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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1981)
'PORTLAND OBSERVER* TELEVISION REPORTER/ PRODUCER jobfinde ’ research ' ASSISTANT (Unclassified) A vailable on a 12-m onth ap p o in tm en t. B .S . required. Experience in Serology, Elec trophoresis, Bacterial culture growth and main tenance Research involves the cheractization of rhizobia strains from lagume plants and soil. Send resume and three letters of reference to: P. J. Bottomley DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Before August 20, 1981. Salary 111,600 -12,00. O S U is an A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n /E q u a l O p p o r tunity Employer and complies with Section 604 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. M E C H A N IC A L ENG IN EER Starting Salary, 124,736.00 per annum. Machine Design In conjunction w ith Tim ber harvesting research. Responsible for design, testing, and reporting. Seattle Location For further information call (206) 442 7814, S eattle, or (603) 231 2042, Portland U S D A Forest Service, Pacific N .W . Forestand Range Experiment Station. The PN W is an Equal Opportunity Employer. CLERICAL Clerk Typist (% tim e) T itle 1 Evaluation T e c h n ic a l A s s is ta n c e Centers. Qualifications: 1 year office experience or training; 50 wpm typ in g , experience in filin g . S tartin g salary •7642 49132 for K time. A pp lication s m ust be received in the Personnel Office by 5 p.m ., August 18, 1981. In letters of ap p licatio n , in d icate the position for w hich you are applying. Interviews will be conducted after closing date. Additional in fo rm a tio n a v a ila b le from personnel office. Apply to Personnel O f fice. Northwest Regional Educational Lab, 300 S W 6 th , P ortland. OR 97204 <4n Equal Opportunity C LINIC NURSE Washington County •7 .4 0 per hour, per manent, pen-time to work in the W ash. Co. jail. Requires graduation from an accredited school of nursing, with a BS degree desirable. Must possess current license to practice as an R N . in the State of Ore. or a limited license for new graduetes from the State Board of N ur sing. County applications only. Resumes NOT ac cepted Apply W a s h in g to n C o u n ty Personnel Room 306. 160 N 1st Ave. Hillsboro, OR 97123 An Equal Opportunity Employer Hospital Employer DIRECTOR OF RE8EARCH •16,000-418,000 Establish and implement a research capability for the Portland Urban League. G ra d u a te degree in Social S cien ce Minimum 3 years ex perience in evaluation a n d /o r research. A p plication deadline: Sep tem ber 4, 1981. Send resume to: Freddye Petett 718 W Burnside Portland. OR 97209 WANTED An experienced, mature woman to babysit in my hom e in V anco u ver, W A . 40 hours a w eek. Salary n ego itab le. W ill provide transportation if needed (206) 696 6697 COOKS HELPER NEEDED For children's home. Call Mon Friday, 9 4 p.m. 232 6562 SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOG IST Emanuel Hospital is now seeking an individual to fill a fulltime position of a L ic e n s e d Speech Language P athologist. Under the direct super vision of the S ection H ead, w ill provide speech, language, and aural evaluation and rehabriltation to patients. M a s te rs d e g re e preferred, certificate of clinical co m p eten cy in Speech Language Pathology issued by the A m erican S peech & H e a rin g A s s o c ia tio n . Licensed as a Speech Language Pathologist by Oregon S ta te H ealth Division. E M A N U EL H OSPITAL 2801 N. Gantenbein Portland. OR 97227 A n Equal Opportunity Employer HOSPITAL Respiratory Therapists Full time, days, full lime, swing, full time, nights Must be certified registered or regis try eligible U n c la s s ifie d o n e -y e a r fixed term appointm ent located at K O A P -T V , Portland. O n -C a m e ra re p o r- te r/p ro d u c e r for public a ffairs m agazine and other talent assignmen ts. Full tim e position. Bachelors D egree or eqotvalent in Broadcaet An E qual Opportunity C o m m u n ic a tio n s an d Employer telsvision experience in new s or public affairs area. Send com plete resume to : Personnel O ffic e , TYPIST CLERK O E P B S , 2828 S .W . Front A v e ., Portland, Our