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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1981)
Page 10 Portland Observer, November 12, 1981 S P O R T S M A N 'S Hair Design Center ( tu n n iu m iv / ) n \ \ {o/ \ a n d p n > !ile \ A r«> O f l o c a l f l u M i i m u i fh o f A re H e fp in q B e i/r f A Professional Services 0 P o rtla n d , OR 97227 S TA R K R A V IN G H A IR Featuring M m Curt Complete eelon services for men end women Jackso n's A u to m o tiv e 210b N. K illin g sw o rth P ortlan d . Ora. 97217 ¿*u«< 9A.,«. C ^ I m h E LEC TR O PEO IC o f O R EG O N lOSt Lloyd C enter 317 S .W . S ta rk P o rtla n d . OR ¿Y un " A C M E C LE A N E R S Introducee B O N N IE H O W E (Formerly Eeetport Plesa I FREE comb-out with purchase of an ew wig end located in: N ew b erry S Lloyd C enter fr C U S T O M T A IL O R S Mon-Fri 7«m 8pm Set 10am 6pm A e clean on Saturdays N .E. B ro ad w ay P ortland. O regon S7232 16031 249 1940 Best-built electric Adjustable Bed Gold Eagle Flab M e rk e l Freeh Seafoods • Meet • Oriental Groceries Wholesale 1001 N.E B ro a d w a y 2 *™ ? ELK C LE A N E R S & LAUNDRY Established in 1912 end still providing quality dry cleaning at reasonable ratee. 1014 N. K illln g a w o rth 500 N .W . 23rd A venu e j 249 1791 FISH M ARKET R estaurant b M a rk e t Open; 9 00 A M 1144 N E Prescott JEWELRY M a k a thia d ire c to ry w o rk fo r you call 283 2486 Brad Morris Station Manager « 284 5050 ROSE C ITY A U T O SALES BO D Y b P A IN T IN G Phone 288 0680 J im Sasaalog O w ner MRS. C's WIGS ¿H Ü c TCS 3636 N. W illiam « Ava. Portland. OR «7232 503 281 656t> 3R CHA RLES TONEY BOOKER T LEWIS. JR 0 0 8 Walnut Park Dental Center Serving the community with quality work/quality service 3133N E P teecoll Portland Orage i «7231 2«1 » 1 0 Ph 2818110________ PH IL R EY N O LD S M E D IC A L C L IN IC Weller C Reynolds. M D Kalpana H Rajdev, M 0 Physicians b Surgeons 16 N. M o rris St. 3240 N W illia m s A va. Hats - Scarves & Ac cessories - Styling. 630 N.E. Union Ave Hours 10-6 M-F —■ ___________ 1Q.K Cwe BEAUTY 707 NE Freem ont 281-6525 B A R D Y T R O P H Y CO. T E R R Y 'S P H A R M A C Y W H Y BE B ALD? 1634 N .E . 7th at B roadw ay _______ 281 -9 4 9 6 _____ CLEANERS N IC K 'S C LE A N E R S Laundry b A lteration B lock ing, pick up b deliver Mon-Fn Bom-Bpm • Sat.. 9em 5pm 5118 NE U nion A v a . P o rtlan d . O R 97211 282 6863 Oaeedaew .H eek S e e , S » m W . gw. «4M Orese ! « r w A U N IS E X S A LO N » 6720 N E Umon Avenue Portland Oregon 97211 15031289 4470 — ELLIS C LE A N E R S . Let us renew the beauty o f y o ur g arm en ts. Our cleaning methods will do it. Expert Tailoring. 281-3862 3300 N . W illia m « A v a . CLOTHING 1119 N.E. B ro a d w a y P ortland. O regon «7232 I603I282 S483 Sera J Thomas ONE HOUR M A R T IN IZ IN G The m oat in dry cleaning! Featuring same day cleaning and laundry service. TAVERN PEGGY 8 H ID E W A Y 2 N K illlngaw orth P ortlan d. O regon «7217 1419 N .E . F rem o n t 281-8133 P f t J 's T IP P IN IN N P R M C C LIN IC PHARM ACY È TAVERN N ew ow ner Peggy b J m •«teff B eer SSS36C 2861 N E U nion 281 0619 Sales and service Eureka Electric Co 1804 N E Union P o rtlan d . OR 287 9420 5006 N .In te r s ta te VARIETY Homemade Chili end fries Burgers Shake*. Chicken ^11 in order» 281 7471 TA S TE TIC KLER S ubm arine S an d w ich . 11-5 Mon.