Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 13, 1982, Image 1

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    H ra F ra n c o a S c h a a n -’ -
U n iv e r s ity
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U.S. arms
complaints X "
Page 2
e w s p a p c r P eca
'on L i b r a r y
4 ' i '*) 3
Ron Steen
I i f
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October 13, 1982
Volume Mil, Number 1
25C Per Copy
USPS 959-680-855
Kulongoski pledges appointments,
minority business assistance
M ayor Frank Ivancle and Chlaf Ron Still Inform
praaa on naw antl-proatltutlon pollclaa for North-
aast Portland,
IPhoto: Richard Brown)
Prostitution patrol pushed
Mayor Francis Ivancie said it was
aot a press even» hut th* v a i Ojin»
when he and Polite Chief Ron Still
announced a new anti-program for
Northeast Portland. The program is
directed principally at prostitution
but also will target home burglaries
and robberies.
The plan consists ol added police
presence, a new booking policy, and
citizen involvement.
Saying that the neighborhood
people are “ fed up w ith c rim e ,”
Ivancie said (he City is responding
with more police presence. This will
include the horse p atrol and the
-.•atr?«» crim e unit. In raapoa^e to a
citizen’s question, Ivancie expressed
the belief that the concentration o f
prostitution in Northeast Portland
is a result o f earlier “ lax attitudes
toward law enforcement."
Chief Still said every person ar­
rested for p ro s titu tio n —male and
female—w ill be booked. Currently
prostitutes and their customers are
often given cita tio n s—sim ila r to
tra ffic citations—and many never
appear in court.
S till again em phasized that the
real p tc b lrm b lack o f ja il space,
but he will arrest and let the County
worry about where to put them.
Citizens will be asked to complete
form s p ro vid in g in fo rm a tio n on
persons suspected o f being prosti­
tutes, pimps or custom ers. These
forms will be used to build evidence
against the suspect and citizens will,
in some cases, be asked to testify.
Ivancie and S till said the in ­
creased police patrol will remain un­
til the problem is solved, perhaps
until the first o f the year.
Business questions military budget
Leaders of the U.S.’s top corpor­
ations have questioned the Reagan
military budget, saying (hat the ad­
ministration should consider cuts to
bring down the federal deficit. The
federal deficit is expected to reach
an all-time high o f $150 billion this
fiscal year.
The Business Council, which held
a three-day meeting in Hot Springs,
V irg in ia , last week is made up o f
one hundred men—chairmen and
retired chairmen of the nation's ma-
jo r corporations. The Council, to­
gether with its lobbying arm —the
Business R oundtable—is the na­
tio n ’ s most elite business organiza­
The business leaders held a p ri­
vate meeting with Secretary o f De­
fense Caspar W einberger, who
asked them to support the m ilitary
budget at a level o f 29 per cent o f
the total budget. The general feeling
was that most agency's budgets had
been pared to the bone and only the
m ilitary budget and social security
and entitlem ent programs rem ain.
D avid R o ck erfe lle r, C h airm an o f
Chase M anhattan Bank, felt a " lit ­
tle bit” could be cut from the m ili­
tary, and added that “ the two areas
where money is spent are defense
and health and human services. It
seems to me som ething has to be
done in both.”
O f special significance in the
statement by these corporate leaders
(Please turn to page 4 column 4)
that black people not only are hired
in state agencies but that they have
an o p p o rtu n ity to reach the top.
State Senator Ted K u lo n go ski,
D em ocratic P a rty candidate fo r
Governor, pledged Tuesday night to
appoint blacks and minority people
to “ m ajo r boards and com m is­
sions.” In response to a question by
M rs. Kay T o ran , state a ffirm a tiv e
action o ffic e r under G o v . V ic to r
Atiyeh, he promised to surpass the
record o f appointm ents set by
Governor Atiyeh.
Kulongoski pointed out that he
was the sponsor o f Senate B ill 680
which requires affirm ative action in
g u b ern a to ria l appointm ents to
boards and commissions. Governor
Atiyeh apposed that legislation.