company trains and O re g o n 97201. prom otes from w ith in . D EA DLINE: August 22, 37 H hour w eek; early 1981. Salary: 414,000 per Friday closing. Im year plus normal Oregon mediate opening for per State fringe benefits. son to start in our Polcy OEPBS is an Affirmative A ctio n ft Equal O p p o r son to start in our Policy tu n ity E m p lo y e r . Typing U n it. W ill be M ino rities and w om en train ed in all areas o f •reencouragedto^apply. policy typ in g and s w it chboard reception relief. W O R D PROCESSING Type 50 wpm minimum. OPERATOR C o m p e t it i v e s a la r y , depending on experience Fast-paced production and jo b -r e la te d environment has oppor background. Excellent tunity for operator with 1 company-paid benefits. year experience a n d /o r Modern, pleasant office dem onstrated ability to in co nven ient T ig ard - operate word processing Lake Oswego area. Con equipm ent. Particularly tact Judy Robbins, 639- in terested in ap plican t 9640. w ith know ledge o f IBM A M E R IC A N 8 T A T E 8 office O S /6 information IN 8 U R A N C E p ro c e s s o r. A d d itio n a l COMPANY requirements include: An Equal Opportunity 1. Typing 66 wpm Employer 2. S pellin g, gram m ar, punctuation expertise M e d ic a l C laim s 3. Good verbal and w rit A nalyst Trainee ten communication skills OPS Blue Shield Qualified applicants ap Looking for experienced ply in person or send m edical claim s analyst resume to: with minimum of 2 years Blue Croae of Oregon claims processing. 100 S W Market Knowledge of insurance Portland, OR 97201 coding and medical te r m inology a m u st. Ex An Equal Opportunity c e lle n t com pany Employer benefits. Call: TECHNO LO GY & A N A LY S IS D IV IS IO N D IV IS IO N SECRETARY W estern SUN, a R egional Solar Energy Center, is seeking an in dividual w ith excellent ty p in g , s h o r th a n d , o r g a n iz a tio n a l and c o m m u n ic a tio n skills. D ic ta tin g m achine e x perience required and 3 or more years experience in a s e c re ta ria l/a d - m in is tra tiv e a s s is ta n t position. Salary Range: •12,340-416,143 DOE. Please send your request for A P P L IC A T IO N and detailed job description before August 14, 1981, to: W estern SUN Personnel Department 716 S W Morrison St. 8th R oot Portland. OR 97206 Deadline for receipt of A P P L IC A T IO N S is August 21, 1981 An Equal Opportunity Employer M /F H V PRO FITAB LE and P A R T T IM E B usiness o p p o rtu n ity meetings held weekly to explain h ow you can becom e finan cially in dependent in five years or less following proven plan Excellent benefits. Call 281 4848 for tim e and place. Processing Supervisor Full time days Must have substantial ex perience and knowledge of principles and practices of sterilization techniques Experi ence in a supervisory capacity a must. Must also have experience in handling sterile and non-sterile supplies and equipment For more information send resume to JL nr S.W. WASHINGTON HOSPITALS 3400 Mein Vtncouvsr, Washington SIASI From Portland 289-1 IS I. ext 5222 206-696-5222 An Equal Opportunity Employer BANK CLERK P e rm a n e n t p a r t - t im e openings availab le In d o w n to w n P la z a Building on th e statem en t c re w . 2 -1 0 days per m o n th . Filing skills required. Excellent working conditions. U .8 . N A T IO N A L B ANK O FO R E G O N Apply in person between 9 a .m .-1 p.m . U .S . Bank Plaza, 566 S .W . Oak Alma McDowell 243 7421 After 8:30 a.m. L A N D S C A P IN G Reasonable prices. Not greedy, just making a living. 888-3837 C A R PE TS P rofessional C arpet C lean in g . A ll ty p e s , reasonable rates, not greedy, just m aking a living. 868 3637 J A N IT O R IA L W e make your business, home or office a place to be proud o f. Top q u a lity c le a n in g . N ot greedy, just making a living. 