-Fri. 12-5 Saturday. Since 1932 1868 N. L om bard P o rtla n d . OR 97217 14th & NE B ro a d w a y Phone Orders 282 3811 N e e d ty p e s e ttin g d o n e ? C a ll 2 8 3 -2 4 8 6 to d a y I______ J O H N REED BOOKSTORE kHHWlM - CUHHlI MXH. Hxx.1 AMc«n i<ws«on' O ek u m Building 8 i« th Floor 61« 8 W 3rd A ve P ortland. Oregon 277 2902 2274 Lloyd Canter Homemarip Chili and fries Burgers. Shri»es. Chicken Video Games, Take Out Only For appointment cell 287 107« D O M E S T IC House clean ing by the hour. Experienced 283 3075. Call in orders 281-7478 SUE W IC K L U N D TR A V EL 1734 N.E. Broadway Portland, OR 97232 KEN TUTTLE 1503) 249 8303 P LA S TE R IN G GRACE COLLINS M E M O R IA L CENTER E rickso n '« P lasterin g Specialties. Plastering ,7 r . tea of all kinds. 12B NE Russell Portland. Oregon 284 8463 ALLEN TEMPLE CM E CHUR CH C orner of 8th and S k id n .o re Sunday School 9 30am Sunday Worship 11.00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00pm (second and fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L. Slrayhand. Minister PORTLAND CLEANING fía WORKS No charge Knit blocking our speciality A^ow11^neW budfl8t •#rv,ce ST. A N D R E W C O M M U N IT Y SCHOOL ■ T 4919 NE 9th Ave J C ** W K /a X l Phone 284 1620 Grades 1 thru 8 Sr K athleen S tu p fer Prlnclpel Em m anuel Evangelical Baptist Church 3939 N. M ississipp i Peator b W ife Bishop b M r«. A . L. W rig h t • • ’ • C onaubatlona Fam ily personal, w e d d in g *, funerals O ffic e hours 8-12. 2-6 Tueadaya th ru Fridays 281 3132 O ffice 287 3848 H o m e 3954 N. W illiam s Sunday School at 9:30 a . m . Morning Worship at 11 00 a m Tu" night mission b Bible study Wed night Bible study 6 p m Portland. Oregon 97227 282-8361 night Bible class 6 p m • Bible -.lass 6 00 p m Sunday ”*» F D Cannon. Paa’Of You are k in d ly in v ite d to c o m e and w o rs h ip w ith us St. A ndrew s C om m unity Church ✓ soTc?;-. 2941 N.E. A in sw o rth St. (C orner o f 30th b A in s w o rth ) I x *■! Portland, Oregon 97211 Sunday School: 10:15 -11:15 Divine W orship: 11:30-12:46 W e have m oved from 4800 N F 30th A venue You are W e lc o m e to W orship at Pastor • Louis Osborne t HE ARK OF SAFETY CHUR CH OF GOD IN CH R IST "A warm spirit o f Jellowship alw ays" The Honorable Bishop U V. Peterson, D .D . "The Holiners Preacher," Pastor 9: 1, "Showers of Blessings Broadcast kLIQ 1290 VPW W Evangelistic Worship Tuesday Friday Noon Day Prayer 84 NE Killingsworth 281 0499 In today - Out to m o rro w 282-0446 H B • Fn You are co rd ially in vited to w orship In th e s e services I Tuesday Bible Band/Jr Church Wednesday Choir Rehearsal Friday "The Pastor Speaks " Hour: M o n d a y Friday 8-8 » B eturdey «-1:00p.m . 24-hour Service W ee k d a y Service: Tuesday Night Bible Study....... 7:30P M Friday night Regular Service.......7:30 P.M Prayer Meeting b Seminar Monday Friday....... 12:00 d m d . m fh family OfNTISTRV Conaulatton« Insurance accepted Weekend b Evening hours 6008 N. Interstate Alteratone and repair extra charge • Minor repair 5:00pm Vigil - Saturday 10:00am Choir — Sunday 12 00pm Folk - Sunday S unday Service: Sunday School 10 00 A M Worship Service 12 00 Noon YPCE 6 30PM Evangelistic Service 8 00PM 28 306 NE A L B E R T A STREET R everend B ertram G riffin . Pastor Masses 4800 NE 30th Ave., Portland, Oregon 97211 E ERNEST GUILE. Dry Cleaner ST. A N D R E W S C A TH O LIC C H UR CH EMMANUEL Church of God in Christ United Place V a c u u m C leaner S e w in g M a c h in e FR E N C H S R E S T A U R A N T Family Atmosphere Open 7 a m to 10 p m Breakfast Lunch-Dinner 285-3400 7331 N E U N IO N Video Games Take Out Only 2208 NE KUNngeworth P ortland. Oregon «7212 V A C C U M & S E W IN G .........k Js Place 11493 S E 82nd 663 7932 4220 S E H a w th o rn « 238 1070 M ille r Beer Glass 45C 838 N. Killingsworth 283 2221 Ready to Finish RESTAURANTS Dr S am uel J B row n Jr b Dr Carloa L W eekly. D E N TIS T P ortland. OR 97230 254 9333 NATURAL F U R N IT U R E O R E G O N RUG & M A T T R E S S CO. W A S H IN G T O N