entertainment HAPPENINGS ' entertainment Country Music Contest E U G E N E , O R E G O N — The O regon W rangler C o u n try Starsearch State Finals take place at 8 p .m . on M o n ., M ar. 22 at the Eugene C on ven tion Center, located at the Lane County Fairgrounds. Talented acts from five d ifferent locations o f Oregon will be competing for the J1.000 cash award and ‘ he o pp o rtu n ity to compete fo r the $30,000 F irst Place spot in the nationals. Giving their all in their e ffo rts to represent Oregon in the national final« will be M ike Shipley o f Eugene, winner o f K E E D Radio’s local contest there; L o ri Lagassc of Sandy fo r KR D R Radio in Gresham; Jim Manning and Randy L it­ tlefield (duct) o f Shady Grove on behalf o f Klamath Falls’ K L A D Jack- sonvillc’s K im berly Raye Bunning fo r M ed ford ’s K H U G Radio and Coni A r- wood o f Glide fo r KR N R Radio in Roseburg. Serving as perform ers and back-up band for contestants not supplying their own bands w ill be Texas T ra d itio n , the noted co u n try swing band fro m that state. Curl Sale — Save $ Curl Sale — Save $ Curl Sale — Save $ Curl Sale — Save $ Curl Sale — Save $ Reg. $60 — Now $35 Complete Still The Best Curl In Town At The Best Price- w ith this ad butch H a ir D e s ig n f o r Mer-, & W o m e n 1405 NE Broadway Call now 284-1897 One of Lo« Angeles' Finest Productions wants you to H O N I COLES A N D B R E N D A B U F A L IN O SHAKE YOUR BODY DOWN Jazz concert at Jefferson at the SPRING DANCE A ja zz a nd ta p c o n c e rt s ta rrin g v e te ra n ta p ta n c e r H o n i C oles a n d h is c o lle a g u e B re n d a B u fa lin o , w ill be p re s e n te d S a tu rd a y . M a rc h 13 a t 8 :15 p m in th e J e ffe r s o n P e r fo r m in g A r t s C e n te r , 6210 N o r th K e rb y A ve n u e . I he legendary H orn Coles has been p e rfo rm in g fo r f if t y years in clubs and concert halls throughout the country and is well remembered as part o f the great class act, "C o le s and A tk in s .” T o d a y , he is s till dancing as the leader o f the famed Copasctics and has starred on Broadway in "B u b b lin ' Brown S u g a r." H o n i's current dancing p artne r, Brenda B u fa lin o , has been called the "e p ito m e o f energy.” She is a p erfo rm e r, choreographer, dance h istorian and in stru cto r and has appeared on television and on stages across the na­ tio n and abroad. H om Coles has been her m entor, teacher, and collabora­ to r and the com bination o f their talents is a strong force in the revival o f the true Am erican art fo rm — tapdancing. The special P o rtlan d engagement o f Coles and B u fa lin o is part o f a one week residency sponsored by the Jefferson H igh School Dance Departm ent. R esidency a c tiv itie s w ill in c lu d e d a ily te ch n iq u e classes w ith the h ig h school's tap students, a tap history seminar, teacher workshops and a spe­ c ia l a ssem bly fo r d an cers fro m J e ffe rs o n and e ig h t P o r tla n d m id d le schools. In a dd itio n, the artists w ill conduct com m unity master classes in in ­ term ediate and advanced tap techniques on Wednesday, M arch I0 , 6-7:30 pm. Cost is $5 and reservations arc recommended. T ickets fo r "S in g in g , S w inging, and W in g in g ” w ill be a va ila b le at the door or may be purchased in advance at Meier and Frank, d ow ntow n; Ste­ vens & Son Jewelers, I loyd Center; and Dance Togs in Beaverton. General adm ission is $5 fo r adults and $3 fo r senior citizens and students w ith ID . For more in fo rm a tio n call 287-1398. HAPPENINGS Im p r o v is a tio n a l ja z z c o n c e r t, F rid a y , evening, M arch 19th at 8:30. In te rn atio na lly acclaimed Oregon musicians O bo A d dy, Dave Friesen, N an­ cy K ing, Glen M oo re and Danny Sm ith w ill present a fantastic program o f vibrant rhythm s and im provisational jazz. The concert w ill be held at C atlin Gabel School, L abel Center, 8825 SW Barnes Road in P ortland. Tickets are available from the Oregon A rts Com m ission fo r $3 each. Seating is lim ite d, so reserve your tickets now: Oregon A rts C om m ission, 835 Summer St. N E , Salem. OR 97301. C all 378-3625 or to ll free in Oregon 1-8OO-452-78I3. S p r in g r e g is t r a tio n f o r O re g o n S c h o o l o f A r ts a n d C r a fts begins registration fo r Spring classes M arch 15, co ntin uing through M arch 22. For more in fo rm a tio n contact M artha Bergman at 297-5544. W a rn e r P a c ific 's n in th a n n u a l C h ris tia n W rite rs C o n fe re n c e M arch 14-17 on the W arner campus. C all W arner P acific College, 775-4366 fo r