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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1982)
Page 2 Portland Observer, June 23,1962 ReGOM FOOD S H a R e Surplus cheese to be distributed 550,000 pounds o f surplus pro cessed American cheese will be given away in the second round o f O re g o n ’ s cheese d is trib u tio n . The cheese distribution, which is expect ed to begin in mid-July, is again be ing coordinated by O regon Food Share, a statewide network o f food- help program s. O regon Food Share’s 19 Regional Coordinating Agencies around the state are form ulating local plans for the giveaway, as they did in February, when some 348,000 pounds o f cheese were dis tributed to low-income Oregonians. In M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty, Oregon Food Share will organize the distrib ution directly rather than working throu g h the lo cal coo rd in atin g agency, In terag en cy F o o d Bank. Sites for a streamlined distribution are being identified at com m unity action agencies, churches and local helping agencies and a new cheese in fo rm a tio n phone line is being id e n tifie d . T h is num ber and addresses fo r d is trib u tio n sites in M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty w ill be p u bli cized in early July. T o be eligible to receive surplus cheese, individuals or families must have incomes at o r below 125 per cent o f poverty level as defined by the Federal government. Precise in fo rm a tio n regarding distribu tio n sites, times and e lig ib ility criteria will be released to the public early July. The surplus cheese is being made available n atio n w id e by the U .S . Department o f Agriculture, which is releasing 70 m illio n pounds o f cheese fo r d is trib u tio n to lo w -in come households, bringing the total amount released so fa r to 100 m il lion pounds. It is expected that an additional 100 m illion pounds will be released next year. Oregon Food Share is a statewide distribution network fo r donated, surplus foo d established in 1979. Since that time 500,000 pounds o f surplus food have been distributed, in addition to the U S D A cheese. Refreshingly different Summer Salads H e re ’s a pot pourri o f salads to brighten up your summer meals— some hearty, some lig h t— all tasty and tempting. The Exotic Chicken Salad has its origin in the far east, made w ith rice and alm onds. A n Italian Tuna Salad is a really good budget stretcher. T h e S p in a c h / Orange Salad makes a great accom paniment for even the most form al dinner m eal. Enjoy! Add to bean m ixture. Toss lightly. Arrange salad on greens and garnish w ith m arin ated vegetables, i f de sired. Serves 4-6. SAFEW AY SAFEWAY SALUTES Full G ospel P e n ta c o s ta l N a tio n a l C h urch C o n v e n tio n E X O T IC C H IC K E N S A L A D 2 cooked chicken breasts, skinned, boned and cut into strips 1 cup chopped red or green peppers 3 cups cooled cooked rice ‘/ j head lettuce, torn into bite-size pieces % cup sliced almonds 2 hard-cooked eggs, sliced 1 cup mayonnaise 2 teaspoons prepared mustard 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon green peppercorns or 'A teaspoon seasoned pepper June 20 thru 27 Param ount Theatre. Portland FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 287-2223 or 249-3801 S P IN A C H /O R A N G E S A L A D C om bine chicken, red peppers, rice lettuce, alm onds and eggs. Blend m ayonnaise, m ustard and seasonings. Pour over rice & chick en m ixture; toss lig h tly . M akes 6 servings. 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 teaspoons curry powder 1 teaspoon salt ‘/ i teaspoon Worcestershire sauce !4 teaspoon pepper 1 cup olive oil 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 (10 oz.) bag spinach 1(11 oz.) can mandarin oranges, drained IT A L IA N T U N A S A L A D 4 cups drained cooked pea beans, or 2 (15-oz.) cans cannellini beans, drained 'A to */) cup Italian salad dressing 3 green onions, finely chopped 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley !4 cup sliced pimiento-stuffed olives 1 (6 ‘A oz.) can tuna fish Lettuce cups or other salad greens 1 (12-oz.) jar marinated vegetables, if desired In small bow l, mix lemon juice, curry, dry mustard, salt, Worcester shire sauce and pepper. G radually add o il, stirring w ith fo rk or wire w hisk. Place g arlic in a screwtop pint jar. Pour dressing into jar; cov er and chill for several hours. Wash spinach thoroughly. Drain and tear into bite-size pieces. Place in plastic bag; c h ill. A t serving tim e , place spinach in large salad bow l; add drained oranges. Shake dressing vig orously and pour about '/j cup over salad; toss to mix well. Reserve re maining dressing for later use. Top with croutons, if desired. Serves 6. In a large bow l, combine beans, green onions, parsley and olives. Pour salad dressing over bean mix ture. Toss gently to keep beans whole. Cover and refrigerate at least 6 hours or o ve rn ig h t. T o serve, drain tuna and break into chunks. ^Qvenjoy Bread Parkay argarine White or Wheat Bread 22 5 Ounce L o a f. . . Limit 3 K ra ft. . . 1 Pound Package Limit 2 Pounds Macaroni & Cheese f’ n ’i Kraft Easy To Fix Dinners 7'/a oz Pkg. . . . Limit 3 OREGON I Large Northwest STRAWBERRIES By the flat « ea Grown without pesticides or any other sprays. $6.75 £ or less per flat 14M A HON IH M MS <• . i l i t h i 2 p t |* f ■ H i l f I I H KMMIIM lit tAMIIIM »3 • f k t l . l V - M W l» V Available NOWI ||f MIMMI s in t im III.MI. - - J 1 1 M-wkrt — ]« -G V P 1 N IIM 3 1 5 Lb. Purex Bleach Whitens And Brightens Gallon S IM ■ Cherries 2.31 -2992 c 3 99 8-Pack Coke SWEET BING ice Town House Spanish Style 15 Ounce Cans . . . Limit 3 Tab or Sprite 16 Ounce Bottles c 3 99 1(1.30 S .l„ i o n i AVI» K H tT L A N I), OK » 7 2 1 4 Tomato Sauce 89c Fresh Mushrooms , $189 Crisp No. 1 Carrots Sweet Red Plums ,b 59C 69c Deposit Lucerne Yogurt Tater Treats Cragmont Pop AIODV Hash Browns Raisin Bread Plain Sundae nt Pie Slmed Oi Bel an Fio/en 32 o? Pkg Assoiled I lavon , Idei 2 Lb Pkg Special Pinchase Mi Wiighl s fiesh 16 o/ Inai Shampoo And Conditioner Suave, 16 Ounce 99 Plu» Oep 99’ 89’ 3J1 59’ 89’ Diapers Suntan Oil Truly Tine Toddler, 40 Ct sgs9 or Lotion 8 oz tropical Biend $329 Price« Effective W ed ., June 23 Thru Tuee., June 29 At Safeway in the Portland Area. Sales Limited To Retail Quentftlee.