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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1982)
I Page 10 Portland Observer. July 7 .1982 Call For Bids Parading the Fourth MULTNOMAH COUNTY: ROAD CONSTRUCTION Bids due: July 20, 1982 at 2:00 p.m. Bid No. B61 200 8049 Sealed bids will be received by the Director of Purchasing, Multnomah County Purchasing Division, 2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Portland, OR 97202 for: Fourth of July la a tim e for parades, fireworks and celebration. Oala Johnaon and grandaone Henry M in iw e a th e r and Omari Jonea w atch Independence Dey perde In Hillaboro. Anything goea at the Hillaboro parade. (Below) I «Oil Road construction on S.W. Taylors Ferry Road from S.W. Ter williger Blvd. to S.W. Freeman Street World Cup predictions Plans and Specifications are filed with the Purchasing Director and copies may be obtained from the Engineering Office, 2115 S.E. Morrison for a $5.00 non refundable fee. PREQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS: Pursuant to the Multnomah County Public Contract Review Board Administrative Rules (AR 40.030) Prequalifi cation shall be required for this pro ect. West Germany w ill meet France and Italy w ill play Poland in World Cup finals Thursday. West Germany, unbeaten by European teams for four years and World Cup champions in 1954 and 1974, defeated Spain and tied England in the second round to reach the sem i-finals. France defeated A ustria and N orthern Ireland. Italy and Poland earlier played to a scoreless tie. Poland defeated Belgium and tied the USSR in round two. Italy defeated favorite Brazil and defending champion Argentina. A ll fo u r teams have suffered injuries and face play without some o f their vital players. Poland should best Italy although the Ita lia n team is on a winning streak. West Germany has a golden opportunity to win over France to gain the finals on Sunday. We predict West Germany vs Poland w ith West Germany our favorites fo r the W orld Cup Championship. Prequalification applications or statements must be prepared during the pe riod of one year prior to the bid date and must be actually received or post marked to Multnomah Coiunty by not later than 10 days prior to bid open ing. Details of compliance are available from the Purchasing Division, Depart ment of Administrative Services, 2505 S.E. 11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97202, (503)248-5111. MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE UTILIZATION: All Bidders are hereby specifically advised that these conditions require a minimum of five per cent (5%) participation in subcontracts. NON-DISCRIMINATION: Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the provisions of Federal Executive Order 11246. The requirements for Bidders and Contractors are explained in the Specifications. No bid will be received or considered unless the bid contains a statement by the bidder as part of his bid that the requirements of 279.350, 279.352, 279.355and 279.356 shall be met. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to Multnomah County, certified by a responsible bank, or in lieu thereof, a surety bond for an amount equal to ten per cent (10%) of the aggregate proposal. The successful bidder shall furnish a bond satisfactory to the Board in the full amount of the contract. BATTERIES Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all bids. N o w b Rp< o n d itm n e d SHARONJACOX PURCHASING DIRECTOR from $1995 ex. BATTERY X CHANGE ?fea The Total Experience Gospel Choir o f Seattle, Washington, will appear in full concert on Sunday, July 18. 