Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 11, 1982, Page 7, Image 7

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' entertainment
Country Music Contest
E U G E N E , O R E G O N — The O regon W rangler C o u n try Starsearch State
Finals take place at 8 p .m . on M o n ., M ar. 22 at the Eugene C on ven tion
Center, located at the Lane County Fairgrounds.
Talented acts from five d ifferent locations o f Oregon will be competing for
the J1.000 cash award and ‘ he o pp o rtu n ity to compete fo r the $30,000 F irst
Place spot in the nationals.
Giving their all in their e ffo rts to represent Oregon in the national final« will
be M ike Shipley o f Eugene, winner o f K E E D Radio’s local contest there; L o ri
Lagassc of Sandy fo r KR D R Radio in Gresham; Jim Manning and Randy L it­
tlefield (duct) o f Shady Grove on behalf o f Klamath Falls’ K L A D
sonvillc’s K im berly Raye Bunning fo r M ed ford ’s K H U G Radio and Coni A r-
wood o f Glide fo r KR N R Radio in Roseburg.
Serving as perform ers and back-up band for contestants not supplying their
own bands w ill be Texas T ra d itio n , the noted co u n try swing band fro m that
Curl Sale — Save $
Curl Sale — Save $
Curl Sale — Save $
Curl Sale — Save $
Curl Sale — Save $
Reg. $60 — Now $35 Complete
Still The Best Curl In Town At The Best Price-
w ith this ad
H a ir D e s ig n f o r Mer-, & W o m e n
1405 NE Broadway
Call now 284-1897
One of Lo« Angeles' Finest Productions wants you to
Jazz concert at Jefferson
at the
A ja zz a nd ta p c o n c e rt s ta rrin g v e te ra n ta p ta n c e r H o n i C oles a n d
h is c o lle a g u e B re n d a B u fa lin o , w ill be p re s e n te d S a tu rd a y . M a rc h 13
a t 8 :15 p m in th e J e ffe r s o n P e r fo r m in g A r t s C e n te r , 6210 N o r th
K e rb y A ve n u e .
I he legendary H orn Coles has been p e rfo rm in g fo r f if t y years in clubs
and concert halls throughout the country and is well remembered as part o f
the great class act, "C o le s and A tk in s .” T o d a y , he is s till dancing as the
leader o f the famed Copasctics and has starred on Broadway in "B u b b lin '
Brown S u g a r."
H o n i's current dancing p artne r, Brenda B u fa lin o , has been called the
"e p ito m e o f energy.” She is a p erfo rm e r, choreographer, dance h istorian
and in stru cto r and has appeared on television and on stages across the na­
tio n and abroad. H om Coles has been her m entor, teacher, and collabora­
to r and the com bination o f their talents is a strong force in the revival o f the
true Am erican art fo rm — tapdancing.
The special P o rtlan d engagement o f Coles and B u fa lin o is part o f a one
week residency sponsored by the Jefferson H igh School Dance Departm ent.
R esidency a c tiv itie s w ill in c lu d e d a ily te ch n iq u e classes w ith the h ig h
school's tap students, a tap history seminar, teacher workshops and a spe­
c ia l a ssem bly fo r d an cers fro m J e ffe rs o n and e ig h t P o r tla n d m id d le
schools. In a dd itio n, the artists w ill conduct com m unity master classes in in ­
term ediate and advanced tap techniques on Wednesday, M arch I0 , 6-7:30
pm. Cost is $5 and reservations arc recommended.
T ickets fo r "S in g in g , S w inging, and W in g in g ” w ill be a va ila b le at the
door or may be purchased in advance at Meier and Frank, d ow ntow n; Ste­
vens & Son Jewelers, I loyd Center; and Dance Togs in Beaverton. General
adm ission is $5 fo r adults and $3 fo r senior citizens and students w ith ID .
For more in fo rm a tio n call 287-1398.
Im p r o v is a tio n a l ja z z c o n c e r t, F rid a y , evening, M arch 19th at 8:30.
In te rn atio na lly acclaimed Oregon musicians O bo A d dy, Dave Friesen, N an­
cy K ing, Glen M oo re and Danny Sm ith w ill present a fantastic program o f
vibrant rhythm s and im provisational jazz. The concert w ill be held at C atlin
Gabel School, L abel Center, 8825 SW Barnes Road in P ortland. Tickets are
available from the Oregon A rts Com m ission fo r $3 each. Seating is lim ite d,
so reserve your tickets now: Oregon A rts C om m ission, 835 Summer St. N E ,
Salem. OR 97301. C all 378-3625 or to ll free in Oregon 1-8OO-452-78I3.
