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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1982)
METROPOLITAN Black United Front Primate Center seeks minority apprentices G rassroot News, N. W. — The Oregon Regional Primate Research Center is accepting applications for the minority high school student re search apprentice program. The ex pectation is that some o f the appren tices will decide to pursue careers in research related to health. This is an excellent o p p o rtu n ity fo r high school seniors to fin d out about another aspect o f health-related re search, to get away from the Burger King summer jobs and do some thing a lot more meaningful. The Prim ate Center does repro ductive research w ith monkeys. T h eir research led to the develop ment o f birth control devices and surgical techniques for operating on fetuses. Mohamed Isahakia is a stu dent researcher at the Oregon P ri mate C en ter. “ I ’ m fro m Kenya, East Africa, and have worked at the center for two years. M y purpose for coming here is to be trained in male reproductive physiology. I conduct research and attend classes at the Oregon H ealth Science U n i versity. M y focus is on male fertility and infertility. I ’m trying to identify elements that are relevant to infertil ity so later on they can be used as a means to control fertility.** M r. Isahakia’s interests center in anim al m edicine. He is a veterin arian. " I wanted to change my ca reer toward research.” The W orld Health Organization, a part o f the United Nations, is sponsoring Isa hakia. He plans to return to Kenya once his studies are completed. O ver the years com plaints have been raised that research is in h u mane to the animals. “ This depends on the area o f research. In pharma ceutical research they use lots o f ani mals to test drugs before they can be used on humans. Also in the auto motive industry they use animals for their crash program s. But under proper supervision meaningful use o f animals can be made to minimize the amount o f pain that's inflicted. In my case all I use is the sperm. There are advantages and disadvan tages and there is no boundary that can be draw n.’ * The benefits are to prolong life or eradicate illness in human beings. A p plicatio n s can be obtained fro m L in d a H en d rickso n , Public Information Director o f the Oregon Primate Center. You can call her at 645-1141, ext. 287. Include with the application a statement o f 200-400 words about your activities and in tellectual interest. Submit with the application a complete official tran script o f your high school record. The deadline is Friday, March 14. First Annual Banquet Honoring "The Man Of The Year" Ron Herndon Westminster Presbyterian Church 1624 N.E. Hancock Friday March 26.1962 6:30 pm til 10:00 pm Donation: Adults *9.50 Kids *7.50 Tickets: Youth Service Center 4815 N.E. 7th Ave. King Neighborhood Facility 288-0371 or House of Sounds Mohamed Isahakia of Kenya is a student researcher at the Oregon Regional Primate Canter. (Photo: Richard J. Brown) Macro Bingo benefits House of Exodus by Harris Levon McRae The House o f Exodus is sponsor ing an “ Exodus M a c ro B ingo” night at the Multnomah County Ex position Center at 2060 N . M arine Drive on Saturday, March 13th. The House o f Exodus is a non p ro fit alcohol and drug treatment center providing direct treatm ent, consultation and education to indi viduals who are in need o f help caused by alcoholism , drug addic tion and chemical abuse in general. The bingo game is a fund raiser and the money will benefit the House o f Exodus. “ We are the first non -p ro fit o r ganization in Oregon attempting to raise funds through bingo games in the magnitude that Exodus Macro Bingo is being d o n e ,” says Tom Boothe, coordinator o f the program at the House o f Exodus. 1st prize is a $40,000 Renaissance Ranch House. 2nd prize is a 1982 T -B ird , fully equipped. 3rd prize is a 1955 Classic T-Bird, Shay Reproduction. Tickets are $20 for the first two prizes and $10 fo r the 3rd prize. Iherc will be $1,000 cash prizes with dollar games and drawings for door prizes throughout the evening. Free gifts w ill include helicopter rides, H om e Box O ffice installation and motel accommodations. “ We think that this kind o f acti vity stimulates three separate things: O ne, it is a painless way o f gener ating needed funds. T w o , it p ro vides a social climate fo r people to gather and have some fu n , and three, it brings businesses and social services together in a way that will lead to a better delivery o f ser vices,” Tom Boothe said. T he p rim a ry purpose o f the House o f Exodus is to treat and edu cate those individuals who are a f flicted and in need o f help caused by alcoholism and/or drug abuse. Exodus has four components pro viding four distinct areas o f treat- 2 4 , 1 9 « The EoMowmg Office« Are ? ^ I ROSALIE BOOTHE Bingo can be purchased at House o f Exodus, 1639 N .E . A lberta, Meier and F ra n k , d o w n to w n . M a rb le & Co. Real Estate, 6475 S.W . Capitol Highway, Stevens and Sons, Lloyd Center, and all G .I. Joe’s Stores. Soupline protests office closure this orna « ili HE CLOSED KttMAHEHTLV OH MARCH ment and education to those affect ed directly