668-3837 D ou g 's H om e Im p ro v e m e n t 3872 P ro cto r Blvd. S andy. O regon 87066 668-3637 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR United W ay of the Colum bia-W illam ette is ac cep tin g applications fo r th e p osition of Executive Director. This position, which reports directly to the President of the Board, provides professional direction and leadership in planning fo r, organizing, financing and evaluating the d evelo p m en t o f a co ordin ated co m m u n ity human services program. The Executive Director supervises a staff of 40 and w orks w ith hundreds of volunteers th ro u g h o u t th e four c o u n ty area. Position requires a proven record in establishing and maintaining working relationships with persons at all levels including C EO 's, labor represen tatives, and local human service agency staff and volunteers. The successful candidate will be an outstanding com m unicator, and proven leader capable of motivating and working with a wide variety of volunteers and staff professionals. Strong ad ministrative. personnel, financial and problem solving skills and experience w ill have been gained through a long term leadership role in a major organization. Professional qualifications will include at least a Bachelor's degree in a related field. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applications must be received prior to August 21. Further information available from: Jack Goetze, Chairman of the Executive Search Committee P. 0 . Box 2882 Portland, Oregon 97208 A n Equal Opportunity Employer S TR A N D f t CABLE INSPECTO R ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK Full time position for experienced accounts payable clerk, responsible for processing in voices and expense vouchers for computer input. One year experience in general office functions, ab ility to uae 10-key by to u c h , and typing skills required. Our Uberei benefits include: medical-dental, life in su ran ce, tu itio n reim b uraem en t, savings incentive plan, and many others. To apply, piasse contact our Human Resources Department: mDrakeWUlock 500 NE Multnomah Portland, Oregon 97232 669 3356 An Equal Opportunity Employer m-cf OUTREACH COUN- SELO R/RECR EATIO N LEADERS 4 pos. in county-w ide prog. 30 h r/w k . Sept- May. 46,860. Exp. in Sr. Citizen Recreation. Act. and In t e r v i e w i n g . Motivated, pub. re)., recrd kpg. skills helpful. Car req'd. Apply by 8-18 at: Loaves ft Rehes 6126 SE 62nd Ave An Equ O pp /A ff. Actn. Employer Q U A L IT Y C H IL D C A R E Trained family providers thro u gh the Child Caro Dem onstration Project Call 4-C ’s. P R O JEC T REFERRAL OFFICE 232 3464 Lrg newly painted 1 bdrm apt. i.: brick 6plex. 16th ft Prescott. Host, w stsr, g a rb a g e in c l u d e d . Fireplace ft garage. • 2 4 0 /m o ft dap. 288- 9037 HOME IMPROVEMENT VETERANS Put your skills to w ork for cash and retirem ent. NCO positions open n ow , all services. C o n tact: 2nd BN 218 FA ORANG 288 5611 Ex . 672 or 276 This position requires the ability to read and work from b lu ep rin ts, c o o r d inates w o rk ac tiv itie s w ith te le p h o n e c o m panies and contractors. M u st be fa m ilia r w ith te le p h o n e and p o w er u tility clearances and specifications. Qualified candidates will have a m inim um o f 3 years strand and cable installation experience, with 2 years supervisory experience. In te re s te d c a n d id a te s must respond in w riting no later than August 17 to: Personnel Cablesystsms Pacific 317 S W Alder S t., Suite 760 Portland, OR 97204 P A R T -T IM E J O B S R adio, V e h ic le re p a ir, w ire c o m m u n ic a tio n , cooks and m edical p e r sonnel. Contact: 2nd B N 218 FA ORARNG 288-5611 ex. 572 or 575 BANK PROOF M ACHINE OPERATORS P erm an en t, p a rt-tim e positions available in d o w n to w n plaza building. 10-key adding m achine skills required. One shift available, 6:30 to finish Monday-Friday. Excellent working conditions and benefit plan. Apply Employment Departm ent 9 em-1 pm Monday-Friday. Th« gunt cactui of An zo n e —the ta h u a r o -it a trea without laavat, with out a tingle branch It hat pleats on its tid ss that expand or contract at much at a foot when there it rain. R EV. L E E A R T H U R M A D IS O N Minister launches new church Rev. LeeA rthur J. M adison, pastor and social worker in Por tland, is in the process o f starting a new local church. Rev. Madison received his form al secular education from Southern University in Baton Rouge, La., and Portland State University, where he obtained BS and M SW degrees. He has not received any seminary degrees but has acquired extensive form