Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 22, 1985, Page 2, Image 2

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Page 2, Portland Observer, May 22, 1905
T - 'f lin T t - '- r O l lr '- ’
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Mt. St. Helens after 5 years
by Robert Lolbtan
William Y. Nishimura. Ragionai Housing Com­
missionar (cantar) prasants tha Minority Contractor
Utilisation Award to Dick and CIMI Paul of Paul
Brothers. while Mika Shaw daft), project coordina­
tor for Paul Brothers, and Bill Hunter (right), of Port­
land Housing Authority, look on.
(Photo: Richard J. Brown)
rothers receive award
by l amia Duke
Paul Brothers, the recipient o f this
award, used five MBEs to complete
work Iasi year on a renovation project
in Columbia Villa in North Portland
Paul Brothers sub-contracted $187,055
to MBEs.
W illiam Y. Nishimura, Regional
Housing Commissioner, also praised
the efforts o f W illiam Hunter, execu­
tive director o f the Portland Housing
While the m ajority o f prime and gen
eral contractors complain that they
are unable to find qualified minority
businesses, a Boring, Oregon, con­
tractor ssas awarded one o f 26 na­
tional Housing and Urban Develop­
ment’s M in o rity Business Utilization
Mature years forum offered
"Financial and Personal Inde­
pendence in the Mature Years" is the
topic o f a forum scheduled for May
31. Mayor Bud ( lark w ill deliver
the keynote address at 1:30 p.m
Two panel dis< ssions are planned
for the afierntxin. Portland Attorney
Rees Johnson w ill provide a legal
perspective on wills, trusts, probates,
and estates as part o f the first panel.
The second panel w ill focus on
community resources. Architect Mark
Bellinger w ill talk about living en­
vironments, housing choices, and
interior space. Staying active and
healthy through creative use o f time
will be explored by writer Betty Un­
The P orlland/M ultnom ah Com ­
mission on Aging and the Area Agen
cy on Aging, co-sponsors o f the event,
encourage the public to attend. The
forum will be held in Conference
Room C, second floor o f the Port­
land Building and is free o f charge.
Attention Shoe Lovers!
are now in portland
So . ...
African Day
put your Flörsheims and your
Peddle Pushers to rest and step
mto some fresh
vz<z< vadams*
Corner of Union b Frem ont
(503)249 8646
Dry Cleaning
2 pc. suits. 43.99
Pants, skirts, b
sweaters, $1.99
Corner of 7th b N.E. Knott
fo r the thirteenth year Portlanders
committed to freedom and justice will
be supprting A frican I iberanon Day
by participating in a march and rally
on Saturday, May 25, 1985 from
noon to 6 p.m. The march will begin
at 12:00 nixin in the parking lot o f the
King fa c ility lix'aied at NE 7th Ave.
and Wygant St. and prixced to A l­
berta Park on NE 22nd Ave. and
Killingsworth St. The rally will fea­
ture speakers, entertainment, food,
btxtihs and activities for children.
The worldwide struggle for libera­
tion and self-determination is not an
isolated one. On African Liberation
Day people throughout the world
publicly demonstrate and reaffirm
their faith, solidarity and support for
the freedom fighters o f the African
continent and throughout the African
diaspora. The theme for this year's
march is “ South Africa W ill Be
fre e ."
fo r further inform ation contact the
African Liberation Day Planning
Committee at 284-9552.
Hughley hired
wide area paging coverage
the wide area price.
The paging people who have always brought you
selection and service now bring you one of the
widest coverage areas in Portland
Plus one big advantage Our conijxrtltors charge
you for "extended coverage ' RAM includes It as
standard bill of fare
Premium coverage without a premium price
Because at RAM we believe your pager Is only as
good as the area it reaches
2 2 6 -1 5 0 7
A uthority. Nishimura proudly po in t­
ed to the continued partnership o f
federal, local and private opportun­
ities for MBEs.