SQUARE Phone 639 1622 1440 N .E. B ro adw ay P ortlan d . OR 97232 282 7787 1912 N.E. 122nd 1719 N .E. 16th W OODLAW N PHARM ACY Prescriptions W e accept An M edical Cards Pets 8 V eterinary Supplier W E CARE 2S9-33I1 284 0666 900 NE B ro ad w ay P ortland. OR Quality at affordable pnces W O O D L A W N CLEA N ER S Sportshues our speciality Retailing and reaoleing THE VILLA GE COBBLER Shoe repair • Leather repair Vinyl repair • Shoe dyed Free pick up b Delivery Serving your pharmacy needs w ith dilhgence q u ality pro ducts and serve« Call or visit us today I N E U N IO N A D E K U M B roadw ay H airw eevers b Designers Beauty Salon has the solution T ruphree • Plaques • emblems Trophies • name plates M a k a thia d ire c to ry w o rk fo r you call 283 2486 • SAIF M a k a this d ire c to ry w o rk fo r you call 283 2486 SOLE D E S IG N E R S OF P O R T L A N D 5600 NE U nion (503)287 0693 2403 NE A lbert« - a r> 7 ^ A P E X U PHO LSTER Y Free estim ates-Quahty W ork Antiques Restored Low Prices!!! 262-660« -’■>!’ NE. ynipn M a k e this d ire c to ry w o rk fo r you call283 2488 5316 N. Vancouver Portland. Oregon Hours: 7a .m .-6 p.m. M on-Fri 8 s .m .-2 p .m Sat A lb e rta P h arm acy md -OH h*.! Can CHH tna hw Ooar # «OHMy. S 0O 10 00 W S 1480 N E P resco ti P ortland. O regon 2S4 < 0 7 HOME Sates Service Installation Sunday Sunday School Morning W o,sh,p Reliable • By appointment or call I “ The Ö o varn o r1« " “ O m e le tte and S a n d w ic h Shop 281 0290 PHARMACY 4 O M . b u y . —O . CAR STEREO B E A U TY SUPPLIES Wholesale and Retail W a carry products that art A TTO R N EY AT LAW 1332 S k id m o re Place your ad here Call 283-2487 C b l STORE Wry « W S IOS 00 21X216 N E H ancock Portland Oregon 282 3379 $2.00 PROJECT STOP O u lpalient alcohol treatm ent for individuals end families special prog,am for women 1S2S N ortb eeat Broadway Wbk s X I RPWW CYUSAY M a k a this d ire c to ry w o rk fo r you call 283-2486 519 NE B ro ad w ay P ortlan d . OR 97213 Ph 231-8106 ROBERT A B U T L E R - e t ' Kenneth C. Dixson D E V L IN S CAFE Travel Roberts 3416 N E Broadw ay P ortland. OR 17232 TO W N SQUARE RESTAURANT Open 6 OOarn to 7 00pm Food to go 701 N E Broadway P ortland. Oregon 97232 281 4036 Complete Care Center Atlas Products Towing Service <v2k 716 N. Alberts Portland, Oregon 603 284 0904 4909 N .E. U nion Grocery-Cold Beer and W in e 284-7490 [ B R O A D W A Y EXXON I I S S .W . B ro ad w ay P ortlan d Oregon 17301 B R E A K F A S T S PE C IA L M IS C E L L A N E O U S K N O T T ST G R O C E R Y M a k e this d ire c to ry w o rk fo r you call283-2489 ATTORNEY AT LAW General Practice 324 SOti P A TO N JE W E L E R S Oiam onds-W elches-Jewelry Diam ond Setting W atch S Jewelry Repair 261-6801 4616 NE Sandy S A M and OLLIE'S JA SP E R L. A M B E R S U niquel □ m ee t C u m ■ . n e n eSems " • » eene« Sew m. Hunan e Siachven 825 N E Broadway Portland O regon (7232 H U N A N RESTAURANT •« .steed ye* • cordial W c L c o m e . ■* If you want to stay I on top, I you have I to stay I in touch. I /hto boor ffli«»ionarp Baptist Churrh r n t tithiho chum h T y.( J-.} DtaioHgp td r u t qloky n r oop* J7X5 ft Guteabela Aveeee, Pertltad Or.eoe r t t n re.,rt. nwin «1 oix> • |.,„ ,, ,„4 , .... . c,,,,.. n , Rev A Bernard Deyerx I. A A-, B.A Pastor Sunday School 9 30 A M M<>rn'n« Worship 10:30 A M niblc training Union A t a il'M f venmg W orhup A ffiliated with ihe National Baptist Convention o f A m enta and the Souihern Baptist Convention fCAerr at! proptn of an ra(r, arr y^icr)rnrri ¡o worship jw iii noti m e signal th at fcppps Providing d irect d ia l, to n e aler m o b ile telep h o n e service. 713 B.W. 12fh Aw.. Portland. OR »7205 2 2 6 -1 5 0 7