al training through Christian seminars, workshops and conferen ces. He has been involved intimately with IT C in A tlan ta, G a ., M u lt nomah School o f the Bible and Western Conservative Baptist Seminary in Portland. He plans to pursue his Master o f Divinity degree at Western. Rev. Madision was called to the preaching ministry in October 1969 and to the pastoral ministry at M or ning Star Baptist Church in March 1979. Rev. Madison pastored the Morning Star church for two years. He states he has ‘ ’ high regard for the integrity and work o f the local church” and believes that, in spite o f its imperfections, the church still remains the hope o f a troubled world. Project studies custody effects One million children a year ex perience the divorce o f their paren ts, as well as the problems o f custody and visitation decisions. Yet little is known about the effects o f these decisions on children and their parents. W ith new custody laws being considered in state legislatures, it is important that we seek to better understand the advan tages and disadvantages o f existing custody arrangements. I f you have been separated or divorced from one to five years, have a child between the ages o f 7 ON-THE-JOB TRAINING PROPOSAL rutrou to iwrtMX the »««ctutdtM »1 on t*« io» tram,M »fotums OB ftitr a l M bifttway COfltfrxCtieB proiXCtS c o n t in o 0 b « « m > avoua t 002 IM M t: T*u upportn« » i k i contrae! t n • Hmenty Batmru tattrern« 1 *0 (1 (M l ViB ority 0 « B M wtmta raoroui FWFOMl OUTIINI U S BANK PLAZA - 555 SW OAK PORTLAND. OR O % Telat *0E p a i 25 S Sibmit by »u|ult 2». I M I a n t» '» n to Sm» «.(11»», Onnea »7110 Southwest Washington Hospitals g B M B M M STAFF NURSES • You choose nursing because you care.. . • You are involved in a profession that makes a difference • Now choose the hospital where you can make a difference. Full time anj part time pcsTcrs as a, aoie ;r an shifts ST. JOSEPH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 3<00 Mäin St .arce..e- AA 58663 Mc'f a* :ai- tv v.-se sec'-':e- 3e..*a.f>r at 289-1181, ext 5222 From Portland 206-696-5222 You have our number, We may have your ,ob' fquar Opportune), fmpBoyer 1 Salem 0» iB ltrntta iM nrtM ts maat cbatact Kay Tarun ai tkt ab m « M iro »r IHepBoa« (5011 3710111 e TTT (501) 370 4005 Sa»m Toti t-n cali 1 000 452 701] Cwntractea Oiaacb fitta u s a 0 0310 An Equal O pportuni!» Employer I S 25 IB Il | m I »omtn m o M piai VANCOUVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL I Bank of Oregon and 12, you may be eligible to par ticipate in a study o f the possible ef fects o f divorce and custody arrangements on children. Parents with either father or jo in t custody arrangements are needed to be in terviewed. I f you are willing to share your experiences by participating in this study or wish more inform ation about the study please call Marianne Aarnas at 246-5379 or Linda O r- tmeyer at 228-5016 in Portland, or write Diana Cowan, 2529 Perkins Lane W ., Seattle. Wash. 98199. OREGON DEPARTMENT 0E TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY DIVISION 600 \ t 92rd V ar couler A a 98663 U S U.S. National BANK Rev. Madison states he “ has high hopes and great dreams for a new local church in the Northeast Por tland area ." He plans to continue teaching and training o f an on-going evangelistic team, to continue teaching and training workshops for leaders from other local churches, to expand involvement o f lay per sons in congregational worship, to develop working programs for in creased involvement o f young people in the life o f the church, to increase fellowship with sister chur ches, and to develop medical and mental health delivery systems as an arm o f the local Black church. Rev. Madison states that although he has had failures and sins o f his own, he " w ill not com promise the word o f God and the preaching o f the cross.” Rev. Madison welcomes all born- again believers, without a church home, to join him in this challenge. The first planning meeting will be held M onday, August 24, at 7:30 p.m. at Far West Federal Savings, 3333 N. Lombard (between Greeley and Chautaqua). Rev. Madison may be contacted at 1802 SW 10th -208, P ortland, Ore. Telephone: 241- 9127. 1