a free brochure. Saturday, March 27, 1982 Portland Masonic Temple Grand Ballroom 1119 S.W. Park Avenue Will be Jamming from 9:00 p.m. until ? with Portland’s Own MR. JAZZ-M-UP STEVE DOERN At The Controls Don’t Miss This One Bring a Friend TEXAS TR A D ITIO N On A p ril 28, all 50 state winners w ill appear on the nationally televised finals at the Grand Ole O p ry House in Nashville, Tenn. The act judged w inner on that date by the panel o f noted music industry people w ill receive $50,000 from W rangler C ou ntry Starsearch plus a m ajor recording contract and booking agreement. Second and third place w ill receive $15,000 and $10,000 respective­ ly. Ron N ickell, pres., Ron N ickell Productions, is set to produce the A p r. 28 I \ show. In addition to the nationals, the Oregon state winner w ill appear at a Regional Starsearch Show, one o f 11 such shows to be staged throughout the country and video-taped fo r later airing. Advance tickets fo r the M ar. 22 show in Eugene are $5 and available from K E E D Radio in Eugene, the Ember Supper Club, Cinch & Saddle (downtown), the Spotted Mule Saddlery in Delta Village, Curtis Mathes Entertainment Cen­ ter in the S p iringfield Center and O ld fie ld 's Appliance in dow ntow n Spring- field. Tickets purchased at the door on show night w ill be $6. Inquiries and out- of-town orders should be directed to K E E D Radio, 1245 Charnelton, Eugene, OR 97401, phone: (503) 344-1457. IMPORTANT NEWS FOR BACKACHE SUFFERERS! MOMENTUM- Tablets are 50° o stronger than Doan s. Before you take Doans Pills lor muscular backache remember this MOMfNTUM Tablets are 50% stronger than Ooans Thai means MOMfNTUM gives you 50% more pam reliever pe< dose to relieve backache To reduce pam soothe mllammahon so muscles loosen-you can move more freely m minutes' Theres no stronger backache medication you can buy «nth out a prescription than MOMfNTUM Tablets Take only as directed Admission .............................. $4.00 Come Early-Limited Capacity A Parquet Productions' Presentation brought to you every week by AM ERICAN STATE BANK Centigrade temperature, now often called Celsius, is named after Anders Celsius of Sweden who devel­ oped the centigrade thermometer. a Which movie star holds the record for being nomin­ ated for the Academy Award the most times? A ns­ wer: Katherine Hepburn, with 11 nominations. • It's a little -kn o w n fact that Davy C rockett was a member of Congress long before he became more fa­ mous fighting at the Alamo. • CORNS? Soft pads protect from pain, while medicated disks work to remove corns DrScholl's Zino-pads MOTHER GOOSi DOT PtIZZlf HERERO DANCERS c a rv D io n X ftu Cultural Evening of Performing Arts March 12th W Ltroups o l p erform in g artists representing several ethnic cultures w ill present th eir first annual C u ltu ra l Evening o f P erform ing A rts on Friday evening, M arch I2, I982, on the P ortland State U niversity campus. The event, sponsored by PSD s l.d u ca tio n a l O p p o rtu n ity Program (E O P ), is designed to prom ote awareness o f the values and trad ition s o f other cultures, according to Barbara C hapm an, EO P co ordin ato r. The perform ing groups, all from the P ortland m etropolitan area, include: The A n po Drum m ers w ith the Bow and A rro w L u ltu ra l Indian Dance G roup; Betsy W ellings, L atin Am erican fo lk singer; The T alking D rum Dancers; the H crcro Dancers (w ho use A frica n-style aerobic dancing steps); the Cam bodian Association o f Oregon Dancers; and the Love C ongregation Gospel C ho ir. Adm ission to the event, which begins at 7:30 p in. in Room 75 o f Lin coln H a ll, is $1.00 at the d oo r. A ll proceeds w ill be used lo replenish depleted emergency student loan funds adm inistered by PSU’ s E ducational O p p o rtu n ity Program . For fu rthe r in fo rm a tio n , contact Ms. Chapman at 229-4010. bi s p a llo d with oi;e 1«LL«-T* q it u i- 14 We specialize in RAH and Soul Music ol the *90l and '60s A ll trades welcome. 771-9173 '6508 S.E. Foster Rd CONGESTION TRY TRIAMINK’ EXPECTORANT. American State Bank AN INDEPENDENT BANK Head Office 2737 N. E. Union Portland. Oregon 97212 If you want to stay on top, you have to stay in touch. Ik FOR DRY HACKING COUGH AND NASAL Triamintc (■ pm tu t ant We do not do business w ith South Africa. t W *-, Ram has the signal that keeps you in constant touch. Providing direct dial, tone alert, tone voice, and mobile telephone service. *74c SVc/rci “P c o jit c f 713 S W 12th V f C l*w*2 Horsey l.sbnratnriea. ■ division of Semins In* . I.m enln, N ehraalte HMftOI Portland. OR 97205 226-1507