M en Page 2, Portland Observer, May 22, 1905 T - 'f lin T t - '- r O l lr '- ’ ¿ s -h ' y * ’ •■>* «t» Mt. St. Helens after 5 years by Robert Lolbtan William Y. Nishimura. Ragionai Housing Com­ missionar (cantar) prasants tha Minority Contractor Utilisation Award to Dick and CIMI Paul of Paul Paul Brothers. while Mika Shaw daft), project coordina­ tor for Paul Brothers, and Bill Hunter (right), of Port­ land Housing Authority, look on. (Photo: Richard J. Brown) rothers receive award by l amia Duke Paul Brothers, the recipient o f this award, used five MBEs to complete work Iasi year on a renovation project in Columbia Villa in North Portland Paul Brothers sub-contracted $187,055 to MBEs. W illiam Y. Nishimura, Regional Housing Commissioner, also praised the efforts o f W illiam Hunter, execu­ tive director o f the Portland Housing GRASSROOT NEWS, N .W . — While the m ajority o f prime and gen eral contractors complain that they are unable to find qualified minority businesses, a Boring, Oregon, con­ tractor ssas awarded one o f 26 na­ tional Housing and Urban Develop­ ment’s M in o rity Business Utilization awards. Mature years forum offered "Financial and Personal Inde­ pendence in the Mature Years" is the topic o f a forum scheduled for May 31. Mayor Bud ( lark w ill deliver the keynote address at 1:30 p.m Two panel dis< ssions are planned for the afierntxin. Portland Attorney Rees Johnson w ill provide a legal perspective on wills, trusts, probates, and estates as part o f the first panel. The second panel w ill focus on community resources. Architect Mark Bellinger w ill talk about living en­ vironments, housing choices, and interior space. Staying active and healthy through creative use o f time will be explored by writer Betty Un­ derwood. The P orlland/M ultnom ah Com ­ mission on Aging and the Area Agen cy on Aging, co-sponsors o f the event, encourage the public to attend. The forum will be held in Conference Room C, second floor o f the Port­ land Building and is free o f charge. Attention Shoe Lovers! stacyadams® are now in portland So . ... African Day Saturday put your Flörsheims and your Peddle Pushers to rest and step mto some fresh vz