Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 26, 1985, Page 25, Image 25

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Ocnatar Wasta Transfar Inc. intend« to raspond to
Matropolitan Service District a Invitation to bid for
tha Operation of St John a landfill. Portland. Oratjon
Portions of tha operation will ba aub contracted to
Woman Business Enterprises and Disadvantaged
Bustnees Enterprises. Qualified Arms interested in
such work should respond by Monday. July 8.1986 to
SCA Swvrce of Oregon t c totonds to «*»>«t a propreal to the Mrrtrrxykitar
Service Ckatnct tot the opersnon of the St John » Sanitary LandtS kicated
r Pi«tk»«1 OR for the period oommenceig on Oct 1 19B6 untl (toe ctoette
ol kthe » « I d which ■ expelled to o c a * n «pt*o«metey 3 S year»
Gertstar Waste Transfer Inc
8306 SE Monterey. Suite 204
Portland, Oregon 97286
Attention Kim E. Cox
to r»T» to be r e q * * tot tt» swum of th« ixmtrarl. SCA Serwws ol Oreqito
toe » « » meet or
kttvrt a f « i " » t o a got«! fart»’ effort to meet the
.tasKantai*«! and women owned hueneae of the Mem « » a t» ' Service
Aa a «awwtu ol its gt«1 lath effixls SCA S e t » « ol Otegoo. to c h e reb y
An Equal Opportunity Employer Is soliciting bids on
tha Matropolitan Service District project:
St. John's Landfill
Bio Data: July 12. 1966 at 4 P.M.
Bid should be received by
Oakland Scavenger Co.
2601 Peralta St.
Oakland. CA 94607
by 6 P.M . on July 9.1986
Contact Jack Isola or Neal Bolton
fhdt a rt requeued from disadvantaged or women owned business
For the Operation of the Saint John's Landfill
for tha Metropolitan Service District
Bid Data: July 12. 1966
4619 6A St. NE
Calgary. Alberta T2E4B4
Intends lo com ply wiih the disadvantaged business program and i/ sue
cessful mas call fo r sub contras t work from disadvantaged b m i n n w
and women owned business enterprises an d/or goods and services
reefy (Medywitagsrl and wrxnen o w rw l IxooeeaeB that the* nteteat n
«rv»Xj .at aub<x»itrartors under tfwt contract tot the o (» a t» « » ol the St
Jtton s Sanitary OtodlS ahotJd a be awtrttad to SCA Services ol Oregon,
toe . • hereby sckJleri
Tl» w trt i»«tot tl»t uritract wS < t m * tfwt hAwang among ottw» »wigs
ol wheh wS ba avtaWBe tot »jbcorrtract to tto»»vt«-tage.1 and w, man
owned I t « « » » Operation ol a sanitary » « I d serving the ifc«««» '»««1» ol
9», pubic commercial cnfactore and the n to a n e accounts n the Portland
Metropolitan Area, including mobilization o l equipment and personnel
onto the site, spreading, placing, com pacting and coveting all teluse
received, construction, m aintenance, use and removal of unloading
pad purchasing, transporting and stockpiling final and daily cover
material for the landfill site: placing and grading final cover material
on completed portions of the land fill; construction and maintenance of
sill interim and final access road, construction of final drainage struc
I tures, maintenance of final structure access roads, and all appurtenant
aspect ot the land filling operations during operations for the entire
I site: operations and m aintenance of public transfer and recycling sta
| tton; dewatering in certain areas, prior to filling, seeding and erosuon
control on linal landfill surface maintenance of proper surface dram
1 age on all filled or unfilled portions of the site, and demobilization ol
equipment and personnel Irom the site upon termination ol the con
1 tract
i II you are interested in serving as a sub contractor under this con
should it be awarded to SCA Services o l Oregon, Inc
supply the name and address ol your business, the name ol the person
to contact at your business, a description o l the services that your
business is capable ol performing, a description of the e«penence and
qualifications that your business has in those services, a financial
I statem ent lor your business Of availablel. and a list o l references to
S C A S e rv ice s o f O re g o n . Inc
232 N E Middle Rd
Portland, OR 97211
one of largest publicly owned waste service com­
panies Is proposing to bid In the operation of the Saint
John's Landfill In Portland. This operation may be
subcontracted to woman-owned business enterprises,
and landacape maintenance, grass seeding, equip
mant maintenance, hauling of soil or covered material
and operation of a recycling canter All interested
companies please contact
66 Alameda Blvd.. 4th Floor
San Jose. CA 96113
Page 16, JOBS, June 26, 1985
for Operation of St John« Landfill
Bid Data July 13. 1966 at 400 P M
3600 S.W. Bond Ave.
Portland. OR 97201
H r arr an ta u a i l^ tp o riu n u t Im p lo re r and nyuesi sub-bids tr im
minoeitv. disadsanlotted and w\»men enterprise*