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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1982)
Page 6 Section II Portland Observer, July 7, 1982 S P O R T S M A N 'S AUTO Hfttr Design Center . onnsp JpnPmp ^4anaabt, Jensce Ha teip Jobnpon A di On 3909 N W illiam « J E N K IN S A U T O SERVICE anfina OMrtMul OuMNv aarMC« euartnOM 3PM N. W illiam « Portland Oregon C o n im T h is P a g e A ie iu iit y liir c c t o r v a n d /w O f L o c a l B u lin o » » « . » T h a i A i e o /ilc y H e lp in g B u ild A B e rre i C om m uni r y P ortland. OR 97227 Professional Services 749 3996 c i w m n »uTOMorivi aeeMaaae J a c k s o n 's A u to m o tiv e ! 2106 N. K illin gsw o rth P o rtlan d. Ore. 97217 286 7338 [ 6 U t f { P u iP r t bWTBP THArswiar 'T.yyv n S a J y u*ui O m J í , ¿A7» ^ » .* & LAUNDRY 3327 N E Broadway Portland. Oragon 97232 (5031249-1940 I > tr o n i \ l lllflkl If. If. \ S A M and OLLIE'S ( d u S H-y -i * L 311 N.E. Shaver St. Portland. O ragon 97212 297 8629 I A Iv a r ln S a n th * ? H I MHO I -IlM S A S S A tO S 21 U W N tR J O «I BOOKER T LEWIS. JR DOS. II unable Io hasp appoMitmonl fcmfSy «nr» .*» hour» none» 34 N.E. Killingsworth Portland Oregon 97211 281 3010 1440 N.E. B roadw ay Portland. OR 97232 (503)287 1746 7TH7 PROJECT STOP Oulpatient alcohol treatment (or individuals and fam ilisi special program (or women 1929 Northeast Broadway K N O T T ST GROCERY Stan Nicholson 6842 N.E. Union Avenue Portland. OR 97211 Grocery-Cold Beer and W ine 284-7490 P m b a ilT O fa lfV Walnut Park Dental Center Serving the community with quality work quality service 5315 N Vancouver Portland. Oregon - ÍK Complete Care Center Atlas Products To« >ng Service M a k e this directory w o rk fo r you call 283 2486 519 NE B ro ad w ay Portland. OR 97213 (frad Morris 284 505C _ ROSE C 'TY A U TO SALEiT PA IN TIN G Your doPPr buy* more pnd morp hpppl Cota beer pnd wtnp Oppc hoPdpyp • 00-10 00 M S □uphty * o n guaranteed Cft* up today and pn*ne tomorrow 1480 N.E Prescott Portlend. Oregon 284 3837 BO O KER T. L E W IS , JR . D .D .S ¿Has. C H U C K 'S C A R STEREO HOME APEX UPHOLSTERY Free estimates-Quabty Work Antiques Restored Low Prices!!! 282-8609 - 2 4 1 7 NE Union Sales Service Installation 630 N .E . U n ion Ave If unable to keep appointment kindly give 24 hours notice. Hours 10-6 M F IQ-SSai BEAUTY Trader Dave FRIDAY S BEAUTY SUPPLY 34 N .E . K illin g s w o rth ......... SMW W» carry product» M m Jal and Ebon* 4664 NE Union 287 8266 3612 NE 15th For the Oppt m ha* car* Comp n and check up out W pbp O b T v 1634 N .E. 7th 213-215 N E Hancock Portland Oregon 282 3379 'J , 4 / MfutliJ t at Broadw ay il» V £ "V W O O D L A W N CLEANERS Open6 day«aweak • a m I p n Wp gnrp Sft* Green Stamp* WMiDeBum Portland. O regon 97211 Hats-Scarves & Accessories Styling 707 NE FREM O NT 281 6625 RIO A Y'S BEA UTY SUPPLIES Wholesale and Retail "W e carry products that arr seen in Jet and Ebony Magazine '* Open 9 a m - 8 p.m. 3612 NE 1 5 th . 