The great danger in q u o tin g
statistics in appointm ents is that
they do not demonstrate the type o f
appointment. “ Is it really a position
o f influence? W here are the
appointments made? . . . M y policy
is to see that you provide opportuni­
Kulongoski also pledged to insure
Kulongoski was the author o f most
o f the civil rights/affirmative action
legislation adopted during the past
five years. He favors ammendment
to em ploym ent d is crim in atio n
legislation to allow the complaintant
to receive damages fo r loss o f
professional o p p o rtu n ity and
m ental distress. By the tim e a
complaintant wins a judgment and
the wages earned or unemployment
received fo llo w in g the act are
deducted “ it costs you more than
the employer.”
Kulongoski said the key to true
equality is economic opportunity.
“ Every person who wants to work
must have the opportunity to find a
job and to get good pay.”
The economy must also provide
an opportunity for those who want
to be employers and the government
must provide economic stimulation
to that end. Among the programs he
would make available to prospective
business people in N o rth east
P ortland, not now provided by the
state, are venture capital, training
and support services.
K ulongoski
investment o f state funds, usually
invested in o u t-o f-s ta te c o rp o ra ­
tio n s,
O regon
Investm ent
earm arked fo r specific areas or
specific types o f businesses. “ The
money now being invested in
C alifornia and in other states could
be made a v a ila b le to N o rth east
P o r tla n d " to p ro vid e jobs and
venture capital for existing and new
small businesses.
Sen. Kulongoski will discuss
economic development in Northeast
Portland on Oct. 15th, 7:00 a.m., at
the Coliseum Holiday Inn. The
public is invited to participate.
Soviet spokesman says:
. Nuclear war survival a fantasy
Dr. Valentin M . Berezhkov o f the
Soviet U nion’s Academy o f Science
told those attending the U .S . C ivil
Defense Council national meeting in
P o rtla n d that the n otion o f sur­
viving a nuclear war is “ a fantasy.”
“ We are telling our people that it is
impossible. We are telling our peo­
ple that we must prevent a nuclear
Brezhkov said it has been the o ffi­
cial policy o f the Soviet U n io n , es­
pecially since the 26th Party C o n ­
gress o f F ebruary, 1 9 8 1 ,that in a
nuclear war no country can win or
survive, but it would be “ a whole­
sale disaster fo r the w hole o f hu­
m anity.” The current policy is to ac­
quaint the Soviet people with the ef­
fects o f a nuclear war on people, the
enviro n m en t and fu tu re life on
e arth . T o this end a pam phlet by
Brezhnev’s personal physician de­
tailing the probable effects as well as
the ethics o f nuclear war was widely
Berezhkov denied the o p in io n
w idely publicized in the U .S . that
the U.S.S.R . is preparing for evacu­
a tio n and c ivil defense. “ A fte r
W o rld W a r I I we had ideas about
civil defense and ways to protect the
population and industry. In the '40s
and ’50s the subway was placed very
deep, but we stopped at the end o f
the ’50s. When we understood that
there is no chance o f surviving a nu­
clear war. W e think it is useless to
spend money and energy this w ay.”
The idea o f attempting to protect
the p o p u latio n is not acceptable
now, especially after Brezhnev said
that anyone w ho starts a nuclear
war in hope o f w in n in g it has a l­
ready com m itted suicide. It is as­
sumed that in case o f nuclear war
both sides would use their arsenals
which “ are so great that life will be
Berezhkov, who was a diplom at
during W o rld W a r I I , said it is a
com m on b e lie f that the U .S .S .R .
and the U .S . were able to work to­
gether during W orld W ar II because
they had a common enemy. “ But I
think that we now also have a com­
mon enemy— nuclear weapons. I f
we do not destroy them , they w ill
destroy us."
Berzhkov said the policy o f the
U .S .S .R . is to reduce nuclear wea­
pons and e ve n tu ally to e lim in a te
them. To this end they have made sev­
eral proposals: T h e U .S .S .R .
pledged never to use nuclear
weapons against a country that has
no nuclear weapons on its territory;
the U .S .S .R . pledged not to be the
firs t to use nuclear weapons; the
U .S .S .R . has proposed th a t both
nations discontinue producing, de­
veloping and testing; the U .S .S .R .
proposed a freeze at current levels to
be followed by reduction.
