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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1981)
Page 4 Portland Observer July 23. 1981 OBSERVATIONS HALIBUT STEAKS FROM THE SIDELINES By Kathryn Hal! Bogle SO 38 FRES., POUND TOP SIRLOIN Dr. E. C. O gboubiri entertain s his c o m p a trio t, C hief A. B Ibe of Nigeria. Guests enjoy p arty fo r C h ief Ibe and M rs. Esther O n u ag a lu ch i (Standing in center). A sparkling party at the south west home o f Dr. E. C. Ogboubiri, an electrical engineer at Bonneville Power, during the past week served to introduce Chief A. E. Ibe and a score o f Portlanders to each other. Mrs. Esther Onuagaluchi o f Makurdi, in Nigeria shared honors at the affair. college in September. Mrs. Onuagaluchi w ill be return ing to Makurdi this week. C hief A, E. Ibe, a Nigerian businessman, made his P ortland stop in an extended journey from Lagos to Canada, and to several cities in the United States. Business interest brought Chief Ibe to see his fellow countryman, Ogboubiri, and his host persuaded the chief to sand wich in a little social activity while in the city. Reticent about the nature o f his visit to P ortland, C hief Ibe told guests that his principal interest lies in farming investments. “ Nigerian farming, o f course,” Ibe said. “ We have lots o f land, we have lots o f A Public Health Nurse A d m inistrator for Benue State, Mrs. Onuagaluchi before coming to Port land, had attended an international conference o f nurses held in early July in Los Angeles. In Portland, Mrs. Onuagaluchi visited with three o f her chidlren living currently in this city. M other to five children, Mrs. Onuagaluchi is modestly proud o f their achievements. Maurine, the eldest at 23, was graduated from the Medical School o f U niversity o f Nigeria at Enugu. Her father, Dr. G ilbert Onuagaluchi, is head o f medicine there. Stella, at 21, was graduated from University o f Nigeria Law School at Lagos, also this past June. Victor, at 19, has completed his second year o f architecture at PSU. Jean, just turned 18, has completed three years o f work in two years o f at tendance at business and accounting at PSU. Gladys, the youngest On- uaguluchi at age IS, will be entering BACON available labor and we need to feed N igeria. We need modern im plements; we need to manufacture them where possible; we need tech nology; we need to raise more cattle - livestock in general. “ I ’ m interested in international investments to help us achieve th is ." An Ibo from the area once known as Biafra, Chief Ibe has dealt with business contracts for Nigeria fo r the past 20 yers. His personal holdings and interests pertain to oil, flour, land ownership and develop ment and a sizable brewry, one o f the first large commercial breweries in his country. Chief Ibe maintains his business offices and residences in Lagos and London. POUND PKG. SHOP lENOW'S ■R A N D S you know VARIETIES you libo SIZES you woaal Williams joins Job Corp Alumni Board / it A N D R E W J. W ILLIA M S Andrew J. W illiams o f Portland has been appointed to the National Steering Committee o f the National Job Corps A lu m n i A ssociation, N JC A A President D r. W arren Rhodes announced recently. The N JC A A is a nationw ide network o f men and women who have participated in the federally sponsored Job Corps program and who now have entered the volunteer sector to promote the program. The National Steering Committee is the policy-making body that reviews the progress and plans for the develop ment o f the Association. Williams attended the Fort Van- noy Job Corps Center in Grants Pass, Oregon from 1965-67 where he received specialized training in heavy equipment. He also attended Job Corps leadership school in San ta Rosa, C alifornia. A strong sup porter o f the Job Corps program, Williams says, “ I had a unique and pleasant experience in Job Corps. 1 held leadership positions and a t tended off-center functions with the Center D irector as part o f our com m unity public relations program .” He presently is organizing the N JC A A P ortland Chapter. W illiam s is cu rrently Center Standards O fficer for the Portland Job Corps Center and also active in- the community serving as a member o f the Planning and Development Committee o f M etro Crisis In te r vention. Celebrate Nicaragua's liberation To celebrate the second anniver sary o f the liberation of Nicaragua, and to demonstrate solidarity with the liberation struggles o f the people o f Central America and the Carib bean, there will be a march and rally HERB INN 3505 NE Rodney Medicinal & Culinary herbs, home made baked goods. Aloe Vera Juice & Jel, 100% Raw vegetable juice