249T1363- 1419 N .E. Frem ont • s»»oti*vf hat» »nd » rr— n r w Mon » SWtaon b Poce» 1119 N.E. B roadw ay Portland. Oregon 97232 (503)282 9463 V era J. Thomas Qefdtn , We have top name brand shoes Nike, Adidas Tiger, Puma 29th b Alberta 281 5819, Shoes b Apparel PEGGY'S HlO EW AY Com» m »nd «hoot • e»m» of poor 2 N Killingsworth Portland. Oragon 97217 291 4 8 4 0 P ft J s T IP P IN IN N TA VER N New owner Falstaff Beer Glass 35C 2 8 3 -2 2 2 1 AESTAUR AN1S P R E N C H S RESTAU RANT Family Atmosphere Open 7 a m lo 10 p m Breakfast Lunch-Dinner 285-3400 7331 NE U N IO N U N IQ U E L IV IN G C O N C E P TS "W e nail to please you VARIETY N eed done? todayl ty p e s e ttin g C a ll 283 2486 Vacuum Cleaner Sew ing M ach in e K's Place N o Job* to o pm»ll Cuatom dacka Tor hot tufta poof* hompp CuPtom mtprto* w « i Oipfvws uptng walnut, oak. ate BuBt to your appcihcptionp N O J O B S TO O BIO Peggy b Jim M illar Bee Glass 46C 838 N. Killingsworth NE U N I O N * D E K U M 11493 S E 82nd 663 7932 4220 S E Haw thorne 238 1070 12701 N .E. 7th • 281-4372 C L O T H IN G W O O D L A W N PHA R M A C Y Prescription« W e accept All Medical Cards Pets & Veterinary Suppltec ‘ W E CARE 2PS-3311 81 N E Union ____ 281 0819 M on-Fri 9-9 Set 9-4 VERA S HAT BOUTIQUE 16 N M orris St Portland. Oregon 97227 281 9931 Apprpippi Sarvtce O ft «M2 Sftxe. ^ t» IC A N «ss I W » do quarry w o rt • A iw u o o o . • O mw . cleaning methods will do| it. Expert Tailoring. (The moat in dry cleaning! Featuring same day cleaning and laundry service tuxedo rentals m 5008 N. In ters tate Sales and service Eureka Electric Co 1804 N E Union Homemade Chili and fries Burgers. Shskes. Chicken Call in orders 281-7478 Portland. OR ^ ■ ^ 8 7 9 4 2 ^ ^ TA STE TICKLER JO H N REED BOOKSTORE Video Games. Tske Out Only T ? fd u e ConcratP work bfpektop pfumftmg and o o w v ro w v 72» S W W .U n>çtOn ptPCtncaf fpncaa roohng<J O pQ or 9720^ WVpdortp« a v w bu*J dog houPPP' A S H IN G T O N '*'on*z a SQ UARE hone 639 1622 Submsrine Sandw ich. 11-5 Mon Fri. 12-6 Saturday 14th ft NE B roadw ay CALL (206)254-1233 Phons Orders 282-3881 I Reg 4223-Ut uuato0C190RQ Waller C Reynolds M D Kalpana H R«|dev M D Physicians b Surgeons 15 N. M orris St. VAN N S M O RTUARY Thera • ”O Ooufcf W hpr y q u cM Venn With uP Ounppy « p IrpcktMXi 6211 N Williams Avs Portland. Oragon 97217 291 2838 Dr Samuel J Brown Jr F» Dr Carloa L W eakly. DENTIST M a k e this directory w o rk for you call 283 2486 P R M C CLINIC PHARM ACY »war« nertmaN i —»» » »»» The Paris & Service People - i- P » » - STEW ART C LEA N ER S ELLIS CLEANERS Let us renew the beauty] of your g arm ents. Ourj EHOUR M A R T IN IZ IN G IBBB 1001 N .E. B R O A D W A Y , CLEAN ER S V DAVE PE LETT Home L A U N D R Y «nd D R Y C L t A N IN G • 281 9495 ( A U NISEX SALO N • '672D N.E. Union Avenue 'ortland. Oregon 97211 503:289 4470 • PHARMACY J Estates Liquidations N e w ft Used Furniture A ppliances AntiquPe CoMoctibfoe Cotnp 4- U CLtANtU W H Y BE BALD? Broadway Hairweevers & Designers Beauty Salon has the solution. e work W ITH you to save you moneyl 714 N Killingsworth. Portlam P o rtla n d , O regon 97211 281-3010 O EAN'S BEAUTY SALON Er BARBER 255-6038 256-3863 ^iqrpptpe at cunpnt bones about Afncpr ubprpbon t Oakum Building Sixth Floor 619 S W 3rd Avs Portland. Oregon 227 2902 eynolds “ M ED IC A L C LIN IC • 5600 NE Union (503)287 0693 B & R Fam ily Shoe S tore Reliable • By appointment or call! " T h ^ Sportthoet our speciality Retailing and resoleing 2 Young Christians W A N T T H E JOB ¡Affordable, experienced HUNGRY STUDENTS W /covered moving van. ATTORNEY AT LAW 503 281 656». SOLE D ESIG N ER S OF PO R TLA N D M O O V IN G p« r 7212 N.E. Union Ave Portland, Oregon 97211 Au Call 774-1171 4831 S.E. P o w ell vuoi 3536 N W illiam s Ave SH O ES C P I STORE Vw»y hxm HOB 00 Ph 231-8106 JCustom Hitch