Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 12, 1984, Page 8, Image 8

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    Pag® 8 Portland Observer, September 12, 1984
All nations share environmental effects
bv Nathaniel S to ll
Everybody isn’t talking about the
environment, but at least one group,
the G lo b al Tom orrow C o alitio n , is
doing something about it And you,
M r and M rs ./M s . John Q Publu.,
are invited to join in.
The (ilo b a l Tom orrow C oalitio n
believes all environm ental acts are
interconnected. W hat happens in
Russia, A fric a , New Z ealand and
P o la n d , they say, affects the e n ­
v iro n m e n t, w o rld wide N o th in g
that seeps into the atmosphere can be
c o n tro lle d ; each p a rtic le o f c o n ­
tam in atio n spilled upon the water
ways o f the w o rld , plays out its
string ol adversity to the tw irl o f
nature's baton, they say. I t ’s im por­
tant that we learn to live w ith the
world we have because it is the only
one we w ill ever have. And accor­
ding to their pom t-of-view , we are
rapidly destroying the planet we live
on in two ways. One, we are moving
closer and closer to a n ue'ear
holocaust; and tw o , we are
destroying the planet by con
laminating it. They say it is time we
reversed the trend and began to live
T h e Executive D ire c to r o f the
coalition is S2-year old D onald R.
Lesh. From his o ffic e in W a s h ­
in g to n . D . C . , Lesh directs the
n o n -p ro fit c o a litio n w ith a paid
s ta ff o f tw o and directs other
coalition business, he explained in a
recent address to the P o rtla n d
Chamber o f Commerce
Lesh m a in tain ed that Russell
Peterson, a fo rm e r governor o f
Delaware, and now the president of
the N a tio n a l A u d ub on S ociety,
fo un ded the c o a litio n in 1981
because of "th e Global 2000 Report
to the President (Jimmy Carter). " I t
dled by the small number o f fish in
their harvest nets Rem em ber the
year is 2000; a mere 16 years into the
future Sixteen years of anticipation
linking the Ragsdales, Dow nturns,
and lishermen in a dramatic sequence
of events.
The world over, in the year 2000,
farmers need fertile soil, an ab u n ­
dance o f water; lack of plant eating
bugs, and substantial manpower to
see crops through the cycle o f seed
to harvest. Their fate is tied to the
Orchard growers, the same as the
D o w ntu rn s, the w orld o ver, need
fo u r things; proper am ounts o f
water; a congenial climate; control
over fru it-d e s tro y in g bugs, and
was a catalyst that brought our
group to g e th e r," he added, main
tam ing that the general consensus
then. was. " T h e report should be
the basis for long range planning."
The G lo b a l 2000 R e p o rt to the
President was concerned with what
the earth would be like in the year
F L A S H ! T h e year is 2000. T he
Ragsdales, farm ers from G eorgia,
scratch their heads and wonder why
their crops won't grow.
In that same year, 20 00 , the
Downturns from Florida, shed tears
as they gaze at scrawny fru it trees
that were once p le n tifu l w ith lush
In Oregon, fishermen are befud-
S lim m e rs Salon
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guaranteed to lose 6 8 pounds per
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caring hands to prune the bush that
would have fed the hungry. And like
the Ragsdales, the D o w n tu rn s
depend on the en viron m ent. They
are dependent on spring, summer,
fall and winter— the four seasons of
the year-to replenish the earth with
fruit-bearing subsistence
A nd so we fin d a ll fa rm e rs ,
w hatever th eir c ro p , are in te rco n ­
nected; lie d to the d ictates o f
nature; dependent upon the under­
standing of man and locked into a
continuum that began long ago
Not everyone is concerned about
c o n tin u u m — the
e n v iro n ­
m ent— at least not yet, but accor­
ding to the G lo b a l T o m o rro w
Coalition, they need to be
Sauna Batha and Showers
1634 N .E. 7th
Phone 287 3288
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Confederated tribes
to hold Warm
Springs conference
T he Confederated Tribes o f the
W arm Springs Ind ian Reservation
w ill again host its second W arm
Springs Conservation Conference,
at Kah-Nee-Ta Lodge on September
28, 29, and JO. The conference will
take place in conjunction w ith the
Oregon W ild life Federation hoard
meeting on Friday, September 28th.
Topics this year will include public
land m anagem ent, water resource
m anagem ent, and the U . S . /C a n ­
ada salm on in te rce p tio n treaty
n eg o tiatio n s , am ong others. O n
S atu rd ay a fte rn o o n , the W arm
Springs Tribe will conduct a tour of
some o f its forested areas, and on
Saturday evening will host a salmon
feast at Simnasho Longhouse.
Accomodations include rooms at
cither K a h -N e e -T a Lodge or the
V illa g e , tip is , cam p space, and
trailer hookup A price list w ill be
m ailed to p o te n tia l p artic ip a n ts
during August.
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A Quick Mix To
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Persons interested in attending
should contact the C o lum bia River
In te r -T r ib a l Fish C o m m issio n at
their earliest convenience so that a t­
estim ated
Q uestions should be d irected to
Susan < asc at 5OJ-2J8-O667.
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Sept. 17
Turkey Pot Pie
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W arm Garlic bread
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Chocolate Pudding
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Sept 18
Burrito with Salsa
I ossed Salad with Italian Dressing
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Sept 19
Wiener W rap
Celery with Peanut Butter Dip
Spicy Applesauce
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Sept. 20
Barbecue Chicken
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Banana H a lf
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