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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1982)
Portland Observer, August 11,1982 Page 9 D O -IT-Y O U R S E LFE R S F IN D V A L U E A T D IS C O U N T A P P L IA N C E S & P A R T S .. . . Babes On Burnside In response to an overwhelming demand for tickets, there will be four ad ditional performances— 8 pm each evening, Thursday through Sunday, ending Sunday, August 13. In the spirit o f those great shows born from the depression o f the 1930s, this original production combines satire and escape with original music and extravagant dance numbers. Babes On Burnside lets you forget most o f your troubles and laugh at the rest o f them. Tickets and information about Babes on Burnside are available by calling Storefront Theatre, 224-4001. From time to time in • day of high price* end bed aarvica along com e* an ambrtiou* com pany dedicated to holding down the coeta to consumers, while always improving the aer vice. Otecount Appliance* and Part* i* auch a company The owner he* (pent 10 year* in the distribution of appliance pert* Hr* phioeophy — "T o ssN the beet possible part* at the lowest price* " So. to do something about th at, he ha* compiled * »mall catalog of the moat often needed epphanca pert* th at m any h o m eow n er* can replace them seive* A n y one can order the part* they need to do their ow n repair* from thia concie* illustrated book Concerning prices, it would be L-wt to quota directly from the mwda front cover of the cat •log: " W e urge you to compere our fantastic value* against any other appliance pert* re tailer in your area, our pricae are seldom bettered " The catalog is available from: Discount Appliances & Parts The West Hills Go Swing! The W oody H ite Big Band will return for three evening performances August 20, 21, and 22 for an 8:30 p.m. show entitled: "B id Band Vibes." This is the tenth year that this 19-piece group, directed by Don Hite with Co-directro Ray Spurgeon have been part of the festival in the amphitheater adjacent to the Rose Test Gardens. The Bureau o f Parks encourages very early arrival to the amphitheater. Pack your dinner basket and relax and enjoy the magical evening o f music. In case o f rain, a concert will be held August 23 at 8:30 p.m. 3360 S.E. Division Portland, Oregon 97202 'sJSiZ To cover postage and handling there is s two dollar (82) charge. However, this charge is deductible from your first order by enclosing the coupon on page 24 of the catalog. Or stop by our store, mention the P O R T L A N D O B SE R V ER and get a free complimentary copy. Downtown With Heartbeat Concerts W ith concerts lasting throughout August, the downtown business com m unity is hosting 16 performances every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30-1:30 in four different parks in the downtown core area. D ow ntow n businesses encourage everyone to take advantage o f the Heartbeat series. Put top local entertainment on lunchtime calendars and munch to the music in downtown Portland. Call Susan Norman for more information: 223-7004. Minnie's Ice Cream Parlor and Deli Sandwiches^ ' <0*^ A Doll House Loretta Lynn will be at the Lane County Fair on Wednesday. Au gust 18. appearing In two performance«; one at 2 pm and the other at 8 pm. Advance tickets go on sale at the Fairgrounds on July 19 at 1 pm. Advance tickets will ba available until August 13. Loretta At The Fair The “ First Lady o f Country M usic," Loretta Lynn has been in show bus iness for over 20 years. Her albums have become country classics, powered by her down-home, lyrical style which is highlighted by her warm way with a melody. Loretta's autobiography, "C o a l Miner's D aughter," has portrayed her life story in the same country style which has been her unique gift in music and in living her life. The story was introduced in book version in 1977, fol lowed more recently by the moyie. Since the difficult beginning of her career (she and her husband lived out of their car as they toured the country to promote her first record). Loretta has released more than 30 albums for M C A . M ajor hits include "C oal M in er's D au g h ter," " Y o u A in 't Woman Enough,” " D o n ’t Come Home A- D rinkin’," and " L o v e ’s the Foundation." Her 1982 album release is Loret ta Lynn: I H e . 13 Flavors A D o ll House will play at Lewis and Clark College’s Fir Acres Theatre Tuesdays-Saturdays at 8:00 pm and Sundays at 2:00 pm, august 3th through the 28th. Tickets are $8.50. For reservations and inform ation, please call 244-0183. Special Peach Ice Cream Jazzing In The Park Thara Memory will present an evening of Jazz Music in the Washington Park A m phitheater, adjacent to the International Rose Test Garden, the evening o f August 12 at 8:30 p.m. M r. Memory's agenda changed recently, and he will not be performing with the entire Orchestra, but instead with The Creative Jazz Ensemble. This five-piece Jazz ensemble is made up of some o f the finest musicians in the area, including: George M itchell, piano; Bruce Carter, drums; Lester McFarland, bass; Dennis Springer, woodwinds; and Thara Memory himself on the cornet. For more information call the Park Bureau at 248-4315. . Tue.-Fri. 11:00am -10pm » Sat. 12:30-10 pm Sun. 3:00 pm-8 pm J u a n ita M a tth e w * Owner 5938 N. Greeley 285-0666 Portland, Oregon advertise in the Observer • Most Anywhere You Live TWO Sharp TV Reception Is Now Available NIGHTS ONLY ir "zaao.uu Installed live music with the Inner City Band FRI & SAT AUG. 13 & 14 Geneva's 4228 N. W illiam s 282 6363 Service after the sale—to maximize your satisfaction Quality workmanship - the latest in established methods a 1 in house receptacle located within 36 feet of ceble entry Into your home ♦ 1 permanent antenna mount — located within 36 feet of your house ♦ ♦ * ♦ * * Sports Up to 60 Satellite Channels Out of state programs Full run movies no commercials Las Vegas specials Adult programing ★ 24 HOur-A-Dav stations ♦ Tune in Congressional meetings * 24 hour news r * Religious programs * Music * ( ♦ Weather < Receive all the television there is to see VIA SATFLLITF from North America with your ow n Satellite Antenna. Change Satellites in seconds, lo w w ind load resistance, tested to receive all new s a te llite s . D u r a b l e , - lig h t w e ig h t alu m inu m . Com pares to, or surpasses systems costing thousands m ore Another versatile perform er, singer and actor. Jerry Reed will bring his talente to the Lane County Fair on Thuredey, August 19. "Hot" Jerry Reed That Jerry Reed is a winner surprises no o n e .. .you need the word " h o t" to measure more than a Jerry Reed song or performance. He can play a fine, driving jazz guitar, yet slip into the Chet Atkins style. He's equally good at singing, either pop material or what some might call pure country. He is a top comedian and a serious actor as was obvious in his movie roles with Burt Reynolds (Smokey and the Bandit). Reed is best known for his recordings o f "A m os Moses" und "W h en Y o u ’ re H o t, Y ou're H o t." When talking about songwriting, Reed says, "Titles catch folks’ curiosity because they become interested in finding out what the songs are all about." This theory may prove true of his current hit, "She Ool The Goldmine (I Oot The Shaft)!" His 1982 album release is The M an With The Golden Thumb and includes his current hit. Reed will have an afternoon and an evening performance at the Fair, at 2 pm and 8 pm. Advance tickets will be available at the Fairgrounds on July 19 at I pm. Advance tickets will not be available after August 13. Both per formers will have reserved seating only, and tickets are $1.00. V Financing can be arranged on approved credit Future Television Inc. 2727 N .E . 10th P ortland O R 97212 249-0992