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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1982)
P o rtlan d O b server, Feb ru ary 18, 1982 P ag e 9 Jelly donuts still best Jelly doughnuts are an American fav o rite. These light round fried yeast cakes are trad itio n ally rilled with strawberry or grape jelly H ow ever, this new version features a fillin g o f cherry jam and apple sauce. C alled O ld-Fashioned C arnival Doughnuts, they are as up-to-date in preparation as they arc in the se lection o f convenient ingredients. They are prepared by the Rapidmix Method. Rapidmix means the first stage o f dissolving yeast in warm water is eliminated. The yeast is mixed with some o f the dry ingredients, then very warm liquids and m argarine are added. In itia l beating is done with an electric mixer, which makes mixing easier and produces lighter, more evenly textured breads, cakes and doughnuts. Doughnuts are best eaten soon a f ter they're made so plan to make them the same day they’ ll be eaten . . the closer to serving time the better. They freeze well if prop erly wrapped and tightly sealed so you can make them ahead. And in this recipe the applesauce and jelly help keep the doughnuts fresher longer. Com bine potato water and m ar garine in a saucepan. Heat over low heat un til liquids are very warm (12O’ F .-I3 O ° F .). M arg a rin e does not need to melt. G radually add to dry ingredients and beat 2 minutes at medium speed o f electric mixer, scraping bowl occasionally. Add mashed potatoes, egg and 'A cup flour. Beat at high speed for 2 min utes, scraping bowl occasionally. S tir in enough ad d itio n al flo u r to make a s tiff dough. T u rn out onto lightly floured board; knead until smooth and elastic, about 8 to 10 minutes. Place in greased bowl, turning to grease top. Cover; let rise in warm place, free from draft, until doubled in bulk, about I hour. Punch dough down; turn out onto lig h tly floured board. R oll dough out to !6-inch thickness and cut with 3-inch biscuit cutter. Place doughnuts on greased baking sheets. Cover; let rise in warm place, free from d ra ft, until doubled in bulk, about 30 minutes. Fry in deep hot (375 °F .) peanut oil until golden brown on both sides. Drain on paper towels. F ill with chilled applesauce m ix ture. Sprinkle with confectioners* sugar. Makes about 2 dozen. A LARGE SOFT DRINK W ITH THIS AD 5 0 0 8 N. In te r s ta te P o r tla n d , O re g o n 281-7478 Hours: 10:00 am -12:00 am , M on. thru Thurs 10:00 am -2:00 am . Fri.¡3:00 pm -12:00 pm Sa Jelly donuts good for Sunday brunch OLD FASHIONED CARNIVAL DOUGHNUTS 1 jar ( I -pound) applesauce Vt cup cherry preserves 2 teaspoons cornstarch 3 W to 4 V4 cups unsifted flour Vt cup sugar I teaspoon salt 1 tablesppon grated orange peel 2 packaged active dry yeast I cup potato water V» cup(!A stick) margarine Vi cup mashed potatoes (at room temperature) I egg (at room temperature) Peanut oil Confectioners’ sugar SAVE GAS SAVE TIME SAVE MONEY ONE STOP SHOPPING Oregon Grown 1 * 1 K 1, In a small saucepan, combine ap plesauce, cherry preserves and corn starch. C ook over medium heat, stirring until mixture is thickened. Chill. In a large bowl thoroughly mix I Vt cups flo u r, sugar, salt, grated orange peel and undissolved yeast. Sliced Bacon M uch is being w ritten about the high level o f salt in the Am erican diet, says Tod H a m ilto n , M u lt nomah County Extension agent. As a result, many people are asking if they should turn to salt substitutes. M argaret Bakke, Oregon State University Extension nutritionist, says that com mon table salt is so dium chloride, while salt substitutes arc made o f potassium chloride. Some low sodium ‘ ’ salts” are a blend o f sodium chloride and potas sium chloride. The body needs both sodium and potassium to keep the normal bal ance o f water between the cells and the body fluids. Sodium and potas sium are widely distributed in food and it is relatively simple to meet the body’ s needs for these minerals by eating a varied diet. The salty taste seems to be a desir able one and some people develop a liking for highly salted foods. The body has a well-developed way o f dealing with extra sodium and po tassium. Under norm al circum stances, the excess is excreted and there is no problem. However, some doctors believe a high intake o f salt contributes to high blood pressure and recommend that people cut down on their salt intake. This can be done by reedu cating the taste buds to expect foods to taste less salty. To substitute one salt for another only complicates the problem, since the effect o f a high intake o f dietary potassium is not yet known. T o cut down on salt intake, do not eat salty tasting foods such as bacon, ham, lunch meats, weiners, smoked or dried meats, potato chips, and other salty snacks. Salted nuts, salted popcorn and pickles are also high in salt. Use packaged and prepared foods only once in a while. Food from fast food restaurants are usually well- salted and canned or frozen main dishes and main dish mixes are also highly salted. Salt foods only lightly when cook ing and don’t put the salt shaker on the table. Thus, fam ily members will have to ask for more salt. That opening will let you discuss your at tempts to cut down on salt intake. U.S.D.A. Grade ‘A ’ Norbest Tender Timed 10-14 lb. Flash Frozen Self Beating Young Hen Turkey H H Fred Meyer Pink or Yellow 1 • Dinners Sauce Cubes Kraft Salad Dressing MiFacle W hip M iracle W hip F in i one - Additional at regular price Facial Tissue Friskies )og Food First two • Additional at Regular Price No. 1 Golden Ripe Chiquita Bananas Sunkist - 12 oz. Frozen Orange Juice First two - with coupon Additional at regular price First two - with coupon Additional at regular price IM O O 041226440072 Each of these advertised item s m ust tie readily available tor sale at or below the advertised price in each Fred Meyer store, except as specifically noted in this ad________________________ 6 286 041226440089