Page 14 Portland Observer, October 22,1961 w o rk p ro p erly i f they kno w rig h t away that there's been an accident. Scott's Auto Sales We carry our own contracts. Quality Can At Low Prien 1170 Olds 98 sadan ¿ qa t FuS p o w e r, sharp 1.2 seconds, according to the Insur ance In fo rm atio n In s titu te Some body gets injured every 5.6 seconds and a death occurs every 10 m in utes. Losses— resulting from prop erty damages, legal expenses, medi cal costs, lost wages, funeral bills and adm inistrative costs o f insur a n c e -m o u n t at the rate o f S1,790 every second. “ Some people are lucky and nev er become part o f those statistics," Jack Berry, director o f personal in surance claim administration at Aet na L ife & C as u alty , com m ented. " B u t most o f us will have at least a m inor auto accident, maybe more than one, during our d rivin g ca- - __ »» rccr. During the winter driving season, storms and icy roads make all driv ers vunlerable to tra ffic accidents. Even a minor fender bender leaves the victims confused and upset, so W , 1978 Pontiac Lamana 4 dr¡ V8 auto, power «toonng 1975 Chav Impala wgn FuMy equipped onty 1976 Caprica 4 dr sadan Power everything 1988 Montago 2dr hd tp Smali VU auto power »toonng —w lu o v ilta adan. Collector» item. become completely familiar with the basic procedures for protecting life and assisting in reporting or investi gative activities follow ing an acci dent. He recommends that drivers con sider carrying a copy o f this list o f actions in their wallets— just in case: •Stop, identify yourself and sum mon aid for any injured parties. • W r ite dow tvthe o th er d riv e r’ s name, address, telephone number, license and registration numbers, and insurance information. •T e ll the basic facts to the inves tigating police officer. It is better to avoid adm itting fa u lt or trying to decide who was to blam e at this time. Get the o fficer’s name, badge A a ra z » 6707 N.E. Sandy 288-3997 ►ave m o n e y on your insurance. A uto • Life • Fire Com m ercial.True Looking fo r a n e w or used A u to? W e have 200 or more new & used Autos in stock, at "Four Seasons D o d g e ." M o n th ly Payment Sale« Rapreaentative 3714 N. W illia m s Portland Oregon 97227 • • • • (5O3I 249 2SSS 2510 N.E. Sandy Blvd. YOU! WENDELL BROWN ALAN MOLDEN Soln Hrpm enlulive Safas H t p m t n t a t i v t Expert consultation on your transportation needs on both new and used cars. CHEVROLET-HONDA CO 122 N.E. 122nd Ave. WE SPECIALIZE IN THE COMPLETE REPAIR OF VOLKSWAGEN & AUDI Rita H. Jen k in s ‘5844 -WE'RE HERETO HELP number and jurisdiction. •C h eck to see i f there were any witnesses. I f so, w rite down their names and phone numbers immedi ately. •T a k e no«es on the facts sur rounding the accident, including the time, place, weather and road con ditions, evidence o f law violations, approximate speed o f both cars and other relevant details. I f possible, make a sketch diagram o f the acci dent scene, including the placement o f the cars and people in relation to the road and fixed structures. •C a rry the telephone number o f your auto insurer’s claim office with you at all times, as well as your inde pendent agent’s number and an a f terhours number for your insurance company. Call one o f them immedi ately if you are in an accident, so a claim representative can o ffe r ad vice and expert assistance, can col lect necessary inform ation, and can examine the damage. That way, re pair work can get started as soon as possible. “ I f th e re ’ s an accident, you should rem em ber that your in surance company is ready to help,’ ’ Berry commented. " A fte r all, that’s what policyholders pay for. But in surance personnel can only do their ¿ O I t you reach them, they can advise you on the other necessary steps." TUNE UPS « D E O TESTING ENGINE I TRANSMISSION REBUILDING BRAKES * SHOCKS WHEEL ALIGNMENT A BALANCING WE ALSO WORK O N ...... D A T S U N - TO YO TA - VOLVO O P E N 7 - 6 M O N - FRI - M IC H E LIN TIRES - 234-0777 P o rtla n d , O re. 97232 FRANZ AUTO HAUS Open 9 am-9 pm Mon.