or indirectly by alcohol ism or chemical abuse in general. These fo u r components are: (1) outpatient treatm ent, (2) day care recreational recovery training and treatment (3) residential treatment, and (4) youth treatment prevention training and awareness programs. “ W ith all the drugs that some people take these days it can be hard to tell whether it is alcohol or other drugs causing problems. Each com ponent operates under the philoso phy o f th e T rip le R C oncept (Rights, Respect, and Responsibili ty). We try to decrease drugs and in crease responsibility. A ll employees are required to take and graduate fro m the T rip le R course so that there is a consistency in the imple mentation o f the Trip le R philoso phy,” Tom Boothe said. The Exodus A lc o h o lis m /D ru g Abuse Educational Treatment Cen ter is the first o f its kind located in the Northeast Portland area. T ickets fo r the Exodus M acro * Avodabie For Service: Friday at noon at the Hollywood Employment O ffice, 4 4 ,h & Sandy, a S O U P L IN E form ed, protesting the 11.9 per cent unemployment rate in O regon. Soup was provided by the Sisters o f the Road Cafe. The soupline emphasized the cuts in human services and social pro grams at the time when unemploy ment and plant closures have reached epidemic proportions. Bob Baugh, Secretary-Treasurer o f the Oregon State A F L -C IO and chair man o f the Em ploym ent and the Oregon Econom y Standing C o m m ittee said (fro m a soapbox), “ Economic development must fo cus on plant death as well as jo b jfP PRO STYL ■ V SHOP I fl 917 S.W. Alder 224-8401 (across from the Galleria) ! I | PRO SHOP—STYLING SALON Specializing in alt curly perms, styling & trimming. TCB • Care Free • Classy Curl It California Curl Gerald & Winslow b irth . No more corporate welfare; i t ’ s tim e to pu, O regon w orkers back to w ork.” O th e r speakers included M a ry B o tk in , R egional D ire c to r o f the Plant Closure Organizing C om m it tee and G ail W ashington, a repre sentative o f the Oregon Public Em ployees Union. The P lant C losure O rg an izin g Committee (PC O C ) is a coalition of labor, community and religious or ganizations with over 40 sponsoring members. P C O C works on educa tion, research and community “ self- h elp ” program s concerning the causes, effects, and possible solu tions to the problem s associated with plant closures. TT P e rm Reg. $60* Limited Time Onh Interstate Tax Service APRI president attacks Reagan budget by Harris Levon McRae N o rm an H ill, president o f the New york-based A . P h ilip Ran dolph In s titu te, was here in P o rt land M o n d a y to give a speech at Reed College. M r. H ill stated that the economic and social policies o f the Reagan ad m inistration may undo decades o f progress in the field o f civil rights. “ Already there is much less com mitment to the enforcement o f the provisions o f the civil rights laws, and the Justice D epartm ent has launched few, if any, voting rights cases since Reagan took o ff ic e ,” H ill said. A civil rights activist for 20 years, H ill was in P o rtlan d to conduct a conference o f his institute's western regional group o f affiliates Friday through Sunday. The A . P h ilip Randolph Institute is a nationwide network o f organizations promoting greater p a rtic ip a tio n in the labor movement and politics by Blacks. He blasted Reagan’s “ New Feder alism ” proposal as nothing more than a smoke screen designed to hide (he failures o f the adm inistra tio n ’ s supply-side econom ic p re scriptions. “ The Reagan a d m in is tra tio n ’ s economic policies place minorities at a disadvantage in competing for a diminishing number o f jobs. One- third o f all Black youngsters are un employed. Reagan's policies are dis astrous in terms o f the needs o f m i norities,” H ill said. President Reagan's proposal to turn many o f the social programs that are b en eficial to Blacks and other minorities back to the states, will bring back the regional unfair ness , ha, existed before strong fed eral intervention created uniform civil rights enforcement and access to social programs. A recent public opinion poll said only eight per cent o f Blacks polled approved o f the way Reagan is handling the presidency. The low rating stems from a growing percep tion in the Black com m unity that the President is indifferent to the se vere difficulties facing Blacks and other minorities. H ill concludes, "T h e effect o f the a d m in is tra tio n 's econom ic p ro grams has been to weaken the confi dence o f Blacks in Reagan and his policies. I have no idea about his personal convictions— it might be bigotry. The important thing is that the impact o f his policies and pro grams is extremely negative.” Are you paying too much to have your income tax return prepared? W e offer competent service at economical prices. • Personal Returns • Business Returns • Out Of State Returns Open 11 am-5 pm. Call forappt. Same-Day Service 2-3 Day Service Short Form Long Form 1040A & 40S (including earned income credit 1 0 4 0& 40 Sch. A —Deductions Sch B -In te re s t etc $10°° (interest with exclusion) $24®® and up Since 1966 • Licensed Tax Consultant 5510 N. Interstate Ave. Portland, OR 97217 • 283-6014 ■