 1986 to
Waehington County Personnel
ISO N. First Ave., Room 8-2
Hillaboro, OR 97124
■ b v Pleaae apply or sand resume to:
MusShW d a t Oregon
Personnel Department. 6th R oot
Equal Opportunity Employer
100 S .W . Marital
Portend. OR 97231
Equal Opportunity Employer
Clean, 3 bedroom w /fu H basem ent.
♦WB M o. plus Deposit
Sac. 8 w elcom e.
4217 N .E . M a llo r y
Page 2, JOBS, July 10. 1906
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