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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1982)
Page 10 Portland Observer, June 23, 1982 OBSERVER SPORTS Up, up and away in my beautiful balloon by ViA net Easter H ow would you like to feel free, real f r e e .. .free yourself fro m the everyday hassles. Com e fly in a great colorful hot air balloon and we’ll go where the wind takes us. An imaginary adven ture 1,000 feet above the earth. One trip through the atm osphere and you’ll surely catch balloon fever. M y im ag in ary adventure came true when the Parkay Balloon a r rived in P o rtla n d . A flig h t in the Parkay Balloon will just turn your life around. In the U .S . alo ne, 3 ,00 0 active balloon enthusiasts flo at into the skies each year, and the numbers, like the balloons, are on the rise. Early morning is the best time to fly , about one hour before sunset, to avoid dangerous winds and ther mals which are generated by the hot sun which make it d ifficu lt to con trol the balloon. “ W eather is a constant concern for a balloonists,” says Jim Ahern. A day with good visibility and light winds is what the pros look for. I f the w ind is b lo w in g more than 8 miles per hour, it is d ifficu lt to in flate and launch a balloon. T he a ir is heated by propane burners, usually one or two, which are mounted at the mouth o f the en velope. The propane burners are lit; the balloon rises, following the prin ciple that hot air is lighter than cool a ir. W hen the a ir in the envelope cools, the balloon descends. There is no cure for ballooning. You will find that when you return to earthly routines, your head w ill still be in the clouds. Jim Ahern joined the W orld Bal loon C o rp o ra tio n as D ire c to r o f Flight Operations in the fall o f 1978. T o consider jo in in g a school to become a licensed pilot, call or write the Balloon Federation o f America, Suite 430, 821 15th St. N W , Wash ington, D .C .20005. The crew maintains the balloon on the ground while Jim Ahern takes the controls. Ahern has logged almost 600 hours. His first bal loon, the Jolly Roger, was entered in the 1975 world championships in Albuquerque. JIM AHERN Photos: ViAnce Easter GUARANTEED Basketball league organizes Portland— Oregon Congressman Ron Wyden and City Commissioner Charles Jordan have announced the form atio n o f a summer basketball league for Portland youngsters. O perated under the auspices o f the Portland Park Bureau and fund ed through private donations, the league is open to boys and girls be tween the ages o f 12 and 18. Play is scheduled to commence July 6. Sponsors o f the summer league include the Portland Trailblazers, N o rth w est M a rin e Iro n W o rk s , N ik e , F irst In ters tate B ank, and U .S . Bancorp. Each contributeed $ 1,000 to the project. W yden credited the Rev. John Jackson o f the A lb in a M in isterial Alliance with sparking the idea for the project. The league will include three ma jo r divisions: girls, boys and option al coed. There w ill be teams for youngsters 12 and under (limited to youngsters who will be 12 by August 31), 13-15 and 16-18. A ll ages will be determined as o f August 31. P la y o ffs w ill fo llo w the league play beginning August 9 and ru n ning through August 11. Interested youngsters can obtain registration cards at any o f the local park district offices. Cards must be filled out and returned to the office by 5 p.m ., Wednesday, June 30. For more in fo rm atio n , call 248- 4491,231-2300, or 280-7687. Ginseng Soep 25' NHlSM 45’ ¿oke Recipe •1« File Collectors7 Fold O vai Garden Cultivator» or Trowel« « S IS Thronte Cable? ■m Mown 91« an anaWvee Elec Victorian H urticene Lamp« U S A Made Screwdriver Set» •5" »■»•W 7 eu Hot» Òamp« w t S o là riÎM «»» on ’I “ > HARDWARE ‘N TOOLS Acid Roam tta T , After the outcome o f the recent championship boxing lesson given by ” old over the h ill” and still champion Larry Holmes to young Rocky Cooney, 1 would suggest that you resign either from giving your facts, rather your views, about boxing or at least powder your face. Better yet, you could seek the advice o f M r. Al McGilberry in boxing, and perhaps your facts will prove to be facts! I can well understand Larry Holmes being bitter. W ho would not be after having provided the boxing world with his marvelous skills and records which one day will be history? Let’s take a look at the records. Undefeated - no draw - 12 defenses o f the championship thus far, and 11 k.o.s in 4 years o f holding the belt. Twice he came o ff the floor to overcome his foes. Social record: A sound and stable family man. No scandles, no drugs, no woman chasing. No actor nor smooth talker, but he speaks his mind and imposes his will by doing what he says. Ah! but he is lacking in one vital thing: no dues and very little respect from those who claim to be expert on the subject o f boxing. How about it, Ron? How about some dues for the greatest champion in the present and past? C a n ’t an old man get his dues, or does his blackness blind you beyond the records? Charles Williams 50’ 90’ ÊX» Contemporary Light Fixtures 5 PRO SHOP—STYLING SALON ■ Specializing in all curly perms, styling & trimming. I TCB • Care Free • Classy Curl & California Curl ‘2M- ’ 10M ~V a RD~ *3" 9v 35' 30* Work Gloves Plat em eu («et of 61 THIS KIT CONSISTS OF: Da Tangling Shampoo......................................................................... >5.50 Hair Medicine (Conditlonar)............................................................. >12.60 Hair Nutrition (Scalp O lli................................................................... >25.00 Thia product can ba purchaaad by mailing >40.00 monsy ordar. Mas- tar Card, Visa, and C.O.D. Talaphona (404) 872-4403. INDEPENDENCE DAY SPECIAL 5 D A Y S F0R0NLV *7995 Fewer days available at 21.95 per daywith certain daily minimums. UNLIMITED MILEAGE 'V l'/iv All you have to do ia fill out a short form, which wa verify with a few quick phone calls, and leave a cash deposit. Come into National during normal business hours a.iy weekday and we'll take care of it. You pay for gaa and return car to renting location. Rate applies to car shown or similar- size car, ia non-discountable and subject to change without notice. Specific cars subject to availability. Rate available noon Thursday July 1 until noon Tuesday July 6. MISC Tarpaulins 8x10 16 x 20 9x12 18x24 Leather co v ° * * r* f ia r Motor» 115v 12v P.O. Box 41275 Atlanta. Ga. 30331. This product will not grow hair on bald apota or "mala pattarn baldness." Add 92.00 For P o s ta g e (across from the Galleria) *1" 5" After June 1979 Do you »utter from dry. brittle or breaking hair? Hair that ha, been overpermed, damaged by hot comb» or hair that will nol gat longar because of breakage? Than strengthen your hair with Petay's Hair Medicine and Reconstruction Kit. W e guarantee you longer hair within 90 days or your money back h’s super rich with vitamins and proteins Excellent for men. women, and children This product can be purchased by mailing »40 00 Imoney or dor I io Dr Petay. 917 S.W. Alder 224*8401 ■ 85* 1'/«" 2" Oah Towels I Before Jen. 1978 You don't need a credit card to get our deal. Lo», at Stationary from H A IR M r. Ron "W hite-face” Sykes, Expert Sports Editor: PRO STYLE SHOP SURPLUS TÏÏ5U3T LONGER A reader responds . . . 2" ’2 * Preppte’ Shoelaces Sunglaa - n , /U „ Pilot Ti •3* sp. Ke Just Bought Out Large Micro-Switch Inventory! 424 S E GRAND 239-909« Not Your Ordinary Surplu» Store" M a tto n a i O a r R e n ta l You deserve National attention: TT Perm g Reg. $60°° Limited Time Only ■■■■■■¿■■■I B AvjiMDie at 620 W . Burnside 228-6637 t