Page 14 Portland Observer, October 22,1961 w o rk p ro p erly i f they kno w rig h t away that there's been an accident. Scott's Auto Sales We carry our own contracts. Quality Can At Low Prien 1170 Olds 98 sadan ¿ qa t FuS p o w e r, sharp 1.2 seconds, according to the Insur­ ance In fo rm atio n In s titu te Some­ body gets injured every 5.6 seconds and a death occurs every 10 m in ­ utes. Losses— resulting from prop­ erty damages, legal expenses, medi­ cal costs, lost wages, funeral bills and adm inistrative costs o f insur­ a n c e -m o u n t at the rate o f S1,790 every second. “ Some people are lucky and nev­ er become part o f those statistics," Jack Berry, director o f personal in­ surance claim administration at Aet­ na L ife & C as u alty , com m ented. " B u t most o f us will have at least a m inor auto accident, maybe more than one, during our d rivin g ca- - __ »» rccr. During the winter driving season, storms and icy roads make all driv­ ers vunlerable to tra ffic accidents. Even a minor fender bender leaves the victims confused and upset, so W , 1978 Pontiac Lamana 4 dr¡ V8 auto, power «toonng 1975 Chav Impala wgn FuMy equipped onty 1976 Caprica 4 dr sadan Power everything 1988 Montago 2dr hd tp Smali VU auto power »toonng —w lu o v ilta adan. Collector» item. become completely familiar with the basic procedures for protecting life and assisting in reporting or investi­ gative activities follow ing an acci­ dent. He recommends that drivers con­ sider carrying a copy o f this list o f actions in their wallets— just in case: •Stop, identify yourself and sum­ mon aid for any injured parties. • W r ite dow tvthe o th er d riv e r’ s name, address, telephone number, license and registration numbers, and insurance information. •T e ll the basic facts to the inves­ tigating police officer. It is better to avoid adm itting fa u lt or trying to decide who was to blam e at this time. Get the o fficer’s name, badge A a ra z » 6707 N.E. Sandy 288-3997 ►ave m o n e y on your insurance. A uto • Life • Fire Com m ercial.True Looking fo r a n e w or used A u to? W e have 200 or more new & used Autos in stock, at "Four Seasons D o d g e ." M o n th ly Payment Sale« Rapreaentative 3714 N. W illia m s Portland Oregon 97227 • • • • (5O3I 249 2SSS 2510 N.E. Sandy Blvd. YOU! WENDELL BROWN ALAN MOLDEN Soln Hrpm enlulive Safas H t p m t n t a t i v t Expert consultation on your transportation needs on both new and used cars. CHEVROLET-HONDA CO 122 N.E. 122nd Ave. WE SPECIALIZE IN THE COMPLETE REPAIR OF VOLKSWAGEN & AUDI Rita H. Jen k in s ‘5844 -WE'RE HERETO HELP number and jurisdiction. •C h eck to see i f there were any witnesses. I f so, w rite down their names and phone numbers immedi­ ately. •T a k e no«es on the facts sur­ rounding the accident, including the time, place, weather and road con­ ditions, evidence o f law violations, approximate speed o f both cars and other relevant details. I f possible, make a sketch diagram o f the acci­ dent scene, including the placement o f the cars and people in relation to the road and fixed structures. •C a rry the telephone number o f your auto insurer’s claim office with you at all times, as well as your inde­ pendent agent’s number and an a f­ terhours number for your insurance company. Call one o f them immedi­ ately if you are in an accident, so a claim representative can o ffe r ad­ vice and expert assistance, can col­ lect necessary inform ation, and can examine the damage. That way, re­ pair work can get started as soon as possible. “ I f th e re ’ s an accident, you should rem em ber that your in ­ surance company is ready to help,’ ’ Berry commented. " A fte r all, that’s what policyholders pay for. But in­ surance personnel can only do their ¿ O I t you reach them, they can advise you on the other necessary steps." TUNE UPS « D E O TESTING ENGINE I TRANSMISSION REBUILDING BRAKES * SHOCKS WHEEL ALIGNMENT A BALANCING WE ALSO WORK O N ...... D A T S U N - TO YO TA - VOLVO O P E N 7 - 6 M O N - FRI - M IC H E LIN TIRES - 234-0777 P o rtla n d , O re. 97232 FRANZ AUTO HAUS Open 9 am-9 pm Mon.