SUB-BIDS REQ UESTED NOTICE SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Ocnatar Wasta Transfar Inc. intend« to raspond to Matropolitan Service District a Invitation to bid for tha Operation of St John a landfill. Portland. Oratjon Portions of tha operation will ba aub contracted to Woman Business Enterprises and Disadvantaged Bustnees Enterprises. Qualified Arms interested in such work should respond by Monday. July 8.1986 to TO DISADVANTAGED AND WOMEN-OWNED BUSINESSES. CONCERNING OPERATION OF ST. JOHN'S SANITARY LAND ALL SCA Swvrce of Oregon t c totonds to «*»>«t a propreal to the Mrrtrrxykitar Service Ckatnct tot the opersnon of the St John » Sanitary LandtS kicated r Pi«tk»«1 OR for the period oommenceig on Oct 1 19B6 untl (toe ctoette ol kthe » « I d which ■ expelled to o c a * n «pt*o«metey 3 S year» Gertstar Waste Transfer Inc 8306 SE Monterey. Suite 204 Portland, Oregon 97286 (603)666-1420 Attention Kim E. Cox to r»T» to be r e q * * tot tt» swum of th« ixmtrarl. SCA Serwws ol Oreqito toe » « » meet or kttvrt a f « i " » t o a got«! fart»’ effort to meet the .tasKantai*«! and women owned hueneae of the Mem « » a t» ' Service [XsBkt Aa a «awwtu ol its gt«1 lath effixls SCA S e t » « ol Otegoo. to c h e reb y SUB-BIDS REQUESTED An Equal Opportunity Employer Is soliciting bids on tha Matropolitan Service District project: St. John's Landfill Bio Data: July 12. 1966 at 4 P.M. Bid should be received by Oakland Scavenger Co. 2601 Peralta St. Oakland. CA 94607 by 6 P.M . on July 9.1986 Contact Jack Isola or Neal Bolton fhdt a rt requeued from disadvantaged or women owned business enterprises *~~SUB-BIDS REQUESTED For the Operation of the Saint John's Landfill for tha Metropolitan Service District Bid Data: July 12. 1966 KENDON SERVICES L T D. 4619 6A St. NE Calgary. Alberta T2E4B4 Intends lo com ply wiih the disadvantaged business program and i/ sue cessful mas call fo r sub contras t work from disadvantaged b m i n n w and women owned business enterprises an d/or goods and services reefy (Medywitagsrl and wrxnen o w rw l IxooeeaeB that the* nteteat n «rv»Xj .at aub