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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1982)
Page 6 Portland Observer, March 25, 1982 Fashion Page Step Up to Your Height at Look to the Portland Observer fo r Easter and Spring Fashions K - Fashion and grooming from head to toe L o v in g and caring fo r thy self portrays a personal dimension easily received by others. I ’ ve constantly m a intained (hat to ta l beauty and body care fram es o u r a ttitu d e fo r everyday liv in g . Feeling b e a u tifu l projects not only a confidence that radiates lo o k in g good b u t also w h a t’ s held w ith in . P ride, profes sionalism , knowledge and love fo r oneself creates a fo rm u la fo r our own persona! development. I ’ m saying lo o k a ro u n d , see w hat’s available, take advantage o f some services that w ill benefit you . . .o r all. Take time to learn correct body m aintainan ce fro m p ro fe s sionals to ensure your c o n tin u in g body care p rogram at hom e. The featured photos and comments are o n ly h ig h lig h ts o f a fu ll-s e rv ic e salon. ienced this encounter, one treatment w ill ensure your eventual return. FACIAL PEDICURE Relax to the warm, swirling, med icated or scented waters o f the pedi cure bath. A fte r soaking your feet, the callous is gently rem oved, the toenails and cuticles arc treated and trimmed. A rewarding, sensual, re laxing foot and leg massage is given, excessive leg h a ir is rem oved and most inviting are the warm o il elec tric booties that give the final assur ance our alm ighty tired feed have re ceived. The deep penetrating oils o f this w onderful Encounter. Shaped and painted toes are now ready to be seen in those beautiful new spring sandals. The h o u r-lo n g deep pore clean sing facial consists o f a relaxing massage o f the top torso. A d d itio n al aspects o f this clean sweeping treatment are a skin analysis, steam ing, thorough cleansing with protec tive creams keyed to individual skin types. O ur salon recommends a re peat performance every fo u r to six weeks to m aintain a supple, healthy com plexion. Take advantage o f complementary skin analysis. This experience could be the key to your **at home” personal skin care p ro gram. It can be preventive in your purchasing another labeled item to gather dust on your bathroom shelves. Spend a little bit more and take the time to listen. . . taking care now may be linked to your look o f the future. MAKE-UP The relaxation o f the day reaches its clim ax in the m ake-up session. Everyone is discovering the beauti ful effects o f my cosmetic line. Cobi C o lle ctio n . P retty colors fo r a ll faces create d iffe re n t intensities in all color ranges. Light or heavy ap plication is clearly seen and the ef fects are lasting. In keeping w ith trends fo r summer, color patterns used are pinks to fuchsia, gold to deep rouge, khaki and moss. O ur foundation is unm istakably viewed with a flawless finish. Whatever cos metic is used, ladies, make sure it is o f a texture no, easily rubbed o ff. Most men com plain about the face colors left on their clothing. Test the products, ladies, to assure the return o f your favorite suitors. Went» of new '‘p ong Myles lu C S.’l SVS M ofrtw n 2nd lion* 221 OM W Interstate Tax Service Are you paying too much to have your income tax return prepared? W e offer competent service at economical prices • Personal Returns • Business Returns • O ut O f S ta te Returns O pen 11 am -5 pm . Call fo r app t. S a m e -D ay Service 2-3 Day S ervice Short Form Long Form 1040A b 40S (including earned income credit ELECTROLYSIS Removal o f unwanted body hair is a newer adventure most women and men are skeptical o f receiving. The electrolysis system method was, I must admit, a bit frightening to me also, but re a liz a tio n o f what the process entailed , soon put me at ease. W ith this service, you can re move unw anted hair fro m eye brows, face, b ik in i line, thighs and anywhere else on your body. The process involves the insertion o f a fine needle-like instrum ent in to the base o f the hair follicle. A n impulse o f e le c tric ity is released, and w ill eventua lly, w ith repeated tre a t ments, k ill the h a ir ro o t. You feel only a m ild tin g lin g sensation. We are fin d in g m ore privacy is related to this treatment. Unwanted hair in some ares is a proven personal em barrassment . . . do something about it. Benefits are smooth and beauti fu lly bare. The most common process used is hot wax fo r hair removal. One may be a bit pensive about it, but the ef fects are long-lasting. Our treatment rooms are pa rticu la rly busy during sum m er. W ith the