made fresh daily, carrot juice. Ask for juice combination list. Any q u a lity needed Fresh & Dried - Herb Seeds, low cost vegetable seeds (503)284 7015 Open 9 til 9 7 days a week Free blood pressure check. held in Portland on Saturday, July 25. The demonstration is part of the national m obilization to com memorate the success o f the Nicaraguan popular struggle. Demonstrations in m ajor cities around the country are being coordinated by the N ational Net works in so lidarity w ith the Nicaraguan and Guatemalan people, and the Com m ittee in S olidarity w ith the people o f El Salvador. A major focus o f the event will be continuing U.S. involvement in El Salvador. Speakers at the rally will include an o ffic ia l spokesperson from the FDR (Dem ocratic R evolutionary F ront, the broad- based political coalition opposing the government in El Salvador), WEST COAST IS THE PLACE FOR CUSTOM FRAMING •IN C E 191« W« have «11 the current trend* ,n Intenor Frammg R.ct Oaks. Contempor.rv Metan Oriental Pattern«. Natural Wood«. Goid Leaf Traditional Our E»p«rt Sele* Consultant* ere available to assist you with all your framing requirements W E S T C O A S T P IC T U R E C O R P . S»OS N E Skidmore 2S272S5 Hours » 5 Monday Saturday 5 VISA MASTERCHARGE Ron Herndon o f the Black United Front, a representative from Casa Nicaragua in San Francisco, and one from the P ortland C entral Am erica S o lid a rity Com m ittee. There will also be music and poetry. The march w ill begin at noon at W aterfront Park and w ill be followed at 1:30 with a rally at Terry Shrunk Park. Computer Program A new program in Com puter Field Servicing w ill be available this fa ll at P ortland C om m unity College. The program w ill train computer field service technicians to install, adjust and align computers as required by business and in dustry. In addition, the technicians perform preventive maintenance on various types o f computers. People interested in the two-year associate degree program and new to PCC can register September 17- 23. Enrollment is on a first come, first serve basis for the people who meet the entry requirements. Questions about admissions procedures and requirements should b ' directed to the Computer Field Servicing Department o f PCC, 12000 S.W. 49th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97219 or call (503) 283- 2541. STEAKS • • • • • • The F r ^ n d lw s l I S *oret In T o w n Since PAINTING 1 9 0 » R 4 II 1.1 NH4w»oA>o >S»h A R w A tiR o I l l n A A b i.lO litR i* M. Lom bard «9 RoteiRfc HIM» Ploao 1 1 3 * 4 • • 1.1. Otvl»WN • o o e o o I AH« 3 J rd 3«tN ? 3 r4 I «ba K in « A A A A 1.1. N .l. 1.1. O M i i» « Wo»» Aw m tlAo O a w o r o • • A A -0 C ity We do spray or old brush job way. W e also do the necessary repair jobs; siding, board, glass and so forth. 289 1497 ï/À e & E r X O D U S a r u / rftr t/r n s n / Wen/ee 1639 N.E. Alberta PORTLAND. OREGON 9721 1 294 7997 From the Front Door Bv Tom Boothe From The Front Door, The Exodus Clean Team has initiated a Community Awareness Campaign, headed and coordinated by Mr. Daryl L. Griffith. He w ill initially contact the households w ith door hangers w ithin the area between NE 15th West, to NE 33rd East, and between NE Killingsworth North to NE Prescott South; after which he and his crew will organize to con tact all households, by way of door hangers w ithin Northeast Portland between the Minnesota Blvd., North to NE Broadway South, as well as the entire North Portland area. His goal is to accomplish this task by mid- September. This effort amounts to a lot of hard work in a door to door cam paign, in order to make the community aware of its responsibility to help keep our community clean and safe, as well as where to get help in doing so. I am sure Mr. Griffith can use all the help he can get and would welcome anyone who wish to help in any way. Monetary donations, and manpower and womanpower are the greatest needs at this point. Young boys and girls in the community have come forth and volunteered themselves, however, Mr. G riffith says it is more en couraging for these young citizens to receive some form of reward as a token of the community's appreciation for their effort in helping to keep our com munity clean. The results of the past two Saturdays have been overwhelming successful. Citizen participation is the key to the Clean Team's success. Mr. Griffith invites you to join him in an effort to clean and keep our com munity clean and safe. There are meetings each Wednesday at 7:00 p.m., and Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m., at 1639 NE Alberta, Portland, Oregon. He hopes to see you at one meeting or the other, and so do I...