-Sat. Sun. 12-7 pm Aah for Aaron Bynum A uto Salea Consultant ¡am ers New World UtUwuranee Co Mercer Island AA 2 8 4 -4 6 9 0 SAME LO C A TIO N SINCE 1 9 6 0 SA VE s15 o n Sears D ie H a r d b a tte r y S A V E $30 o n stereo needs n all-season radial tires w heel > a lig n m e n t 19“ 42,000 mile wearout warranty WeatherWIse. Great grip on wet. dry. Sears snow, ice Two rugged steel Pelts be ••F»' ■rOo Io . P155/80R 12 J Z 7 - P155/80R 13 . [ P 1 6 5 /M R 1 J 4 155R13 * R 7 I 13 . PU 5Z75R 134 BR78 13 . P 1 ÍM 0 R 1 3 4 CR78 13 . P U S /7 5 R 1 4 . CR76 14 P195/75R14 . D/ER78 14 P205/75R14 . F R 7 I 14 P215/75R 14 6R7814 P 2 0 5 I7 5 R 1 5 4 FR78 15 P215/75R 15 . G R 7815 . P225/75R 15 J H/J7S 15 LIM ITED W A R R A NTY - TIRE W E A R O U T For the number of miles or months specified Seats wut upon return replace the tire or give a refund, charging a pro rata charge for the miles or months received if zrear out occurs and is not caused Dy failure to properly mam tam the tire In s ta lla tio n Included P235/75R 15 . LR76 15 •M e« si $8195 s n .9 5 $78 95 $1195 $1595 $91 95 $96 95 $10195 $ 106 95 $10195 $106 95 $ 109 95 $1139$ fir S skit ' 44 95 . $1 40 J 525 amps cold cranking power. *20 minutes re- serve capacity. G roup 24 For most American- made cars and many imports 53 96 I $1.51 J »7.71 »148 | 6146 . 64 46 . 68 96 . 72 71 76 46 . 80 21 . 7 6 .4 6 J 80 2 1 .1 $192 $1 95 $2 06 $2 23 $2 34 $2 49 $2 46 $2 62 $5 O FF Sears Steady R id er* RT ra d ia l-tu n e d shock absorbers . 82 4 6 . 1 $2 79 15 46 i*N Q Q H elp s s m o o th rid e w ith radial tires Fit Ifc T a c h most American-made Reg J 17.99 cars, many imports imtaiiation available 5054’ Reg. $12 4.9 9 catseeta o r 8 -tra c h B alance, to n e con- t r o l l. L o c a lZ d lita n t •w itc h . S m all c a r A M /P M caasatta. a u to . «top. $ 2 0 O F F J a r o a n T rf- Z flQ O a a la r ip a a k a n . Reg. $8 9 .9 9 U 7 Sound In s ta llatio n available at m o il i t o r t i 94 < C ham pion or A u to ilta sparti plugs $ 1.1 4 re iis to r-ty p e p lu g s .............e a c h 9 9 < T im in g Light 29" R e g *U 9 99 10-test an alyser 2 ,042 Reg. 199 99 7099 Z V $2 95 FREE tire m o u n tin g a n d ro ta tio n Included (on standard rims) A t t e n t i o n ! L ig h t tru c k o w n e r s Spectrum dual oil fitte r 1" Reg $1.49 Spectrum 10W -40 oil SNOW TIRE $10 OFF P lcku p /van shocks R o a d H a n d le r Ice/Snow Radiais SuperGuard XST B elted Extra large I ’/a-m pistons for more ride control Also for 4- wheel drive vehicles 25% O FF F1S5/8O RI2 Reg. CLO SEO UT $ 6 2 .9 5 »eg. $46.95 _ $10 O FF D laH ard * lig h t truck b a tte ry _ 3 A 99 6 0 0 12 J 98 Reg $35.98 plus O th e r sixes available at similar savings Renews shock absorbing ability of many import cars without replacing entire strut unit You can T ï ] count o n o C H T S l AOBBIXIANBCO Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Reg. $ 139.98 ~ ~ PORTLAND -PHONE 238 231 1 S E I , I H M ) «I I . I . i i y O H I V I ) . PARK FREE Mondi» «nd f n d « , V TOA M i„ 9 »OPM T u rn , l e d , T h u n 9 3 0A M to 6PM Silurd«« 9 3 0A M to S 30P M Sund«» Soon lo S P a l’ B attery charger 7,843 7099 Reg. $19 9 9 A x 12-ft. booster cable Reg $16 99 Q 99 1 '/i-to n flo o r Jack ¿^’$5499 3 9 " Speed control 20302 «099 F .E .T . Tw o glass belts. Quantities limited to stock on hand Installed MacPherson strut replacem ent cartridges 89V R eg. $ 1 .2 9 W a rra n te d 4 0 , 0 0 0 m ile s 2 s te e l b e lts . R o a d H a n d le r lig h t tru c k tires R eg $119 99 O T 9 9 ” „ 139&. Lube and oil change W e ll install up to 5 quarts ofA II-W eath er I0 W 3 0 motor oil for excellent engine protec- tion and lubricate the chassis. O il filter extra peg ,»p p,ke, t o t a l $ 1 4 .9 5 /t O O W >O O ~ Labor o n ly WASHINGTON SOI ARK • PHONE 6 2 0 - l i H i««» 21 T a t C R E E S M H I, HI) PARE FREE Mond«» thru Ir id a r ID GUAM to 9 (IIIP M S«iurd«| 9 10 AM Io A IlilP M Sund«« Soon io Transmission Service 24” Sale ends October 24th S A * -,