Pag® 8 Portland Observer, September 12, 1984 All nations share environmental effects bv Nathaniel S to ll Everybody isn’t talking about the environment, but at least one group, the G lo b al Tom orrow C o alitio n , is doing something about it And you, M r and M rs ./M s . John Q Publu., are invited to join in. The (ilo b a l Tom orrow C oalitio n believes all environm ental acts are interconnected. W hat happens in Russia, A fric a , New Z ealand and P o la n d , they say, affects the e n ­ v iro n m e n t, w o rld wide N o th in g that seeps into the atmosphere can be c o n tro lle d ; each p a rtic le o f c o n ­ tam in atio n spilled upon the water ways o f the w o rld , plays out its string ol adversity to the tw irl o f nature's baton, they say. I t ’s im por­ tant that we learn to live w ith the world we have because it is the only one we w ill ever have. And accor­ ding to their pom t-of-view , we are rapidly destroying the planet we live on in two ways. One, we are moving closer and closer to a n ue'ear holocaust; and tw o , we are destroying the planet by con laminating it. They say it is time we reversed the trend and began to live again. T h e Executive D ire c to r o f the coalition is S2-year old D onald R. Lesh. From his o ffic e in W a s h ­ in g to n . D . C . , Lesh directs the n o n -p ro fit c o a litio n w ith a paid s ta ff o f tw o and directs other coalition business, he explained in a recent address to the P o rtla n d Chamber o f Commerce Lesh m a in tain ed that Russell Peterson, a fo rm e r governor o f Delaware, and now the president of the N a tio n a l A u d ub on S ociety, fo un ded the c o a litio n in 1981 because of "th e Global 2000 Report to the President (Jimmy Carter). " I t dled by the small number o f fish in their harvest nets Rem em ber the year is 2000; a mere 16 years into the future Sixteen years of anticipation linking the Ragsdales, Dow nturns, and lishermen in a dramatic sequence of events. The world over, in the year 2000, farmers need fertile soil, an ab u n ­ dance o f water; lack of plant eating bugs, and substantial manpower to see crops through the cycle o f seed to harvest. Their fate is tied to the environment. Orchard growers, the same as the D o w ntu rn s, the w orld o ver, need fo u r things; proper am ounts o f water; a congenial climate; control over fru it-d e s tro y in g bugs, and was a catalyst that brought our group to g e th e r," he added, main tam ing that the general consensus then. was. " T h e report should be the basis for long range planning." The G lo b a l 2000 R e p o rt to the President was concerned with what the earth would be like in the year 2