Installation! Fabrication, Wiring, Welding, Towing Supplies] uraa B R O A D W A Y EXxbkl ' b For A ll Your T o w in g Needs s»rt» n Kenneth C. Dixson Ph 2818110 M ake this directory work for you call 283 2486 2709 NE 7th ^ ^ T e je p h o n e 2 K ^ T 9 ^ BO DY M IS C E LLA N E O U S Aoco.0 e tao» Satociun» AoitioiUad 4623 N. Vancouver Alberta B o d y e o ^ P sin ^ b o p Wreck Rebuilding Unibody Frame Strengthening! Jackson's O w l R«dl T V ft Record Co. Portlend. OR 97232 Portland. OR 97232 Et Lounge Restaurant hrs. 5 am 9 pm] I Lounge hrs. 11 am-1 pm J 1332 N Skidm ore ¿’ JZJr . 1535 N .E. 41st 4 9 0 8 ^ J J n io n D e v U n T K e s ta u r ä r i? Nt p . i i r M a k e this directory w o rk fo r you call 283 2486 Restaurant b M arket Open 9 00 A M 1144N E Prescott 1014 N. K illin gsw o rth í I Il.tlllr II1<|\ \ \ .|lt h fk GROCERS Established in 1912 and still providing quality dry cleaning at reasonable rates regular dental check upal rophiea • Plaques • «rnbiern» Trophies • name plates ROBERTA BUTLER. p io t e c ^ o u ^ h iW ^ m i^ y S r 1 T O W N SQ U A R E RESTAURANT BAROY TROPHY CO Travel Robert» 3418 N E Broadway Portland. OR 97232 716 N Alberta Portland, Oregon 603 284 0804 PATON JEWELERS I BR EA KFA ST SPECIAL W .ih h elk TFLEAI yers ‘h Hv« aw Hwwi a SncNax $2.00 C/urAia,. Fabric 4 Slviinf for Discriminating T ilt s Ph 15031 286 9664 ATTORNEY AT LAW General Practica 519 S W Broadway Portland. Oragon 97206 224 9063 JEWELRY Æ Since 1932 M 294 0966 |900N E Broadway Portland. OR Quality at attordabla pnces Ralph Orlasen b d 947 SW Broadway 1 Portland. OR 97206 1868 N. Lom bard Portland. OR 97217 I ” Carlo« O R EG O N RUG & M A T T R E S S CO. Introduces BO NNIE HOWE (Formerly Eastport Plazs) FREE comb-out with purchase, of a naw wig and located in: N ew berry a Lloyd Canter 3900 N. Mlsaiealppl Ava. Portland. O regon 17227 10S1 Lloyd Canter Portland. Oregon 97232 £ JASPER L. A M B E R S H U N A N RESTAU RANT Unlquel NATURAL F U R N IT U R E Ready to Finish W w w iho boo* ■ ■ out 10% oft wOh coupon Open Bam 8pm Mon Fn 1833 N KIIHngaworth Portland. OR 97211 287 7273 ¿ \« P M RO TH A U T O M O T IV E I Cnmpfks boftv fpnftpr rqpppp ft w*w* C H A R LEY S OSBORN'S CLEANERS M ake this directory work for you calL283-2486 H » > aia»<o>«»v 2208 NE KiHingawoith Portland. Oregon 97212 ! 7643 ROSE CITY AUTO SALES BODY & PAINTING E ERNEST GUILE. D M D M P H FAMILY DENTISTRY C o n fu ta tio n » a c c e p te d Quality work guaranteed. Cal ua today and shine tom orrow 7206 NE Union Ave. Portland, Oregon 97211 283-4800 SUE W IC K L U N D TR AVEL 1734 N.E Broadway Portland, OR 97232 KEN TUTTLE 1503) 249 8303 In s u ra n c e W e c k e n d I) I .e n in i, h o u rs 2274 Lloyd Center For appointment call 287 1078 St. A n d rew Legal Clinic « Serving the C o m m u n ity M EM O RIAL CENTER ChPd Dp ptopmpnt ■ rndargartenp hot fxppa fppt ft lunch pnaeftp • Mftm 4927 N.E. 8th A ve. l2y*p Fqdüc 128 NE Russell Portland. O regor Portland. Oregon (503)281 1500 GOSPEL MUSIC WORKSHOP AND JUBILEE Featuring M rs . P atrin ell W rig h t >e (stesi vos • cordial K & G LANDSCAPING v id M o w in g , w e e d in g , e d g in g , tillin g , fen cin g and m in o r c o n stru c tio n . ^ c ° s ' V o" Call G ordon Spink, Jr. 289-5462 /72X io A tto Boor JRissionarp B aptist •m e TiTMiHc CKi'tcM ■ uesicseo to S e a ttle , W a s h in g to n i hurtti rue oLOtr or ooo’ 3725 N Gsaleabeis Avesse Portlud Oreroe 97227 eer-ixet • «>■»»»»■« r a a w n m a « W-ddN Rev A. B em ud Dever» Sunday School Morning \A or»hip Bible Training Union Evening U orhvip A.A.. B.A Pistot 9:30 A .M . 