C liff Paul said the award was an
unexpected honor and added that the
utilization o f MBEs was never a prob­
lem “ I l ’s not enough just to advertise
in the newspaper. You have to go
»Hit and use an M BE directory," Paul
Bill Hunter said the MBE utiliza­
tion program operated out o f an
awareness and acknowledgement o f
MBEs, noting that "There's an
awareness that there's an inequality
and it's acknowledged that it w ill take
a concerted effort on all parties to
bring about economic parity. The
Paul Brothers went beyond numbers
and made sure all MBEs had access.”
With possible federal cuts on the
horizon. Hunter said, “ It will d im in ­
ish work because there will be lewer
work orders and opportunities for
M B E s."
Nishimura said there may not be a
mass production o f public housing,
but the existing quality level will be
mz named
S e e fie-
RAM Broadcasting of Oregon, Ire , 713 S W 12th Avenue
Dr. Robert Hughley has been hired
as principal o f St. Andrew Commun­
ity School in Northeast Portland, St.
Andrew School Board Chairman,
Carolyn La/enhy, has announced.
Hughley began work at St. Andrew
May 15. He w ill be responsible for
registration fo r the 1985 86 school
year, and will meet with parents and
returning staff members. He will as­
sume fu ll responsibility in the fall,
lazenby said.
Hughley, 59, first worked as a
teacher in 1950, when he taught high
school in Tuscaloosa. Alabama Since
then he has taught in the Portland
School District (1957-62), was direc­
tor o f community services in the Port­
land School District (1965 66), and
has worked in school programs in
Texas and California.
Most re- cntly, Hughley worked for
five and one-half years for the M u lt­
nomah County Division o f Assess­
ment and Taxation His last job there
was as a tax collection manager,
Hughley is a member and past-
president o f the Albina Rotary Club.
Research from the M l. St. Helens
volcano could help save many lives in
fuiure volcanic eruptions, according
io Dr. Don Swanson, a geologist with
the U.S. Geological Survey.
Swanson is a member o f the team
o f scieniists m onitoring the volcano
and blast effects.
He reported on some o f the re­
search at a public meeting, " M t St.
Helens, Five Years L a te r," at the
Western forestry Center, May 16.
Swanson said that scientists moni­
toring earthquakes and the 800-foot-
high lava dome can now predict erup­
tions at St. Helens fairly accurately.
They also learned, although trag
icallv. he said, that when an erupting
volcano develops a huge bulge on its
side it is likely to tail “ catastrophical­
ly " in a huge blast o f the type that oc­
curred at St. Helens.
The massive mud flow that devas­
tated the Toutle River Valley occurred
many hours after the eruption, which
calls for vigilance by public safety
officials for a considerable time alter
an eruption, said Swanson.
Mud flows around volcanoes are
common and should be considered in
planning for towns, roads and
bridges, he said.
Whai scieniists have learned from
St. Helens, according to Swanson,
could save hundreds or thousands o f
lives when eruptions threaten, espe­
cially in Third W orld countries where
people often live and farm on the
slopes o f volcanoes.
Scientists had watched the huge
bulge for almost two months, he
said, but they thought it would break
up and relieve pressure underneath
"There was an outside chance
that the bulge would fail catastroph-
KaJly, and ul course the .xnsxle chance
was the one that occurred,” said
Swanson. "Rem oving the lid to th<-
bulge was the equivalent to removing
the lid on a pressure cooker.”
Fifty-seven people were killed in the
blast and 150 square miles o f foresi
land devastated It took 1300 feet o ff
the top o f the mountain and left a
jagged, horseshoe-shaped shell where
there once had been a perfect cone.
The volcano is now a national m on­
ument drawing thousands o f people
each year to take pictures o f sand­
blasted slumps and wrecked cars
surrounded by cyclone fences.
Dr Joseph Means, a biologist with
the U.S. Foresi Service, said that life
is returning to the blast zone. His
slides showed mountain wildflowers
like fireweed and lupine poking up
through cracks in the volcanic mud.