1982, at the Emmanuel Temple Pente costal Church, 1032 N. Sumner, at 3;00 p.m. The free concert is being sponsored by the New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church, Rev. LecArthur J. Madison, Pastor. The Total Experience Gospel Choir is comprised o f 80 young people, ages 3007 N E U N IO N • ¿4'i till1 1 E __ X O D U S ( / u t a / u n a / a n t / r f t s i / m t n / f y r n /s t 1639 N.E. Alberta PORTLAND. OREGON 9721 1 294 7997 Your N A M E is all you have by which to let others know who you are and what you stand for. The House o f Exodus is Oregon’ s only private non-profit education and treatment center providing Oregonians with high quality human services unpar alleled anywhere in the world. 1. The Clean Team concept which teaches youth the philosophy and practice of cleanliness and safety through community respect and responsibility. 2. Alcohol and drug treatments services. 3. Alcohol residential treatment center. 4. Mental fitness classes including D U II classes. 5. Special youth education classes. 6. Special youth summer programs. 7. Community information and referral center. 8. Final wisdom guidance consultations. I rz A hungry lamb waita hia turn along with Jazmin muaician Yondella Hall. The band (and the lamb?) marched in the Aurora Independence Day parade, (Photo: Richard . Brown) cncm nu Professional Preference Curl 35°° French Curl «X :oo y We went curly yesterday, Variety Salon 4554 N .E . U nio n 284-6017 3516 N .E. 15th 287-5618 We would like to thank the following for their continued sponsorship: PO RTLAND TR A ILE R A N D EQ UIPM ENT, DON BERGER DESIGN, J.C. PENNY CO., JU D ITH WYSS, J. TH A Y ER CO., VICTOR A T IY E H , M ALE TIS IN C ., A N TH O N Y E. G A LLO M .D ., WAREHOUSE FLOORS, PEGGY HERBIG, VIPS, SERVICE TIRE CO., MRS. JOST, A L A D D IN E ENTERPRISES, LA R R Y K A Y E , R EFLEXO LO G Y C L IN IC , D A N IE L ’ S DOCK, PRIER W HOLESALE PLUM BING , GEORGIAN PRESS, GENES CARBURETOR, AU TO M O TIO N , T A M A R A C K ENGINEERING, W.G. MOE & SONS, NORMA HAYES, REX C AFFALL, KENT COX & ASSOC., OECO C O R P ., STENNO C A R B O N , SIR SPEEDY P R IN T IN G , PORTLAND TIMBERS, AM E R IC AN PERSONAL PLAN N IN G , ROBERT BENNET M .D ., H. DEXTER GAREY, RUTH A. M O R ELAN D , D U BAI. H A R R IS , G R E SH A M T O Y O T A , JIM A. S EITZ, J.T. STEEB &. CO., FOUGHT & CO., NENA SAUTER, THOM AS BUHL, KRAMER G ALEN , G.B. P LU M B IN G , F L O M A T IC MFG., M O N T A V II.L A LU M BER , REX W A R R E N , BREW ED H O T COFFEE, FR A N K W ID M A R , A L IC E BRUNSON, S H ER ID A N BAR R IE, PIPS, L IG H T TRUCK PARTS, SIM P L ,C IT Y TO O L, T O M A H A W K IS LA N D M A R IN A , T H E R M A L LOCK IN C ., P O R T L A N D P A C K IN G C O ., M A R IE TO O ZE , KEN NELSON E Q U IP M E N T , OREGON A U TO IN SU RAN C E, BLAC K M E TH O D IS T C H R IS T IA N R E N E W A L, J.K. G IL L , B.J. KERR, C O RNELLS W O O D LA N D PARK LUM BER, M U R IE L REEDER, G R A P H IC DESIGN, C .H. M U R P H Y IN C ., STIMSON LU M BER CO., H E A R D C O N STR U C TIO N CO., C H AR LES STARDER, INTER M O U N T A IN IN C ., DYNO DENT LAB, A M E R IC A N T R A D IN G , OXYGEN E Q U IP M E N T REPAIR, SEN TER TO O L SERVICE, M A R Y LETSON, U LT R A T A N , LAC K BERN STEIN, K A T H I KEARNS, E.R. BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, FREM ONT U N IT E D M E TH O D IS T C H U R C H , MEIER & FRANK CO., MR JOHN E L O R R IA G A , PR ESID EN T A N D C .E .O . OF U.S. N A T IO N A I BANK OF OREGON. Let us add your name as a regular sponsor o f the House o f Exodus com munity services, and receive a copy o f my final wisdom guidance chart Make checks payable to: House o f Exodus 1639 N.E. Alberta Portland, OR 97211