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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1982)
Page 2 Section li Portland Observer, March 25, 1962 Orange Rye Bread makes a fragrant lo a f The accom panying recipe fo r Orange Rye Bread makes 2 m oist, fragrant loaves that make delicious toast for breakfast as well as sand wiches for the lunch pail. It calls for 3 tablespoons o f grated orange peel which accounts for the fragrance. And the combination o f two sweet eners, brown sugar and molasses, account for the moist texture and slightly sweet flavor. T o prepare the O range Rye Bread, use the conventional method o f yeast baking. This means dissolv ing the d ry active yeast in w arm water (1 0 5 *-l 15 °F .) before the liq uid and dry ingredients are com bined. Aside fro m being easy to bake, it ’s a pleasant way to supply some o f the body’s d aily require ments for minerals and vitamins. Tandoori Shish Kebabs for a spring barbecue. Lamb is bargain for a barbeque I t ’s open season for barbecuing, and a good way to economize and cook outdoors, too, is with lamb, especially when it’s from New Zeal and. Besides being an imaginative change o f pace, New Zealand Spring Lam b often costs less than other tender red meats and it's so versatile you can serve it several dif ferent ways. L o cated in the freezer case o f you r sup erm arket. New Zealand lam b is flash-frozen to lock in the q u a lity , juiciness and fla v o r. I t ’ s lamb at its freshest. Just thaw and use. T ry lam b fo r a super barbe cue— its delicate flavor and tender ness is truly enhanced by slow cook ing over ashy coals. Tandoori Shish Kebabs is an excellent dish for fam ily or com pany. Lam b cubes, cut from a deboned leg, are alternated on a skewer with slices o f colorful vegetables, brushed with a special sauce and set over coals to cook. The attractive kebabs can be pre pared well ahead o f cooking time. O u r Barbecued Leg o f Lam b is an interesting v a ria tio n .. .the surface is seasoned and the whole leg is roasted over coals on a spit. Melted m in t je lly , brushed on before the meat is done, makes a delectable glaze. Barbecuing gives the “ roast” a tasty character all its own th a t’ s perfect spring dining. Enjoy! O R A N G E R YE B R E A D 2 34 cup warm water (10 5°F .-l 15 °F.) 2 packages active dry yeast A cup firmly packed dark brown sugar 4 teaspoons salt 3 tablespoons softened margarine 3 tablespoons grated orange peel VS cup dark molasses 334 cups unsifted rye flour 6-6 Vi cups unsifted white flour Measure w arm water into large warm bowl. Sprinkle in yeast; stir until dissolved. Stir in sugar, salt, m argarine, orange peel, molasses and rye flour. Beat until thoroughly blended. Stir in enough white flour to make a s tif f dough. T u rn out onto lig h tly floured board; knead until smooth and elastic, about 10 to 12 minutes. Place in greased bowl, turning to grease top. Cover; let rise in warm place, free from draft, until doubled in bulk, about 1 hour. Punch dough dow n; divid e in half. Roll each half to a 1 4 x 9 -inch rectangle. Shape into loaves. Place in 2 greased 9 x 5 x 3-inch loaf pans. Cover; let rise in warm place, free from d ra ft, until doubled in bulk, about I hour and ,0 minutes. Bake on lowest rack position at 375 *F . about 40 m inutes, or un til done. Remove from pans and cool on wire racks. Makes 2 loaves. This orangs flavored rya bread makes delicious breakfast toaat as wall as sandwiches for the lunch pall. S4VFGAS SAVE TIME SAVE MONEY ONE STOP SHOPPING PC ENTERS DOUBLE CASH DIVIDENDS TUESDAYS! Prices good Wad., Mar. 24 thru Tuea., Mar. 30, 1982 T A N D O O R I S H IS H KEBA BS (8 servings) 1 leg o f New Zealand Spring Lamb, 5 to 6 pounds, defrosted 1 Vi cups plain yogurt 'A cup pineapple juice 1 teaspoon curry powder 1 teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon ground ginger 1/8 teaspoon hot pepper sauce 1 small eggplant, cut in 1-inch cubes 1 zucchini, sliced Vi-inch thick 1 green pepper, seeded, cut in 1-inch cubes 1 cup cherry tomatoes 8 small white onions T rim “ fell” and excess fat from leg o f lamb. W ith thin, sharp knife or boning knife, remove bone from la m b . C ut meat in to 1 Vi-inch pieces. In large bow l, com bine yogurt, pineapple juice, curry, salt, ginger and pepper sauce; add meat. C over, refrigerate overnight, turn ing meat occasionally. A rrange m eat and vegetables on skewers. C ook over hot coals about 20 min utes; turn skewers to cook evenly on all sides. Brush often with marinade during cooking. Young Men Turkeys M ocoroni end Cheese Dinner __ MY-TE-FINE Using a sharp paring knife, make 10 deep slits in the meat. Insert a sliver o f garlic in each slit. In a small bowl mix together rosemary, sage, salt and pepper; rub seasonings over surface o f meat. Secure meat on the spit o f a rotisserie. Roast meat ac cording to rotisserie directions, al lowing about 25 minutes per pound. A b o u t 45 minutes before meat is done, brush with melted jelly. Con tinue to cook, brushing frequently with jelly until meat is done. • Oil M acaroni and Cheese First One—Additional at regular price First Four—Additional at regular price BARBECUED LEG O F LA M B (8 servings) 1 leg o f New Zealand Spring Lamb, 5 to 6 pounds, defrosted 1 clove o f garlic, cut in slivers 1 Vi teaspoons dried rosemary, crushed *4 teaspoon dried sage, crushed 1A teaspoons salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper V* cup mint jelly, melted U.S.D.A. Grade A Swift’s Butterball 10-14 lb. average •Flash Frozen' • Water UeUTww MY-TE-FINE Tuna First Two—Additional at regular price Food Sections except Morrison or S.E. 122nd A Stark Large Slicing size for burgers or salads and more MY-TE-FINE Regular or Sourdough Large Tomatoes English Muffins Reg. 85* First Four—with coupon Additional at regular price • Caar. l»»u lu a a of 1* • V aM W M Ma. Mai 74 V ) IU H 7 • r ood S a rh o n , I M <Xl 041226440157 Each of these advertised items mu9t be readily available for sale at or below the advertised price m each Fred Meyer store except as specifically noted in this ad 12-484 I Ég 4 ^ ¿ 6 4 4 0 1 3 , .sì j l l l , I