Mice, gophers and some trees and
plants survived because they were
protected by snow, but almost 100
percent o f the fish in the zone died,
he said.
v a slow process. said Means, but
t i t , plant and animal communities
arc gaming a fixithold. "T h e eco­
systems ha e had to start from
scratch,” he said. " I t really is a th rill
to see it. . .creation happening before
our very eyes."
Wheelchair wash
Care Medical Equipment w ill be
holding a free wheelchair wash on
Saturday, June I, 1985, from 10:00
a.m. to 3:30 p.m ., at 1877 N.E. 7th
and H a n o x k , Portland.
Power and manual wheelchairs will
be cleaned, and minor adjustments
made Free transputtation is available
within the Portland area. For more
inform ation call (503)288-8174
Police Union
vs Herndon
Are you tired of your hair being a part of a science project?
Does it look like a classroom experiment?
by la m ia Duke
Stan Peters, president o f the Police
Unmn, broke his silence on the actions
and reactions relating to the Tony
Stevenson tragedy by publicly criti-
nzing Ronnie Herndon, co-chair ol
the Black United Front.
Peters called Herndon a vulture, a
racist opportunist and accused hint o f
turning the Stevenson tragedy into a
Black-white incident.
Herndon denied Peters’ allegations
and added, “ At no time did Peters
mention a single lie that I told or point
to a fact which caused racial tensions.
We had a march where both Blacks
and whiles felt Tony's death was
u n fa ir."
Peters added that he was sick and
tired ot seeing Portland Police O ffi­
cers publically slandered, libeled and
detained But throughout the de­
mands for justice in the Stevenson
tragedy, Herndon and others pub­
lically stated that they were not con
demning all police officers. “ There's
an element in the force who are irre­
sponsible, poorly trained and tar
nishing the image o f the enure de­
partm ent," Herndon interjected at
various public appearances.
Herndon said Peters’ statements
surprised him because, in eat her p ri­
vate conversations, Peters nev r made
those observations. He noted that
Peters’ assertions reminded him o f a
saying coined by his grandmother:
"Never get into a urinating contest
with a sku n k."
Peters has filed a grievance with
Police Chief Penny Harrington, who
fired two police officers who created
and sold the infamous "D o n ’ t choke
em. Smoke ’e m " T-shirts in the park­
ing lot o f East Precinct on the same
afternoon Stevenson was buried.
"A s far as I'm concerned, those
officers are o ff the force," Harnng-
’ ton said. Peters called their termina­
tion "in a p p ro p ria te ."
Hughley said that, “ The new job
will give me an opportunity to use
my training and experience in a way
that w ill be helpful to the commun­
ity ." He said he would like to empha­
size good parent-school relationships,
and to work in a ctxiperanve manner
to meet all the goals o f the parish.
St. Andrew is a community school
o f 80 students that is sponsored by St.
Andrew Catholic Church and the
Archdiocese o f Portland in Oregon.
The school is located at 4919 NE 9th.
The school’s current principal, James
Harrison, will remain as St. Andrew’s
principal during a transition period.
Lazenby said.
Well — Lashay's has the answer to your problems. They
have the best line of products to suit your needs, also a
courteous professional staff that will take care of your
hair care needs. And if your hands are out of place, we
have a manicurist at
3806 N. W illiam s A ve. • 281-3136
(By Appointm ent Only)
Boneless Ham
Smoked, John Morrell
Fully Cooked
Water Added
5 to 8-lb. Avg.
Pork Link Sausage:,— ;;'’;. 1.39
Ball Park Franks M
or Beef 1 lb pkg
Beef Rib Steaks,“*“’-
Beef Chuck Steaksat,»'” 1.59
SE 20th b D IV IS IO N
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W BURNSIDE at 21*1
SAN RAFAEL 1910 NE 122nd