10:30 A .M . 6:00 P.M . 7:30 P M Affiliated * ilh ihe National Bapnsi Convennon of Amenta and Ihe Soulhern Baptui Convention Vi'here all peoples o f all races are welcomed to worship I, New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church R R R N R R R R R e R R R R R R R R RA F A M R A S A F A g A g A g A SR RR RR RR S A S A A A F A R A S Coming Attraction N a o m i C. W rig h te n Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church and the Yearly Concerts Five Gospel Concerts Rev. L e e A rth u r J . M a d is o n , P a sto r ST. A N D R E W S C A T H O L IC C H U R C H M a tth e w Allen W a tle y , D .D . Church Phone: 288 5429 Sunday School 9:00 am Morning Worship I ! :00 am Manse: 282 0067 (tw o in the spring - one in the sum m er - tw o in the fall) Co-hosted by: The Salvation A rm y - M oo re St. - C om m unity Center Correctional Service Cam ping Program for In m a te s ’ Children April 18, 1982, at 7:30 pm Bethel A.M .E. Church 5828 N.E. 8th/Jerrett, Portlend, Ore. Pastor: Elder M A Watley Indivldutil Handicapped Person June 20. 1982, at 3 pm Youth Division Secretary, Captain Rudy Hedgten Salvation Army Moore St. Center 5430 N Moore St., Portland, Ore. eroc»»d» trom M e n concert w»l tw llonaM d ti th» foul afganu»«on» ai th» foUowme ord»> Sickle Call Anem ia Msrch21. 1982 at 3 pm Bethesda Christian Church 109 N Emerson, Portlend, Ore. Pastor Elder R Lawrence Special Olympics September 19, 1982. et 3 pm Hughes Memorial Methodist Church 111 N.E. Failing, Portland, Ore. Pastor: Elder W .M . Reynolds The U nited Gospel Singers Assn. Inc October 17, 1982. at 7:30 pm Gethsemene Church of God in Christ 801 N.E 8th/Fading Pastor- Elder R.L. Menifee 654-4310 or 238-0681 5828 N.E 8th Ave. Portland, OR 97211 S in gin g G o sp elig h ts, Inc. Presents 1615 N .E . K illin g s w o rth , Morning Star Baptist Church| 806 NE A LB E R TA STREET R everend B ertram G riffin , Pastor 281 4429 M a tM t 5 00pm Vigil Saturday 10 00am Choir Sunday 12 00pm Folk - Sunday ST. A N D R E W C O M M U N IT Y S C H O O L 4919 NE 9th Ave Sr. Kethleen Stupfer. Prlnclpel 106 N .E . Ivy • 281-4925 Phons 284 1620 Grarins I thru 8 "A n d I w ill give him th e M ornin g S te r." Early Morning Prayer Sunday Church School Morning Worship Evening Worship Midweek Prayer Wed. —Revelation 2:28 8:30 am 9:30 am II :00 am 6:30 pm 12 noon A 6:30 pm ■ YOU ARE WELCOME TO W ORSHIP AT THE ARK OF SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 84 N .E. K illin g s w o rth • 281 0499 "A Warm Spirit o f fellowship Always” The Honorable Bishop U. K Peterson, D. I). "The Holiness Preacher, ” Pastor Rev. T.L. Lewie, A.B .. M .A . Psetor Tuesdey Bible Bend/Jr Church 7 30 pm Wednesday Choir Rei asrsal 7 pm ALLEN TE M P LE C M E C H U R C H C orner of 8th end S kidn.ore Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Worship 11:00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00pm (second and fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L. Stray hand. Minister Sundey Sunday School 9:16 am Morning Worship 1115 em YPW W 6 30 pm Evangelistic Worhsip 8 pm Tuesday-Friday; Noon Dey Prayer Friday "The Pastor Speaks” 7 30 pm Saturday: Morning Prayer 9 am "Showers of Blessings" Broadcast 10 am Station KLIO 1290 AM DIAL i