re tu rn o f the swim suit, the b ik in i line wax is ne cessary and also the leg treatment is a favorite. fro m $10°° HAIRCUTS “ I t ’ s the cut that counts.” That has been my continuing slogan dur ing my many years in business. A woman’ s hair should look attractive from every angle, placing top p rio r ity on the essentials o f a good lo o k ing cut. T here’ s no one correct length fo r hair now, but the trend is tow ard shorter h a ir or long short hair. Softness around the face, lay ering o f the top and crown area w ill im p a ir f l u f f and c u rl. Touchable and caressing h air is suggestive, ladies----- Professional, deep pene tra tin g c o n d itio n in g treatm ents done regularly are basic to your hair care program . The m odern day wom an receives chem ical services that w ill ease her life s ty le and en hance her hair texture. H air color is also a must fo r some. It can remove years fro m yo u r age and in these tim es, w hy announce yo u r age. Each client is to ta lly serviced w ito emphasis on her p a rticu la r in d iv i dual needs. Everyone should have their own unique look. Our models, Brenda, Claudia and Christina, ad d itio n a lly , spent an hour receiving th e ir own charted m ake-up tech niques lesson. 1040&40 Sch. A —Deductions Sch B —Interest etc. $24°° and up (interest with exclusion) NAILS Your manicure is one o f the more im p o rta n t services. Y o u r body is v is u a lly seen fir s t, but yo u r firs t body encounter w ith others is through your hands. Poor skin tex ture, dry, un-trimmed cuticles, d irty fin g e rn a ils , unshaped nails are a dead giveaway to poor body care. There are m any avenues to take when ve n tu rin g in to nail care. A preferred treatment for men is an oil m anicure w ith the intense relaxing electric mittens filled with penetrat ing conditioners. Nails and cuticles are trim m e d and treated & then painted w ith clear polish or simply buffed. Women, on the other hand, can bo beyond the basics to the u lti mate. . .silk wraps, sculptured nails, tips and p o rcelain painted nails. H ow can you expect yo u r long- awaited ring or rin g s .. .unless!! MASSAGE The o n ly problem w ith this ser vice is the d iffic u lty in getting the client out o f the room , as this ser vice is to ta lly relaxing. The h o u r long service o f body cleansing and oil massage begins on the face, neck and shoulders and eventually ends at the toes. A n occasional “ ouch” w ill occur but i f you’ve never exper- Since 1966 • Licensed Tax C o n su lta n t CLOTHING 5510 N. Interstate Ave. C ontinuing on to a total groom ing process, I recall my happiness in receiving my firs, modeling assign ment at age 18 fro m the C lothes Horse. The beauty o f the clothes then, prevails now, as seen w ith the glorious acceptance o f grooming my models in attire from their summer line fo r work and leisure. Textures o f silk and suede were dominant and as seen, patterns are soft and the fa b ric flo w in g . Je rri W ard W om en’ s W ear, buyer and fashion con sultant, dresses the models with her to ta l expertise. She states, when buying, buy the best— purchase one item at a time and add on. Q uality is an affordable item w ith investment buying. The blazer and jacket shown are wearable fo r several sea sons. Also, accessories are collectible items. Beige and w hite shoes w ith lig h t and w hite nylons shown are (One B lock N o rth of B ro a d w a y on U nion) fro m Holmes Shoe Co. The story featured this week is sim ply an ex ample o f what you can do to feel and look good. P rioritize your bud get and work accordingly. Beautiful women fin d a way ...R e m e m b e r looking good is not an accident, it requires a certain knowledge. 3 J «l » t XX i j. I i fTTTT^Tn. 1.1.1 i N EXT W EEK— Health and Fitness. Portland, OR 97217 • 283-6014 : Vacuum Cleaner Headquarters : : : s I Sales - Service - Supplies s : For All Makes and Models ! ! EUREKA ELECTRIC CO I ■ Ï ____ S 1804 N.E. Union 287-9430 MMSatasstSaassassMMi L Newberry's Lloyd Center Coffee Shop Open 7 am-3 pm Breakfast Special 2 eggs, Hash Browns, Toast 990 Sunday Buffet 12-4 pm Featuring Turkey - Fried Chicken - Fish Spanish Potatoes - Spaghetti 4 Salads - Dessert and Drink Cafeteria Open 11 am-5 pm Mon. thru Sat. □ a lly D inner Specials Thurs: Scalloped potatoes and hen Fri: Baked macaroni and cheese Sat. Swedish meat balls M on : Chicken fried steak Tues: Sweet b sour meat balls W ed: Sauerkraut and franks includes either Tossed Salad or Potatoes and Vegetable *£28 Jerri W ard sho w in g spring fashions at th e C lothes Horse. (Photos: Richard B row n) Newberry's Lloyd Center Coffee Shop 1420 Lloyd C e n te r • 288-6363 î