S p r in g r e g is t r a tio n f o r O re g o n S c h o o l o f A r ts a n d C r a fts begins
registration fo r Spring classes M arch 15, co ntin uing through M arch 22. For
more in fo rm a tio n contact M artha Bergman at 297-5544.
W a rn e r P a c ific 's n in th a n n u a l C h ris tia n W rite rs C o n fe re n c e M arch
14-17 on the W arner campus. C all W arner P acific College, 775-4366 fo r a
free brochure.
Saturday, March 27, 1982
Portland Masonic Temple
Grand Ballroom
1119 S.W. Park Avenue
Will be Jamming from 9:00 p.m. until ?
Portland’s Own
At The Controls
Don’t Miss This One
Bring a Friend
On A p ril 28, all 50 state winners w ill appear on the nationally televised finals
at the Grand Ole O p ry House in Nashville, Tenn. The act judged w inner on
that date by the panel o f noted music industry people w ill receive $50,000 from
W rangler C ou ntry Starsearch plus a m ajor recording contract and booking
agreement. Second and third place w ill receive $15,000 and $10,000 respective­
ly. Ron N ickell, pres., Ron N ickell Productions, is set to produce the A p r. 28
I \ show. In addition to the nationals, the Oregon state winner w ill appear at a
Regional Starsearch Show, one o f 11 such shows to be staged throughout the
country and video-taped fo r later airing.
Advance tickets fo r the M ar. 22 show in Eugene are $5 and available from
K E E D Radio in Eugene, the Ember Supper Club, Cinch & Saddle (downtown),
the Spotted Mule Saddlery in Delta Village, Curtis Mathes Entertainment Cen­
ter in the S p iringfield Center and O ld fie ld 's Appliance in dow ntow n Spring-
field. Tickets purchased at the door on show night w ill be $6. Inquiries and out-
of-town orders should be directed to K E E D Radio, 1245 Charnelton, Eugene,
OR 97401, phone: (503) 344-1457.
MOMENTUM- Tablets are
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MOMfNTUM Tablets are 50% stronger
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Tablets Take only as directed
Admission .............................. $4.00
Come Early-Limited Capacity
A Parquet Productions' Presentation
brought to you
every week
Centigrade temperature, now often called Celsius,
is named after Anders Celsius of Sweden who devel­
oped the centigrade thermometer.
Which movie star holds the record for being nomin­
ated for the Academy Award the most times? A ns­
wer: Katherine Hepburn, with 11 nominations.
It's a little -kn o w n fact that Davy C rockett was a
member of Congress long before he became more fa­
mous fighting at the Alamo.
Soft pads protect
from pain, while
medicated disks
work to remove
DrScholl's Zino-pads
c a rv D io n X ftu
Cultural Evening of Performing Arts March 12th
Ltroups o l p erform in g artists representing several ethnic cultures w ill present th eir first annual C u ltu ra l Evening
o f P erform ing A rts on Friday evening, M arch I2, I982, on the P ortland State U niversity campus.
The event, sponsored by PSD s l.d u ca tio n a l O p p o rtu n ity Program (E O P ), is designed to prom ote awareness o f
the values and trad ition s o f other cultures, according to Barbara C hapm an, EO P co ordin ato r.
The perform ing groups, all from the P ortland m etropolitan area, include: The A n po Drum m ers w ith the Bow and
A rro w L u ltu ra l Indian Dance G roup; Betsy W ellings, L atin Am erican fo lk singer; The T alking D rum Dancers; the
H crcro Dancers (w ho use A frica n-style aerobic dancing steps); the Cam bodian Association o f Oregon Dancers; and
the Love C ongregation Gospel C ho ir.
Adm ission to the event, which begins at 7:30 p in. in Room 75 o f Lin coln H a ll, is $1.00 at the d oo r. A ll proceeds
w ill be used lo replenish depleted emergency student loan funds adm inistered by PSU’ s E ducational O p p o rtu n ity
Program .
For fu rthe r in fo rm a tio n , contact Ms. Chapman at 229-4010.
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