-Sat. Sun. 12-7 pm Aah for Aaron Bynum A uto Salea Consultant ¡am ers New World UtUwuranee Co Mercer Island AA 2 8 4 -4 6 9 0 SAME LO C A TIO N SINCE 1 9 6 0 SA VE s15 o n Sears D ie H a r d b a tte r y S A V E $30 o n stereo needs n all-season radial tires w heel > a lig n m e n t 19“ 42,000 mile wearout warranty WeatherWIse. Great grip on wet. dry. Sears snow, ice Two rugged steel Pelts be ••F»' ■rOo Io . P155/80R 12 J Z 7 - P155/80R 13 . [ P 1 6 5 /M R 1 J 4 155R13 * R 7 I 13 . PU 5Z75R 134 BR78 13 . P 1 ÍM 0 R 1 3 4 CR78 13 . P U S /7 5 R 1 4 . CR76 14 P195/75R14 . D/ER78 14 P205/75R14 . F R 7 I 14 P215/75R 14 6R7814 P 2 0 5 I7 5 R 1 5 4 FR78 15 P215/75R 15 . G R 7815 . P225/75R 15 J H/J7S 15 LIM ITED W A R R A NTY - TIRE W E A R O U T For the number of miles or months specified Seats wut upon return replace the tire or give a refund, charging a pro rata charge for the miles or months received if zrear out occurs and is not caused Dy failure to properly mam tam the tire In s ta lla tio n Included P235/75R 15 . LR76 15 •M e« si $8195 s n .9 5 $78 95 $1195 $1595 $91 95 $96 95 $10195 $ 106 95 $10195 $106 95 $ 109 95 $1139$ fir S skit ' 44 95 . $1 40 J 525 amps cold cranking power. *20 minutes re- serve capacity. G roup 24 For most American- made cars and many imports 53 96 I $1.51 J »7.71 »148 | 6146 . 64 46 . 68 96 . 72 71 76 46 . 80 21 . 7 6 .4 6 J 80 2 1 .1 $192 $1 95 $2 06 $2 23 $2 34 $2 49 $2 46 $2 62 $5 O FF Sears Steady R id er* RT ra d ia l-tu n e d shock absorbers . 82 4 6 . 1 $2 79 15 46 i*N Q Q H elp s s m o o th rid e w ith radial tires Fit Ifc T a c h most American-made Reg J 17.99 cars, many imports imtaiiation available 5054’ Reg. $12 4.9 9 catseeta o r 8 -tra c h B alance, to n e con- t r o l l. L o c a lZ d lita n t •w itc h . S m all c a r A M /P M caasatta. a u to . «top. $ 2 0 O F F J a r o a n T rf- Z flQ O a a la r ip a a k a n . Reg. $8 9 .9 9 U 7 Sound In s ta llatio n available at m o il i t o r t i 94 < C ham pion or A u to ilta sparti plugs $ 1.1 4 re iis to r-ty p e p lu g s .............e a c h 9 9 < T im in g Light 29" R e g *U 9 99 10-test an alyser 2 ,042 Reg. 199 99 7099 Z V $2 95 FREE tire m o u n tin g a n d ro ta tio n Included (on standard rims) A t t e n t i o n ! L ig h t tru c k o w n e r s Spectrum dual oil fitte r 1" Reg $1.49 Spectrum 10W -40 oil SNOW TIRE $10 OFF P lcku p /van shocks R o a d H a n d le r Ice/Snow Radiais SuperGuard XST B elted Extra large I ’/a-m pistons for more ride control Also for 4- wheel drive vehicles 25% O FF F1S5/8O RI2 Reg. CLO SEO UT $ 6 2 .9 5 »eg. $46.95 _ $10 O FF D laH ard * lig h t truck b a tte ry _ 3 A 99 6 0 0 12 J 98 Reg $35.98 plus O th e r sixes available at similar savings Renews shock absorbing ability of many import cars without replacing entire strut unit You can T ï ] count o n o C H T S l AOBBIXIANBCO Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Reg. $ 139.98 ~ ~ PORTLAND -PHONE 238 231 1 S E I , I H M ) «I I . I . i i y O H I V I ) . PARK FREE Mondi» «nd f n d « , V TOA M i„ 9 »OPM T u rn , l e d , T h u n 9 3 0A M to 6PM Silurd«« 9 3 0A M to S 30P M Sund«» Soon lo S P a l’ B attery charger 7,843 7099 Reg. $19 9 9 A x 12-ft. booster cable Reg $16 99 Q 99 1 '/i-to n flo o r Jack ¿^’$5499 3 9 " Speed control 20302 «099 F .E .T . Tw o glass belts. Quantities limited to stock on hand Installed MacPherson strut replacem ent cartridges 89V R eg. $ 1 .2 9 W a rra n te d 4 0 , 0 0 0 m ile s 2 s te e l b e lts . R o a d H a n d le r lig h t tru c k tires R eg $119 99 O T 9 9 ” „ 139&. Lube and oil change W e ll install up to 5 quarts ofA II-W eath er I0 W 3 0 motor oil for excellent engine protec- tion and lubricate the chassis. O il filter extra peg ,»p p,ke, t o t a l $ 1 4 .9 5 /t O O W >O O ~ Labor o n ly WASHINGTON SOI ARK • PHONE 6 2 0 - l i H i««» 21 T a t C R E E S M H I, HI) PARE FREE Mond«» thru Ir id a r ID GUAM to 9 (IIIP M S«iurd«| 9 10 AM Io A IlilP M Sund«« Soon io Transmission Service 24” Sale ends October 24th S A * -,