C u rre n tly the U .S . and the
U .S .S .R are very far apart in their
negotiations. Berezhkov explained
that the U .S .’s approach is the rea­
son for the delay. The U .S .S .R . is
w illin g to freeze at current levels,
then reduce. The U .S . proposes to
reduce only land-based strategic
missiles. The U .S.S.R . cannot agree
because 75 per cent o f its 8,000 war
heads are land-based while only 25
per cent o f the U .S ’ s 12,000 w a r­
heads are land-based.
Berezhkov also accused the U .S .
o f w anting to achieve superiority:
(Please turn to page 4 column 4)
Hunter defends HAP minority contract record
by Lanita Duke
Grussroot News, N. W —In an ef­
fort to divert any negative publicity
the Housing Authority o f Portland
went public Friday m orning w ith
concerns o f minority contractors as
the main topic. Director W.E. Hun­
ter explains, “ The problem that
tame to our attention was that cer­
tain elements in the community have
expressed dissatisfaction with the
amount ol dollars awarded to m i­
n o rity contractors by W oodburn
Construction Co.”
Woodburn Construction was the
lowest bidder for the Eliot II family
development site. Thus, the Hous
ing Authority awaided the housing
contract to W oodburn C onstruc­
tion. One part of the dissatisfaction
was that Woodburn Construction
had not awarded a part o f the con
tract to minority contractors in this
area The second part was that the
Housing Authority had not done its
part in fu lfillin g its m inority busi­
ness programs under federal regula­
different entities looking at the same
Asked if any o f the allegations
thing and coming to different con­
were true Hunter replied, “ Based
clusions. “ W oodburn has in fact
upon our investigations we found
awarded 15 per cent o f its contract
both allegations were not true. We
to minority contractors. The Hous­
did not find on the part o f Wood-
ing A uth o rity by our record has a
brun Construction that they did not
commitment to m in o rity contract­
award or make available sufficient
ors. The m in o rity contractors arc
parts o f the contract per federal reg­
looking at the fact (hat there is a
ulations. In fact, the amount award­
contract for $989,000 and at least
ed to m in o rity contractors was 15
20 per cent o f that money should
per cent, which is in excess o f what
have been made available to them ."
many prim ary contractors award
The 15 per cent that was awarded
out. The federal regulations only re­
to m inority contractors by W ood­
quire you to make available 20 per
burn were not black and did not live
cent o f a project. And as you well
in the Albina urea. “ Woodburn is a
know there’ s a big difference in
firm that is located in the W ood­
making available and what is ac­
burn area. C o n struction firm s
tually awarded." Hunter concluded
usually have lists o f subs that they
that W oodburn was not aware o f
have dealt with in the past. I do not
the dynamic o f the E lio t com ­
believe it was a plan on their part to
munity. “ There are a lot o f people
disinvest m in o rity contractors in
unemployed in the Eliot neighbor­
this area. It was just their wav o f do­
hood. There are a lot o f m inority
ing business."
contractors in this area who arc
Because o f the criticism leveled by
struggling and who have folded be­
m in o rity contractors Hunter o r ­
cause o f the lack o f business."
ganized a meeting with Woodburn
Hunter secs the problem as three construction and various m inority
contractors. “ Except for two bids,
the bids received by Woodburn were
far in excess o f the amount o f mon­
ey that had been set aside. Also fed­
eral regulations would not permit an
increase in that set-aside m oney."
As an example, Hunter mentioned
that fo r final cleaning W oodburn
received a bid from a minority busi­
ness for $37,500. But from a sub in
W oodburn they would do it fo r
$16,045. Another item is after HUD
went public with the projects why
did m inority contractors wait until
jfte r the bid was awarded to look
into the matter.
Currently, construction has start­
ed on the Eliot II site Hunter says
there aren’ t any reasons to hold the
project up. "Since a good percent­
age o f the families residing in Eliot
II w ill be black it would have been
great to have m inority contractors
in on the ground flo o r ." It d id n ’ t
work out like (hat and evidence
shows that m in o rity contractors
have only to blame themselves, he
(Photo: Richard Browml